Gitlab SSH Key | must the ssh have the same username as gitlab account - ssh

Does the 'user#host' of the need to match with the actual machine username - host and then with the username in Gitlab?
Gitlab username name: #john.doe
Ubuntu Machine hostname command hostname: JOHNDOE
Ubuntu username: mark
Username in the ...fsdfsdfsdfsd mark#JOHNDOE
So as you can see, my user in Ubuntu is mark and the ssh rsa key generated has a mark#JOHNDOE as last domain. But should it be john.doe#JOHNDOE instead (both in Ubuntu user and in the ssh pub key)?
And let's say that for some reason I cannot change the user in my Ubuntu machine.
I honestly think the answer is no and the issue is on my user in Gitlab that has some missing permissions or some network related problem, and I'm just paranoid but just to make sure that is not related with the ssh keys.
I think the ssh key just need to match the one in Gitlab and the username in the key has nothing to do (because actually, you can change it with command -C "john.doe#JOHNDOE" which is a Comment and anyway it still gives me errors. But again I have the doubt is ALSO the username of the Ubuntu must be john.doe
Command run / Troubleshot
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64 (WSL)
I need to connect via VPN (all other https services works via Browser so it should be fine)
Creating ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
cat ~/.ssh/
# Then copy the key to gitlba key - etc..
Also try do
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add -D
ssh-add ~/.ssh/
Do a git clone
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
ssh -T
banner exchange: Connection to [here the IP but removed] port 22: Connection timed out

Ok so the problem is the VPN software that I used.
As #Raya pointed out the answer to my question is:
No, the user in the ssh public key does not matter
As soon as I changed the VPN it start to work therefore the problem was Network related
Will auto-post the answer and mark as accepted, but won't close the question so if anyone has better information can add it.


ESXi keeps prompting for password after adding ssh public key to authorized_keys

I want to add my ssh public key to the ESXi 7 host, so that I can login via ssh without using password.
But the esx host keep prompting me for the password.
I have tried the following:
Scenario A
When using the "normal" way of adding ssh keys to a host.
Make a ssh key pair with ssh-keygen -t rsa
Push ssh public key to ESXi host with ssh-copy-id
Now try login to esx host using ssh
This will prompt you for a password again.
Reason for failing
The ssh key is added to the esx hosts ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - but the SSH service, expect to find the keys in /etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys.
Scenario B
Adding the the right place
Copy the key into esx by cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'cat >>/etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys'
Try login again with ssh
Still asking for password.
Scenario B is failing for a reason
Reason for failing
The ssh key is generated with by default 2048 bits, but should be 4096 bits.
Final Solution
# Generate the 4096 ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
# Copy the public key the right place on the esx host
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'cat >>/etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys'
# Then login
Tada - now logged in without using password
The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.
All commands run on the ESXi shell are logged and may be included in
support bundles. Do not provide passwords directly on the command line.
Most tools can prompt for secrets or accept them from standard input.
VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools. Please
see for details.
The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the
vSphere Security documentation for more information.

Issue remoting into a device and doing a simple ping test with Ansible

After following instructions both online and in a couple of books, I am unsure of why this is happening. I have a feeling there is a missing setting, but here is the setup:
I am attempting to use the command:
ansible all -u $USER -m ping -vvvv
Obviously using the -vvvv for debugging, but not much output aside from the fact it says it's attempting to connect. I get the following error:
S4 | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
S4 stands for switch 4, a Cisco switch I am attempting to automate configuration and show commands on. I know 100% the password I set in the host_vars file is correct, as it works when I use it from a standard SSH client.
Here are my non-default config settings in the ansible.cfg file:
hostfile = ./myhosts
timeout = 5
My myhosts file:
And my host_vars file for S4:
ansible_ssh_pass: password
My current version is 1.9.1, running on a Centos VM. I do have an ACL applied on the management interface of the switch, but it allows remote connections from this particular IP.
Please advise.
Since you are using ansible to automate commands in a Cisco switch, I guess you want to perform the SSH connection to the switch without been prompted for password or been requested to press [Y/N] to confirm the connection.
To do that I recommend to configure the Cisco IOS SSH Server on the switch to perform RSA-Based user authentication.
First of all you need to generate RSA key pair on your Linux box:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024
Note: You can use 2048 instead 1024 but consider that some IOS versions will accept maximum 254 characters for ssh public key.
At switch side:
conf t
ip ssh pubkey-chain
username test
Copy the entire public key as appears in the cat
including the ssh-rsa and username#hostname.
Please note that some IOS versions will accept
maximum 254 characters.
You can paste multiple lines.
If you need that 'test' user can execute privileged IOS commands:
username test privilege 15 secret _TEXT_CLEAR_PASSWORD_
Then, test your connection from your Linux box in order to add the switch to known_hosts file. This will only happen one time for each switch/host not found in the known_hosts file:
ssh test#
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:d6:4b:d1:67.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Finally test the connection using ansible over SSH and raw module, for example:
ansible inventory -m raw -a "show env all" -u test
I hope you find it useful.

ssh authentication fails after ssh-agent terminates

Backstory: currently running Arch Linux and attempting to authenticate into Github using SSH keys. I have openssh 7.1p1-1 installed as well as git 2.6.4-1.
Problem: After the ssh-agent terminates (system reboot or shell closure), I get the "Permission Denied (publickey)" message when attempting to connect to git using:
ssh -vT
Any ideas as to why my identity does not persist? Do I have to add anything special to the ~/.ssh/config or /etc/ssh/ssh_config files?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
After ssh-agent is gone, ssh is no longer aware that id_github exists, so it never tries authenticating with that key. If you want to force ssh to always use that key for, you can add this to ~/.ssh/config:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_github
User git # Handy addition so you can skip the username part in Github URLs

Jenkins won't use SSH key

I'm sorry to have to ask this question, but I feel like I've tried every answer so far on SO with no luck.
I have my local machine and my remote server. Jenkins is up and running on my server.
If I open up terminal and do something like scp /path/to/file user#server:/path/to/wherever then my ssh works fine without requiring a password
If I run this command inside of my Jenkins job I get 'Host Key Verification Failed'
So I know my SSH is working correctly the way I want, but why can't I get Jenkins to use this SSH key?
Interesting thing is, it did work fine when I first set up Jenkins and the key, then I think I restarted my local machine, or restarted Jenkins, then it stopped working. It's hard to say exactly what caused it.
I've also tried several options regarding ssh-agent and ssh-add but those don't seem to work.
I verified the local machine .pub is on the server in the /user/.ssh folder and is also in the authorized keys file. The folder is owned by user.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated and I can provide more info about my problem. Thanks!
Per Kensters suggestion I did su - jenkins, then ssh server, and it asked me to add to known hosts. So I thought this was a step in the right direction. But the same problem persisted afterward.
Something I did not notice before I can ssh server without password when using my myUsername account. But if I switch to the jenkins user, then it asks me for my password when I do ssh server.
I also tried ssh-keygen -R server as suggested to no avail.
su jenkins
ssh-keyscan YOUR-HOSTNAME >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
SSH Slaves Plugin doesn't support ECDSA. The command above should add RSA key for ssh-slave.
Host Key Verification Failed
ssh is complaining about the remote host key, not the local key that you're trying to use for authentication.
Every SSH server has a host key which is used to identify the server to the client. This helps prevent clients from connecting to servers which are impersonating the intended server. The first time you use ssh to connect to a particular host, ssh will normally prompt you to accept the remote host's host key, then store the key locally so that ssh will recognize the key in the future. The widely used OpenSSH ssh program stores known host keys in a file .ssh/known_hosts within each user's home directory.
In this case, one of two things is happening:
The user ID that Jenkins is using to run these jobs has never connected to this particular remote host before, and doesn't have the remote host's host key in its known_hosts file.
The remote host key has changed for some reason, and it no longer matches the key which is stored in the Jenkins user's known_hosts file.
You need to update the known_hosts file for the user which jenkins is using to run these ssh operations. You need to remove any old host key for this host from the file, then add the host's new host key to the file. The simplest way is to use su or sudo to become the Jenkins user, then run ssh interactively to connect to the remote server:
$ ssh server
If ssh prompts you to accept a host key, say yes, and you're done. You don't even have to finish logging in. If it prints a big scary warning that the host key has changed, run this to remove the existing host from known_hosts:
$ ssh-keygen -R server
Then rerun the ssh command.
One thing to be aware of: you can't use a passphrase when you generate a key that you're going to use with Jenkins, because it gives you no opportunity to enter such a thing (seeing as it runs automated jobs with no human intervention).

existing virtualbox machine exported using vagramt but I can't use it

I had an existing opensuse 64 bit machine which i exported using
vagrant package --base opensuse64 --output
After creating box I created another folder 'package-test' and copied the created box file there. Then I used
vagrant init opensuse
and then
vagrant up
but I am unable to connect to it via ssh.
Am I doing something wrong?
To make vagrant ssh work, your OpenSUSE VM has to be configured for Public Key Authentication using Vagrant's key pair.
If you want to use password authentication, you'll have to specify the ssh port and use username/password known to you.
NOTE: If this is a vagrant base box, by default you can login as vagrant/vagrant with sudo privilege, as per the packaging guide.
If you want to use your own key pair, you can copy the public key and add it to the VM's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Manual (1 liner)
cat /path/to/ | ssh user#host 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Use ssh-copy-id
# -i defaults to ~/.ssh/
ssh-copy-id user#host
# custom pub key
ssh-copy-id -i user#host
NOTE: make sure ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the VM have proper permission.