adding braces under a matrix in word - pdf

hey everyone i have a small question i am converting some pdfs into word manually and therefore have to write equations by hand. so below attached is the image of a matrix having a curly bracket under it. now the issue is i have typed the matrix but i am unable to figure out how can i place a curly bracket under it. any leads would be appreciated..
hey everyone i have a small question i am converting some pdfs into word manually and therefore have to write equations by hand. so below attached is the image of a matrix having a curly bracket under it. now the issue is i have typed the matrix but i am unable to figure out how can i place a curly bracket under it. any leads would be appreciated...


Create variants of a document with corresponding labels for AI training

I am looking for an easy solution for the following problem:
I have to create variants of a document and export them as an image. This could be easily done with the MS Word Mail Merge, but I need the pixel positions of every text block in that document. The image as well as the pixel positions are input for an AI training.
At the moment I can think of several approaches:
Throw the MS Word Mail Merge output into an OCR and try to identify the positions of the text blocks by comparing them with the original text source.
Create the document with something like JS, Python or Visual Basic and save the exact positions of each inserted text block at the time of inserting.
Maybe use Visual Basic for Word to extract the text positions from the MS Word XML file that was created with the Mail Merge function.
Variant 1 seems to be overly complicated because it uses some kind of reverse engineering. Additionally, using an OCR even on a perfectly readible document can always be a source of error.
So variants 2 or 3 seem fine, but I don't know any libraries that fit the requirements and Visual Basic for Word is absolutely new territory for me.
I hope I described the problem well enough. If you want me to clarify something, please let me know.
I appreciate every idea and help! :)
Best Regards
Seems like someone already dislikes my post. Please let me know how I can improve before voting me down..
Anyway, I may have found a way to realize variant 2. This stackoverflow post references a Github Gist that extends the Python Image Library. It offers a function to write text on an image and also set a maximum width for the text box. The function also returns the final width and height of the drawn text box. Using this I will try to implement an algorithm that creates the document images as well as the label files.
Maybe this will also help someone else looking for the same thing.

How to substitude all "\t" (tab characters) with white space in a PDF

Hello i am trying to convert a pdf book about programming to mobi format with Calibre.
The problem I am facing is that the code blocks inside the converted version completely lose indentation.
I managed with a regular expression to correctly indent the lines that where indented using white spaces. I did so transforming every two white spaces to two non-breaking-spaces.
Some of the code blocks unfortunately are indented using the tab character, so the regular expression is not working in these cases.
I came to realize that during the conversion from pdf to mobi there is an intermediate step in which the pdf is converted to hmtl and there is when the tab information is lost because no special tag is being generated to carry this information.
So i think the best solution is to edit the very pdf itself and replace all the tab characters(\t) to two white spaces (\s\s). This way the regular expression i mentioned before will work for all the code block references and the code will be indented properly.
but i have no idea which software to use that has this functionality of substituting pdf elements.
I doubt that the 'tabs' are contained in the PDF as tabs. The 'tab' character (0x04 in ASCII) has no special significance in PDF, and in particular it does not move the current point, it simply draws a glyph. As a result, if you do (A\tB) what you will see when the PDF is rendered is 'AB'. Or 'A*B' where the * is some other character you didn't expect (often a square)
So you would probably actually have to convert current point movement operators into white space drawing There's no realistic way that can be automated, since no tool can tell where a movement was a 'tab' and where it was a reposition.
So you will need to do it manually.
The challenge here is that the page content stream is likely to be compressed, so the first thing you will have to do is decompress the PDF. There are a number of tools which will do this for you, MuPDF is one, I think pdftk is another.
Then you will need to locate the position where you want to insert space, this could be challenging, as the font may be re-encoded to something other than ASCII so it may be hard to identify the correct position. Once you've done that, you can insert the space(s) you want into the text strings, again bearing in mind that the font in use may be re-encoded, and subset. This means that a space may not be 0x20 and indeed the font may not even contain a space glyph. And of course you need to remove the operations to reposition the current point.
Finally, after you've modified the contents, you need to remember that PDF is a binary format, and the xref table contains the position of every element in the file. If you've edited the file its likely that you will have altered the length of one or more elements, which will change the offset of any following elements, so you will need to recalculate those and update the xref table.
I suspect you are going to find it easier to modify the conversion from PDF to HTML, or modify the HTML, than to try and alter the PDF file.

filledcurve with terminal pdf looks bad

There is a beautiful script producing a rectangle with rounded corners here:
It works so far and I'm able to adapt this example to my needs.
The problem is that it does not work properly in case of pdf output and I have no idea why .. there seems to be a problem with pdf and filledcurve in a way, that the area is not properly filled. Viewing the pdf you can clearly see that the filling consists of stripes and in between them are white lines separating them. It looks really bad on screen and on paper.
Again: the problem only occurs if the script is adapted to pdf output!
I've been working on this all day and still no clue how to fix this.
Does anyone see a way out? Or is it an inherent problem of the way curves are filled?

Is there a way to hide/get rid of indented space on sublime text?

When I'm working on a large project sometimes the layer of code gets very deep so it ends up like I've shown in the image.
I have tried deselecting the "Word Wrap" which is not what I'm looking for since it goes all the way across. I want certain word wrapping in my file but deselecting and setting "Word Wrap Column" didn't help.
Is there any other way to do this cause I see lot of spaces that's just wasted on my screen with this setup.

Can I insert exponents in a textbox (VB 2008-10)?

I have been Googling out for many days on how to solve a linear equation programatically. I have in my calculator app, a form frmLEquation and a textbox txtEquation where the user enters the equations like 2x^2 = 32. I searched many webpages but I could not find the exact answer. Here, how do I add an exponent, which is of smaller font size than the others to a variable for example 2x? I found this webpage here, but I don't know how to interpret the code.
Please help me with the above situation. In case you have doubts/clarifications etc, please respond back.
You will need to use a Rich Textbox instead of a regular textbox control.