Find parameters of scale and shape of a Weibull (& Gumbel & Frechet) given a mean and a percentile in R - optimization

I would like to know a way to determine the parameters of various distributions (Weibull, Frechet and Gumbel, but first Weibull) in R.
The data I have are the mean of the distribution and the percentile 99.5.
I have an Excel where this is solved with the solver, so I know this can be achieved but I don't find the way to do it in R.


Can't correctly factorize a polinomial whose coefficients have decimals (non-integer), how can maxima do it?

how are you?.
I'm trying to create a function that calculates the z-transform of a transfer function using the residues method but for that, I need the factors of the characteristic equation and the powers of the factors, so, in order to do that I tried to factorize polynomials with non-integer coefficients but after trying everything that I read I couldn't factorize make maxima to factorize those polynomials the way I need it.
For giving an example, I have this characteristic equation: "s·(s^2+0.1·s)", the factors should be "s^2" and "s + 0.1" but maxima allways gives me "(s^2·(10·s + 1))/10".
Why I'm signalling this?, well, as I learned that maxima treates the outputs equation as list so I can have its dimension and separate the factos by its positions in the list to measure the powers of the factors and do what I need, but like maxima gives me the result that is shown above then the dimension of the list is different and it will make my function to work differently and possibly have errors.
The result that is shown is given by maxima no matter if I use factor, gfactor, or expand or whatever other function that I found and I know that result is because maxima are rationalizing the polynomial before working with it but I don't need that behavior, I only need the pure factors, so, how can I have the result that I want?.
Thanks in advance for the help.

How to provide the Gekko Python with the first and second derivatives of the objective function?

I am trying to minimize the difference of a function with a data point over different time points. So the objective function is the sum of the squares of the difference between the model (my function) and the data points over different times.
My model has analytical first and second order derivatives. How can I provide these derivatives to Gekko Python?
There are several examples in the APMonitor webpage regarding parameter estimation. Please check the link below. It also provides the data and model that you can use for practice.
TCLab C - Parameter Estimation
You can also get the idea how to implement the higher order differential equations in GEKKO in the link below. You basically want to introduce additional variable which links the first derivative variable to the 2nd derivative variable. That way, you can collapse the higer order DE down into the multiple 1st order DEs.
Solve 2nd Order Differential Equation

Is multiple regression the best approach for optimization?

I am being asked to take a look at a scenario where a company has many projects that they wish to complete, but with any company budget comes into play. There is a Y value of a predefined score, with multiple X inputs. There are also 3 main constraints of Capital Costs, Expense Cost and Time for Completion in Months.
The ask is could an algorithmic approach be used to optimize which projects should be done for the year given the 3 constraints. The approach also should give different results if the constraint values change. The suggested method is multiple regression. Though I have looked into different approaches in detail. I would like to ask the wider community, if anyone has dealt with a similar problem, and what approaches have you used.
Fisrt thing we should understood, a conclution of something is not base on one argument.
this is from communication theory, that every human make a frame of knowledge (understanding conclution), where the frame construct from many piece of knowledge / information).
the concequence is we cannot use single linear regression in math to create a ML / DL system.
at least we should use two different variabel to make a sub conclution. if we push to use single variable with use linear regression (y=mx+c). it's similar to push computer predict something with low accuration. what ever optimization method that you's still low accuracy..., why...because linear regresion if you use in real life, it similar with predict 'habbit' base on data, not calculating the real condition.
that's means...., we should use multiple linear regression (y=m1x1+m2x2+ ... + c) to calculate anything in order to make computer understood / have conclution / create model of regression. but, not so simple like it. because of computer try to make a conclution from data that have multiple character / varians ... you must classified the data and the conclution.
for an example, try to make computer understood phitagoras.
we know that phitagoras formula is c=((a^2)+(b^2))^(1/2), and we want our computer can make prediction the phitagoras side (c) from two input values (a and b). so to do that, we should make a model or a mutiple linear regresion formula of phitagoras.
step 1 of course we should make a multi character data of phitagoras.
this is an example
a b c
3 4 5
8 6 10
3 14 etc..., try put 10 until 20 data
try to make a conclution of regression formula with multiple regression to predic the c base on a and b values.
you will found that some data have high accuration (higher than 98%) for some value and some value is not to accurate (under 90%). example a=3 and b=14 or b=15, will give low accuration result (under 90%).
so you must make and optimization....but how to do it...
I know many method to optimize, but i found in manual way, if I exclude the data that giving low accuracy result and put them in different group then, recalculate again to the data group that excluded, i will get more significant result. do again...until you reach the accuracy target that you want.
each group data, that have a new regression, is a new class.
means i will have several multiple regression base on data that i input (the regression come from each group of data / class) and the accuracy is really high, 99% - 99.99%.
and with the several class, the regresion have a fuction as a 'label' of the class, this is what happens in the backgroud of the automation computation. but with many module, the user of the module, feel put 'string' object as label, but the truth is, the string object binding to a regresion that constructed as label.
with some conditional parameter you can get the good ML with minimum number of data train.
try it on excel / libreoffice before step more further...
try to follow the tutorial from this video
and implement it in simple data that easy to construct in excel, like pythagoras.
so the answer is yes...the multiple regression is the best approach for optimization.

Fitting curves to a set of points

Basically, I have a set of up to 100 co-ordinates, along with the desired tangents to the curve at the first and last point.
I have looked into various methods of curve-fitting, by which I mean an algorithm with takes the inputted data points and tangents, and outputs the equation of the cure, such as the gaussian method and interpolation, but I really struggled understanding them.
I am not asking for code (If you choose to give it, thats acceptable though :) ), I am simply looking for help into this algorithm. It will eventually be converted to Objective-C for an iPhone app, if that changes anything..
I know the order of all of the points. They are not too close together, so passing through all points is necessary - aka interpolation (unless anyone can suggest something else). And as far as I know, an algebraic curve is what I'm looking for. This is all being done on a 2D plane by the way
I'd recommend to consider cubic splines. There is some explanation and code to calculate them in plain C in Numerical Recipes book (chapter 3.3)
Most interpolation methods originally work with functions: given a set of x and y values, they compute a function which computes a y value for every x value, meeting the specified constraints. As a function can only ever compute a single y value for every x value, such an curve cannot loop back on itself.
To turn this into a real 2D setup, you want two functions which compute x resp. y values based on some parameter that is conventionally called t. So the first step is computing t values for your input data. You can usually get a good approximation by summing over euclidean distances: think about a polyline connecting all your points with straight segments. Then the parameter would be the distance along this line for every input pair.
So now you have two interpolation problem: one to compute x from t and the other y from t. You can formulate this as a spline interpolation, e.g. using cubic splines. That gives you a large system of linear equations which you can solve iteratively up to the desired precision.
The result of a spline interpolation will be a piecewise description of a suitable curve. If you wanted a single equation, then a lagrange interpolation would fit that bill, but the result might have odd twists and turns for many sets of input data.

How to plot a Pearson correlation given a time series?

I am using the code in this website to implement a Pearson Correlation given two time series data like so:
require 'gsl'
pearson_correlation = GSL::Stats::correlation(
This returns a number such as -0.2352461593569471.
I'm currently using the highcharts library and am feeding it two sets of timeseries data. Given that I have a finite time series for both sets, can I do something with this number (-0.2352461593569471) to create a third time series showing the slope of this curve? If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it!
No, correlation doesn't tell you anything about the slope of the line of best fit. It just tells you approximately how much of the variability in one variable (or one time series, in this case) can be explained by the other. There is a reasonably good description here:
How you deal with the data in your specific case is highly dependent on what you're trying to achieve. Are you trying to show that variable X causes variable Y? If so, you could start by dropping the time-series-ness, and just treat the data as paired values, and use linear regression. If you're trying to find a model of how X and Y vary together over time, you could look at multivariate linear regression (I'm not very familiar with this, though).