I'm trying to write my cmake script as follows:
set(OUTPUT_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/static_init/generated/${target}/static_init.cpp")
set(DEP_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/static_init/input/${target}.d")
write_file(${DEP_FILE} "${OUTPUT_FILE}: ")
COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} myscript.py
I expect, that I will populate .d file during my script first launch and later custom command will be rerun only when one of files listed after colon will change.
Instead command is running during every compilation, even with empty dependencies list. Printing my own sources during cmake run also leads me to constant command rerunning. What am I doing (or understanding) wrong?
CMake 3.18.5
Ninja removes depfiles by default after reading them. This would cause the behavior you are seeing.
Problem was that DEPFILE option and target name inside depfile must be relative to build dir, not absolute paths.
ninja -d explain helped me to find it.
Let's assume I have a Cmake C project, and I have something like this in the project:
project(my_project C CXX ASM)
set(my_executable_sources ${my_executable_sources} file_two.c)
Let's assume I'm in the ./build subfolder, and cmake ../ -G "Unix Makefiles" has passed successfully.
Can I somehow query build information from the command line using cmake?
For instance, I'm interested here in the final list of source files for my_executable; is there a command that would easily retrieve them? Say, like the following pseudocode:
$ cmake --pseudo-query-build --project="my_project" --target="my_executable" --query="source_files"
my_executable source files:
I don't see any cmake-generator-independent way of achieving this and even if you know the generator in use the project files generated.
You could modify your project to include a custom target that prints the sources though:
add_custom_target(print_my_executable_sources COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:my_executable,SOURCES>" COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS)
this allows you to use
cmake --build <binary_dir> [--config <configuration>] --target print_my_executable_sources
to print the sources, even if generator expressions are used in the sources.
Note: This does print all files in a single line; to get all the file names on separate lines, you could instead run cmake with the -P option passing the soures via -D and add logic to print one file name per line in the cmake script file.
Alternatively setting the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS variable to True during configuration could result in the generation of json files that would allow for the extraction of the information, but you'd need a json parser to extract the info. Furthermore this approach only works for the Makefile and Ninja CMake generators. Also I'm not sure you can tell which target a source file belongs to in all cases.
Start by obtaining the target's sources via this line (after add_executable):
get_target_property(MY_TARGET_SOURCES my_executable SOURCES)
And then proceed with a simple line at the end of the file (after add_executable)
EDIT: For a full list of available target properties refer to this link.
EDIT2: As I've noticed now that you probably intend to just use it within the CLI, then for my solution you would also have to encapsulate it with a if/endif that checks for a definition e.g. if(SOURCES_DEBUG_INFO) and then run it with -DSOURCES_DEBUG_INFO=TRUE
Part of my source code is generated by a tool which is also built under our main project with a add_subdirectory. We execute this tool with a execute_process command. Clearly, if the tool is not built before we reach the execute_process statement it will fail.
I use a GLOB (file(GLOB...)) to find the source files generated. I do this because it is not possible to know beforehand how many files are generated, neither their names.
How do I force cmake to wait for the subproject to be compiled before the execute process? I would need something like a DEPENDS property for the execute_process but this option is not available.
# This subproject will source generator the tool
# I need something like: wait_for(generator)
execute_process(COMMAND generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
file(GLOB GeneratedSources ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp)
add_executable(mainprject.exe ${ProcessorSourceFiles}
Command execute_process executes its COMMAND immediately, at configuration stage. So it cannot be arranged after the executable is created with add_executable command: that executable will be built only at build stage.
You need to build subproject at configuration stage too. E.g. with
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
-S ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/generator
-B ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
--build ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator
The first command invokes cmake for configure the 'generator' project, located under ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/generator directory. With -G option we use for subproject the same CMake generator, as one used for the main project.
The second command builds that project, so it produces generator executable.
After generator executable is created, you may use it for your project:
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generator/<...>/generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
Here you need to pass absolute path to the generator executable as the first parameter to COMMAND: CMake no longer have generator executable target, so it won't substitute its path automatically.
You will need to model this with target dependencies. The tool "generator" should be a cmake target. In that case use add_custom_target instead of execute_process somthing like this:
add_custom_target(generate_sources ALL COMMAND generator ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src))
Then add a target dependency to "generator" using add_dependencies:
add_dependencies(generate_sources generator)
This will make sure your target "generate_sources", which runs the tool will only run during build after the target "generator" has been compiled.
The following is false, see the comments for more info:
Use add_dependencies to add a dependency from "mainproject.exe" to "generate_sources". Now this I have never tested, so take with a grain of salt: With CMake more recent than version 3.12, according to the entry on file, you should then be able to change your file command to:
file(GLOB GeneratedSources CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cpp)
Which I interpret as this will re-glob the files during build if the directory changes.
I've got my problem isolated to a very small two-sources project here: https://github.com/ennorehling/versioning/tree/v0.1
What I am trying to do is to not have a hard-coded version number in version.c, but to feed the version number into my build process from an external variable. See s/build for my build process: If $VERSION is defined, I want that to be the version number that the program prints. I achieve this by executing the command VERSION=1.2 s/build form the shell (or, if VERSION is undefined, by using the most recent tag from git).
The problem with this is that I run cmake .. -DVERSION=$VERSION every time I build, and that re-creates the Makefile, which causes a full rebuild. I would like to only rebuild version.o, since it is the only source file that depends on the version number. Building main.o (and in a real project, every other object, too) is unnecessary. I originally used add_definitions, which would add the -D compile switch to every source, and I thought set_source_files_properties was how I would be able to solve this, but since both object files are generated out of the same generated Makefile in build/CMakeFiles/version.dir/build.make, which gets touched by the cmake process. It seems that make errs on the safe side and just rebuilds everything?
Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree entirely, and just haven't found the correct CMake command for this, I don't know. Maybe there are other, proven ways to achieve what I'm trying to do? At this point, I've spent so much time on this, I'm not ashamed to ask for help.
I have found a way to work around this. The root problem here is that CMake create a Makefile for each library or executable target, and since my code only has one target, it was touching that Makefile every time. So the answer is to make a library target for version.c!
add_library(version OBJECT version.c)
add_executable(hello main.c $<TARGET_OBJECTS:version>)
this creates separate files in build/CMakeFiles/version.dir and build/CMakeFiles/hello.dir, and changes to the VERSION number only affect one of them, and the single target in it. The executable's dependencies are unchanged and don't get rebuilt, and only the linker step is executed, cutting down my build times as desired.
It's a bit clunky, but it works for me. New version of the project is here:
Edit: it turns out that Ubuntu Precise doesn't have CMake 2.8.8 yet, and the OBJECT option to add_library needs it. So instead, I have to actually create a library from that single object file and link it, like this:
add_library(version version.c)
add_executable(hello main.c)
target_link_libraries(hello version)
Not a huge deal, but a little annoying.
In your case you don't need to reconfigure every time. Once the make/build environment is written the problem can be reduced to a simple "has the file changed" problem that is checked by make itself.
So I probably would just generate the version.c inside your build script (and add this file to your .gitignore or alternatively directly generate it into the build directory):
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
VERSION=$(git describe --tags --match "v*.*")
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
echo "const char *version(void) { return \"${VERSION}\"; }" > version.c~
if cmake -E compare_files version.c~ version.c
cmake -E remove version.c~
cmake -E rename version.c~ version.c
if ! [ -d build ]; then
cmake -E make_directory build
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(version C)
add_executable(version version.c main.c)
const char *version(void) { return "1.0.0"; }
#include "stdio.h"
const char *version(void);
void main(void) {
This seems to be a bug in the CMake Unix Makefile generator. I tried your (original) code example using the Ninja generator, and ninja manages to avoid rebuilding main.c if you only change the version number.
What I wanted to do is call
and be done with it. Unfortunately it is not that simple. There is a huge buildscript which detects various opengl settings. So I tried the following
CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/oglplus/configure.py --use-glew
The problem that I have is don't really want to build it like that. It also doesn't build correctly because for some reason it wants to install the library and because there is no install target it will abort the compilation.
But the build script is calling cmake under the hood.
So what I want to do is to tell cmake to use "cofigure.py" instead of "cmake .." and then use it like any other cmake library.
Is this possible?
I used to call Linux Kernel KBuild from CMake using
This way you can run arbitrary commands (like your config.py) and use the output.
First setup the command with all command-line options as CMake-variables, in tou case this would be calling the config.py script ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/oglplus/.
Instead of encoding the Path to your script in the command (adding ext/oglplus) I think it may be better adding WORKING_DIRECTORY to the custom command:
Add a custom command that calls your build-script and creates a file in the CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIRECTORY (note the second COMMAND to touch a file)
OUTPUT ${module_name}.built
COMMAND cmake -E touch ${module_name}.built
COMMENT "Kernel make modules ${module_name}"
Add a custom target, its always out of date, but if you want it to be called automatically add ALL otherwise you have to explicityly call make module_build, I guess this is what you want.
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET("${module_name}_build" ALL
DEPENDS ${depends_module_ksyms}
COMMENT "Building Kernel Module ${module_name}"
I am trying to use Ninja + CMake to build a project.
This project has a custom target that takes additional arguments.
E.g. make target option=value
It works fine in make, however I am not sure how to get Ninja to take in additional command line arguments.
Is this possible with a Ninja build?
I don't think it's possible to do directly through Ninja. I just scanned through the Ninja documentation to double check and didn't see anything.
Instead, you could modify CMake cache variables via CMake (see cmake -D and cmake -L). That way you could change your build on the fly, or create a few different build directories with different settings in each one.