How can i add a+b in brainfuck? - sum

How can i sum a and b without removing them?
Example we have [A,B] and i want [A,B,A+B] and not [A+B,0]?
I have tried this, but "Error: Limit of operations (100000) reached before program finished!"

You need to move A and B at the same time as adding to C if you want to keep them.
+++> A (location 0) = 3
++++> B (location 1) = 4
C (location 2) = A plus B
<< goto A
[>>+>+<<<-] add to C and location after C
> goto B
[>+>>+<<<-] add to C and location after copy of A
> goto C
Now your memory looks like this:
0, 0, C, A, B
If you want to keep the original locations, you need to move the A and B values back to their original positions.
> goto copy of A
[<<<+>>>-] move to original A
> goto copy of B
[<<<+>>>-] move to original B

There isn't a ';' or ':' command in brainfuck; you're using some expanded brainfuck-based language. But apart from that, your loops in lines 7 and 9 have no way to terminate because they don't decrement the cell they keep returning to.


Store targets as collections that handle logic operation

I think my title is kinda unclear but I don't konw how to tell that otherwise.
My problem is:
We have users that belong to groups, there are many types of groups and any user belong to exaclty one group for each type.
Example: With group types A, B and C, containing respectively the groups (A1; A2; A3), (B1; B2) and (C1; C2; C3)
Every User must have a list of groups like [A1, B1, C1] or [A1, B2, C3] but never [A1, A2, B1] or [A1, C2]
We have messages that target to certain groups but not just a union, it can be more complex collection operations
Example: we can have message intended to [A1, B1, C3], [A1, *, *], [A1|A2, *, *] or even like ([A1, B1, C2] | [A2, B2, C1])
(* = any group of the type, | = or)
Messages are stored in a SQL DB, and users can retrieve all messages intended to their groups
How may I store messages and make my Query to reproduce this behavior ?
An option could be to encode both the user groups and the message targets in a (big) integer built on the powers of 2, and then base your query on a bitwise AND between user group code and message target code.
The idea is, group 1 is 1, group 2 is 2, group 3 is 4 and so on.
Level 1:
you know in advance how many group types you have, and you have very few of them
you don't have more than 64 groups per type (assuming you work with 64-bit integers)
the message has only one target: A1|A2,B..,C... is ok, A*,B...,C... is ok, (A1,B1,C1)|(A2,B2,C2) is not.
Encode each user group as the corresponding power of 2
Encode each message target as the sum of the allowed values: if groups 1 and 3 are allowed (A1|A3) the code will be 1+4=5, if all groups are allowed (A*) the code will be 2**64-1
you will have a User table and a Message table, and both will have one field for each group type code
The query will be WHERE (u.g1 & m.g1) * (u.g2 & m.g2) * ... * (u.gN & m.gN) <> 0
Level 2:
you have some more group types, and/or you don't know in advance how many they are, or how they are composed
you don't have more than 64 groups in total (e.g. 10 for the first type, 12 for the second, ...)
the message still has only one target as above
encode each user group and each message target as a single integer, taking care of the offset: if the first type has 10 groups they will be encoded from 1 to 1023 (2**10-1), then if the second type has 12 groups they will go from 1024 (2**10) to 4194304 (2**(10+12)-1), and so on
you will still have a User table and a Message table, and both will have one single field for the cumulative code
you will need to define a function which is able to check the user group vs the message target separately by each range; this can be difficult to do in SQL, and depends on which engine you are using
following is a Python implementation of both the encoding and the check
class IdEncoder:
def __init__(self, sizes):
self.sizes = sizes
self.grouplimits = {}
offset = 0
for i,size in enumerate(sizes):
self.grouplimits[i] = (2**offset, 2**(offset + size)-1)
offset += size
def encode(self, vals):
n = 0
for i, val in enumerate(vals):
if val == '*':
g = self.grouplimits[i][1] - self.grouplimits[i][0] + 1
svals = val.split('|')
g = 0
for sval in svals:
g += 2**(int(sval)-1)
if i > 0:
g *= self.grouplimits[i][0]
n += g
return n
def check(self, user, message):
res = False
for i,size in enumerate(self.sizes):
if user%2**size & message%2**size == 0:
if i < len(self.sizes)-1:
user >>= size
message >>= size
res = True
return res
c = IdEncoder([10,12,10])
m3 = c.encode(['1|2','*','*'])
u1 = c.encode(['1','1','1'])
Level 3:
you adopt one of the above solutions, but you need multiple targets for each message
You will need a third table, MessageTarget, containing the target code fields as above and a FK linking to the message
The query will search for all the MessageTarget rows compatible with the User group code(s) and show the related Message data
So you have 3 main tables:
You then create 2 relationship tables:
If you want to limit users to have access to just "their" messages then you join:
User > User-Group > Message-Group > Message

Calling for a column in a dataframe

I'm creating a dataframe(df) with two, columns PEA_0 and PEA_180. To input values in the cells of each column I could do this:
df$PEA_0 <-1
df$PEA_180 <-1
But since I'm expanding my df I would like a easy way to change the number behind "PEA_". I would like to assign the number to a letter so that I could change the number on the fly later:
and run the code like this:
paste("df$PEA_", a, sep="") < -1
I want R to understand that the code above means:
df$PEA_0 <- 1 but R only sees "df$PEA_0" <- 1 and throws the error :
Error in paste("tilst$Death_", a) <- 1 :
target of assignment expands to non-language object
Any thoughts on how to omit this?

Odd Even Sorting in VBA

I am trying to sort rows of data so that the integer value of an alpha-numerical address is in order of odd values then even values given they are of the same type.
The only way I have got it to (semi)work was this:
-Find if the integer of the address is even or odd
-Add EVEN or ODD to a cell in that addresses corresponding row
-Run the macro
-Filter the data by EVEN or ODD designation
This approach isn't ideal. I am interested in rearranging the rows without having to use filtering.
Below is an example of how the sorting would go.
Address Type Address Type
1.1p A 1.1p A
1.2p A 1.2p A
1.3p A 1.3p A
1.4p A 1.4p A
2.1p A 3.1p A
2.2p A 3.2p A
2.3p A 3.3p A
2.4p A 3.4p A
3.1p A 5.1p A
3.2p A 5.2p A
3.3p A 5.3p A
3.4p A 5.4p A
4.1p A 2.1p A
4.2p A 2.2p A
4.3p A 2.3p A
4.4p A 2.4p A
5.1p A 4.1p A
5.2p A 4.2p A
5.3p A 4.3p A
5.4p A 4.4p A
6.1p B 7.1p B
6.2p B 7.2p B
6.3p B 7.3p B
6.4p B 7.4p B
7.1p B 9.1p B
7.2p B 9.2p B
7.3p B 9.3p B
7.4p B 9.4p B
8.1p B 6.1p B
8.2p B 6.2p B
8.3p B 6.3p B
8.4p B 6.4p B
9.1p B 8.1p B
9.2p B 8.2p B
9.3p B 8.3p B
9.4p B 8.4p B
10.1p B 10.1p B
10.2p B 10.2p B
10.3p B 10.3p B
10.4p B 10.4p B
I am new to VBA. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
I think you need to create a helper column where you can store a value that you can use for sorting.
Basic idea is to extract the numeric value from your "Adress" column, check if it is even and if yes multiply it by an high value (eg 1000) so that it is guaranteed to be higher than the highest possible odd value.
You can use either a formula for this cell - but it's looking a little complicated to me. Assuming that your data starts in cell A2:
=VALUE(LEFT(A2, SEARCH("p", A2, 1)-1))*IF(ISODD(VALUE(LEFT(A2, SEARCH("p", A2, 1)-1))),1,1000)
or write a small UDF
Function SortVal(s As String) As Double
SortVal = Val(s)
If Int(SortVal) Mod 2 = 0 Then SortVal = SortVal * 1000
End Function
and put a call to it in your helper column

Stata: combine multiple variables into one

I have a problem in Stata. What I want to do is to combine multiple variables into one. My data looks like the following (simplified):
ID a b c
1 x . .
2 y . .
3 . z .
4 . w .
5 . . u
Now I want to generate a new variable d consisting of all values of variables a, b and c, such that d has no missing values:
ID a b c d
1 x . . x
2 y . . y
3 . z . z
4 . w . w
5 . . u u
I tried to use the command stack a b c, into(d) but then Stata gives me a warning that data will be lost and what is left of my data is only the stacked variable and nothing else. Is there another way to do it without renaming the variables a, b and c?
My dataset contains around 90 of these variables which I want to combine to a single variable, so maybe there is an efficient way to do so.
From your example, which implies numeric variables and at most one variable non-missing in each observation, egen's rowmax() function is all you need.
egen d = rowmax(a b c)
You can loop over the variables, replacing the new variables to the nonmissing values of the other variables. This is assuming your variables are strings. Nick's solution works better for numeric variables.
input ID str5(a b c)
1 x "" ""
2 y "" ""
3 "" z ""
4 "" w ""
5 "" "" u
gen d=""
foreach v of varlist a-c {
replace d=`v' if mi(d)
You could similarly use stack as you were, while specifying the wide option:
input ID str5(a b c)
1 x "" ""
2 y "" ""
3 "" z ""
4 "" w ""
5 "" "" u
stack a b c, into(d) wide clear
keep if !mi(d)

Find all paths of at most length 2 from a set of relationships

I have a connection data set with each row marks A connects B in the form A B. The direct connection between A and B appears only once, either in the form A B or B A. I want to find all the connections at most one hop away, i.e. A and C are at most one hop away, if A and C are directly connected, or A connects C through some B.
For example, I have the following direct connection data
1 2
2 4
3 7
4 5
Then the resulting data I want is
1 {2,4}
2 {1,4,5}
3 {7}
4 {1,2,5}
5 {2,4}
7 {3}
Could anybody help me to find a way as efficient as possible? Thank you.
You could do this:
#outputSchema('bagofnums: {(num:int)}')
def merge_distinct(b1, b2):
out = []
for ignore, n in b1:
for ignore, n in b2:
return out
register '' using jython as myudf ;
A = LOAD '' USING PigStorage(' ') AS (num: int, link: int) ;
-- Essentially flips A
B = FOREACH A GENERATE link AS num, num AS link ;
-- We need to union the flipped A with A so that we will know:
-- 3 links to 7
-- 7 links to 3
-- Instead of just:
-- 3 links to 7
C = UNION A, B ;
-- C is in the form (num, link)
-- You can't do JOIN C BY link, C BY num ;
-- So, T just is C replicated
D = JOIN C BY link, T BY num ;
E = FOREACH (FILTER E BY $0 != $3) GENERATE $0 AS num, $3 AS link_hopped ;
-- The output from E are (num, link) pairs where the link is one hop away. EG
-- 1 links to 2
-- 2 links to 4
-- 3 links to 7
-- The output will be:
-- 1 links to 4
F = COGROUP C BY num, E BY num ;
-- I use a UDF here to merge the bags together. Otherwise you will end
-- up with a bag for C (direct links) and E (links one hop away).
G = FOREACH F GENERATE group AS num, myudf.merge_distinct(C, E) ;
Schema and output for G using your sample input:
G: {num: int,bagofnums: {(num: int)}}