Kotlin invoke function from sealedSubclasses - kotlin

I would like to check the behavior of overridden function in objects that extend a class without explicitly list them all.
sealed class Food{
open fun optTemp(): Int{
return 0
object Soup : Food() {
override fun optTemp(): Int {
return 65
object Cake : Food() {
override fun optTemp(): Int {
return 20
object Rice : Food() {
override fun optTemp(): Int {
return 80
object Meat : Food() {
override fun optTemp(): Int {
return 60
I would like get all the object with overridden function and invoke them like this:
val subclasses: List<KClass<*>> = Food::class.sealedSubclasses
for (item in subclasses){
// item.optTemp()
How do I do that?

Assuming all the sealed subclasses are objects, you can get the object instance using objectInstance, and cast it to Food. This cast is safe because of the assumption.
for (subclass in Food::class.sealedSubclasses) {
val result = (subclass.objectInstance as Food).optTemp()
println("$subclass - $result")
Note that the output is not in any particular order:
class Cake - 20
class Meat - 60
class Rice - 80
class Soup - 65
As Tenfour suggested in the comments, an enum class might be more suitable in this case.
enum class FoodEnum {
SOUP { override fun optTemp() = 65 },
CAKE { override fun optTemp() = 20 },
RICE { override fun optTemp() = 80 },
MEAT { override fun optTemp() = 60 };
open fun optTemp() = 0
You can then do:
for (value in FoodEnum.values()) {
println("${value.name} - ${value.optTemp()}")
Not only does this not involve reflection, the output will also be in the order in which you have declared the enum constants:
SOUP - 65
CAKE - 20
RICE - 80
MEAT - 60
If the sealed subclasses are not all objects, then you need to somehow find instances of each sealed subclass, cast to Food if needed, and call optTemp on them. After all, optTemp is an instance method, so you need an instance to call it.


Passing and Accessing Values and Functions of a Subtype that was passed into a Class Constructor requiring it's Supertype

I'll keep this as simple as possible. Let's say I have a parent class with a function as below that takes a position argument as a Point data class
open class Obj(val pos:Point) {
fun foo() : Double {
return 5.0 + pos.x * pos.y * pos.z
For sake of thoroughness, here is the Point data class
data class Point(val x:Double, val y:Double, val z:Double)
So I have multiple children that inherit from the Obj class but implement an additional function that is named the same in every child and calls a function in the parent,
class Cube(pos:Point) : Obj(pos) {
fun number() : Double {
return 10.0 * foo()
class Sphere(pos:Point) : Obj(pos) {
fun number() : Double {
return 20.0 * foo()
My question is, if I have a function somewhere that takes in objects that inherit from Obj but not Obj itself, how can I ensure they are of their own subtype rather than the Supertype?
For example, I currently have my function looking like this
fun foo2(obj:Obj) {
println(obj.number()) // throws error because obj doesn't have method number()
The normal approach to this sort of case would be to add an abstract method to the base class, and have the subclasses implement it. That way, whenever you have a base class reference, the compiler knows that method is available.
That would require the base class itself to be abstract, so you can't instantiate it directly. (And if foo() is only used by number() implementations, it might make sense to hide it from other classes.)
abstract class Obj(val pos: Point) {
abstract fun number(): Double
protected fun foo() = 5.0 + pos.x * pos.y * pos.z
class Cube(pos: Point) : Obj(pos) {
override fun number() = 10.0 * foo()
If, however, you need the base class to be instantiable, then that's more tricky: there's no easy way to specify 'only subclasses'. Depending on your exact requirements, you might allow the base class to be passed, and have it provide a default implementation of number():
open fun number() = foo()
Okay so using the suggestion from Animesh Sahu, I've implemented an Interface called ObjI in the base class, and required each implementation override the number() function. I combined that with the answer given by gidds, suggesting creating a function that calls another function. So the number() function in the base class just calls the foo() function
data class Point(val x:Double, val y:Double, val z:Double)
interface ObjI {
fun number() : Double
open class Obj(val p:Point) : ObjI {
override fun number() = foo()
fun foo() : Double {
return 5.0 + p.x * p.y * p.z
class Sphere(p:Point) : Obj(p) {
override fun number() : Double {
return 10.0 * super.foo()
class Cube(p:Point) : Obj(p) {
override fun number() : Double {
return 20.0 * super.foo()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val s = Sphere(Point(13.0, 6.0, 1.0))
val c = Cube(Point(13.0, 6.0, 1.0))
fun printem(o:Obj) {

Is there a way to override an abstract property with a subtype of the declared type?

Consider the following example: I have an abstract class for Animal, and every animal has a mouth, but because every animal's mouth is different, the mouth class is also abstract:
abstract class Animal {
var numberLegs: Int = 4
var mouth: Mouth? = null
abstract class Mouth {
abstract fun makeSound()
I can now create a Dog and a DogMouth:
class Dog: Animal() {
override var mouth: Mouth = DogMouth()
class DogMouth: Mouth() {
override fun makeSound() {
But this allows me to also assign other types of mouths to the dog, which I don't want, e.g.:
class CatMouth: Mouth() {
override fun makeSound() {
fun main() {
val dog = Dog()
dog.mouth.makeSound() // will print "Bark!"
dog.mouth = CatMouth() // I don't want this to work
dog.mouth.makeSound() // will print "Meow!"
And setting override var mouth: DogMouth = DogMouth() doesn't work.
How can I make sure that Dogs only have DogMouths (and other dog body parts)?
Similar problems are addressed here and here.
The solution is to use a generic parameter:
abstract class Animal<MouthType: Mouth> {
var numberLegs: Int = 4
abstract var mouth: MouthType
class Dog: Animal<DogMouth>() {
override var mouth: DogMouth = DogMouth()
This makes dog.mouth = CatMouth() fail with a type mismatch.
With more body parts extra generics need to be added:
abstract class Animal<MouthType: Mouth, EarType: Ear, TailType: Tail> {
var numberLegs: Int = 4
abstract var mouth: MouthType
abstract var ear: EarType
abstract var tail: TailType

Object expressions, Multiple supertype specification syntax?

I am new to Kotlin. I came across the Object Expressions section of https://kotlinlang.org
Some of the object expression syntaxes are very straight forward to understand,
Create an object of an anonymous class
window.addMouseListener(object : MouseAdapter() {
override fun mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) { ... }
override fun mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) { ... }
Just an object
fun foo() {
val adHoc = object {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
print(adHoc.x + adHoc.y)
But I am unable to understand the "Object expression with multiple supertypes specified" example given as below:
open class A(x: Int) {
public open val y: Int = x
interface B { ... }
val ab: A = object : A(1), B {
override val y = 15
What's happening here?
${ab.y} prints 15
but syntax -> ${ab.A.y} is not valid. My understanding of ${ab.A.y} it will print 1 :)
This line here:
val ab: A = object : A(1), B {
means that the class of ab is inherited from class A and implements interface B.
Actually the code example you gave will only compile if you declare and implement the interface. This is a possible implementation:
open class A(x: Int) {
public open val y: Int = x
interface B {
fun hi()
val ab: A = object : A(1), B {
override val y = 15
override fun hi() {
The expression ${ab.A.y} does not make much sense in this context, because the object ab does not have any field A. A is just the inherited superclass to which you could eventually cast.
It basically creates object ab with class type A with implementation of interface B.
So, let's say your class A has some method foo() & interface B has some method bar(), you can access them both on object ab as it's of class type A with implementation of B.
Hence, here you override variable y with value 15 meaning your superclass variable y will get overridden by value 15 from 1.

How to obtain all subclasses of a given sealed class?

Recently we upgraded one of our enum class to sealed class with objects as sub-classes so we can make another tier of abstraction to simplify code. However we can no longer get all possible subclasses through Enum.values() function, which is bad because we heavily rely on that functionality. Is there a way to retrieve such information with reflection or any other tool?
PS: Adding them to a array manually is unacceptable. There are currently 45 of them, and there are plans to add more.
This is how our sealed class looks like:
sealed class State
object StateA: State()
object StateB: State()
object StateC: State()
....// 42 more
If there is an values collection, it will be in this shape:
val VALUES = setOf(StateA, StateB, StateC, StateC, StateD, StateE,
StateF, StateG, StateH, StateI, StateJ, StateK, StateL, ......
Naturally no one wants to maintain such a monster.
In Kotlin 1.3+ you can use sealedSubclasses.
In prior versions, if you nest the subclasses in your base class then you can use nestedClasses:
If you nest other classes within your base class then you'll need to add filtering. e.g.:
Base::class.nestedClasses.filter { it.isFinal && it.isSubclassOf(Base::class) }
Note that this gives you the subclasses and not the instances of those subclasses (unlike Enum.values()).
With your particular example, if all of your nested classes in State are your object states then you can use the following to get all of the instances (like Enum.values()):
State::class.nestedClasses.map { it.objectInstance as State }
And if you want to get really fancy you can even extend Enum<E: Enum<E>> and create your own class hierarchy from it to your concrete objects using reflection. e.g.:
sealed class State(name: String, ordinal: Int) : Enum<State>(name, ordinal) {
companion object {
#JvmStatic private val map = State::class.nestedClasses
.filter { klass -> klass.isSubclassOf(State::class) }
.map { klass -> klass.objectInstance }
.associateBy { value -> value.name }
#JvmStatic fun valueOf(value: String) = requireNotNull(map[value]) {
"No enum constant ${State::class.java.name}.$value"
#JvmStatic fun values() = map.values.toTypedArray()
abstract class VanillaState(name: String, ordinal: Int) : State(name, ordinal)
abstract class ChocolateState(name: String, ordinal: Int) : State(name, ordinal)
object StateA : VanillaState("StateA", 0)
object StateB : VanillaState("StateB", 1)
object StateC : ChocolateState("StateC", 2)
This makes it so that you can call the following just like with any other Enum:
Extending Enum directly is no longer supported in Kotlin. See
Disallow to explicitly extend Enum class : KT-7773.
With Kotlin 1.3+ you can use reflection to list all sealed sub-classes without having to use nested classes: https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.reflect/-k-class/sealed-subclasses.html
I asked for some feature to achieve the same without reflection: https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/list-of-sealed-class-objects/10087
Full example:
sealed class State{
companion object {
fun find(state: State) =
.map { it.objectInstance as State}
.firstOrNull { it == state }
.let {
when (it) {
null -> UNKNOWN
else -> it
object StateA: State()
object StateB: State()
object StateC: State()
object UNKNOWN: State()
A wise choice is using ServiceLoader in kotlin. and then write some providers to get a common class, enum, object or data class instance. for example:
val provides = ServiceLoader.load(YourSealedClassProvider.class).iterator();
val subInstances = providers.flatMap{it.get()};
fun YourSealedClassProvider.get():List<SealedClass>{/*todo*/};
the hierarchy as below:
Provider SealedClass
^ ^
| |
-------------- --------------
| | | |
EnumProvider ObjectProvider ObjectClass EnumClass
| |-------------------^ ^
| <uses> |
Another option, is more complicated, but it can meet your needs since sealed classes in the same package. let me tell you how to archive in this way:
get the URL of your sealed class, e.g: ClassLoader.getResource("com/xxx/app/YourSealedClass.class")
scan all jar entry/directory files in parent of sealed class URL, e.g: jar://**/com/xxx/app or file://**/com/xxx/app, and then find out all the "com/xxx/app/*.class" files/entries.
load filtered classes by using ClassLoader.loadClass(eachClassName)
check the loaded class whether is a subclass of your sealed class
decide how to get the subclass instance, e.g: Enum.values(), object.INSTANCE.
return all of instances of the founded sealed classes
If you want use it at child class try this.
open class BaseSealedClass(val value: String, val name: Int) {
companion object {
inline fun<reified T:BaseSealedClass> valueOf(value: String): T? {
return T::class.nestedClasses
.filter { clazz -> clazz.isSubclassOf(T::class) }
.map { clazz -> clazz.objectInstance }
.associateBy { it.value }[value]
inline fun<reified T:BaseSealedClass> values():List<T> =
.filter { clazz -> clazz.isSubclassOf(T::class) }
.map { clazz -> clazz.objectInstance }
sealed class Theme(value: String, name: Int): BaseSealedClass(value, name) {
object Auto: Theme(value = "auto", name = R.string.setting_general_theme_auto)
object Light: Theme(value= "light", name = R.string.setting_general_theme_light)
object Dark: Theme(value= "dark", name = R.string.setting_general_theme_dark)
companion object {
fun valueOf(value: String): Theme? = BaseSealedClass.valueOf(value)
fun values():List<Theme> = BaseSealedClass.values()
For a solution without reflection this is a library that supports generating a list of types to sealed classes at compile time:
The example in the docs
sealed class Alpha {
object Beta : Alpha()
object Gamma : Alpha()
companion object
will generate the following object:
object AlphaSealedEnum : SealedEnum<Alpha> {
override val values: List<Alpha> = listOf(
override fun ordinalOf(obj: Alpha): Int = when (obj) {
Alpha.Beta -> 0
Alpha.Gamma -> 1
override fun nameOf(obj: AlphaSealedEnum): String = when (obj) {
Alpha.Beta -> "Alpha_Beta"
Alpha.Gamma -> "Alpha_Gamma"
override fun valueOf(name: String): AlphaSealedEnum = when (name) {
"Alpha_Beta" -> Alpha.Beta
"Alpha_Gamma" -> Alpha.Gamma
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("""No sealed enum constant $name""")
The short version is
State::class.sealedSubclasses.mapNotNull { it.objectInstance }

How to implement an abstract getter with property

I have java code:
public abstract class A {
abstract int getA()
I tried:
class B : A() {
val a = 0
Doesn't compile.
class B : A() {
override val a = 0
Still doesn't compile.
class B : A() {
override val a: Int get () = 1
Still doesn't compile.
class B : A() {
override val a: Int override get () = 1
Still doesn't compile.
class B : A() {
val a: Int override get () = 1
None of them are working. Does that mean I can only use
class B : A() {
override fun getA() = 1
? I think the last one(overriding the method) is ugly.
This could be worse when you have a getter-setter pair. It's expected to override getter-setter pair with a var property, but you have to write two methods.
According to #Miha_x64 ,
functions can be overriden only with a function.
Seems that I was trying something impossible.