VSCT: Place Search Textbox below the toolwindow toolbar - visual-studio-2022

I have made a toolbar that has a Search Textbox, using the visual studio built in search for the toolwindowpane: https://learn.microsoft.com/pt-pt/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2015/extensibility/adding-search-to-a-tool-window?view=vs-2015&redirectedfrom=MSDN
That is working just fine right now after overriding the methods, however i also added a toolbar to the toolwindow from the vsct file, however it is positioning the search and the toolbar in the same row:
Is there any way to position the search bar underneath the toolbar just like the solution explorer in visual studio? If not, is there a way to decrease the toolbar size so it uses the minimum space so it doesn't look weird like in the picture?
Thank you.
EDIT: Constructor of the class that inherits ToolWindowPane:
public CpcObjectsWindow() : base(null)
this.Caption = "CPC Objects";
// This is the user control hosted by the tool window; Note that, even if this class implements IDisposable,
// we are not calling Dispose on this object. This is because ToolWindowPane calls Dispose on
// the object returned by the Content property.
this.Content = new CpcObjectsWindowControl();
this.ToolBar = new CommandID(new Guid(CpcExtensionPackage.guidCpcExtensionPackageCmdSet), CpcExtensionPackage.cpcObjectsToolbar);
this.ToolBarLocation = (int)VSTWT_LOCATION.VSTWT_TOP;

I tried to add search to a tool window , a search control appears at the top of the tool window.
I tried to search form the ToolWindowPane Class but there is not any property can set the size of search bar. I think that you can submit a feature request on DC.


Cannot get the selected item in a ListViewer in a JFace Dialog

I created a dialog class that inherited from JFace Dialog using Windows Builder. In that, I added some controls included a button and a JFace ListViewer. In widgetSelected() function of the button, I can get out the selected item in the ListViewer. But in `okPressed(), I cannot get this. I don't know why. Can you help me?
If you want to access UI elements in okPressed you must do so before calling super.okPressed() because that will close the dialog and dispose of the controls. So something like:
protected void okPressed()
IStructuredSelection sel = viewer.getStructuredSelection();
// TODO deal with selection
// Call super.okPressed() last
Alternatively save the selection when your widgetSelected is called.

Visual Basic PictureBox Panel Flicker

I am making a simple game that (for the main part) consists of a Panel with a grid of 32 PictureBoxes inside, each with a BackgroundImage. You click on a "tile" and it flips revealing a picture. My problem is that when the Form Loads, I can see it drawing. I see the Panel .. then empty PictureBoxes, then finally it fills in the PictureBoxes with the BackgroundImages.
I've turned DoubleBuffer to True for the Form, and I've also added the following:
Private Sub UseDoubleBuffer()
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
End Sub
Which I call when the Form Loads. I'm not sure what else I can do? I want it to just 'pop' onto the screen. Why isn't the DoubleBuffer working? Do I need to code the panel manually? I was trying to avoid that as it's obviously easier to just drag and drop into the Form, but if I need to, I will.
I can't post screenshots apparently, as my rep isn't high enough yet, but believe me, it looks hideous, and I do want to make this as sleek as I possible can. Any ideas?
Try creating flicker free custom panel controls:
Here are the steps to use this control:
1. Add new class "NonFlickerPanel" to your C# application.
2. Replace autogenerated class code with C# code shown below.
3. Use NonFlickerPanel object instead of Panel object in your application.
public partial class NonFlickerPanel : Panel
public NonFlickerPanel() : base()
Try making the picture boxes invisible (.visible = false) until they're all loaded, then set visible to true for all of them.

how to use a flash movie as a background image of a vb.net form

I want to put a flash movie in my vb.net form as a form background. i want controls like buttons and labels on top of that flash movie. If this is possible then please provide a step by step answer. Thank you
If you have flash installed.
Right click on the visual studio toolbox > choose items .. when the dialog appears click on the COM components tab and scroll till you find the "Shockwave Flash Object" , tick the checkbox to add it to your toolbox.
Drag the control from your toolbox to your form ... set its "Movie" property to absolute url of your flash swf file.
you can now drop controls on top of the shockwave flash control (your flash movie host).
You might need to drag the control to fill up the available form size.
To disable the flash menu you could put a Panel above the Shockwave Flash Object and make the panel transparent ... but the usual way won't work properly.
Code below is gotten from this link
public class TransparentPanel : Panel
public TransparentPanel()
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams;
createParams.ExStyle |= 0x00000020; // WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
return createParams;
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
// Do not paint background.
Add that to your project and make the panel you add an instance of this class you'll get a transparent overlay on the shockwave flash object that disables the right click on any other mouse events.
Hope this helps.

Change applicationbar buttonicon at runtime

I'm developing a WP7 app and the application needs to change the icon of a button on the application bar given the state of a request.
I have tried:
if (App.Servers[index].ServerState == "Enabled")
DetailsAppBar.btnStart.IconUri = new Uri("/AppBar/appbar.stop.rest.png");
DetailsAppBar.btnStart.IconUri = new Uri("/AppBar/appbar.transport.play.rest.png");
This doesn't give me an error in the code, but it can't compile....
any hints to do this is appreciated :)
ApplicationBar is a special control that does not behave as other Silverlight controls (see Peter Torr's post on the subject). One of the consequences is that names given in XAML to app bar buttons generate fields in code-behind that are always null.
I'm guessing that in your case the btnStart field in DetailsAppBar is set to null, and thus trying to set its IconUri property results in a NullReferenceException being thrown.
To access a button in an application bar, you must instead reference it by its zero-based index in the buttons list. For instance, the code below returns a reference to the third button in the app bar:
button = (IApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[2];
figured it out...
((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[2]).IconUri = new Uri("/AppBar/appbar.stop.rest.png",UriKind.Relative);
did the trick :)

Something like .NET's "tag" property for Interface Builder

I'm currently struggling to use UI elements in Interface Builder. I keep trying to do things "in the .NET way."
I have several buttons that all map down their TOUCH event to the SAME FUNCTION:
-(IBAction) onTouch:(id) sender
// do something with touch, DEPENDING ON WHAT BUTTON WAS PUSHED
// I want to do something like
if( sender.tag == "something" )
//...doesn't work on apple, of course..
I want to uniquely identify each BUTTON USING SOMETHING like the TAG property in .NET. I tried using the INTERFACE BUILDER "NAME" field that is on the "Identity" panel of interface builder, but I don't know how to access that field programmatically.
-(IBAction) onTouch:(id) sender
// do something with touch, DEPENDING ON WHAT BUTTON WAS PUSHED
// I want to do something like
if( sender.InterfaceBuilderName == "something" )
//...doesn't work..
So, WHAT / IS THERE a way to uniquely identify a UI element (such as a button) OTHER THAN doing something like
-(IBAction) onTouch:(id) sender
// look at
[sender currentTitle]
The reason that's bad is because if the text on the button changes for some cosmetic reason you break the whole app, right
The last solution I can think of is write seperate functions for each button's touch event but I really want to know if it is possible to uniquely identify a button by something similar to .Net's TAG property.
In the iPhone SDK all UIView objects have a property also called tag which is an integer value and can basically be used to do what you are intending.
I usually define a constant for the tag values I'm going to use for a specific purpose.
You can access the tag on the button object:
// button tag constant
For buttons, there is a Tag entry in the View section (click on your button, select Attributes Inspector from the Tools menu). You can then use this integer value in your code.
Here is a link that may help as well:
UIView's tag property is accessible from Interface Builder. Unlike .NET, it's an integer rather than a string.