OHCI haven’t interrupt when usb mouse wheel scrolling - usb

Ohci controller interrupt can be generated when the mouse button is left or right and the scroll wheel is pressed, but does not interrupt when the scroll wheel is rolled.
Doesn't the wheel roll interrupt? Or is there something that's not enabled on my controller? I'm not sure about this. Do you have a brother to teach me? thinks.

I got it.The reason is that i set the mouse to boot protocol. Problem was resolved after setting mouse to report protocol.


Godot - Check if Controller connected or not

I have a small tutorial in my game, which should tell the player how controlls work. There are not many, but it doesn't hurt to show them anyway.
So my game supports controller and keyboard + mouse. If the player has a controller plugged in, I want to show him the controller controls and if not, I want to show him the keyboard + mouse controls.
Now I have something like this already implemented which checks the MOUSE MODE. It works fine, but can only detect the controller if a button or a joystick was moved or pressed.
Is there anyway to check if a controller is connected?
input gdscript controller joystick control
You can use Input.get_connected_joysticks() and then look inside the array if there is a joystick. Also usefull for local multiplayer.
This event joy_connection_changed will also be usefull in some case.

two USB touch display not recognized Linux Kernel

I have two USB touch display connected to separate ports.
When both are connected, only one touch display shall be active. I can monitor touch events by seeing /dev/input/eventX. Where as other touch event is never recognized and there is no event in /dev/input/..
When I connect only one touch display, both will get recognized, touch events are fired.
I know this is 100% kernel issue. Can anyone suggest how to debug.

NSView regisstering events on first click of mouse (making the app active)

I'm kind of pulling my hair out here. I have a single window application with a NSscrollView and custom NSViews inside of the scroll view. The custom NSViews are registering mouseUP and mouseDown events but my problem is that when the app/window is inactive and you click on it anywhere to make it active the mouseUP and mouseDown events are being triggered in the NSView that you click on.
I overrode the '(BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent' to return NO just to be sure (i know this is the default.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm principally an iOS developer so my OS X experience is not super extensive. Any input helps. Thanks!
Found the issue. I had a NSTexField on the subview that was capturing the first mouseDown event. Just overlooked it.

Cocoa: how to prevent mouse move past coordinates?

Final goal is to prevent mouse move to another screen (dual display setup) unless a hotkey is held.
The best I came up with, is this:
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSMouseMovedMask handler:^(NSEvent *mouseMovedEvent) {
// does nothing yet
The reason I went for global monitor is that my app does not have any windows (and views), it's a status bar app. So NSTrackingArea went home.
Any help would be much appreciated. In Java world, I would simply preventDefault() the event object. Now I need to get the same functionality in Objective-C. Ideally, I'd wish there would be "MouseMovedPastScreen" event, but apparently there's not.
Again, in Java, I would get the bounds of both screens, and stopped mouse at the corner positions. And then would allow the event to bubble if the ⌘ key has been held during the event execution.
Controlling the mouse cursor From the Quartz Display Services programming guide. Particularly
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (false);

How do I Capture keyboard/mouse events with my application in focus?

I'm building a synergy like app for Mac OS, that captures keyboard/mouse and sends them to a remote computer.
I wish to capture all user keyboard and mouse events, while my NSWindow is in focus (if possible, while not in focus would be nicer). the catch is - I don't want system shortcuts like CMD+Tab or CMD+Q to interrupt me, I wish to handle them before the windowing system does, so that my app won't loose focus. Same for mouse.
Check this - Cocoa Event-Handling Guide
Hope this helps :)