I want to load a PDF in the VR (like an overlaid PDF viewer) but it should be interactive. Meaning I can click on a bookmark in the pdf and go to some item in the VR, and vice versa. Is it possible?
I am exploring possibilities. Once found some response from stack community, I can try coding.
I have some 10,000 pages of hand-written scanned documents in google drive in somewhere around 70 pdf documents.
I am making a spreadsheet index of these, with one row for each page where I make notes of what is on each page, by actually viewing those pages, reading it, and every fully typing it if required.
I need a link, which I can put in the spreadsheet, which when clicked opens up a certain page of the pdf as an image only, and not the entire pdf, the pdf is in google drive. Is there something like this possible in Google Drive? Or should I manually download all pdf, split it into images, and then re-upload and use that?
(example - java -jar pdfbox-app.jar PDFToImage -format jpg -quality 0.75 pdffile.pdf ; and then upload all this)
I have a feeling it must be possible because when we open the pdf in browser, it loads pdf pages one by one, it takes time but it opens it in some custom image+text format, so it must be exported. Also I know there is one image version for each google slide and link is stable, so there might be something for pdf also I was thinking.
There isn’t a parameter or feature to link a pdf page in Google Drive file viewer.
Indeed as mentioned, you can link to a specific slide in Google Slides, however Google file types do have additional features.
That’s not the case for PDFs for example. A workaround I can think of would be to create a comment for each page and each comment will have its own id.
After creating the comment, you can click on the three vertical dots icon and click on Link to this comment.
Alternatively, you can send feedback to Google (On file viewer page, click on three vertical dots icon and then Send feedback to Google) making sure to describe the proposed feature.
Couldn't decide if this is a question better for Stack Overflow or Superuser, haven't got any bites on Superuser yet...
I have Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro, and with that, the Convert Web Page to PDF button that displays in IE. We use this at work to review web pages and comment/markup for changes, etc.
When I use it on a web page that is responsive (such as http://microsoft.com) the resulting PDF shows the page laid out as if the browser window was sized down, but then it stretches all the elements to fit the width of the PDF.
Does anyone know if this is because of the rendering engine the Convert button uses? The resulting PDF looks a bit similar to how the page would look in Quirks mode in IE9 (using F12 developer tools and choosing Quirks mode from the Document Mode drop down.) Thanks for any help!
I want to make PDF viewer, I tried many open source libraries, but it failed, just as jpedal and PDF renderer the last one open blank pages, I don't want to use google docs to view the PDF, Is there an easy way to display PDF on my application?
Is it possible to disable the pdf toolbar when generating a pdf from a Jasper Report?
Is your PDF being opened by an external PDF Reader, like Adobe or Foxit?
If so, then I don't think so, this is the toolbar of the application itself.
On the other hand you can use PDF Viewer, a viewer that comes integrated with JasperReports. This one you can control. But then you will limit the user if he wants to do anything with the PDF.
In my own experience, I way keep it. If you remove it, the customer will soon ask for tools to zoom in and out, and maybe even to annotate.
We are using Blackberries to display PDF reports. Here are background details on the problem:
The PDF reports are created using JasperReports.
Report format can be changed.
Different report formats are available (as per the feature set of JasperReports).
The PDF reports are on a website, too, so retaining a single source is ideal.
The page setup is in Landscape.
Here are the issues we have encountered:
Users cannot see a full line of text on the Blackberry.
The size of the PDF and UI makes reading difficult, at best.
The menu option to convert the PDF to text loses too much formatting to be useful.
The text is blurry (and too small).
Here are solutions we have thought about:
Create a second report (not ideal) in text or HTML format.
Simplify the original report format (not really an option, given the amount of data).
What other options are there for making a report available on the Blackberry, given the constraints of JaserReports, such that the report:
Is legible?
Is formatted for readability?
Displays quickly?
Essentially, we'd like to make sure there are no simple solutions we have overlooked for displaying legible PDFs on Blackberries.
We convert TIFFs to PDF for one of our applications, and have had mixed results with BlackBerry PDF viewers. These were our results.
The following PDF readers worked for our purposes:
RepliGo Reader v1.1.1.1 - $19.95
Works fine.
DataViz Documents To Go Premium Edition v1.003.001 - $49.99
Works and includes a word wrap option to get the current zoom level to fit the available screen width, by moving text onto subsequent lines. Might fit your needs.
The following PDF readers did not work for our purposes:
BeamReader v1.0.8 - $17.99
BeamSuite v3.0.2 - $49.99
These couldn't open our PDF files ("Unsupported document format"). In addition they did not register as a PDF content handler, required for our application.
MasterDoc - $19.95
eOffice - $29.95
These also did not register as a PDF content handler. We had a range of problems with these, including installation issues, and not being able to open any PDFs at all.
Try BeamReader http://www.slgmobile.com/beamreader.html
I hear it's the best at reading PDFs for BlackBerry
How about outputting the file to an RTF or an image file (JPG/GIF), and then viewing them in your web browser?
If that doesn't work well on the native browser, I would focus on viewing the file via some other web browser - for example, Opera Mini. I know for images it's easier to navigate "big" images in Opera Mini than the native browser.
If your blackberries are on a BES server, couldn't you display the reports as HTML on your corporate intranet? - Then you could email a link to the blackberry and simply browse the report.
You can convert pdf to image via xpdf and than show image. xpdf is a BEST renderer of pdf.