Make element visible in different breakpoints - vue.js

I would like hide and show elements in different breakpoints. For example I could use v-if="$" in the vuetify. How i can do this in the element-plus?
I can use classes but is there any other solution?
hidden-xs-only - hide when on extra small viewports only

You can use utility classes for hiding the elements: offical docs.

I have found the solution -> breakpoints in #vueuse.


Vuetify - how to disable Display Helpers in a custom build?

Some of Vuetify's display helpers ( collide with Tailwind classes.
In Bootstrap, fore example, there's a way to disable (=not include) utility classes in a custom build.
Searched in the docs and in vuetify-loader's docs for a way to do it, couldn't find one - is it possible?
I found this article that helped me remove some of the Display helpers (utility classes) from Vuetify. Over here you can see all the available utilities you can disable.
While I'm not aware of any way to disable Vuetify's Display Helpers, it is possible to prevent collision by prefixing Tailwind's classes. You can read about it in this thread on Tailwind's GitHub.

vuetify pagination add custom features (slot/template)

I'm using the VueJS Vuetify framework and I need a pagination option with more features then the basic one available.
what am i looking for:
an option to add custom names (not just numbers)
a tooltip over the buttons
to disable/enable just some of the buttons
pagination - meaning: use next, previous and "..." if there are too many pages
if the pagination had a template option (slot) that would of been perfect.
now i am wondering how is the best why to get my goal. is there a way to add templates to vuetify? is there a different component that has this options on the pagination?
Read the api here In answer to your questions:
1+2+3 This is not supported in vuetify out of the box and therefore you may want to consider writing your own pagination tool or looking for a different package.
4. This can be set in the props as described in the docs above, see total-visible prop and length.

Safari/Chrome Developer Tools debug CSS overrides

Safari/Chrome Developer Tools indicate that a CSS rule is overridden by something else by striking it through, as shown in the image.
Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I can not figure out from the CSS files what causes this rule to be ignored. But surely Safari itself must know as it strikes it through.
Is there a way to know what overrides such a rule?
Look at the one which isn't striked out, higher up on the list.
Alternatively, view the computed styles. They will be the definitive applied styles.
When you inspect an element, you can show the 'box'. Just bottom of that, you have a 'filter' which should show you every properties being applied to your element.
If you click on a property, it will give you the file and the line number.
Developer Tools will list all rules for an element. Just read through all the CSS rules that apply, and check for a non-struck-through one with the same name.
Go to Elements >> Computed and you'll get the stylesheet that defines the rule you're looking for.
Go to the Computed tab of Chrome Developer tools. Find wanted property and expand details.

How do I style a select-box with gradients?

I'd like to style a select-box with some gradients.
My problem is that somehow there is a shadow added.
You'll see what I mean by opening this fiddle.
The gradient of both classes is the same ...
I do not know why a shadow is added to the select-box and I just can't find a solution.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
The select element is handled by the underlying platform/OS, rather than the browser; as such it's not possible to style them (using Chrome 8/Win XP). If you feel the need to use styled select elements then you'll need to use a regular html element (such as an ol or ul) in combination with JavaScript.
I put together a demo of the ideas involved for another question, which shows how this might be achieved: JS Fiddle demo.
I'm not sure what you mean by the 'shadow', although typically input elements are styled with a :focus pseudo-element rule, to indicate that the element has focus. This can be amended with:
select:focus {
outline: 0 none transparent;
Although this does reduce the accessibility of the form for those navigating with keyboards/non-mouse input-devices. Ideally, it's better to define an outline that fits with your site's design.

Dojo Grid Template

In the DataGrid supports templates. You can provide your own template and have the grid fill the data in your template.
With Dojo Grid, it seems like I can't make my own template outside of the the rigid simplistic cell style grid that Dojo provides.
Does anyone know a way to use a custom template with Dojo Grid? Specifically, with Dojo you're forced to use a cell that corresponds to a data item. I'm looking to use a table as a template with any styling that I choose (rows,columns,rowspans,colspans, more than one data items in a single cell, etc).
Any clues please?
Firstly, it sounds like everything you want is available by customizing the grid. You can do nesting of cells and even have things like Filtering Selects in rows. Unfortunately the docs on this are not awesome so it takes Googling and trial and error if you want very customized features.
Secondly, because of the OO nature of Dojo you can always use inheritance to create mixes of various widgets. Specifically the _templated class allows you to specify an HTML template for your widget, which themselves can included templated widgets.
If that sounds non-trivial, you're right, which is why I would suggest digging deeper into the Enhanced grid and probably open up the code before trying to write something yourself.
I can tell you that I struggled getting it working correctly, but I have hence been pleasantly surprised by features that I needed that I thought I would need to build myself but were built into the grid.