facing issue in salesforce combobox option selection - webdriver-io

Dom structure of application
const verifyComboboxData = async (
elementDescription: string,
expectedText: string
): Promise<void> => {
const elementVal = getLocator(elementDescription);
console.log("before:="+ elementVal);
let elementLocator1: string=elementVal + "//input[#value="+'"'+expectedText+'"'+"]" +"/preceding-sibling::div";
console.log("datanew:="+ elementLocator1);
console.log("datanewAfter:="+ elementLocator1);
const elementValPath = await $(elementLocator1);
//await elementValPath.selectByVisibleText(expectedText.trim());
Even xpath is correct but during code execution display is showing not displayed error.tried multiple webelement fuction like selectIndex,selectbyvisibletext and selectbyattribute but nothing working
I am trying to automate salesforce combobox its get recognize by xpath but during execution its showing display error
Even xpath is correct but during code execution display is showing not displayed error.tried multiple webelement fuction like selectIndex,selectbyvisibletext and selectbyattribute but nothing working


playwright find child element(s) within locator

I'm trying to write a function to find child(ren) element(s) within a locator something like:
async findElements(locator: Locator){
return locator.querySelector(some/xpath/or/css);
However, I'm seeing the querySelector is not available in Locator. What is the equivalent of querySelector?
I figured it out,
I have just started working with playwright. So this may not be the exact answer that are looking for.
I am studying playwright with an existing repository.
In this scenario I just want to know that I am getting a list of cards back.
<div class="videos-grid">
<mat-card *ngFor="let video of videos" class="video-card">
I don't need a reference to a parent for this situation. I am able to simply reference the child by class videos-grid. This all exists inside of a angular's For loop. I know Svelte and other frameworks iterate through lists in different ways.
test.only('ngTube has header and cardList', async ({browser}) => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
const context = await browser.newContext();
await page.goto("http://localhost:4200/")
const title = await page.locator('.header-title').textContent();
const videoList = (await page.locator('.video-card').allTextContents()).length;
// await page.pause();
Because I want all text contents I can get everything with the classname '.video-card'.
I guess what I am getting at is as long as you can access an identifier you should be able to directly access it. As I run through the documentation more and scenarios I will update/add to this answer.

Automating mat-option in testcafe

Tried automating dropdown using the below methods but the dropdown values couldn't be selected.
Method 1:
const comboOption = Selector("mat-option").child("span").withExactText("Hello");
await t.click(comboOption);
Method 2:
ClientFunction(() => {
document.getElementsByClassName('mat-option-text')[0].innerText = 'Hello';
return "Hello";});
The mat-option tag is not within mat-select. It is outside mat-select and within div tag.
Are there other ways to achieve automating mat-option ?
Thank you for the code snippets.
As far as I understand, you are trying to click an option element in another select element.
I created a simple test that should perform the steps you described:
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
fixture`Getting Started`
const selectElement = Selector('#preferred-interface');
const optionElement = selectElement.find('option');
test('My first test', async t => {
await t
If I misunderstood your question, could you please share a simple example of your .html and a detailed description of
what you want to do in the test and which results you expect?

How to show a report with dynamic parameters from a chart on Pentaho?

I have a pie chart on my dashboard, using click action, I menaged to show a report that has one fixed parameter. Here is my JS function on click action:
function showreport(scene) {
var newWindow;
newWindow=window.open("url_report?type_lm=POS", 'REPORT');
newWindow=window.open("url_report?type_lm=NEG", 'REPORT');
This one works fine.
But now I want to pass a dynamic parameter too ( the variable obtained with query component, it is stocked in result var (code_lm):
Here is what I did:
function showreport(scene) {
var newWindow;
var code_lm=this.dashboard.getParameterValue('code_lm');
newWindow=window.open("url_report?type_lm=POS&code="+code_lm, 'REPORT');
newWindow=window.open("url_report?type_lm=NEG&code="+code_lm, 'REPORT');
This one doesn't work, nothing is displayed by clicking the chart. I found this line var code_lm=this.dashboard.getParameterValue('code_lm'); causes the prob.
However, I do the same thing with button component :
function showreport() {
var code_lm=this.dashboard.getParameterValue('code_lm');
var newWindow = window.open("url_report?code=" + code_lm,'REPORT');
and it works perfectly so I wonder why this.dashboard.getParameterValue() is not working in some cases.
Can anyone tell me where comes from the problem ?
yes, if you want to pass value of parameter from query component then you need set parameter value by writing bellow code in post fetch of query component.
function fun(code_lm) {
check out this may help you. How to pass a variable obtained from query component into a query on Pentaho CDE? may help you.

Select a value in Drop down box using protractor

I'm learning protractor and i came across with an issue selecting a given value from an Autocomplete.
How can i click a given string which has following source code using the protractor
I'm practicing in the following URL: https://material.angular.io/components/autocomplete/overview#option-groups
Protractor is only able to interact with elements present in the DOM of the page. The elements for the underlying state options will not be loaded into the DOM until the input box for the State Group has been interacted with.
You can select the Maine option as follows:
describe('desribe the test', () => {
it('the it', async () => {
await browser.get('https://material.angular.io/components/autocomplete/overview#option-groups');
let statesGroupField = element(by.xpath('//input[#placeholder="States Group"]'));
await statesGroupField.click();
let maineDropdownOption = element(by.xpath('//span[text()="Maine"]'));
await maineDropdownOption.click();
await browser.driver.sleep(5000);

How to use data entered in panel in a Google Doc - GAS

First of all: this site has been a great help already to me, thnx a lot!
In a Google doc I am adding a vertical panel to assist the user in composing and sending a letter. I used the example in this thread and it works fine showing the panel:
function onOpen() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setWidth(455).setTitle('User input')
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','25px')
var label1 = app.createLabel('Your name please');
var box1 = app.createTextBox().setId('Field1').setName('Field1');
var pasteHandler = app.createServerChangeHandler('readTextbox');
var clickButton=app.createButton('OK').setId('PasteTest').addClickHandler(pasteHandler)
//I want to arrive here only after a value is entered in the panel
// ... follows more code ...
function readTextbox(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var boxValue=e.parameter.Field1;
//how to get this e.parameter values (more than one..) to the main function
return app;
My question is: how to make the main function wait after 'showSidebar' until a value is entered?
Second question: how to use this input outside the handler, e.g. for writing in the document? I found a workaround by writing the fields to a spreadsheet within the handler, but that's not very elegant ;-)
Many thanks in advance...
You can't make the onOpen() function wait, but you don't need to. You have a click handler and the readTextbox() function. And you don't need to get the readTextbox() function to branch back to the onOpen() function. If there are conditions that require branching to different functions depending on what the user does, then you can create a new function.
You can call a function from a function just by using it's name, and parenthesis after the name and a semicolon.
function readTextbox(e){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
var boxValue=e.parameter.Field1;
//how to get this e.parameter values (more than one..) to the main function
return app;
function anotherCoolFunction(someArg){
Logger.log('Some Arg: ' + someArg);
In the above code, after the name is entered and the user clicks the button, the readTextBox function runs, then the readTextBox() function calls the anotherCoolFunction(boxValue); function and passes the variable boxValue to the anotherCoolFunction().
You can verify that it works, by looking at the log. Choose the View Menu, and the Logs menu item to display the Log output.