How to mock a "template<class T> QSharedPointer<T>" class function with gmock - googletest

i am trying to mock a class function that is a
template<class T> QSharedPointer<T>
I checked a bit on StackOverflow but others examples are really complicated.
Here is my class function:
template<class T> QSharedPointer<T> getObjectWithId ( int id )
QSharedPointer<SqlObject> obj = getObjectWithId ( T::staticMetaObject.className(), id );
return qSharedPointerCast<T> ( obj );
I would like to mock this function like this
class MockingSqlConnector : public SqlObjectFactory
MOCK_METHOD ( auto, getObjectWithId, ( int id ), ( override ) );
I get the error: overloaded function "SqlObjectFactory::getObjectWithId" is not a type name


how to copy a data class

This is a duplicator, I want to copy the data class
data class A(
val name:String
data class B(
val name:String
class Replicator{
companion object {
fun copy(source:Any):Any?{
return source.copy()
return null
var copyList = arrayOf(A("1"),A("2"),B("1"),B("2")).map {
source.copy()could not be compiled
Is there any good way to achieve it?
I have a list of data class and I need a copy of it

Typescript how to declare a function that returns a lowest common denominator type?

i want declare a function that returns a common type or its extended type
interface Common {
id: number;
interface AdditionalInformation extends Common {
myname: string;
Surely the function returns an object containing the id property
and wishing it could also return the myname property
I tried to declare the function like this:
export class Lib {
public static lowestCommonDenominator <T extends Common>(): Common {
const a: Common = { id: 1 };
return a;
public static firstCaseFunction(): Common {
const ok: Common = this.lowestCommonDenominator();
return ok;
public static secondCaseFunction(): AdditionalInformation {
// Property 'myname' is missing in type 'Common' but required in type 'AdditionalInformation'.ts(2741)
const ko: AdditionalInformation = this.lowestCommonDenominator();
return ko;
But when I assign the function to an extended type, I get the error:
Property 'myname' is missing in type 'Common' but required in type
Is it possible to implement what I want?
This code snippet removes the error
export class Lib {
public static lowestCommonDenominator <T extends Common>(): T {
const a: Common = { id: 1 };
return a as T;
public static firstCaseFunction(): Common {
const ok: Common = this.lowestCommonDenominator();
return ok;
public static secondCaseFunction(): AdditionalInformation {
const ko: AdditionalInformation = this.lowestCommonDenominator<AdditionalInformation>();
return ko;

Kotlin: IllegalAccessException: Class BlockJUnit4ClassRunner can not access a member of class Foo with modifiers “private”

Using Kotlin with Junit 4 I get the following exception for Parameter field injection:
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters can not access a member of class MyTestClass with modifiers "private"
Here's the code:
class MyTestClass {
val mockitoRule: MockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule()
companion object {
#Parameters(name = "{0}")
fun testData() = listOf(
arrayOf(1, 1),
arrayOf(2, 2),
arrayOf(3, 3)
var input: Int = 0 // Public
var expected: Int = 0 // Public
fun foo() {
assertEquals(expected, input)
Any ideas?
Tl;dr: Adding #JvmField to both fields solved the problem.
Like so:
var input: Int = 0
var expected: Int = 0
Explanation: By default, Kotlin will make the fields private and generate getters/setters as can be seen from the decompiled java code below, as a result JUnit won't be able to read the private fields hence the message: can not access a member of class MyTestClass with modifiers "private"
private int input;
private int expected;
public final int getInput() {
return this.input;
public final void setInput(int var1) {
this.input = var1;
public final int getExpected() {
return this.expected;
public final void setExpected(int var1) {
this.expected = var1;

Why Kotlin function with default parameters creates a method with unused parameter

See this example code in Kotlin:
fun foo(bar: Int = 0, baz: Int) {
/* ... */
After decompiling it to Java code (Tools -> Kotlin -> Show Kotlin Bytecode -> Decompile) I got the following code
public static final void foo(int bar, int baz) {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public static void foo$default(int var0, int var1, int var2, Object var3) {
if ((var2 & 1) != 0) {
var0 = 0;
foo(var0, var1);
I noticed that the resulting Java method has an unused Object var3 parameter.
I kind of thought that it may be related to functions in a class but when decompiling this code
class Foo {
fun foo(bar: Int = 0, baz: Int) {
/* ... */
I got this code
public final class Foo {
public final void foo(int bar, int baz) {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public static void foo$default(Foo var0, int var1, int var2, int var3, Object var4) {
if ((var3 & 1) != 0) {
var1 = 0;
}, var2);
As you can see the Object parameter is still unused and just sits there.
Upon additional tests I noticed the same behavior for extension methods. The same goes when the default parameter is last (i.e. fun foo(bar: Int, baz: Int = 0) {})
I've also done a basic test to check what is that value set to when calling that function using the code below
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
foo(baz = 2)
class Something {
init {
foo(baz = 2)
After decompiling it I got the following code
public static final void main(#NotNull String[] args) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(args, "args");
foo$default(0, 2, 1, (Object)null);
public final class Something {
public Something() {$default(0, 2, 1, (Object)null);
Which makes even less sense whatsoever.
My question is: Why does Kotlin generate an unused parameter for functions with default parameters? Is it a bug?
According to this, currently it's unused, but is reserved for adding super calls with defaults later.
You can see it in action here:
open class Foo {
open fun foo(bar: Int = 0, baz: Int) {
/* ... */
class Blah: Foo() {
override fun foo(bar: Int, baz: Int) {
which will generate a bytecode-to-Java Foo of:
public class Foo {
public void foo(int bar, int baz) {
// $FF: synthetic method
// $FF: bridge method
public static void foo$default(Foo var0, int var1, int var2, int var3, Object var4) {
if(var4 != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Super calls with default arguments not supported in this target, function: foo");
} else {
if((var3 & 1) != 0) {
var1 = 0;
}, var2);

OOP question involving the best way to reference a base class protected variable without having to typecast every-time it is used

I have a quick OOP question and would like to see how others would approach this particular situation. Here it goes:
Class A (base class) -> Class B (extends Class A)
Class C (base class) -> Class D (extends Class C)
Simple so far right? Now, Class A can receive an instance of Class C through its constructor. Likewise, Class B can receive an instance of either class C or Class D through its constructor. Here is a quick snippet of code:
Class A
protected var _data:C;
public function A( data:C )
_data = data;
Class B extends A
public function B( data:D )
super( data );
Class C
public var someVar:String; // Using public for example so I don't need to write an mutator or accessor
public function C() { } // empty constructor for example
Class D extends C
public var someVar2:String; // Using public for example so I don't need to write an mutator or accessor
public function D() { super(); } // empty constructor for example
So, let's say that I am using class B. Since _data was defined as a protected var in Class A as type C, I will need to typecast my _data variable to type D in class B every time I want to use it. I would really like to avoid this if possible. I'm sure there is a pattern for this, but don't know what it is. For now, i'm solving the problem by doing the following:
Class B extends A
private var _data2:D;
public function B( data:D )
super( data );
_data2 = data;
Now, in class B, I can use _data2 instead of typecasting _data to type D every-time I want to use it. I think there might be a cleaner solution that others have used. Thoughts?
I think B doesn't take C or D... in order for it to do what you wrote it should be
public function B( data:C )
super( data );
At least as far as I used to know :)
I doubt you can use a downwards inheritance in your case.
As for the pattern, the best one to use in situations like these is Polymorphism. Alternatively, depending on language, you can use interfaces. Or if languages allow it, even a combination of conventional code and templates.
Most modern OO languages support covariant of return type, that is: an overriding method can have a return type that is a subclass of the return type in the original (overridden) method.
Thus, the trick is to define a getter method in A that will return C, and then have B override it, such that it returns D. For this to work the variable _data is immutable: it is initialized at construction time, and from that point it does not change its value.
Class A {
private var _data:C;
public function A(data:C) {
_data = data;
public function getData() : C {
return _data;
// No function that takes a C value and assigns it to _data!
Class B extends A {
public function B(data:D) {
public function getData() : D { // Override and change return type
return (D) super.getData(); // Downcast only once.
This how I usually write it in Java:
public class A {
private final C data;
public A(C data) { = data; }
public C getData() { return data; }
public class B extends A {
public B(D data) { super(data); }
public D getData() { return (D) super.getData(); }