Google Play Console: Once a build is In Review, will I need to upgrade to the next patch version? - react-native

I've pushed version 3.0.3 of my app to the Google Play Console, and want to undo it. I know they don't allow you to do this once it's In Review, so what I'm wondering now is, does the next version I push have to be 3.0.4? Or is there a way I can go from, for example, 3.0.3(5) to 3.0.3(6)?


Android only version code is updating .application not updating

I pushed the app update on 28 June. But still some of our users are getting the old apk of app but the version code is latest on app info. and they cannot see the update button on play store.
I contacted support regarding this and they said that i should clear the cache of paly store.
Well i cannot go to every user and say them to clear cache of play store in order to get the latest update.

My published Expo App on Google Play still installs an old version

I uploaded a new version of my app developed with Expo to Google Play, but when users install it, it starts with the old version first and updates afterwards, while users are running it.How can I make it install the latest version? I need to mention that a deleted the previous apk in Google Play console, and it remains only one, the latest. Thank you.

Do OTA updates in Expo get in motion on the first opening after brand new download from the stores?

I developed an app with React Native and distributed it with Expo. I published the final version into Google Play and Apple Store.
Some time later I discovered in Expo's docs on Publishing that expo publish allows you to create an OTA ("over the air") update that is built into Expo and updates the app automatically, according to this answer:
The standalone app knows to look for updates at your app's published url.
This I tested and worked very well.
However, now I see that people downloading the app from the stores (that is, either Google Play or Apple Store) apparently get the initial version of the app, not the updated one.
What is the exact workflow for the OTA updates? Do they go and "replace" the existing version in Google Play and Apple Store the first time they open it? Or do they need to open it over again to get the update?
And what exactly triggers the update of the app?
We've been having similar problems. I can see two things which might be causing this in your case:
Check in app.json if updates.fallbackToCacheTimeout is set. If it's set, that's how long expo will try to download the latest update before showing the last downloaded version (which will be the initial version after initial download).
If you have a large update, expo will try downloading the update for 30s before showing the last version of your app.
Check here for more info:
OTA updates do not replace the version downloaded from the app store, they are stored first in the device's cache before being run on app start after download. Source
Update downloads are automatically triggered on app start, then, depending on the settings it will either wait (as long as updates.fallbackToCacheTimeout allows) before showing the app, or show it immediately.
You can force the app to run the latest update (if you have one waiting) by just force quitting the app, then restarting.
Hope this helps!

Developer Removed from Sale to Prepare for submission

How to remove the current build from iTunes Connect where the app is in "Developer Removed from Sale" status? Also, the older version should be made "Ready for Sale". Please help me. I have unknowingly Released the version of that app.
I cannot remove the current build from iTunes Connect now. The build doesn't show up any delete button.
You have to submit a new version with a new build. It's both not possible to a) either update the build of a live version (which was on the store) nor b) to switch to an older version.
Your flow will look like this:
1) Create new version in iTunes Connect
2) Create & upload new build with fixes for this version
3) Submit to the store. If it's a critical bug fix, you might want to request an expedited app review.
Expedited App Review:
If you face extenuating circumstances, you can request the review of your app to be expedited. These circumstances include fixing a critical bug in your app on the App Store or releasing your app to coincide with an event you are directly associated with.
Urgent Bug Fix:
If you've submitted an update to fix a critical bug in your app on the App Store and you are requesting an expedited review, be sure to include the steps to reproduce the bug on the current version of your app.

iTunes Connect Testflight Internal Testers

Downloading beta app from testflight app gives error at the end, says "Unable to download app at this time" on all my devices.
No error is in itune connect upload. App displayed and received notification on adding new app to testflight beta. But everytime same error.
This happened to me when I wasn't using the correct provisioning profile. Very frustrating error that doesn't provide any useful info, and leaves the previous installed version of your test build in a state where it cannot be launched. After I switched my provisioning profile to 'Automatic', bumped the build number, and submitted a new version to iTunes connect I was able to download the new build.
I'm seeing a similar error. I don't know for sure, but I suspect doing things in this order may have something to do with it (this seems to mirror what emrys57 is facing).
You have issued a previous TestFlight release (download/install was working).
You then submitted that version for formal review for publication in the App Store.
While the app submission is still under review, now you uploaded a new TestFlight build with an updated version number (but did not resubmit for App Store review).
It could be that while the app is under review something prevents the download. I seem to recall reading about something like this in one of the guides, but I can't remember where off the top of my head. In my case, as an internal tester I even face the error "Unable to download app at this time", regardless of whether I already have a previous version with the same bundle ID already installed or if I don't have the app already installed (i.e., it's fully uninstalled). I wonder if an accepted App Store review will clear up the issue; it doesn't seem like a good idea to resubmit that latest build for further App Store review if the version previously submitted is what you actually want released.
In my case, for the general testing audience, I have a separate bundle ID that is exclusively for beta testing. And that version is never submitted for App Store review (the one that's slated for App Store review I only use for the purpose of smoketesting the upgrade process with internal testers). That bundle ID for beta had to go through the one-time full TestFlight external review for the initial TestFlight external beta testing. But I've been able to keep adding new versions to that beta-only bundle ID for subsequent TestFlight releases without an issue.