Netsuite Rest API Create Non-inventory Item for Sale - api

I try to create a Non-Inventory Sale item with the NetSuite API.
Here is my request :
Method : POST
Endpoint: /services/rest/record/v1/nonInventorySaleItem
"itemId": "Test Item",
"IncomeAccount": {
"id": "1315"
"deterredRevenueAccount": {
"id": "1343"
"itemType": {
"refName": "NonInvtPart"
"location": {
"id": "46"
"taxSchedule": {"id": "1"}
It keeps returning 400 HTTP Error and the message :
Error while accessing a resource. Please enter value(s) for: Tax Schedule.
I tried to work around with a custom entity field and a UserEventScript SuiteScript to update taxSchedule before submit without success.

I spoke with NetSuite support staff and they basically said that the feature isn't supported. If you want you can create a RESTlet and recreate the functionality by accepting the parameters that you want and creating the item that way. Something roughly like this:
define(['N/record'], function(record) {
function post(context) {
if (context.request.method !== 'POST') {
throw {
status: 405,
message: 'Invalid HTTP method',
// Parse the request body
var requestBody = JSON.parse(context.request.body);
// Create the inventory item record
var itemRecord = record.create({
type: record.Type.INVENTORY_ITEM,
isDynamic: true,
// Set the item name, tax schedule, asset account, and cogs account
fieldId: 'itemid',
fieldId: 'taxschedule',
value: requestBody.taxSchedule,
fieldId: 'assetaccount',
value: requestBody.assetAccount,
fieldId: 'cogsaccount',
value: requestBody.cogsAccount,
// Save the inventory item record
var itemId ={
enableSourcing: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true,
// Return the new inventory item ID
return {
id: itemId,
return {
post: post,
Obviously also include any other fields that you want, but I found that the Tax Schedule, COGS account, and asset accounts were all required.


How to generate Items list with vue-paypal-checkout?

I am trying to generate an items list response from paypal checkout requests. I am trying to do it dynamically, using my data objects and some computed properties in a for in loop. As far as I have understood, my items_list will always need to be a data variable, never a hard-coded array.
Here is my template element:
<div v-bind:key="plan.key" v-for="plan in plans" >
:amount="plan.price" // all good
currency="GBP" // all good
:client="credentials" // all good
env="sandbox" // all good
:items="[plan]" // this is NOT working
#payment-authorized="payment_authorized_cb" // all good
#payment-completed="payment_completed_cb" // all good
#payment-cancelled="payment_cancelled_cb" // all good
Here are my data objects on my script:
plans: {
smallPlan: {
name: 'Small Venue',
price: '6',
mediumPlan: {
name: 'Medium Department',
price: '22',
payment_completed: {
payment_completed_cb() {
payment_authorized: {
payment_authorized_cb() {
payment_cancelled: {
payment_cancelled_cb() {
Here are my methods:
methods: {
payment_completed_cb(res, planName){
toastr.success("Thank you! We'll send you a confirmation email soon with your invoice. ");
toastr.error("The payment process has been canceled. No money was taken from your account.");
The documentation of Vue-paypal-checkout is available here
If I don't add the items list :items everything works perfectly:
{"id":"PAY-02N9173803167370DLPMKKZY","intent":"sale","state":"approved","cart":"90B34422XX075534E","create_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:51Z","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal","status":"VERIFIED","payer_info":{"email":"","first_name":"test","middle_name":"test","last_name":"buyer","payer_id":"JCZUFUEQV33WU","country_code":"US","shipping_address":{"recipient_name":"test buyer","line1":"1 Main St","city":"San Jose","state":"CA","postal_code":"95131","country_code":"US"}}},"transactions":[{"amount":{"total":"245.00","currency":"GBP","details":{}},"item_list":{},"related_resources":[{"sale":{"id":"2RA79134UX2301839","state":"pending","payment_mode":"INSTANT_TRANSFER","protection_eligibility":"ELIGIBLE","parent_payment":"PAY-02N9173803167370DLPMKKZY","create_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:50Z","update_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:50Z","reason_code":"RECEIVING_PREFERENCE_MANDATES_MANUAL_ACTION","amount":{"total":"245.00","currency":"GBP","details":{"subtotal":"245.00"}}}}]}]}
But if I add :items="[plan]" i get this error message:
Uncaught Error: Error: Request to post failed with 400 error. Correlation id: 19238526650f5, 19238526650f5
"details": [
"field": "transactions.item_list.items.item_key",
"issue": "This field name is not defined for this resource type"
"message": "Invalid request - see details",
"information_link": "",
"debug_id": "19238526650f5"
Any thoughts?
Also if you happen to know, is there a way to sell/implement a subscription instead of a one-off transaction using Vue-paypal-checkout?
Many thanks

Shopify Checkout script get cart attribute

I'm using shopify plus store.
I want to access cart attributes in checkout script editor.
Is there any way to get cart attributes in checkout script editor?
token: "18da3b31a1b1d045500ad49e17836d5a",
note: "",
attributes: {
simply_test: "1"
original_total_price: 2900,
total_price: 2900,
total_discount: 0,
total_weight: 0,
item_count: 1,
items: [..],
requires_shipping: true,
currency: "USD"
Yes, it is possible
// Get cart values
$.getJSON( "/cart.js")
.done(function( response ) {
.fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) {
var err = textStatus + ", " + error;
console.log( "Request Failed: " + err );
// Update cart values
$.post('/cart/update.js', {
attributes: {
'Gift wrap': 'maybe',
'Name': 'Johnny Deep',
This should get you the cart attributes anywhere on Shopify:
await fetch('/cart.js', {
method: 'GET'
I would adjust your shop so that you transfer the info you store in cart attributes as line item properties. Those do transfer to checkout scripts. Does not look good for cart note or attributes.

JQuery DataTable data not available even data is received from server

I want to draw a table to show users data from my server.
First I am using Ajex to get the users data:
var usersList = {};
usersList.users = ["Afthieleanmah", "Hadulmahsanran","tabletest1"];
var dataSet1=[];
var i;
url: '../users',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify(usersList),
success:function(response, text){
if(response.users !== undefined){
dataSet1 = response.users;
I can successfully get the users data and save the data in dataSet1 as a JSON array contains Objects. Its format is like this:
username: "Tiger Nixon",
job_title: "System Architect",
city: "Edinburgh",
extn: "5421"
username: "Tiger Nixon2",
job_title: "System Architect",
city: "Edinburgh",
extn: "5421"
Then I create a table and pass in configuration:
// table confirgurations
var tableConfig={
pageLength: 5,
bLengthChange: false,
{data: "username", title: "Name"},
{data: "job_title", title: "Position"},
{data: "city", title: "City"}
// create table
var userTable=$('#table-id').DataTable(tableConfig);
I am sure that I can get users data from API "/users" and save it into dataSet1. But everytime I load the page containing the table, the table always shows "No data available in table". I set a breakpoint on this line :
var tableConfig={
and let it continue to run. The weird things happen. The Table shows the data.............. No idea why
You should initialize your table after you receive response from the server in the success function. Also use destroy in case you're performin your Ajax request multiple times.
For example:
// ... skipped ...
success:function(response, text){
if(response.users !== undefined){
dataSet1 = response.users;
// table confirgurations
var tableConfig={
// ... skippped ...
destroy: true
// ... skippped ...
var userTable=$('#table-id').DataTable(tableConfig);
However ideally you should let jQuery DataTables do the Ajax request using ajax option.

API Automation - Is it possible to get response of the post call

I'm learning how to automate API with frisby.js on gmail.api.
I want to create a test where I create and delete(or send) a Draft message.
So I wrote a test which creates a Draft and my question is - can I write a code that gets at least ID of generated response from my Post call?
var frisby = require('frisby');
frisby.create('Create Draft Google')
.post('*my-token-here*', {
message: {
raw: "RGFuJ3MgVG9vbHMgYXJlIGNvb2wh",
id: "1547265285486966899"
}, { json: true })
So, to clarify, I want to write another part of THIS^ test with
.after(function(err, res, body){}
I create a Draft message
I want my test to automatically get ID of just created Draft
So I could Delete it\Send it
When you create a draft, you will get the id of the newly created draft in the response:
"message": {
"raw": "RnJ..."
"id": "r5019331921817638435",
"message": {
"id": "157948187e41b5bb",
"threadId": "157948187e41b5bb",
"labelIds": [
Then you can use this id to either send or delete the message.
I used this function and it worked. Thanks to my friend for help :D
Here're full tests if someone needs it:
This is how I get an ID of created Draft
var frisby = require('frisby');
var new_id = function(frisby, callback)
frisby.create('Create Draft Google')
.post('[my_token]', {
message: {
raw: "RGFu...",
}, { json: true })
module.exports = new_id;
This is how I used it to delete this Draft
var frisby = require('frisby');
var getid_spec = require("./getid_spec.js");
frisby.create('Delete Google Draft Test')
.delete("" +id +"?access_token=[my_token]", {})

How can I use Ember Data's FixtureAdapter with real API content

I want to populate my Ember Data fixtures with real content taken from an API data dump instead of the standard fixtures. I don't want to use the API directly.
I want to do this so I can imitate a local instance of the API data.
How can I streamline this and also how might I configure the adapter to allow this?
Consider this default FIXTURE:
App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
article: DS.belongsTo('article'),
author: DS.belongsTo('user'),
dateCreated: DS.attr('date', {readOnly: true}),
dateModified: DS.attr('date', {readOnly: true}),
description: DS.attr('string')
App.Comment.FIXTURES = [{
id: 1,
temp: 1,
author: 1,
dateCreated: 'Mon Jul 28 2014 12:00:00 GMT+1000 (EST)',
dateModified: null,
description: 'lorem ipsum'
Consider this API response:
{"comments": [
"articleID": 1,
"description": "I am a comment",
"authorID": 1,
"dateCreated": "2014-09-04T02:39:00",
"createdBy": "Elise Chant",
"dateModified": "2014-09-04T02:39:00",
"id": 1
"articleID": 1,
"description": "I am another comment",
"authorID": 1,
"dateCreated": "2014-09-04T02:48:00",
"createdBy": "Elise Chant",
"dateModified": "2014-09-04T02:48:00",
"id": 2
Get your backend to provide a data dump method from the API with the resources, such as:
The method shall return a zipped folder of files representing the site's resources, such as Comment.js, User.js, Article.js.
Each of these files should return the JSON resource wrapped by DS.Model.FIXTURES array, such as
App.Comment.FIXTURES =
"articleID": 1,
"userID": 1,
"description": "I am a comment.",
"category": 0,
"authorID": 1,
"dateCreated": "2014-09-04T02:39:00",
"id": 1
// ...
Remember to make sure that each .js file is an included script tag in html and appears after its corresponding model. Check this is available in the Browser's Developer Console.
Finally, In order to correctly connect asynchronous relationships such as articleID and authorID, property names need to be normalised like that would be if you were using normal fixture data. So configure the adapter to strip 'ID' from the end of any belongsTo relationships by parsing the FIXTURES payload:
if (App.ENV === 'DEV') {
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend({
// access to the payload
extractArray: function(store, type, payload) {
var self = this;
return {
// normalise incoming data
return self.normalize(type, item);
normalize: function(type, hash) {
if (!hash) { return hash; }
var normalizedHash = {},
for (var prop in hash) {
if (!!prop.match(/ID$/)) {
// belongs to / has Many attribute
// remove 'ID' from the end of the property name
normalizedProp = prop.substr(0, prop.length-2);
} else { // regular attribute
normalizedProp = prop;
normalizedHash[normalizedProp] = hash[prop];
this.normalizeUsingDeclaredMapping(type, normalizedHash);
this.applyTransforms(type, normalizedHash);
return normalizedHash;
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend({
simulateRemoteResponse: true,
latency: 1000,
// This "unsets" serializer so that the store will lookup the proper serializer
// #see
serializer: function() {
} else {
DS.CustomRESTSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
keyForRelationship: function(key, kind) {
if (kind === 'belongsTo') {
return key + 'ID';
} else {
return key;
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
host: App.HOST,
namespace: App.NAMESPACE,
ajax: function(url, method, hash) {
hash = hash || {}; // hash may be undefined
hash.crossDomain = true;
hash.xhrFields = {withCredentials: true};
return this._super(url, method, hash);
defaultSerializer: 'DS/customREST'