Finding the area within a hysteresis loop - numpy

I need to find the area within this hysteresis loop and this is the code that i have
hysteresis loop
I tried googling some things but i dont understand how to use them.


Is there a way to iterate through all of a shapes properties? (VBA WORD)

I am trying to list all the properties of a selecting shape.
In my case it is a speech bubble that I would like to modify with a macro.
The following code doesn't work because Properties isn't a thing.
For Each prop In Selection.ShapeRange(1).Properties
Debug.Print prop.Name
I would love to know how to do this. It would help tremendously.
Even a list of all properties a shape can have would be SUPER beneficial.
It seems this isn't possible. But #Comintern commented on using the Object Browser. Which really helped a lot.

VBA pass UDF instantly like WorksheetFunctions during step-through

I was wondering if there was a way to pass UDF's instantly instead of "Entering" the function during step-through debugging. I commonly use functions that I know are fully working, and I often don't want to enter each one when I'm debugging. This is even more annoying when you pass multiple functions as arguments and have to enter each one before you get a return.
This question came from me frequently using things such as Application.WorksheetFunction.functionName and wanting to create a function that did the same exact thing and would also pass instantly, but with a shorter name.
Is there an option in VBA or perhaps an Application.Setting or Option Setting that I could use for this? The difficulty here would be that I only want this on some functions, not all..
Thank you
1) Put a breakpoint after your function as shown below:
2) Debug using F8 till the line with "myFunction".
3) Press F5 to jump to the breakpoint (by executing the current code).
You can put multiple breakpoints and jump multiple times to the next breakpoint using F5 in your code.

.Click on an a tag does not work

I'm trying to navigate into a web page automatically with VBA to scrape some values from different product ID's. The problem is that when I get to this intermediate page:$searchForm?SearchView (search for code 11081201, for example), where I'm supposed to click on the only "a" tag there, the program keeps crashing with
Object variable or With block variable not set
on the line that should click on the element:
I have been using similar working lines of code for the same purpose on different pages (ussualy with a for each loop, which doesnt work here either), so I'm unsure why it doesn't work here. I appreciate your help with this.
The solution for this was adding DoEvents before the line that clicks on the element.

How to create a new custom style with specific heading

Please help as I am new to Vba and custom style in MS Word 2013.
I want to create a new custom style that provides heading as INTRODUCTION when a paragraph is been selected, and the rest of the text should come in normal style of paragraphs. Is this possible to make it in custom style or should Vba macro be used. If Vba macro is the only option then how can we add this into the particular custom file.
Styles are for formatting only, they don't contain text (such as INTRODUCTION). If I understand your request, you will need a simple macro you can write, or, actually, record.
So, let's say you have a paragraph in your document. You would like to make this paragraph have the "Normal" style. You would like to insert BEFORE this paragraph the word "INTRODUCTION", and give it the style "Heading 1".
Record the Word macro: InsertIntroduction
Position the cursor at the start of the paragraph.
Enable "Record a macro" - varies by release of Word, but, for 2010, View > Macro > Record. Be sure to specify a good name and a carefully thought out Description. Do NOT shirk this step! Put in the Description! If you are going to use it a lot, assign a keystroke to it also, that will save you a lot of time.
Type INTRODUCTION. Using cursor keys (not mouse), select it (perhaps up-arrow, Home, Shift-End). Apply style "Heading 1" (for this, you can use the mouse: Home > Style group > Heading 1 or a keystroke, usually Ctrl-Alt-1).
Arrow down to the next paragraph. Select the full paragraph using the keyboard, not the mouse (perhaps by hitting the F8 key four times, then ESC).
Apply the appropriate style (again, you can use the mouse, but the Normal style is usually linked to Ctrl-Shift-N).
You've completed the steps you wanted, based on your original request. Note that you can add a lot more, of course. But, let's say you're done.
View > Macro > Stop recording.
You've now written a program and it will be saved. Use it going forward. Cool, hunh? And you can write these things a lot faster yourself than asking others "how do I...?"
Like any other program, it can be modified to do more, or fix little errors. Let's say you misspelled INTRODuCTIoN. Tap Alt-F11 to see your program. Adjust.
9 steps seems like a lot, but, believe me, it's easier done than said. Give it a try. Do it carefully. In theory, if you make a mistake, you can simply modify the program to fix it. But, at your level of experience, you may find it easier to simply Stop recording and start over.
To Use Macro
Position cursor at start of relevant paragraph.
Execute macro. If you took my advice and assigned it to a keystroke, just tap the keystroke. If not, tap Alt-F8 to see a list of your macros. Select the one you want, and click Run.

VBA script to insert anchor position for autoshapes in Microsoft Word 2007

I'm beyond the limits of my kindergarten-level VBA skills so would like to ask if anyone here can help me write a VBA script to help me work stepwise through my Word document and adjust the anchoring position of all the AutoShapes in the document.
I have a 400-page book in Microsoft Word with at least one and sometimes several marginalia (sidenote) on each page in a thin column to the left of the main body text column. These sidenotes are a concise 'pointer' to a particular point made in the body text and need to appear directly to that point's left.
Each sidenote is in its own AutoShape (within a textbox in that shape). The AutoShapes were placed by the author in an inconsistent way. Mostly they are anchored to a position on the page.
However, I need to repaginate. This will cause the body text to flow differently and I need the sidenotes to flow with it (approximately or exactly)!
So before I repaginate I want to make sure I anchor each AutoShape to the paragraph it belongs to and not to the page it is currently on.
I don't know if that can be done automatically, since I don't know how Word could deduce a purely spatial relationship between an AutoShape and a paragraph.
So I'm guessing I have to make do with a "semi-automatic" process. Something like this:
Press a button to start VBA script
Select next AutoShape
Prompt for user to enter cursor in body text where anchor is to be placed
Resume macro
Place anchor for that AutoShape in that position
Change vertical position paramater of AutoShape to "relative to paragraph"
and "0 mm"
(Alternative, not 0 mm but another value deduced to more
accurately position AutoShape)
Change width parameter of AutoShape to
a particular fixed value 37 mm (some of them were a little
inaccurately drawn)
End cycle and go back to beginning to
Select next AutoShape
Hope that is all understandable.
I've tried to record a VBA script to do some of this but have no idea how to build in the user prompt.
Any help much appreciated!
You may be better off creating a macro that works on one shape at a time, or anchor all the shapes manually (which you're almost doing anyway) and then write a macro to take care of the various parameters and settings you want.
If you really want to prompt the user while the macro is running you'll need to look into modeless dialogs (not possible on the Mac). See this link:
Basically, you'd have to create your own dialog and then show it modelessly so that the user could still place the cursor before hitting OK. If you're new to VBA, this could be difficult to set up.
While searching for solutions to this, I found a post on another forum from someone trying to do something very similar. He was developing a set of tools for editors using Word and until I find the ultimate solution I am using his "Shapes" tool which allows me to change parameters on each AutoShape I select at-a-click instead of opening up and closing a dialogue box each time, plus selecting a different tab each time... His tools can be downloaded at his Editors' Toolkit website.