public key signing - why this is not advisable - cryptography

Generally for signing a message, its recommended to sign the hash of the message payload using sender's private key and the recipient should decrypt using sender's public key and validate if hash is correct.
I would like to know what will go wrong if i sign using recipients public key and recipient can decrypt using his private key ( like how payload encryption happens ).
I am new to signing & encryption.I could not find a convincing answer.

If you want to sign a message, you have to use your private key, as this key is obviously private and no one else can sign a message with this key. So everybody can prove with your public key, that you have signed the message, cause no one else can have your private key to sign the message.
On the other hand, 'signing' a message with the public key of the receiver is senseless. The key is public, everyone could have 'sign' this message, so the receiver has no way to prove that your were actually sending this message.
What you can do with a public key of a sender is to encrypt a message. No one else than the receiver will be able to decrypt it, as this will require the private key of the receiver. But signing a message makes no sense.


Changing a Private Ethereum Key into a PEM or HMAC algorithm in NodeJS

I have a private key, which is:
NOTE: The Original Key was the Public Key when the question was posted:
I generated it randomly for this question, so don't worry that it's public on the Internet.
I want to use it as the encryption scheme for a JWT token, using the ES256 algorithm.
To get it into my library, I have to have it in one these formats.
secretOrPrivateKey is a string, buffer, or object containing either the secret for HMAC algorithms or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA. In case of a private key with passphrase an object { key, passphrase } can be used (based on crypto documentation), in this case be sure you pass the algorithm option.
Is there any easy way to move the hex value to one of these formats? Or, will this not work because I'm not understanding the difference between an Ethereum Private key and a ES256?
Etherium keys are actually ES256K and not ES256 so in this case it might not be possible.
If you need to turn the key in PEM in NodeJS there is a library called key-encoder for this specific purpose. Which can be accomplished with the following code.
var KeyEncoder = require('key-encoder');
let keyEncoder = new KeyEncoder.default('secp256k1')
var pemPrivateKey = keyEncoder.encodePrivate('0x66228b427f07b168c7cb1380aa5554403b9e24bf935a9364c89711a306a23ddb', 'raw', 'pem')

Can I generate my Public Key and Private Key pair where my Public Key is publicly trusted (CA Certification)

One of my client is asking CA Certified Public Key for Encryption/Decryption purpose. And I am not sure how to provide it to them.
Yes, You can reach the Public/Private Key providers to get the key pair (for eg: but i am not sure which one is good.)Public key - can be shared with every one but keep the private key as a secret. The information encrypted by your public key can be decrypted only with your private key.

How safe is Asymmetric Encryption

How secure is asymmetric encryption when sender encrypts with private key and reciever decrypts with public key but public key has visibility? any one can decrypt it
It's the other way around.. Sender encrypts with public key, and receiver decrypts with its private key..
What you are saying applies to signature.. sender signs with private key, receiver validates signature with public key

Naming issue of public and private key

I heard that you can use a private key to encrypt data as a method for digital signing. In other words you can encrypt a message with your private key.
In the text they always seem to say only the public key can encrypt and the private key can decipher the text.
I'm assuming this is a bad choice of words. Is it true that a single instance of a key can do only one or the other, but which key is public or private is not a matter of it's function, but of it's distribution or lack thereof.
For a beginner, the terminology is confusing. RSA can be used for 2 distinct crypto functions: data encryption and digital signatures.
For data encryption, you encrypt data using the recipient's public key; they decrypt it using their private key. Note that due to various limitations of RSA, the "data" that is encrypted and decrypted is usually just a key for a symmetric algorithm.
For digital signatures, you sign the data using your private key; they verify the signature over the data using your public key. Again, various limitations of RSA mean that what is actually operated on by the RSA algorithm is normally a secure hash of the data.
Sometimes the signing operation is called "encrypting with the private key", and the verifying operation is called "decrypting with the public key". I think this just confuses people so I always prefer the terms signing and verifying in this context. Furthermore, "encrypt" and "decrypt" make no sense for other signature algorithms like DSA and ECDSA.
You CAN generate public key from private key.
You CAN'T generate private key from public key (well, you might can, but this is extremely computationally expensive).
That is the difference between the two. They are NOT interchangeable (so, for instance, you SHOULD NOT publish your private key, and keep public key to yourself) because of the way how the algorithms works.
Take for instance RSA. The algorithm base is the problem of integer factorization. You choose two big integers p and q and multiply them to get n = p*q. Then you create public and private key:
Public key: (n, e)
Private key: (p, q, d)
It is easy to calculate public key from private key:
n = p*q
e = d^(-1) mod φ(n), where φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)
It is hard to calculate private key from public key - it requires factorization of n to get p and q, which is extremely hard if p and q are big enough.
You release your encryption key to the public, and keep your decryption key private. That way anyone can send you encrypted data that only you can decrypt.
If you did it the other way around, then you would be the only one able to encrypt your data, but anyone could decrpyt it. That makes no sense. If everyone can decrypt your message you might as well send it unencrypted. There is no point encrypted a message and then making the decryption key public.
There are two types encryption one is symmetric another one is asymmetric .In symmetric the key used to encrypt and decrypt is the same . in asymmetric the key used to encrypt is public key and decrypt is private key ..
all works on the principle of a secrecy of the key .In Digital signing commonly used as a part of SSL / TLS protocols uses the asymmetric encryption for the authentication and sharing of the master key which is used further for encrypting the communication line.

I'm using Wincrypt for Diffie-Hellman-- can I export the shared secret in plain text?

OK-- thanks to Mike, I was able to get Wincrypt to generate a Diffie-Hellman keypair. I figured out out to export the public key, and how to import the other party's public key. According to the docs, upon import of the other party's public key, the shared secret has been computed. Great.
I now need to get ahold of that shared secret, but I don't think its possible. Simply calling CryptExportKey with a type of PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB fails unless I call CryptSetKeyParam to change the algorithm id from CALG_AGREEDKEY_ANY to something... else. But I don't want something else, I want the shared secret. The API, however, seems designed to discourage this.
Any ideas out there? I should note that the problem here is that I'm only writing one side of an implementation of WiFi Protected Setup. So the protocol is defined for me, and the other party is not giving me HCRYPTKEYs.
This looks like what you need...
To import a Diffie-Hellman public key and calculate the secret session key
Call the CryptAcquireContext function to get a handle to the Microsoft Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider.
Create a Diffie-Hellman key by calling the CryptGenKey function to create a new key, or by calling the CryptGetUserKey function to retrieve an existing key.
To import the Diffie-Hellman public key into the CSP, call the CryptImportKey function, passing a pointer to the public key BLOB in the pbData parameter, the length of the BLOB in the dwDataLen parameter, and the handle to the Diffie-Hellman key in the hPubKey parameter. This causes the calculation, (Y^X) mod P, to be performed, thus creating the shared, secret key and completing the key exchange. This function call returns a handle to the new, secret, session key in the hKey parameter.
At this point, the imported Diffie-Hellman is of type CALG_AGREEDKEY_ANY. Before the key can be used, it must be converted into a session key type. This is accomplished by calling the CryptSetKeyParam function with dwParam set to KP_ALGID and with pbData set to a pointer to a ALG_ID value that represents a session key, such as CALG_RC4. The key must be converted before using the shared key in the CryptEncrypt or CryptDecrypt function. Calls made to either of these functions prior to converting the key type will fail.
The secret session key is now ready to be used for encryption or decryption.
When the key is no longer needed, destroy the key handle by calling the CryptDestroyKey function.