How to get process id in Ada? - process

I want to make a method returning the calling process id, but can't seem to find how to do that in Ada. Must be looking in the wrong places.
How to get process id on windows and POSIX platforms?

The Florist binding to POSIX should work, but it is quite a sizeable library. Here is a simpler binding example, tested on Mac OS-X:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces.C;
procedure My_Pid
function Get_Pid return
with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "getpid";
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (
"My PID is" &'Image (Get_Pid));
end My_Pid;
This assumes that the POSIX type pid_t, defined in <unistd.h>, is compatible with, which may not hold on all POSIX platforms; the alternative AIUI is Interfaces.C.long.
I don't have access to a Windows system to test, but it seems there is a _getpid function (, with getpid (no leading underscore) as a deprecated alias (
There is also an extensive binding to the Win32 API, similar in scope to Florist, at


How to load DLL file from Jscript file?

So I'm writing a standalone JScript file to be executed by Windows Script Host (this file is not going to be used as a web application).
My goal is to load a dll file. Just like using LoadLibrary function in a C++ application.
I tried researching the subject but I didn't come up with anything useful. I'm so lost I don't have any piece of code to share. I understand using ActiveXObject may come to my rescue. if so, any idea how to use it?
If we all agree that loading is impossible, I'll settle for validity check. Meaning, don't try to load but check if it is loaded and functional.
You can export a specific function for this purpose.
Then, from your JScript, execute rundll32.exe and check that the function ran as expected.
You might also give Gilles Laurent's DynaWrap
ocx a chance.
This kind of dll needs to be registered on the target system like regsvr32 /s DynaWrap.dll.
It is restricted to 32-bit DLLs, and this might be inconvenient for you to use, but it works on a 64bit Windows. You can't access function exported by ordinal number and you can't directly handle 64bit or greater values/pointers.
Here's a sample to call MessageBoxA from JScript:
var oDynaWrap = new ActiveXObject( "DynamicWrapper" )
// to call MessageBoxA(), first register the API function
oDynaWrap.Register( "USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxA", "I=HsSu", "f=s", "R=l" )
// now call the function
oDynaWrap.MessageBoxA( null, "MessageBoxA()", "A messagebox from JScript...", 3 )
And here from VBScript:
Option Explicit
Dim oDynaWrap
Set oDynaWrap = CreateObject( "DynamicWrapper" )
' to call MessageBoxA(), first register the API function
UserWrap.Register "USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxA", "I=HsSu", "f=s", "R=l"
' now call the function
UserWrap.MessageBoxA Null, "MessageBoxA()", "A messagebox from VBScript...", 3
To use a function you need to "register" the exported function of your DLL.
To do this you need to call the register method with a first parameter containing a string object to the complete path of the DLL, a second parameter for the exported name of the function to use, and following three paremeters describing the functions declartion in a somehow obscure syntax.
i= describes the number and data type of the functions parameters.
f= describes the type of call: _stdcall or _cdecl. Default to _stdcall.
r= describes the return values data type.
The supported data types are:
Code Variant Description
a VT_DISPATCH IDispatch*
c VT_I4 unsigned char
d VT_R8 8 byte real
f VT_R4 4 byte real
k VT_UNKNOWN IUnknown*
p VT_PTR pointer
r VT_LPSTR string by reference
s VT_LPSTR string
w VT_LPWSTR wide string
Thus the Register method call used in the examples describes MessageBoxA like this:
_stdcall LONG MessageBoxA( HANDLE, LPSTR, LPSTR, UINT );
For a explanation of MessageBoxA look at the docs on MSDN.
Please read the DynaWrap docs for more sophisticated examples... But you might need Google translate, 'cos they are written in french ;-)
To be able to use a dll as ActiveXObject, it needs to be registered as COM object. There are some restrictions on this but if you have a code for this dll, it is certainly doable.
When you register your dll as COM object, it is assigned a name. You use this name to create an object. This example from MSDN uses excel since it is already registered if you installed office.
var ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
var ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet");
// Make Excel visible through the Application object.
ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = true;
// Place some text in the first cell of the sheet.
ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "This is column A, row 1";
// Save the sheet.
// Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object.
Apart from restriction of registering dll, using dll is no different from using it as c++ or c# dll. Note that, C# (or other .NET dlls) should be ComVisible to be used from javascript this way.
EDIT: The only other way of using C/C++ dll from javascript is swig interfaces. I have not used it, therefore I can only point you in that direction.
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in
C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is
used with different types of target languages including common
scripting languages such as Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and

Within CPPUNIT_ASSERT, Keep Getting Access Violation

I have a set of classes to which I am trying to apply unit tests, to maintain their current utility through future revisions.
My problem is that within CPPUNIT, to which I am new, where-ever I call CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( [condition] ), I am met with Error Unhandled Exception...: Access Violation at 0xffffffffffffffff.
This happens even I write the simplest test case
int main(){
I have tried calling my testing functions with manual calls, as well as adding them to a registry, as is done in the Money example. The problem reportedly arises within the constructor for SourceLine, as the filename string it expects is a bad pointer.
After a bit of a search I've found that this is called within the CPPUNIT_ASSERT, as it's a macro with the following definition
#define CPPUNIT_ASSERT(condition) \
( CPPUNIT_NS::Asserter::failIf( !(condition), \
CPPUNIT_NS::Message( "assertion failed", \
"Expression: " #condition), \
I've searched the tutorials on CppUnit's site, and scrutinised stackoverflow, but I have not found anything that addresses this in particular. I do find it strange that what is, in every example I've seen, a single-parameter function (assert), will call another function with no arguments (sourceline) that is actually another macro that is assuming it receives a string, but can receive no such thing. I found that SourceLine is a class that still has a default constructor, but above is called a macro, which really refers to the 2-parameter constructor, but is passed no arguments that I can see. I am at a loss.
I am using a 64 bit compilation of CppUnit, verified with a dumpbin, and Visual Studio 2008.
Cppunit's assertion system uses macros so it is expected that your simple example complains about unhandled exception.
Normally you don't use an assertion outside of a test method. I suggest you have a look at the Cppunit Cookbook which provides some information and examples how to effectively use cppunit.

How do you USE Fortran 90 module data

Let's say you have a Fortran 90 module containing lots of variables, functions and subroutines. In your USE statement, which convention do you follow:
explicitly declare which variables/functions/subroutines you're using with the , only : syntax, such as USE [module_name], only : variable1, variable2, ...?
Insert a blanket USE [module_name]?
On the one hand, the only clause makes the code a bit more verbose. However, it forces you to repeat yourself in the code and if your module contains lots of variables/functions/subroutines, things begin to look unruly.
Here's an example:
module constants
implicit none
real, parameter :: PI=3.14
real, parameter :: E=2.71828183
integer, parameter :: answer=42
real, parameter :: earthRadiusMeters=6.38e6
end module constants
program test
! Option #1: blanket "use constants"
! use constants
! Option #2: Specify EACH variable you wish to use.
use constants, only : PI,E,answer,earthRadiusMeters
implicit none
write(6,*) "Hello world. Here are some constants:"
write(6,*) PI, &
E, &
answer, &
end program test
Hopefully someone says something like "Fortran? Just recode it in C#!" so I can down vote you.
I like Tim Whitcomb's answer, which compares Fortran's USE modulename with Python's from modulename import *. A topic which has been on Stack Overflow before:
‘import module’ or ‘from module import’
In an answer, Mark Roddy mentioned:
don't use 'from module import *'. For
any reasonable large set of code, if
you 'import *' your will likely be
cementing it into the module, unable
to be removed. This is because it is
difficult to determine what items used
in the code are coming from 'module',
making it east to get to the point
where you think you don't use the
import anymore but its extremely
difficult to be sure.
What are good rules of thumb for python imports?
dbr's answer contains
don't do from x import * - it makes
your code very hard to understand, as
you cannot easily see where a method
came from (from x import *; from y
import *; my_func() - where is my_func
So, I'm leaning towards a consensus of explicitly stating all the items I'm using in a module via
USE modulename, only : var1, var2, ...
And as Stefano Borini mentions,
[if] you have a module so large that you
feel compelled to add ONLY, it means
that your module is too big. Split it.
I used to just do use modulename - then, as my application grew, I found it more and more difficult to find the source to functions (without turning to grep) - some of the other code floating around the office still uses a one-subroutine-per-file, which has its own set of problems, but it makes it much easier to use a text editor to move through the code and quickly track down what you need.
After experiencing this, I've become a convert to using use...only whenever possible. I've also started picking up Python, and view it the same way as from modulename import *. There's a lot of great things that modules give you, but I prefer to keep my global namespace tightly controlled.
It's a matter of balance.
If you use only a few stuff from the module, it makes sense if you add ONLY, to clearly specify what you are using.
If you use a lot of stuff from the module, specifying ONLY will be followed by a lot of stuff, so it makes less sense. You are basically cherry-picking what you use, but the true fact is that you are dependent on that module as a whole.
However, in the end the best philosophy is this one: if you are concerned about namespace pollution, and you have a module so large that you feel compelled to add ONLY, it means that your module is too big. Split it.
Update: Fortran? just recode it in python ;)
Not exactly answering the question here, just throwing in another solution that I have found useful in some circumstances, if for whatever reason you don't want to split your module and start to get namespace clashes. You can use derived types to store several namespaces in one module.
If there is some logical grouping of the variables, you can create your own derived type for each group, store an instance of this type in the module and then you can import just the group that you happen to need.
Small example: We have a lot of data some of which is user input and some that is the result of miscellaneous initializations.
module basicdata
implicit none
! First the data types...
type input_data
integer :: a, b
end type input_data
type init_data
integer :: b, c
end type init_data
! ... then declare the data
type(input_data) :: input
type(init_data) :: init
end module basicdata
Now if a subroutine only uses data from init, you import just that:
subroutine doesstuff
use basicdata, only : init
q = init%b
end subroutine doesstuff
This is definitely not a universally applicable solution, you get some extra verbosity from the derived type syntax and then it will of course barely help if your module is not the basicdata sort above, but instead more of a allthestuffivebeenmeaningtosortoutvariety. Anyway, I have had some luck in getting code that fits easier into the brain this way.
The main advantage of USE, ONLY for me is that it avoids polluting my global namespace with stuff I don't need.
Agreed with most answers previously given, use ..., only: ... is the way to go, use types when it makes sense, apply python thinking as much as possible. Another suggestion is to use appropriate naming conventions in your imported module, along with private / public statements.
For instance, the netcdf library uses nf90_<some name>, which limits the namespace pollution on the importer side.
use netcdf ! imported names are prefixed with "nf90_"
similarly, the ncio wrapper to this library uses nc_<some name> (nc_read, nc_write...).
Importantly, with such designs where use: ..., only: ... is made less relevant, you'd better control the namespace of the imported module by setting appropriate private / public attributes in the header, so that a quick look at it will be sufficient for readers to assess which level of "pollution" they are facing. This is basically the same as use ..., only: ..., but on the imported module side - thus to be written only once, not at each import).
One more thing: as far as object-orientation and python are concerned, a difference in my view is that fortran does not really encourage type-bound procedures, in part because it is a relatively new standard (e.g. not compatible with a number of tools, and less rationally, it is just unusual) and because it breaks handy behavior such as procedure-free derived type copy (type(mytype) :: t1, t2 and t2 = t1). That means you often have to import the type and all would-be type-bound procedures, instead of just the class. This alone makes fortran code more verbose compared to python, and practical solutions like a prefix naming convention may come in handy.
IMO, the bottom line is: choose your coding style for people who will read it (this includes your later self), as taught by python. The best is the more verbose use ..., only: ... at each import, but in some cases a simple naming convention will do it (if you are disciplined enough...).
Yes, please use use module, only: .... For large code bases with multiple programmers, it makes the code easier to follow by everyone (or just use grep).
Please do not use include, use a smaller module for that instead. Include is a text insert of source code which is not checked by the compiler at the same level as use module, see: FORTRAN: Difference between INCLUDE and modules. Include generally makes it harder for both humans and computer to use the code which means it should not be used. Ex. from mpi-forum: "The use of the mpif.h include file is strongly discouraged and may be deprecated in a future version of MPI." (
I know I'm a little late to the party, but if you're only after a set of constants and not necessarily computed values, you could do like C and create an include file:
inside a file,
e.g., constants.for
real, parameter :: pi = 3.14
real, parameter :: g = 6.67384e-11
program main
use module1, only : func1, subroutine1, func2
implicit none
include 'constants.for'
end program main
Edited to remove "real(4)" as some think it is bad practice.

DllImport vs Declare in VB.NET

I notice in the MSDN documentation that there are multiple ways to declare a reference to a function in an external DLL from within a VB.NET program.
The confusing thing is that MSDN claims that you can only use the DllImportAttribute class with Shared Function prototypes "in rare cases", but I couldn't find the explanation for this statement, while you can simply use the Declare keyword instead.
Why are these different, and where would I appropriately use each case?
Apparently the Declare and DllImport statements are basically the same. You can use whichever you prefer.
Following is a discussion of the few points that may work a little differently in each, which may influence a preference for one over the other:
I started with an article from MSDN regarding Visual Studio 2003 titled Using the DllImport Attribute. (A bit old, but since the DllImport statement seems to have originated in .NET, it seemed appropriate to go back to the beginning.)
Given an example DllImport statement of:
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "MessageBox", CharSet = Unicode)]
int MessageBox(void* hWnd, wchar_t* lpText, wchar_t* lpCaption, unsigned int uType);
It says that if the EntryPoint value is left out, the CLR will look for the name of the function (MessageBox, in this case) as a default. However, in this instance, since a CharSet of Unicode was specified, the CLR would FIRST look for a function called "MessageBoxW" - the 'W' indicating a Unicode return type. (The ANSI return type version would be "MessageBoxA".) If no "MessageBoxW" were found, THEN the CLR would look for an API function actually called "MessageBox".
Current specifics about the DllImportAttribute class can be found here, where I viewed the .NET Framework 4 version: DLLImportAttribute Class
A key comment in the Remarks section of this .NET Framework 4 page is that:
You apply this attribute directly to C# and C++ method definitions; however, the Visual Basic compiler emits this attribute when you use the Declare statement.
So, in VB.NET, using the Declare statement causes the compiler to generate a DLLImportAttribute.
There is also an important note in this page:
The DllImportAttribute does not support marshaling of generic types.
So, it would appear that if you want to use a generic type, you'd have to use a Declare statement.
Next, I headed to the Declare statement information. A Visual Studio 2010 version (Visual Basic statement info) was here: Declare Statement
A key item here was this note:
You can use Declare only at module level. This means the declaration context for an external reference must be a class, structure, or module, and cannot be a source file, namespace, interface, procedure, or block.
Apparently, if you want to set up an API call outside of a class, structure, or module, you'll have to use the DllImport statement instead of the Declare.
The example Declare statement on this page is:
Declare Function getUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (
ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Integer) As Integer
Following that example is this little tidbit of information:
The DllImportAttribute provides an alternative way of using functions in unmanaged code. The following example declares an imported function without using a Declare statement.
followed by, of course, an example of DllImport usage.
Regarding Unicode vs ANSI results, according to this Declare page, if you specify a CharSet value (available in Declare, but not shown in the example above) the CLR will do the same type of automatic name search that DllImport does - for either Unicode or ANSI.
If you do not specify a CharSet value in the Declare statement, then you must make sure that your function name in the Declare is the same as the function name in the actual API function's header file, OR you must specifiy an Alias value that matches the actual function name in the header file (as shown in the example above).
I was not able to find any specific Microsoft documentation stating that either DllImport or Declare were preferred, or even recommended, over one another in any situation other than those noted above.
My conclusion, therefore, is:
Unless you need to place your definition in one of the places a Declare statement cannot be used, either technique will work fine,
if you're using DllImport, make sure you specify the CharSet value you want (Unicode or ANSI), or you may get unexpected results.
Declare is really an attempt to maintain a P/Invoke syntax which would be more familiar to Visual Basic 6.0 users converting to VB.NET. It has many of the same features as P/Invoke but the marshalling of certain types, in particular strings, are very different and can cause a bit of confusion to people more familiar with DllImport rules.
I'm not entirely sure what the documentation is alluding to with the "rare" distinction. I use DllImport in my code frequently from both VB.NET and C# without issue.
In general, I would use DllImport over Declare unless you come from a Visual Basic 6.0 background. The documentation and samples for DllImport are much better and there are many tools aimed at generating DllImport declarations.
In my opinion, since this keyword doesn't look deprected, etc. from what I searched, simply use compile-time keywords rather than attributes.
Also, when you use the Declare, you don't need to write the End Function. The advantage of that is that you can create a whole module of declarations of function imports line by line, with no need to pulute your code with DllImports and End Functions.
When you declare using the Declare keyword, the compiler treats this function as Shared anyway, so it can be accessed via other extenal objects.
But I think in the current VB.NET they're both addressed to the same target and no performance difference - no warranty on this one.
So my conclusion is: Do use the Declare instead of DllImport, especially reading what you quoted that Microsoft stated that it should be used in rare cases.
If you need to set one of the following options, then use DllImportAttribute attribute, else use Declare. From
To apply the BestFitMapping, CallingConvention, ExactSpelling,
PreserveSig, SetLastError, or ThrowOnUnmappableChar fields to a
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 declaration, you must use the
DllImportAttribute attribute instead of the Declare statement.
It is unclear from the above reference only whether this applies to only "Visual Basic 2005" or not, as the above reference is from a .NET 4.5 article. However, I also found this article ( ) which is specific to the DllImportAttribute class in .NET 4.5 :
the Visual Basic compiler emits this attribute when you use the
Declare statement. For complex method definitions that include
BestFitMapping, CallingConvention, ExactSpelling, PreserveSig,
SetLastError, or ThrowOnUnmappableChar fields, you apply this
attribute directly to Visual Basic method definitions.
This tells you that the Declare option is syntactical sugar which is converted to DllImportAttribute at compile time, and outlines the exact scenarios when using DllImportAttribute directly is recommended.

What is the use of the := syntax?

I'm a C# developer working on a VB.NET project, and VS keeps trying to get me to use the := thingie when I call a function with a ByRef parameter like so:
While reader.Read()
the HydrateBookFromReader function has the following signature:
Public Function HydrateBookFromReader(ByRef reader As SqlDataReader) As Book
Why does intellisense keep insisting that I use that := construction, and what is it for?
In VB, the := is used in specifying named parameters.
Contact(Address:="2020 Palm Ave", Name:="Peter Evans")
This is especially useful for specifying optional parameters.
Why does intellisense keep insisting that I use that := construction, and what is it for?
It's important to note that IntelliSense doesn't insist, it proposes. Using it in your case wouldn't make sense … this feature is primarily used for very long parameter lists with many optional parameters, of which you only want to pass, say, the last one. It's useful when working with Microsoft Office Interop.
Also (since you mention it in your tags): this has got nothing to do with ByRef. ByRef is equivalent to ref and out in C#, i.e. it allows the method to manipulate the parameter itself.
Intellisense may be suggesting the := syntax, but I suspect that it will compile without it.
In future versions of C# where optional parameters are allowed, named parameters will allow you to specify some parameters but not others, and to specify parameters in a different order than they were declared. Named parameters will also allow you to optionally clarify the purpose of the parameter being passed in, making the code more readable in some cases.
Named parameters will be especially important in c# 4.0 for COM Interop, where many superfluous parameters can be eliminated.
Anders Hejlsberg has an excellent discussion about the future of C# on Channel 9 at His discussion about named parameters is at 40 minutes and 45 seconds into the talk.