PINN : Learning parameters through gradient descent does not lead to appropriate values and decrease quality of learning - tensorflow

I'm trying to implement a Physical Informed Neural Network. The differential part in the loss did bring some improvment (compare to the classical neural net) in the (supposed) unknown area. This unknown area is actually known but I just removed them from training and testing data set to check performance of PINN vs other technics. Here is the code I m using :
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(units=64, activation='relu', input_shape=(2,)),
layers.Dense(units=64, activation='relu'),
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
objective = tf.keras.losses.Huber()
metric = tf.keras.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError()
w_phys = 0.5
w_loss = 1.0 - w_phys
with tf.device('gpu:0'):
for epoch in range(epochs):
cumulative_loss_train = 0.0
for mini_batch, gdth in dataset:
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
# Physics loss
predictions_unkwon = model(unknown_area_SOCP_tensor, training=True)
d_f = tape.gradient(predictions_unkwon, unknown_area_SOCP_tensor)
# Physics part with P #
dp = tf.convert_to_tensor(1/((K*unknown_area_SOCP_tensor[:,0]+L)**2-4*R*unknown_area_SOCP_tensor[:,1]), dtype = np.float64)
phys_loss_p = 10*tf.cast(tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.square(d_f[:,1]**2 - dp)), np.float32)
# Traditionall loss #
predictions = model(mini_batch, training=True)
loss = objective(gdth, predictions)
# Compute grads #
grads = tape.gradient(w_loss*loss + w_phys*(phys_loss_p), model.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
cumulative_loss_train += loss
metric.update_state(gdth, predictions)
del tape
So far so good. K, R and L were fixed parameter.
Next step was to assume they were unknwon and try to figure out if we could learn them.
I tried first by focusing only on R parameter. Here is the code used :
with tf.device('gpu:0'):
for epoch in range(epochs):
cumulative_loss_train = 0.0
for mini_batch, gdth in dataset:
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
# Physics loss
predictions_unkwon = model(unknown_area_SOCP_tensor, training=True)
d_f = tape.gradient(predictions_unkwon, unknown_area_SOCP_tensor)
# Physics part with P #
dp = tf.convert_to_tensor(1/((K*unknown_area_SOCP_tensor[:,0]+L)**2-4*R*unknown_area_SOCP_tensor[:,1]), dtype = np.float64)
phys_loss_p = 10*tf.cast(tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.square(d_f[:,1]**2 - dp)), np.float32)
# Traditionall loss #
predictions = model(mini_batch, training=True)
loss = objective(gdth, predictions)
# Compute grads #
grads = tape.gradient(w_loss*loss + w_phys*(phys_loss_p), model.trainable_variables + [R])
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables + [R]))
cumulative_loss_train += loss
metric.update_state(gdth, predictions)
del tape
But that lead to terrible result (like high loss and poor metric). Worse, the value of R has to be positive, and at the end of the training, R was estimated as a negative value...
I'm quite confident on the equation since I have checked a lot of time, and it seems accurate compared to simulation software I'm using. Moreover, the equation brought value to the learning (as predictions on the unknwon were way better).
Did I miss something here ?
Thanks for your help !

I post my answer here in case this may help someone one day.
My issue came from gradient value which was too high. Clipping gradients finally solved my issue.


Computing derivative wrt to the input of a network with batchnormalization : training vs inference time

I am noticing a different behavior when I try to compute the derivative of a network output with respect to its input when this network has a Batch Normalization layer.
More specifficaly the derivative are equal to 0 when setting training = True, which I think shouldn't be the case.
At inference time the behavior is as I expected. See the code below :
import tensorflow as tf
x =tf.constant([[1.],[2.],[3.]])
class model_bn(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(model_bn, self).__init__()
# I am setting the momentum to 0 so that batch mean and variance are equal to moving mean and variance
self.batchnorm0 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(input_shape=(1,), axis = 1, momentum=0.00, center = False, scale = False)
def call(self, inputs):
x = inputs
x = self.batchnorm0(x)
return 10.*x
model = model_bn()
# Computing the derivative at training time
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# calling the model with training = True implies that the moving mean and variance are computed
y = model(x, training = True)
y_x = tape.gradient(y, x)
print(model.batchnorm0.moving_mean, model.batchnorm0.moving_variance)
print(y, y_x) # y_x = [[0.], [0.], [0.]]
# Computing the derivative at inference time
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y = model(x, training = False) # with training = False we use the moving mean and variance instead of the batch mean and variance but here with momentum = 0.00 they should be the same
# y = tf.reshape(y[:,0],(y.shape[0],1))
y_x = tape.gradient(y, x)
print(y, y_x)
I would expect in both cases that the derivative would be equal to :
10./sqrt(var + epsilon)
where var is either the moving variance or the batch variance (which I think should be the same here) and epsilon is a constant set to 0.001 by default.
What I am missing here?

Tensorflow Eager Execution does not work with Learning Rate decay

trying here to make an eager exec model work with LR decay, but no success. It seems to be a bug, since it appear that the learning rate decay tensor does not get updated. If I am missing something can you land a hand here. Thanks.
The code bellow is learning some word embeddings. However, the learning rate decay section does not work at all.
class Word2Vec(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size, num_sampled=NUM_SAMPLED):
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.num_sampled = num_sampled
self.embed_matrix = tfe.Variable(tf.random_uniform(
[vocab_size, embed_size]), name="embedding_matrix")
self.nce_weight = tfe.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(
[vocab_size, embed_size],
stddev=1.0 / (embed_size ** 0.5)), name="weights")
self.nce_bias = tfe.Variable(tf.zeros([vocab_size]), name="biases")
def compute_loss(self, center_words, target_words):
"""Computes the forward pass of word2vec with the NCE loss."""
embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embed_matrix, center_words)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.nce_loss(weights=self.nce_weight,
return loss
def gen():
yield from word2vec_utils.batch_gen(DOWNLOAD_URL, EXPECTED_BYTES,
def main():
dataset =, (tf.int32, tf.int32),
tf.TensorShape([BATCH_SIZE, 1])))
global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
starter_learning_rate = 1.0
end_learning_rate = 0.01
decay_steps = 1000
learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step.numpy(),
decay_steps, end_learning_rate,
train_writer = tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer('./checkpoints')
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=0.95)
model = Word2Vec(vocab_size=VOCAB_SIZE, embed_size=EMBED_SIZE)
grad_fn = tfe.implicit_value_and_gradients(model.compute_loss)
total_loss = 0.0 # for average loss in the last SKIP_STEP steps
checkpoint_dir = "./checkpoints/"
checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "ckpt")
root = tfe.Checkpoint(optimizer=optimizer,
while global_step < NUM_TRAIN_STEPS:
for center_words, target_words in tfe.Iterator(dataset):
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(100):
if global_step >= NUM_TRAIN_STEPS:
loss_batch, grads = grad_fn(center_words, target_words)
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss_batch)
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate)
# print(grads)
# print(len(grads))
total_loss += loss_batch
optimizer.apply_gradients(grads, global_step)
if (global_step.numpy() + 1) % SKIP_STEP == 0:
print('Average loss at step {}: {:5.1f}'.format(
global_step.numpy(), total_loss / SKIP_STEP))
total_loss = 0.0
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note that when eager execution is enabled, the tf.Tensor objects represent concrete values (as opposed to symbolic handles of computation that will occur on calls).
As a result, in your code snippet above, the line:
learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step.numpy(),
decay_steps, end_learning_rate,
is computing the decayed value once, using the global_step at the time it was invoked, and when the optimizer is being created with:
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=0.95)
it is being given a fixed learning rate.
To decay the learning rate, you'd want to invoke tf.train.polynomial_decay repeatedly (with updated values for global_step). One way to do this would be to replicate what is done in the RNN example, using something like this:
starter_learning_rate = 1.0
learning_rate = tfe.Variable(starter_learning_rate)
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=0.95)
while global_step < NUM_TRAIN_STEPS:
# ....
learning_rate.assign(tf.train.polynomial_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps, end_learning_rate, power=0.5))
This way you've captured the learning_rate in a variable that can be updated. Furthermore, it's simple to include the current learning_rate in the checkpoint as well (by including it when creating the Checkpoint object).
Hope that helps.

Backpropagation Using Tensorflow and Numpy MSE not Dropping

I am trying to create a Backpropagation but I do not want to use the GradientDescentOptimizer from TF. I just wanted to update my own weights and biases. The problem is that the Mean Square Error or Cost is not approaching to zero. It just stays at some 0.2xxx. Is it because of my inputs which are 520x1600 (yes, each input has 1600 units and yes, there are 520 of them) or my number of neurons in the Hidden Layer is problematic? I have tried implementing this using the GradientDescentOptimizer and minimize(cost) which is working fine (Cost reduces near to zero as training goes on) but maybe I have an issue in my code of updating the weights and biases.
Here's my code:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from BPInputs40 import pattern, desired;
#get the inputs and desired outputs, 520 inputs, each has 1600 units
train_in = pattern
train_out = desired
num_input_neurons = len(train_in[0])
num_output_neurons = len(train_out[0])
num_hidden_neurons = 20
#weight matrix initialization with random values
w_h = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([num_input_neurons, num_hidden_neurons]), dtype=tf.float32)
w_o = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([num_hidden_neurons, num_output_neurons]), dtype=tf.float32)
b_h = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, num_hidden_neurons]), dtype=tf.float32)
b_o = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, num_output_neurons]), dtype=tf.float32)
# Model input and output
x = tf.placeholder("float")
y = tf.placeholder("float")
def sigmoid(v):
return tf.div(tf.constant(1.0),tf.add(tf.constant(1.0),tf.exp(tf.negative(v*0.001))))
def derivative(v):
return tf.multiply(sigmoid(v), tf.subtract(tf.constant(1.0), sigmoid(v)))
output_h = tf.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x,w_h),b_h))
output_o = tf.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(output_h,w_o),b_o))
error = tf.subtract(output_o,y) #(1x35)
mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(error))
delta_w_o=tf.matmul(tf.transpose(output_h), delta_o)
#updating the weights
train = [
tf.assign(w_h, tf.subtract(w_h, tf.multiply(learning_rate, delta_w_h))),
tf.assign(b_h, tf.subtract(b_h, tf.multiply(learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean(delta_b_h, 0)))),
tf.assign(w_o, tf.subtract(w_o, tf.multiply(learning_rate, delta_w_o))),
tf.assign(b_o, tf.subtract(b_o, tf.multiply(learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean(delta_b_o, 0))))
sess = tf.Session()
err,target=1, 0.005
epoch, max_epochs = 0, 2000000
while epoch < max_epochs:
epoch += 1
err, _ =[mse, train],{x:train_in,y:train_out})
if (epoch%1000 == 0):
print('Epoch:', epoch, '\nMSE:', err)
answer = tf.equal(tf.floor(output_o + 0.5), y)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(answer, "float"))
print([output_o], feed_dict={x: train_in, y: train_out}));
print("Accuracy: ", (1-err) * 100 , "%");
Update: I got it working now. The MSE dropped to almost zero once I increased the number of neurons in the hidden layer. I tried using 5200 and 6400 neurons for the hidden layer and with just 5000 epochs, the accuracy was almost 99%. Also, the largest learning rate I used is 0.1 because when above that, the MSE will not be close to zero.
I'm not an expert in this field, but it looks like your weights are updated correctly. And the fact that your MSE decreases from some higher values to 0.2xxx is the strong indicator of that. I would definitely try to run this problem with way more hidden neurons (e.g. 500)
Btw, are your inputs normalized? If not, that obviously could be the reason

What is the proper way to weight decay for Adam Optimizer

Since Adam Optimizer keeps an pair of running averages like mean/variance for the gradients, I wonder how it should properly handle weight decay. I have seen two ways of implementing it.
Only update mean/variance from the gradients based on the objective loss, decay weight explicitly at each mini-batch. (the following code is taken from
weight[:] -= lr*mean/(sqrt(variance) + self.epsilon)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
if wd > 0.:
weight[:] -= (lr * wd) * weight
Update mean/variance from the gradients based on the objective loss + regularization loss, and update weights like usual. (the following code is taken from
grad = scalar<DType>(param.rescale_grad) * grad +
scalar<DType>(param.wd) * weight;
// stuff
Assign(out, req[0],
weight -
scalar<DType>( * mean /
(F<square_root>(var) + scalar<DType>(param.epsilon)));
These two approaches sometimes show significant difference in training results. And I actually think the first one makes more sense (and find it gives better results time to time). Caffe and old version of mxnet follow the first approach, while torch, tensorflow and new version of mxnet follow the second one.
Really appreciate your help!
Edit: see also this PR which just got merged into TF.
When using pure SGD (without momentum) as an optimizer, weight decay is the same thing as adding a L2-regularization term to the loss. When using any other optimizer, this is not true.
Weight decay (don't know how to TeX here, so excuse my pseudo-notation):
w[t+1] = w[t] - learning_rate * dw - weight_decay * w
loss = actual_loss + lambda * 1/2 sum(||w||_2 for w in network_params)
Computing the gradient of the extra term in L2-regularization gives lambda * w and thus inserting it into the SGD update equation
dloss_dw = dactual_loss_dw + lambda * w
w[t+1] = w[t] - learning_rate * dw
gives the same as weight decay, but mixes lambda with the learning_rate. Any other optimizer, even SGD with momentum, gives a different update rule for weight decay as for L2-regularization! See the paper Fixing weight decay in Adam for more details. (Edit: AFAIK, this 1987 Hinton paper introduced "weight decay", literally as "each time the weights are updated, their magnitude is also decremented by 0.4%" at page 10)
That being said, there doesn't seem to be support for "proper" weight decay in TensorFlow yet. There are a few issues discussing it, specifically because of above paper.
One possible way to implement it is by writing an op that does the decay step manually after every optimizer step. A different way, which is what I'm currently doing, is using an additional SGD optimizer just for the weight decay, and "attaching" it to your train_op. Both of these are just crude work-arounds, though. My current code:
# In the network definition:
with arg_scope([layers.conv2d, layers.dense],
# define the network.
loss = # compute the actual loss of your problem.
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
if args.weight_decay not in (None, 0):
with tf.control_dependencies([train_op]):
sgd = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=1.0)
train_op = sgd.minimize(tf.add_n(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)))
This somewhat makes use of TensorFlow's provided bookkeeping. Note that the arg_scope takes care of appending an L2-regularization term for every layer to the REGULARIZATION_LOSSES graph-key, which I then all sum up and optimize using SGD which, as shown above, corresponds to actual weight-decay.
Hope that helps, and if anyone gets a nicer code snippet for this, or TensorFlow implements it better (i.e. in the optimizers), please share.
I came across the same question. I think this code that I got from here will work for you. It implements the weight decay adam optimizer by inheritance from the tf.train.Optimizer. This is the cleanest solution I have found:
class AdamWeightDecayOptimizer(tf.train.Optimizer):
"""A basic Adam optimizer that includes "correct" L2 weight decay."""
def __init__(self,
"""Constructs a AdamWeightDecayOptimizer."""
super(AdamWeightDecayOptimizer, self).__init__(False, name)
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.weight_decay_rate = weight_decay_rate
self.beta_1 = beta_1
self.beta_2 = beta_2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.exclude_from_weight_decay = exclude_from_weight_decay
def apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None):
"""See base class."""
assignments = []
for (grad, param) in grads_and_vars:
if grad is None or param is None:
param_name = self._get_variable_name(
m = tf.get_variable(
name=param_name + "/adam_m",
v = tf.get_variable(
name=param_name + "/adam_v",
# Standard Adam update.
next_m = (
tf.multiply(self.beta_1, m) + tf.multiply(1.0 - self.beta_1, grad))
next_v = (
tf.multiply(self.beta_2, v) + tf.multiply(1.0 - self.beta_2,
update = next_m / (tf.sqrt(next_v) + self.epsilon)
# Just adding the square of the weights to the loss function is *not*
# the correct way of using L2 regularization/weight decay with Adam,
# since that will interact with the m and v parameters in strange ways.
# Instead we want ot decay the weights in a manner that doesn't interact
# with the m/v parameters. This is equivalent to adding the square
# of the weights to the loss with plain (non-momentum) SGD.
if self._do_use_weight_decay(param_name):
update += self.weight_decay_rate * param
update_with_lr = self.learning_rate * update
next_param = param - update_with_lr
return*assignments, name=name)
def _do_use_weight_decay(self, param_name):
"""Whether to use L2 weight decay for `param_name`."""
if not self.weight_decay_rate:
return False
if self.exclude_from_weight_decay:
for r in self.exclude_from_weight_decay:
if, param_name) is not None:
return False
return True
def _get_variable_name(self, param_name):
"""Get the variable name from the tensor name."""
m = re.match("^(.*):\\d+$", param_name)
if m is not None:
param_name =
return param_name
And you can use it in the following way (I have made some changes to make it useful in a more general context), This function will return a train_op that can be used in the Session:
def create_optimizer(loss, init_lr, num_train_steps, num_warmup_steps):
"""Creates an optimizer training op."""
global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
learning_rate = tf.constant(value=init_lr, shape=[], dtype=tf.float32)
# Implements linear decay of the learning rate.
learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay(
# Implements linear warmup. I.e., if global_step < num_warmup_steps, the
# learning rate will be `global_step/num_warmup_steps * init_lr`.
if num_warmup_steps:
global_steps_int = tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32)
warmup_steps_int = tf.constant(num_warmup_steps, dtype=tf.int32)
global_steps_float = tf.cast(global_steps_int, tf.float32)
warmup_steps_float = tf.cast(warmup_steps_int, tf.float32)
warmup_percent_done = global_steps_float / warmup_steps_float
warmup_learning_rate = init_lr * warmup_percent_done
is_warmup = tf.cast(global_steps_int < warmup_steps_int, tf.float32)
learning_rate = (
(1.0 - is_warmup) * learning_rate + is_warmup * warmup_learning_rate)
# It is recommended that you use this optimizer for fine tuning, since this
# is how the model was trained (note that the Adam m/v variables are NOT
# loaded from init_checkpoint.)
optimizer = AdamWeightDecayOptimizer(
tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
grads = tf.gradients(loss, tvars)
# You can do clip gradients if you need in this step(in general it is not neccessary)
# (grads, _) = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, clip_norm=1.0)
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(
zip(grads, tvars), global_step=global_step)
# Normally the global step update is done inside of `apply_gradients`.
# However, `AdamWeightDecayOptimizer` doesn't do this. But if you use
# a different optimizer, you should probably take this line out.
new_global_step = global_step + 1
train_op =, [global_step.assign(new_global_step)])
return train_op

Tensorflow: can not obtain same result mini-batch SGD optimizer compared to Kaldi nnet1

I am trying to build a Tensorflow example with a simple multl-layer
perceptron (MLP) functionality with one hidden layer. However, when I tested it and compared to other software e.g. Kaldi nnet1, the convergence during the training is not efficient, or cannot be comparable to Kaldi nnet1. I tried my best to make all the parameters the same (input, int target, batch size, learning rate, etc.), however, still confused where could be the reasons. Some pieces of codes are as follows:
self.weight = [tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([440, 8192],stddev=0.1))]
self.bias = [tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.01, shape=8192))]
self.weight.append( tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([8192, 8],stddev=0.1)) )
self.bias.append( tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.01, shape=8)) )
self.act = [tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.matmul(self.input, self.weight[0]) + self.bias[0] )]
self.nn_out = tf.matmul(self.act, self.weight[1]) + self.bias[1])
self.nn_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(self.nn_out)
self.nn_tgt = tf.placeholder("int64", shape=[None,])
self.cost_mean = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.nn_out, self.nn_tgt))
self.train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learn_rate).minimize(self.cost_mean)
# saver
self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
self.sess = tf.Session()
for epoch in xrange(20):
feats_tr, tgts_tr = shuffle(feats_tr, tgts_tr, random_state=777)
# restore the exisiting model
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(ckpt_dir)
if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
# mini-batch
tr_loss = []
for idx_begin in range(0,len(feats_tr), 512):
idx_end = idx_begin + batch_size
batch_feats, batch_tgts = feats_tr[idx_begin:idx_end],tgts_tr[idx_begin:idx_end]
_, loss_val =[self.train_step, self.cost_mean], feed_dict = {self.nn_in: batch_feats,
self.nn_tgt: batch_tgts,self.learn_rate: learn_rate})
# cross-validation
cv_loss = []
for idx_begin in range(0,len(feats_cv), 512):
idx_end = idx_begin + batch_size
batch_feats, batch_tgts = feats[idx_begin:idx_end],tgts[idx_begin:idx_end]
feed_dict = { self.nn_in: batch_feats,
self.nn_tgt: batch_tgts}))
print( "Avg Loss for Training: "+str(np.mean(tr_loss)) + \
" Avg Loss for Validation: "+str(np.mean(cv_loss)) )
# save model per epoch if np.mean(cv_loss) less than previous
if (epoch+1)%1==0:
if loss_new < loss:
loss = loss_new
print( "Model accepted in epoch %d" %(epoch+1) )
# save model to ckpt_dir with mdl_nam, mdl_nam, global_step=epoch+1)
print( "Model rejected in epoch %d" %(epoch+1) )
and I generated a simple annealing learning rate control as: if the average of cross-validation loss is not improved by a certain threshold, then halving the 'learn_late' with initial 0.008.
I checked all the parameters when compared to Kaldi nnet1, and the only difference now is the initialization parameters of weights and biases. I am not sure whether initialization will affect too much. However, the convergence in terms of 'cv_loss' during training in Tensorflow (Avg. CV Loss 1.99) is not good as Kaldi nnet1 (Avg. CV Loss 0.95). Can someone help to point out where I did something wrong or I missed something?
Many thanks in advance !!!
At each epoch, you call self.load(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) which seems to load previously saved weights.
Your model cannot learn if it is reset to the initial weights at each epoch.