trying to import csv file to table in sql - sql

I have 4 csv files each having 500,000 rows. I am trying to import the csv data into my Exasol databse, but there is an error with the date column and I have a problem with the first unwanted column in the files.
Here is an example CSV file:
unnamed:0 , time, lat, lon, nobs_cloud_day
0, 2006-03-30, 24.125, -119.375, 22.0
1, 2006-03-30, 24.125, -119.125, 25.0
The table I created to import csv to is
CREATE TABLE cloud_coverage_CONUS (
index_cloud DECIMAL(10,0)
,lat DECIMAL(10,6)
,lon DECIMAL(10,6)
,nobs_cloud_day DECIMAL (3,1)
The command to import is
IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS FROM LOCAL CSV FILE 'D:\uni\BI\project 1\AOL_DB_ANALYSIS_TASK1\datasets\cloud\cfc_us_part0.csv';
But I get this error:
SQL Error [42636]: java.sql.SQLException: ETL-3050: [Column=0 Row=0] [Transformation of value='Unnamed: 0' failed - invalid character value for cast; Value: 'Unnamed: 0'] (Session: 1750854753345597339) while executing '/* add path to the 4 csv files, that are in the cloud database folder*/ IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS FROM CSV AT '' FILE 'e12a96a6-a98f-4c0a-963a-e5dad7319fd5' ;'; 04509 java.sql.SQLException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
Alternatively I use this table (without the first column):
CREATE TABLE cloud_coverage_CONUS (
,lat DECIMAL(10,6)
,lon DECIMAL(10,6)
,nobs_cloud_day DECIMAL (3,1)
And use this import code:
IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS FROM LOCAL CSV FILE 'D:\uni\BI\project 1\AOL_DB_ANALYSIS_TASK1\datasets\cloud\cfc_us_part0.csv'(2 FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD', 3 .. 5);
But I still get this error:
SQL Error [42636]: java.sql.SQLException: ETL-3052: [Column=0 Row=0] [Transformation of value='time' failed - invalid value for YYYY format token; Value: 'time' Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'] (Session: 1750854753345597339) while executing '/* add path to the 4 csv files, that are in the cloud database folder*/ IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS FROM CSV AT '' FILE '22c64219-cd10-4c35-9e81-018d20146222' (2 FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD', 3 .. 5);'; 04509 java.sql.SQLException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
(I actually do want to ignore the first column in the files.)
How can I solve this issue?
IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS FROM LOCAL CSV FILE 'D:\uni\BI\project 1\AOL_DB_ANALYSIS_TASK1\datasets\cloud\cfc_us_part0.csv' (2 .. 5) ROW SEPARATOR = 'CRLF' COLUMN SEPARATOR = ',' SKIP = 1;
I did not realise that mysql is different from exasol

Looking at the first error message, a few things stand out. First we see this:
[Column=0 Row=0]
This tells us the problem is with the very first value in the file. This brings us to the next thing, where the message even tells us what value was read:
Transformation of value='Unnamed: 0' failed
So it's failing to convert Unnamed: 0. You also provided the table definition, where we see the first column in the table is a decimal type.
This makes sense. Unnamed: 0 is not a decimal. For this to work, the CSV data MUST align with the data types for the columns in the table.
But we also see this looks like a header row. Assuming everything else matches we can fix it by telling the database to skip this first row. I'm not familiar with Exasol, but according to the documentation I believe the correct code will look like this:
IMPORT INTO cloud_coverage_CONUS
FROM LOCAL CSV FILE 'D:\uni\BI\project 1\AOL_DB_ANALYSIS_TASK1\datasets\cloud\cfc_us_part0.csv'
(2 FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD', 3 .. 5)
SKIP = 1;


import a txt file with 2 columns into different columns in SQL Server Management Studio

I have a txt file containing numerous items in the following format
DBREPLICAID: 51376694590
DBPATH: redirect.nsf
DBTITLE: Redirect AP
DATETIME: 09.03.2015 09:44:21 AM
Adds: 0
Updates: 0
Deletes: 0
DBREPLICAID: 21425584590
DBPATH: redirect.nsf
DBTITLE: Redirect AP
DATETIME: 08.03.2015 09:50:20 PM
Adds: 0
Updates: 0
Deletes: 0
please see the source capture here
I would like to import the txt file into the following format in SQL
1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column .....
HKSER 51376694590 redirect.nsf Redirect AP 09.03.2015 09:44:21 AM
HKSER 21425584590 redirect.nsf Redirect AP 08.03.2015 01:08:07 AM
please see the output capture here
Thanks a lot!
You can dump that file into a temporary table, with just a single text column. Once imported, you loop through that table using a cursor, storing into variables the content, and every 10 records inserting a new row to the real target table.
Not the most elegant solution, but it's simple and it will do the job.
Using Bulk insert you can insert these headers and data in two different columns and then using dynamic sql query, you can create a table and insert data as required.
For Something like this I'd probably use SSIS.
The idea is to create a Script Component (As a Transformation)
You'll need to manually define your Output cols (Eg DBSERVER String (100))
The Src is your File (read Normally)
The Idea is that you build your rows line by line then add the full row to the Output Buffer.
Then write the rows to your Dest.
If all files have a common format then you can wrap the whole thiing in a for each loop

Exporting data containing line feeds as CSV from PostgreSQL

I'm trying to export data From postgresql to csv.
First i created the query and tried exporting From pgadmin with the File -> Export to CSV. The CSV is wrong, as it contains for example :
The header : Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4
Now, the rows begin well, except for the last field that it puts it on another line:
Example :
The problem is i get error when trying to import the data to another server.
The data is From a view i created.
I also tried
COPY view(field1,field2...) TO 'C:\test.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
It exports the same file.
I just want to export the data to another server.
When trying to import the csv i get the error :
ERROR : Extra data after the last expected column. Context Copy
actions, line 3: <<"Data1, data2 etc.">>
So the first line is the header, the second line is the first row with data minus the last field, which is on the 3rd line, alone.
In order for you to export the file in another server you have two options:
Creating a shared folder between the two servers, so that the
database also has access to this directory.
COPY (SELECT field1,field2 FROM your_table) TO '[shared directory]' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
Triggering the export from the target server using the STDOUT of
COPY. Using psql you can achieve this running the following
psql yourdb -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM your_table) TO STDOUT" > output.csv
EDIT: Addressing the issue of fields containing line feeds (\n)
In case you wanna get rid of the line feeds, use the REPLACE function.
SELECT E'foo\nbar';
foo +
(1 Zeile)
Removing the line feed:
SELECT REPLACE(E'foo\nbaar',E'\n','');
(1 Zeile)
So your COPY should look like this:
COPY (SELECT field1,REPLACE(field2,E'\n','') AS field2 FROM your_table) TO '[shared directory]' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
the described above export procedure is OK, e.g:
t=# create table so(i int, t text);
t=# insert into so select 1,chr(10)||'aaa';
t=# copy so to stdout csv header;
t=# create table so1(i int, t text);
t=# copy so1 from stdout csv header;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself, or an EOF signal.
>> i,t
>> >> >> \.
t=# select * from so1;
i | t
1 | +
| aaa
(1 row)

Oracle SQL: Return string from blob between two strings (probably using REGEXP_SUBSTR)

I am trying to export data from a blob to use in a report, however I am having trouble using REGEXP_SUBSTR when trying to read from it. Converting it to a varchar is helping, however getting the data point I need is quite hard as I am finding!
Here is how I am getting it to a varchar:
select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(NOTE)) FROM prod17import;
This is a sample of the output to varchar:
"Import: T5, ModId: #24, Time: 1/11/2017 7:32:30 AM
Records read: 1723
Added: 1723, Changed: 0
Rejected: 0, Skipped: 0
0.01 Minutes. 234422 recs/min
Source=W:\(filename).TXT, created: 1/10/2017 11:15:44 PM
Reject name: REJECT
Resource name: !6Imports.Liability.Maps.Life Import Resource
I am trying to gather only the value 234422 (which can vary between 1-1,000,000)
How do I get that value between the word "Minutes." and "recs/min"?
If the string format is consistent, use
select regexp_substr(utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(NOTE))
,'minutes. ([0-9]+) recs/min',1,1,'i',1)
from prod17import
i as the argument specifies case-insensitive matching. Use null if you need the match to be case-sensitive.

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Data conversion failed

I am trying to import data from a flat file, my table has 3 columns,
id - int - auto_increment - primary key
profileID - int
taken - bit
This is what my flat file looks like:
There is 10,000 rows
and I keep getting this error when I try in import
Data Flow Task 1: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "profileID" returned status value 6 and status text "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
I set the Data Type as single-byte signed integer [DT_I1] for profileID for the flat file.
Please Help!

apache hive loads null values instead of intergers

I am new to apache hive and was running queries on sample data which is saved in a csv file as below:
0195153448;"Classical Mythology";"Mark P. O. Morford";"2002";"Oxford University Press";"//";"";""
and the table which i created is of form
hive> describe book;
isbn bigint
title string
author string
year string
publ string
img1 string
img2 string
img3 string
Time taken: 0.085 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s)
and the script which I used to create the table is:
create table book(isbn int,title string,author string, year string,publ string,img1 string,img2 string,img3 string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\;' lines terminated by '\n' location 'path';
When I try to retrieve the data from the table by using the following query:
select *from book limit 1;
I get the following result:
NULL "Classical Mythology" "Mark P. O. Morford" "2002" "Oxford University Press" "" "" ""
Even though I specify the first column type as int or bigint the data into the table is getting loaded as NULL.
I tried searching on the internet and could figure out that I have to specify the row delimiter. I used that too but no change in the data from the table.
Is there anything that I am making a mistake... Please help.