I am trying to code on HackerRank IDE for an assessment. I couldn't be able to install npm packages globally.
npm install #uiw/react-monacoeditor --save
npm i #uiw/react-monacoeditor
What is the difference between following npm install statements when to use --save flag?
Currently they will not differ at all. Since NPM 5 packages are automatically saved into package.json dependencies when installed.
npm I is the short version of npm install so that part of the command does not differ at all either.
You can read more about the install command here: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm-install
And there is does say “ npm install saves any specified packages into dependencies by default.”
I have a web application with some packages defined in package.json after I run npm install all dependencies are resolved. However when I add some packages after that to package.json and run npm install again nothing happens. I did the work around by typing npm install --save lodash and it downloaded the dependency and updated packages.json. It works, but let's imagine the scenario when I want to add 10 or more packages. Then it would be easier for me to just add them to package.json and run npm install but this does not work :/. So what would be the solution for the problem off adding more packages after initial npm install?
Node version: v8.1.3
npm version: 5.03
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
I following this link https://github.com/rmourato/Mvc5-Aurelia
I can not install jspm and run project
I already install nodejs
Can anyone help me on this.
Next to nodejs (which installs npm) you also need to install gulp and jspm.
So change into the Mvc5-Aurelia/Aurelia directory and run:
npm install
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g jspm
More details here: https://github.com/rmourato/Mvc5-Aurelia/tree/master/Mvc5-Aurelia/Aurelia under Running the App
After that you can run gulp watch
I have a React-Native project and I'm trying to install certain npm modules in my project.
However, when I try to do so from the command line, the packages says it is installed correctly, but it is not appearing in the packages.json dependency.
For instance, I installed react-relay using npm install react-relay.
The package looks to have installed correctly. But I check my packages.json and react-relay is not in there.
I have tried react-native link, and the packages are not coming up.
What is going on?
you would need to use the "save" option: npm install react-relay --save
You need to add save option
npm install react-relay --save
npm i react-relay --s
To remove node module from package.json file
npm uninstall react-relay --save
Here is documentation for npm install
pretty new to grunt and just trying to use uncss. Notice their is 2 way to install it with npm:
npm install uncss --save-dev and
npm install grunt-uncss --save-dev.
Besides one using phantom.js is their any difference ?? Pretty confused here.
Those are actually for two different packages:
npm install uncss --save-dev is for the uncss npm package.
npm install grunt-uncss --save-dev is for the grunt plugin for uncss
The difference between the two
One you can use with Grunt.js (grunt-uncss), the other you can't (without writing your own task that calls the module)