AutoClose macro..ending closing action based on answer without save prompt - vba

I have a word document with field in the end of the document to update filepath, last saved date & last save by. I need these to update on the closing of the file.
I am running an Autoclose macro that updates the fields. The problem is that I need the workbook to save BEFORE these fields are updated, so the last save date and the last save by will update.
I am going to recreate the "Would you like to save changes" message box at the start of the macro, with a yes/no/cancel option. I have 2 questions
1- If the user says No or do I suppress the system generated Would you like to save to avoid a repeat of the same question (or pass along their response to my version of the question to the system so they don't see it)
2 - If the pick cancel, how do I stop the system action of closing the file?
What i have below I found online , the sendkeys (ESC) is not stopping the system close.`
Sub AutoClose()
'if the document is already saved
If ActiveDocument.Saved = True Then
'update all fields, save, close without prompt
'which would be the document's status is not saved
answer = MsgBox("Yes No Cancel Example", vbYesNoCancel)
'above is do you want to save
If answer = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Yes"
ElseIf answer = vbNo Then
'dont save, dont update, close file without prompt
'this is the cancel, so dont update, dont close
ActiveDocument.Saved = True
SendKeys "{ESC}"
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub AutoClose()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rslt
With ActiveDocument
If .Saved = True Then
Call UpdateFields
Rslt = MsgBox("Save changes and close, or discard changes and close?", vbYesNoCancel)
If Rslt = vbYes Then
Call UpdateFields
ElseIf Rslt = vbNo Then
.Saved = True
Call UpdateFields
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateFields()
With ActiveDocument
End With
End Sub


access vba Reopen a record using combo box

Hi I am working on patient management tool where in i wanted to have patient engagement status fields as open,close and reopen. when i change the closed patient to reopen it should add it as new record instead of updating the current record. I have tried to do it in the "cmdsave" to check for status and then add as new or update.
the issue is whenever i changed the combo box, the value is getting saved in the table even before i clicked the save command.
Private Sub CmdSaveEng_Click()
On Error GoTo CmdSaveEng_Click_Err
On Error Resume Next
Call checkReopenexists
If pExists = False Then
saved = True
Call addNewRecord
Me.CmdSaveEng.Enabled = False
saved = False
Exit Sub
saved = True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Me.CmdSaveEng.Enabled = False
saved = False
If (MacroError <> 0) Then
MsgBox MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
End If
MsgBox "Data Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "Save"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume CmdSaveEng_Click_Exit
End Sub
You can't do it that way.
Create a button that will create a copy of the current record, then move to the copied record for further editing:
Copy record to new record

Message Box on Record Change

I have a form that queries records that the user may want to edit. I want the user to only be able to save the record if they've clicked the 'Save' button. Hitting the 'Close' button will prompt the user if they haven't saved yet, and may ask if they want to save.
I'm encountering a problem when the user changes through the records: I want to have a Y/N message box prompt the user for saving the changes they made to the previous record, otherwise their changes will be discarded. I have the following code set up:
Private Sub CmdCloseForm_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
'checks that needed fields are completed
If IsFormValidated = False Then
If MsgBox("Required fields aren't filled." & vbCrLf & "Would you like to close this form without saving?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Warning") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
'checks if form has been saved already
If mSaved = False Then
Select Case MsgBox("Form hasn't been saved. Do you want to save and close?" & vbCrLf & "If you click 'No' the form will close without saving.", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "Save As")
'selecting yes will save and close form
Case vbYes:
mSaved = True
'selecting no will close the form w/o saving
Case vbNo:
mSaved = False
'selecting cancel will cancel out of the prompt
Case vbCancel:
Exit Sub
End Select
ElseIf mSaved = True Then
'if form has been previously saved, will finally close the form
If MsgBox("Would you like to close this form?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Close Form") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo
End Sub
'won't save automatically unless mSaved is true
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
'if mSaved = False then the record won't save
If mSaved = False Then
Cancel = True
Cancel = False
End If
End Sub
I pretty much want the 'CmdCloseForm' Message Boxes to run when the user moves on to the next record. Is there any way to do this?
If you really want to ask user about saving changes for each row, ask in Form_BeforeUpdate and in Form_BeforeDelConfirm. Those events will be fired each time when user changes edited record, or when subform with edited records loses focus, or user closes form with data. But this is not good solution because messageboxes will be too annoying. The better way is to copy edited data to temporary table, allow user edit the data and copy back to source table changed data when user clicks "Save". It's quite simple if you don't need multi-user data editing, in this case you will need some additional code for avoiding collisions.

BeforeClose will not close my Excel-Sheet VBA

So I have been trying to put together a little Excel sheet, that has an entry Log in it. So whenever the sheet is closed, Name, Date and Time are added.
So basically I have three macro running, I will only mention two. The main macro will ask if I want to close the sheet and I will have to answer with yes or no. This works fine. If I press yes the main macro will call a sub macro, that will ask me to enter a string. If this Inputbox is empty or the entry is canceled, I want the main sub to stop running and cancel the Close process. Which won't seem to work. The error in the code to me seems pretty clear, but I don't know how to prevent it and find a better solution. If you could help me come up with a solution I would really appreciate it.
This line of code seems to be the problem:
If Cancel_Button_LOG = False Then Cancel = True
Here I will add compressed versions of the two macros
Public Sub Add_Entry_to_Log()
Dim i As Integer
Dim response As Variant
Cancel_Button_LOG = True
response = InputBox("Please enter your Name", "Name")
If response <> "" Then
Cancel_Button_LOG = False
MsgBox "Please enter your name", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Name"
End If
Worksheets("Log").Protect "secret"
End Sub
Now I will want to use the Cancel_Button_log Variable to cancel the main sub:
Dim answer As Variant
answer = MsgBox("Are your sure you want to close the workbook?", vbYesNo) Cancel = False
Select Case answer
Case Is = vbYes
Worksheets("Log").Unprotect "secret"
Call Test
Call Add_Entry_to_Log
If Cancel_Button_LOG = False Then Cancel = True
Worksheets("Log").Protect "secret"
Case Is = vbNo
Cancel = True
End Select
End Sub
I think you're doing this in the most complicated way possible. If I understand your requirements correctly - you can replace all your code in your ThisWorkbook module with something like this:
Const WB_LOG As String = "Log" '// name of sheet that the log is in
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If MsgBox("Do you really want to close the workbook?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
With Sheets(WB_LOG)
.Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(1, 2).Value = Array(Environ$("USERNAME"), Now)
End With
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Sheets(WB_LOG)
.Protect Password:="secret", UserInterfaceOnly:=True
.Range("A1:B1").Value = Array("USERNAME", "TIMESTAMP")
End With
End Sub
This would negate the need for the user to manually insert their name (assuming their system username would suffice*) and also negate the need to unprotect the worksheet each time as I've used the UserInterfaceOnly option.
* Environment variables such as %USERNAME% can be falsified if a user wishes to do so and knows how - however someone typing their name into a textbox is even easier to falsify...

How to select certain options from an alert in VBA

I have a macro that calls a number of other macros which work fine, but I would like to make it more automated - at the moment it requires users to click 'Yes' or 'No' or other similar options as the macro runs.
A sample is below:
Sheets("Hidden").Visible = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
intList = MsgBox("HerpDerp?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If intList = vbNo Then Exit Sub
If (Range("asd").Value = "sdf" Or Range("asd").Value = "dfg") Then
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Sheets("Hidden").Visible = False
MsgBox "DerpHerp", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Save"
End Sub
Through troubleshooting I would have thought that setting alerts to automatically not display this would circumvent the problem, but users need to click more divers buttons than 'yes' or 'no' in order to continue with the macro, which may be why this is occurring (though I would have anticipated that this would just make the alert not appear...).
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated and any additional info required can easily be supplied.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Check this sample code and hope this helps you:
Source Code:
Sub MsgBoxDemo()
Dim Answer As Long
Answer = MsgBox("Select Yes or No", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Reply")
If Answer = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Yes"
End If
If Answer = vbNo Then
MsgBox "No"
End If
End Sub

Read-Only and undo properties MS Access (VBA)

I have been surfing the wed looking for an answer to what I thought it was a pretty simple question, for a newbie like me.. But havent found any so here I am!. To keep things simple, i'll attach the two bits of my code that are giving me a bit of a headache. What I intend to do is to switch from a Read-Only mode to a Write Allowed state by clicking a button. In order to do so, I want the routine to check for changes on the record and, if there are any ask the user to decide whether to save the changes or discard them.. While testing this particular button, I found out something quite "funny".. It seems to work well when no changes are introduced. Switches perfectly from read-only to write-allow states. However, when in write-allow and changes have been made, if the "Save option" has been selected/clicked then it does not lock the content although all the other subroutines and changes are implemented.
My other problem, closely related to this, is that I cant find a way to set a "saving point" for the undo option. I would like to find a way to "save a record" so when the undo button is pressed doesnt undo all the changes that the record has suffered since the database has been firstly opened (as its currently happening), but since the button has been pressed. I tried the DoCmd Save function but is not behaving as I was expecting (Note: the last 'else' has been my last try to this problem but, again, its not working as expected)
Many thanks for all your future collaboration,
Private Sub Command28_Click()
If Form_AODNewRecord.AllowAdditions = True Then
Call isModified_Save
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowAdditions = False
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowEdits = False
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowDeletions = False
MsgBox "Read Only. Addition, Edits and Deletions are now locked"
Command28.Caption = "LOCKED"
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowAdditions = True
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowEdits = True
Form_AODNewRecord.AllowDeletions = True
MsgBox "New records, edits and deletions are now allowed"
Command28.Caption = "Lock mode OFF"
End If
MsgBox Form_AODNewRecord.AllowAdditions
End Sub
Sub isModified_Save()
If Form_AODNewRecord.Dirty Then
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
strMsg = "You have edited this record. Do you want to save the changes?"
strTitle = "Save Record?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, strTitle) = vbNo Then
DoCmd.OpenTable "AOD Type", acViewPreview, acReadOnly
DoCmd.Save acTable, "AOD Type"
DoCmd.Close acTable, "AOD Type", acSaveYes
End If
End If
End Sub
I think you want the following code. You cannot open a table that the form is bound to and affect the form, when you open the table, you have two different instances and they do not affect one another.
An odd side effect of running a macro in Office applications is that it clears the Undo list, so I created a small macro that just shows a message "Undo cleared" and that is exactly what it does!
As an aside, rename your control with meaningful names, such as cmdLock, rather than Command28, you will thank yourself later.
Private Sub Command28_Click()
If Me.AllowAdditions = True Then
Call isModified_Save
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
MsgBox "Read Only. Addition, Edits and Deletions are now locked"
Command28.Caption = "LOCKED"
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
MsgBox "New records, edits and deletions are now allowed"
Command28.Caption = "Lock mode OFF"
End If
''MsgBox Me.AllowAdditions
End Sub
Sub isModified_Save()
If Me.Dirty Then
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String
strMsg = "You have edited this record. Do you want to save the changes?"
strTitle = "Save Record?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, strTitle) = vbNo Then
''Save record
Me.Dirty = False
''Clear undo list
DoCmd.RunMacro "ClearUndo"
End If
End If
End Sub