How to add payload and use the post method to get response from an API in twincat 3? - api

enter image description hereNot getting appropriate response like I get on the postman application
I tried a few online APIs which give me response, but I need an option to be able to add a payload in my program. I am using tc3 iotbase library from the twincat library repo.

The HTTP POST request payload is builded by the FB_IotHttpRequest function block, when you call one of the send methods
You can use 2 option here:
FB_IotHttpRequest.SendRequest(...) in this case you need to create the payload JSON manually
FB_IotHttpRequest.SendJsonDomRequest(...) in this case you need just pass the reference of the FB_JsonDomParser, which contains the json document.


How to use a Postman Mock Server

I have followed the guide here to create a postman mock for a postman collection. The mock seem to be successfully created, but I have no idea how to use the mock service.
I've been given a url for the mock, but how do I specify one of my requests? If I issue a GET request to https://{{mockid}} I get the following response:
"error": {
"name": "mockRequestNotFoundError",
"message": "We were unable to find any matching requests for the mock path (i.e. undefined) in your collection."
According to the same guide mentioned above the following url to "run the mock" https://{{mockId}}{{mockPath}} but what exactly is mockPath?
Within my collection I have plenty of folders, and inside one of these folders I have a request with an example response. How do I access this example response through the mock? Thanks for all help in advance!
Here's the Postman Pro API, which doesnt mention a lot more than just creating reading mocks.
I had the same issue seeing an irrelevant error but finally I found the solution. Unfortunately I cannot find a reference in Postman website. But here is my solution:
When you create a Mock server you define your first request (like GET api/v1/about). So the Mock server will be created but even when you obtain your API key and put it in the header of request (as x-api-key) it still returns an error. It doesn't make sense but it turned out that defining the request is not enough. For me it only started returning a response when I added an Example for the request.
So I suggest for each request that you create, also create at least one example. The request you send will be matched with the examples you have created and the matched response will be returned. You can define body, headers and the HTTP status code of the example response..
I have no Pro Postman subscription and it worked for me using my free subscription.
Menu for adding an example or selecting one of them for editing:
UI for defining the example (See body, headers and status) :
How to go back to the request page:
Here is the correct reply I get based on my example:
If you request in the example is a GET on then the mockPath is /api/foo and your mock endpoint is a GET call to https://{{mockid}}
The HTTP request methods and the the pathname as shown in the image below constitute a mock.
For ease of use the mock server is designed to be used on top of collections. The request in the examples is used as is along with response attached to it. The name of the folder or collection is not a part of the pathname and is not factored in anywhere when using a mock. Mocking a collection means mocking all the examples in within your collection. An example is a tuple of request and response.
An optional response status code if specified lets you fetch the appropriate response for the same path. This can be specified with the x-mock-response-code header. So passing x-mock-response-code as 404 will return the example that matches the pathname and has a response with status code of 404.
Currently if there are examples with the same path but different domains, and mock is unable to distinguish between them it will deterministically return the first one.
Also if you have several examples for the same query :
Mock request accept another optional header, x-mock-response-code, which specifies which integer response code your returned response should match. For example, 500 will return only a 500 response. If this header is not provided, the closest match of any response code will be returned.
Optional headers like x-mock-response-name or x-mock-response-id allow you to further specify the exact response you want by the name or by the uid of the saved example respectively.
Here's the documentation for more details.
{{mockPath}} is simply the path for your request. You should start by adding an example for any of your requests.
After adding your mock server, you can access your examples at:

Sending GET request parameters in body

I have an API which accepts many parameters.
Passing the values of the parameters will exceed the length of the URL Header.
I am using Postman client to pass the parameters in the body but this is not working any ideas on how to make this work.
The API accepts many parameters because the backend is legacy and is exposed as an API by a service bus.
Older versions of Postman didn't allow you to send body data with get request.
Yet, if your server receives data as URL parameters you won't be able just to change the way of sending them and include them to the body (server won't accept them).
So if the length of parameters is indeed so big and the server indeed can receive the same data from body instead of from parameters then the Postman is just not the tool that you can use (maybe cURL is for you).
If your server allows to send data only as URL parameters and they are so long (more then 2000 chars What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?) then I think you have no chances to test this API.
UPDATE: new Version 7.20.1 now allows to send Body with GET request
Change the request type to POST.
Set the value of your body
Change request type to GET
Send request and the body is included
Postman is already added this feature of sending body in get
But i still i recommended to go for post request (if body is present) since many projects like angular http client does't have updated protocols yet.
Latest Postman supports body object for Get request
just choose json format as shown in pic above
If you want to make a GET request in Postman then you can use Params or Body to pass parameters, but not both. Either Params only or Body only. If you specify both Params and Body, Postman will select and send only Params (in GET request of course). So if you want it to send Body, clear Params.

eBay API GetFeedback call returns 'Input data for tag <GetFeedback> is invalid or missing' error

I try to get all feedback (CommentType [positive,neutral,negative], user who left, date, message) for the particular user in xml format. For this I use http request:
However, xml output returns error
Input data for tag <GetFeedback> is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation.
Another request with the same appid works fine:,FeedbackHistory&responseencoding=XML
What can be the problem?
GetFeedback is from of the eBay Trading API Service and you cannot make calls to this service using HTTP GET. The service only supports requests made by HTTP POST. Information required by GetFeedback is passed either through the HTTP headers or the body. The body of the request can be XML or SOAP. More information is available in the eBay documentation.
For future reference you should never expose your appid in code examples.

How to capture the response object from a webhook call

I am creating a Rails 3.2 app and I am using Paymill as the payment gateway.
I am trying to setup a webhook on my system (Already setup on Paymill side). This webhook should respond to callbacks when a transaction was successful.
How can I "capture" the response object in my code? Using params?
Thankful for all help!
I don't know paymill, but it looks like it works the same way as stripe.
Thus, you have to handle the response with params.
You can have a look on this code sample:
A webhook call from Paymill includes a JSON in the request. This JSON includes some meta data about the event that was triggered and the objects affected. So, you'd have to take the request body and parse the JSON to extract the information you are looking for. You can see a sample JSON file here:

MVC 4 - Web Api and JSON?

I'm ramping up on MVC 4's Web API and I'm a bit confused about the default formatting. I want the API data to be in JSON. However, it's returning it in XML. According to the MVC 4 getting started video at, it should be JSON by default. But when I create a new Web Api project and run the sample, I get this:
I've been running around in circles trying to get this in JSON but apparently there is a lot of misinformation about this. Such as:
If I add "application/json" to the content type header, it should return JSON. This doesn't work, but I'm suspecting I don't have the header variable name right as I'm not finding the exact name to use. I've tried "Content-Type" and "contentType" in the request headers with no luck. Besides, I want JSON by default, not according to header info.
If I create a JsonFormatter and add it in Application_Start GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.Insert(0, new JsonNetFormatter(serializerSettings)); It should do the trick. But I gathered this depreciated as none of the examples are working.
What could I do, something simple preferably, to output data in JSON format by default?
Add this to GLOBAL.ASAX to get the response to be application/json
So it should look like this in context:
protected void Application_Start()
OR if you need to preserve XML as a media type you could instead edit App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html") );
Which makes JSON the default response for a web browser but returns text/html.
I want the API data to be in JSON. However, it's returning it in XML
How are you accessing your webapi? Are you using Chrome to access your webapi service (as Nick has mentioned in the comment)? Chrome adds the Accept header application/xml to the request...
If I add "application/json" to the content type header, it should return JSON
Try setting the 'Accept' header instead.
If I create a JsonFormatter and add it in Application_Start GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.Insert(0, new JsonNetFormatter(serializerSettings)); It should do the trick. But I gathered this depreciated as none of the examples are working.
If the accept header of the request is application/xml, content negotiation will still pick the XmlMediaTypeFormatter and will return application/xml. One more thing, the formatter for JSON is called JsonMediaTypeFormatter, and it is already in position 0 of the Formatters collection.
If you only want JSON then clear the formatters collection of all its defaults and then add just the JSON one back in.
You don't need to remove xml support to get JSON response. For GET requests, you should set the Accept-header - not the Content-Type header. For other HTTP verbs, it depends. Fully explained here.
Use Google Chrome's Postman plugin to test REST APIs. Highly recommended :)
You can also write below in GLOBAL.ASAX
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"));
this also works for me.
Quoting Felipe Leusin (How do I get ASP.NET Web API to return JSON instead of XML using Chrome?)
I just add the following in App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs class in my MVC Web API project.
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html") );
That makes sure you get json on most queries, but you can get xml when you send text/xml.
If you need to have the response Content-Type as application/json please check Todd's answer below: