I'm a beginner and don't know how to go about it. I have a "state" collection and a sub-collection "city". The city has a people field with the amount of people. How to download the number of people in a city and display it in the country view.
enter image description here
enter image description here
const getData = () => {
querySnapshot => {
const countryData = [];
let total = 0;
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
countryData.push({...doc.data(), id: doc.id});
querySnapshot => {
const itemPeople = [];
let totalPeople = 0;
querySnapshot.forEach(doc2 => {
totalPeople += doc2.data().people;
error => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Here is the example how you can get the people value
const result = firebase
.doc("your user's UID")
.then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(queryDocumentSnapshot => {
.catch(err => {
what exactly is happening is when i select the delivery service onChangeService i'm setting the next dropdown i.e. carrier's list.Also i'm setting the selected carrier as per the service.But all the time value is getting set correctly in {this.state.selectedCarrierName} but still i can show its label only.lists contain label an value pair
async onChangeService(value) {
//{ ...this.props.deliveryOptionsValue, selected: value.value === value }
this.setState({ newCarrierList: [], selectedCarrierName: '', selectedCararierName: '' });
const priceDeliveryService = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.priceDeliveryServiceDTOs;
console.log("carriers", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
var newList = [];
var carrier = '';
await priceDeliveryService.forEach(m => {
console.log("compare", m.serviceId === value.id);
if (m.serviceId === value.id) {
console.log("carrier", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
let l = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carriers.filter(n => n.id === m.carrierId);
console.log("l", l);
if (l !== undefined) {
// / orderList: [...this.state.orderList, ...content]
// this.setState({ newCarrierList: [...this.state.newCarrierList, ...l[0]] });
console.log("defa", newList);
if (m.defaultCarrierService) {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: l[0], selectedCarrierName: l[0].name });
carrier = l[0].name;
} else {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: newList[0], selectedCarrierName: newList[0].name });
carrier = newList[0].name;
const list = newList.map(item => ({
label: item.name,
value: item
this.setState({ newCarrierListValue: list, newCarrierList: newList })
console.log("newCarrierListValue", list);
console.log("newCarrierList", newList);
// console.log("carrier service", p.carrierName, value.id);
const carrierServices = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carrierServiceDTO;
const pi = await this.setCarrierService(carrierServices, value, carrier);
// let pi;
// for (let i = 0; i < carrierServices.length; i++) {
// console.log("if", carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId == value.id, carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier)
// if (carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId == value.id && carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier) {
// console.log("mathced data", carrierServices[i]);
// pi = carrierServices[i];
// console.log(pi);
// break;
// }
// }
this.setState({ carrierService: pi.serviceName, carrierServices: carrierServices });
<Dropdown required
label="Select delivery option"
// enableSearch
onChange={(value) => {
console.log(" change value", value);
this.setState({ selectedDeliveryOptionName: value.name, selectedDeliveryOption: value, deliveryOptionError: false, });
}} />
label="Select a carrier"
// selectedValue={this.state.selectedCarrierName}
onChange={value => {
// console.log("value", value);
this.setState({ selectedCarrierName: value.name, selectedCarrier: value });
this.onChangeCarrier(value, this.state.selectedDeliveryOption);
}} />
How can we show the persist the searched word in searched box.
Results in image are after refreshing by using local storage but how we can also show the searched name?
I want to display the supplier name also after refresh. If anyone have other solution than please share it.
<ag-grid-vue v-if="current_status == 'All'" style="width: 100%; height: 600px;clear: both"
class="ag-theme-alpine ag-grid-status-bg-color" :columnDefs="fields" :defaultColDef="defaultColDef"
#grid-ready="onGridReady" #cell-value-changed="onCellValueChanged" #cell-double-clicked="cellDoubleClicked"
:suppressRowClickSelection="true" :rowSelection="rowSelection" :allowContextMenuWithControlKey="true"
:getContextMenuItems="getContextMenuItems" #selection-changed="onSelectionChanged"
:rowModelType="rowModelType" :serverSideStoreType="serverSideStoreType" :pagination="true"
:paginationPageSize="paginationPageSize" :cacheBlockSize="cacheBlockSize">
onGridReady(params) {
this.gridApi = params.api;
let that = this;
const dataSource = {
getRows(params) {
const { endRow, filterModel, sortModel } = params.request
let perPage = 15;
const page = endRow / perPage;
let location_id = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('location_id'));
let url = `/api/purchase/All?location_id=${location_id}&`
if (sortModel.length > 0) {
url += `sort=${sortModel[0].colId}=${sortModel[0].sort}&`
// Filter
const filterKeys = Object.keys(filterModel);
filterKeys.forEach(filter => {
url += `${filter}=${filterModel[filter].filter}&`
localStorage.setItem('supplier_name', `${filterModel[filter].filter}`);
let user = localStorage.getItem('supplier_name')
if (user) url = `/api/purchase/All?supplier_name=` + user + `&`
// Pagination
url += `per_page=${perPage}&page=${page}`
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(response => {
const arrayOfObj = Object.entries(response.data.data).map((e) => (e[1]));
params.successCallback(arrayOfObj, response.data.total);
.catch(error => {
TypeError: callback is not a function. (In 'callback(data)',
'callback' is an instance of Object)
The code here works just fine when I write it like this:
const onSelectFilterDone = (filter) => {
unsubscribe.current = listingsAPI.subscribeListings(
{ categoryId: category.id },
// { categoryId2: category2.id },
When i uncomment that other line, it breaks and gives me this error.
const onSelectFilterDone = (filter) => {
unsubscribe.current = listingsAPI.subscribeListings(
{ categoryId: category.id },
{ categoryId2: category2.id },
Here is the relevant snippet from listingsAPI (below) if it helps but this code works fine when there is only one object. Is there a specific way to make this work with two objects like above?
if (categoryId) {
return (
.where('categoryID', '==', categoryId)
.where('isApproved', '==', isApproved)
.onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
const data = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const listing = doc.data();
if (favorites && favorites[doc.id] === true) {
listing.saved = true;
data.push({ ...listing, id: doc.id });
if (categoryId2) {
return (
.where('categoryID2', '==', categoryId2)
.where('isApproved', '==', isApproved)
.onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
const data = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const listing = doc.data();
if (favorites && favorites[doc.id] === true) {
listing.saved = true;
data.push({ ...listing, id: doc.id });
You can combine your queries via this way if you want to have it optional:
let query = listingsRef.where('isApproved', '==', isApproved)
if (categoryId) {
query = query.where('categoryID', '==', categoryId)
if (categoryId2) {
query = query.where('categoryID2', '==', categoryId2)
The select box not showing sometimes the first color and sometimes not showing the first color.
How can i make it to show all the item in the select box?
I'm not getting for some reason all the promises
You can see the issue in the picture
Please help me to fix this issue i'm new to vue js
My code:
data() {
return {
propertiesTree: []
getPropertyGroups(objectId: number): void {
if (this.$data.currentObjectId === objectId)
let component: any = this;
this.$data.currentObjectId = objectId;
this.$store.dispatch('properties/getPropertyGroups', objectId)
.then(({ data, status }: { data: string | Array<propertiesInterfaces.PropertyGroupDto>, status: number }) => {
// console.log(data, "data");
// console.log(status, "status")
if (status === 500) {
message: data as string,
type: "error"
else {
let anyData = data as any;
anyData.map(item => {
item.properties.map(prop => {
if(prop.type.toString() === 'dictionary'){
prop.dictionaryList = [];
prop.color = '';
this.getWholeDictionaryList(prop.dictionaryId.value, prop)
getWholeDictionaryList(dictionaryId: number, prop: any){
this.$store.dispatch('dictionaries/getWholeDictionaryList', dictionaryId).then(
({ data, status }: { data: Array<any> |string , status: number }) => {
if (status === 500) {
message: data as string,
type: "error"
} else {
const arrData = data as Array<any>;
arrData.map((item,index) => {
prop.dictionaryList = [];
prop.dictionaryList = data;
this.getDictionaryItemColor(item.id.value, data, index, prop);
getDictionaryItemColor(dictionaryItemId:number, dictionaryList: Array<any>, index:number, current){
this.$store.dispatch('patterns/getDictionaryItemColor', dictionaryItemId).then((data: any, status: number) => {
if (status === 500) {
message: data as string,
type: "error"
} else{
if(current.dictionaryItemId.value === data.data.sceneObjectId)
current.color = data.data.colorString;
dictionaryList[index].color = data.data.colorString ? data.data.colorString: '#FFFFFF';
Html code of the select box
<el-select v-model="data.color" placeholder="Select">
v-for="item in data.dictionaryList"
I did return to dispatch
let dispatch = this.getWholeDictionaryList(prop.dictionaryId.value, prop)
let promiseArr = [];
after the map closing tag i did
Promise.all(promisArr).then( () => {
this.$data.propertiesTree = anyData;
And I've got it solved
I'm facing a pretty ugly issue that I'm not able to overcome by myself, I just don't get it.
A short summary of my app purpose: You can find food around and make orders to restaurant owners.
I wrote a helper function that allows me to decide if the restaurant is open or closed based on its schedule “horarioSemanal” property.
This function take the restaurants queried from firestore as arguments and depending in some conditions it decide which value of the property “disponible” (available) it deserves.
The thing is that it works pretty well! So well that I published the changes through expo, and as expo has updates over-the-air and I have my app in both apptore and Google play it reached all my users…
None of my users were able to use my app until I removed the changes because I was unable to detect the issue. In my simulator it worked 100% but when the app was deployed crashed almost instantly.
Testing, testing, and testing I finally come to the issue but I still can't figure out what the hell should I do to overcome this situation.
The app while I use the js debugger it works perfectly! but when I turned off this new module I wrote doesn't work.
I recorded a video so you can see the same I'm watching on my screen:
this is the action where im dispatching the action:
import { restaurantesHorarioValidado, validaDisponibilidadComidas } from '../../src/3-ResultadosComponents/Librerias/DisponibilidadHorario';
export const searchResultsInLocation = (ubicacion) => {
const db = firebase.firestore();
const docRef = db.collection('Restaurantes').where('abierto', '==', true).where(`zonaOperativa.zonaConsulta.${ubicacion}`, '==', true).get();
const restaurantesIDS = [];
return (dispatch) => {
const holder = [];
docRef.then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
restaurantes: restaurantesHorarioValidado(holder)
.then(() => {
const comidasRefs = [];
restaurantesIDS.forEach(restaurant => {
const ref = db.collection('Comidas').where('restaurantID', '==', `${restaurant}`).get();
return Promise.all(comidasRefs).then(results => {
const comidas = [];
results.forEach(resto => {
resto.forEach(comida => comidas.push(comida.data()));
comidas: validaDisponibilidadComidas(comidas, restaurantesHorarioValidado(holder))
.then(() => dispatch({
.catch(err => console.log('error; ', err));
here is how the reducer is handling the action:
return { ...state, comidas: action.comidas };
return { ...state, restaurantes: action.restaurantes };
this is the module I wrote and I'm using to create the object that the action creator send:
const diasDeSemana = ['Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miercoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sabado'];
const today = new Date().getDay();
const hoyAbre = (horario) => {
if (horario) {
const JornadaHoy = horario.find(jornada => jornada.dia == diasDeSemana[today]);
return JornadaHoy;
return false;
export const isRestaurantAvalaible = (horario) => {
const Today = new Date();
if (hoyAbre(horario)) {
//Si el restaurant abre hoy
//Evalua si está abierto
const horarioApertura = () => {
const nuevoDia = new Date(`${Today.getFullYear()}, ${Today.getMonth() + 1} ${Today.getDate()} ${hoyAbre(horario).horario.apertura}:00`);
return nuevoDia;
const horarioCierre = () => {
//Si horario de cierre es hoy
const nuevoDia = new Date(`${Today.getFullYear()}, ${Today.getMonth() + 1} ${Today.getDate()} ${hoyAbre(horario).horario.cierre}:00`);
//Si el horario de cierre de hoy es pasado las 00:00
const cierraTomorrow = new Date(`${Today.getFullYear()}, ${Today.getMonth() + 1} ${Today.getDate() + 1} ${hoyAbre(horario).horario.cierre}:00`);
if (nuevoDia.getHours() <= 8) {
return cierraTomorrow;
return nuevoDia;
const isNowOpen = Today.getTime() >= horarioApertura().getTime();
const isNowClosed = Today.getTime() >= horarioCierre().getTime();
//Si está abierto
if (isNowOpen && !isNowClosed) {
return { estado: 'abierto' };
//Si abre mas rato
if (hoyAbre(horario) && (Today.getTime() < horarioApertura())) {
return { estado: 'abre pronto', horarioApertura: horarioApertura() };
//Si ya cerró
if (isNowOpen && isNowClosed) {
return { estado: 'ya cerro', horarioCierre: horarioCierre() };
//Si hoy no abre
if (!hoyAbre(horario)) {
return { estado: 'No abre hoy' };
export const restaurantesHorarioValidado = (restaurantes) => {
const restaurantesModificados = restaurantes.map(restaurant => {
return { ...restaurant, disponible: isRestaurantAvalaible(restaurant.horarioSemanal) };
const restaurantesAbiertos = restaurantesModificados.filter(restaurant => restaurant.disponible.estado == 'abierto');
const restaurantesProximosAbrir = restaurantesModificados.filter(restaurant => restaurant.disponible.estado == 'abre pronto');
const restaurantesCerrados = restaurantesModificados.filter(restaurant => restaurant.disponible.estado == ('ya cerro' || 'No abre hoy'));
return [...restaurantesAbiertos, ...restaurantesProximosAbrir, ...restaurantesCerrados];
export const validaDisponibilidadComidas = (comidas, restaurantes) => {
//Se le agrega la propiedad "disponible" del restaurant dueño
const comidasModificadas = comidas.map(comida => {
const Owner = restaurantes.find(restaurant => restaurant.id == comida.restaurantID);
return { ...comida, disponible: Owner.disponible };
const comidasDisponibles = comidasModificadas.filter(comida => comida.disponible.estado == 'abierto');
const comidasProximosAbrir = comidasModificadas.filter(comida => comida.disponible.estado == 'abre pronto');
const comidasNoDisponibles = comidasModificadas.filter(comida => comida.disponible.estado == ('ya cerro' || 'No abre hoy'));
return [...comidasDisponibles, ...comidasProximosAbrir, ...comidasNoDisponibles];
this is the error I get once I turned off the js debugger:
[Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'restaurant.disponible.estado')]
Stack trace:
src/3-ResultadosComponents/Librerias/DisponibilidadHorario.js:65:98 in <unknown>
src/3-ResultadosComponents/Librerias/DisponibilidadHorario.js:65:62 in restaurantesHorarioValidado
store/actions/2-ResultadosActions.js:55:50 in <unknown>
node_modules/promise/setimmediate/core.js:37:14 in tryCallOne
node_modules/promise/setimmediate/core.js:123:25 in <unknown>
As it suggest there is some error with promises I tried making those functions work as promises. The errors disappear but the I didn't get the object back...
The question is this How the hell may this work just when the debugger it's on and not when it's turned off?
what should I do to get my life back?