Some questions about run.json of JetBrains new IDE Fleet - kotlin

I'm a beginner in coding, and as u can see, I don't know how to configure the run.json file in Fleet, especially the program. Hope that someone could help me, thanks so much!!!😊
I have read the notice from JetBrains, but I still don't know how to deal with it.


I can't find proper "old" "ex4 to mq4 decompiler"?

I know that there were ex4 to mq4 decompilers for old version of MT4, but can't find anything which works properly. In fact, all of them which are on the internet are viruses or malware.
I could find some codes for it in github.
But this is wrapper, not decompiler, so needs ex4_to_mq4.exe itself for working.
My purpose is to recover my code from ex4 which was made in 2015 and lost by accident.
Please help if you have it or some experiences.
Thank you in advance.

Is there a single working OCaml IDE?

I have downloaded multiple OCaml IDE's / plugins and NONE of them work. I have no clue if I have a directory problem or if something else is at fault. I can access the OCaml console through cygwin just fine but it is not very useful for dealing with larger files. I am a total OCaml noob and have no clue how to fix my problems. I have been reading every post on OCaml here and nothing is helping. I am hoping that somebody can help me because this is very frustrating! Thanks to all who reply.
OCaml modes for Emacs and Vim work perfectly (and they run on MacOS and Windows, of course). I heard Geany works well as well.
I'm not saying everyone must learn Emacs and Vim; I understand that it's a kind of interface that beginners maybe don't want to get into -- and supporting other editors well for OCaml is a problem that we need to fix. But if you want reasonable support for pretty much every kind of text format out there, they're still good choices.
Finally, if you have a decent terminal / command-line (if you are on Windows that might require running a GNU/Linux virtual machine), pretty much every editor will be fine if you compile stuff by hand from the terminal (which is not particularly hard). In-Editor support will still provide you with a better experience, in particular allowing to jump right to the place in your code where the compiler says there is an error, but as a beginner you can go a long way without even that.
PS: it would be extremely useful if you took the time to spell out precisely what your problem with each tool was, and send that information to the respective maintainers. I think the main problem with these tools is the lack of testers. Help the future people that will try these tools by helping the maintainers fix them!
I'v recently looked at OcaIDE for eclipse - and it seems to work.
You need perhaps set some configuration variables (paths to ocaml compiler,...), but I don't remember any quirks.
I would like to thank everybody for their help. I finally found some installation instructions for the tuareg mode in EMACS. In case anybody else is having the same problem that I was there are VERY clear instructions here
How to install tuareg
Hopefully I can now translate some stuff into OCaml that I have been working on in other languages and post some of my projects. Thanks again for all of the help.
You can use Notepad++ for Windows. It is more intuitive for than Vim or Emacs for the beginners. And it has a syntax highlighting for Caml and you can assign hotkeys for compiling executing the program.
I would suggest using OcaIDE. I've done some fairly large projects with it, and it's not bad. Emacs (with Tuareg mode) is also a good option. If you're having trouble with setup, I wrote a guide for OS X:

where is the source code for Oolong and Gnoloo?

I'm reading Programming for the Java Virtual Machine which discusses the Oolong assembler and Gnoloo disassembler. Judging by references online the source code was at one point available, but I can't find it now. Does anyone know where to get it?
UPDATE: thanks to belisarius I have the code, and have put it on GitHub with some build automation to make it a little easier to play with.
Found them here for download.
Ps: there are several downloads in the page. The one you're looking for is this

FrontRow tutorial for Xcode

I was wondering if there was a basic tutorial to get me started on coding a FrontRow plug-in / add-on using Xcode.
I searched Google a couple of times, but I haven't found a tutorial on this subject so far.
After some more searching, I found this Wiki-page about creating an app for the Apple TV.
As far as I can tell now, it's a good base to start a FrontRow app too.
If someone else may find a better tutorial, please let me know.
Doesn't really seem to work on my system.


Just curious if anyone has messed with the Apache.NMS.WCF code at all. For a work project, I've started to try to integrate the Apache.NMS WCF binding with ActiveMQ. I've made some progress, but if anyone has any links or info, I'd greatly appreciate it.
The Apache.NMS.WCF project hasn't had anyone actively maintaining it for some time now, we'd really love to have someone contribute to that NMS provider. Any docs or examples you come up with I can add to the Wiki site. I've not had much experience with WCF myself or I'd try and help.