Error: Cannot find module './quasar.server-manifest.json' - vuejs2

I'am upload my existing quasar project to another server then i found this error when i start it. anyone know what im wrong?
run npm -i
install quasar-cli
install quasar


ng-zorro Error: Module not found when trying to run project

I'm using ng-zorro v14.1.1 for my angular 14.2.7. But when I try to run my angular application, I got errors when building the project looking for modules from ng-zorro and identifying it as not found even though the files existed in the project.
Here's the full view of the error:
Additional detail of the project:
Angular Electron project
Angular 14.2.7
Electron 21.2.0
Thanks in advance for helping!
I tried removing node-modules and re-install ng-zorro-antd using ng add ng-zorro-antd, and even npm install ng-zorro-antd if it makes a difference but to no avail, I'm still having the issue. Thus, can't run the project.
I have solved my problem. What I did was to install the modules that are mentioned in the error:
I ran the commands:
npm i d3-zoom --> this command gives you hint on what to do next when you're trying to run the project after the installation is finished, and it instructed me to run the next command below:
npm i --save-dev #types/d3-zoom
npm i dagre-compound
npm i d3-shape

Dependency error while creating a Strapi app

While creating a Strapi app using NPM or Yarn I get the following error:
PS: My node and NPM versions are 14.19.1 and 6.14.16 respectively
npx: installed 103 in 10.123s
Creating a quickstart project.
Creating a new Strapi application at /home/user/projects/backend-app.
Creating files.
Error while installing dependencies:
Keep trying!
Oh, it seems that you encountered errors while installing dependencies in your project.
Don't give up, your project was created correctly.
Fix the issues mentioned in the installation errors and try to run the following command:
cd /home/user/projects/backend-app && yarn install

Cannot find module ‘#expo/metro-config’ when trying to start the project with expo cli >= 4.8.0

I recently tried to launch my project on a new computer. I downloaded the source code from its repository and ran npm install to get all the needed packages.
However, when I run npm start or expo start:web, I get the error:
Cannot find module '#expo/metro-config'
I ran npm install #expo/metro-config and the install run without issue, but I still get the “Cannot find module '#expo/metro-config'” error.
The only post I saw regarding this error recommends editing the metro.config.js but I do not use one.
I am on SDK 42, and the project launches fine on my other computer. Any idea what is happening?
FYI, I use to perform this whole operation without any issue until now.
I ran npm install -g #expo/metro-config and now I get the error Cannot find module 'resolve-from'
So it looks like maybe running npm install -g expo-cli doesn't actually install all the necessary packages? Could it be the issue?
I managed to make it "work" (get other missing packages errors down the line) by reverting to expo-cli 4.7.3. Anything from 4.8.0 and above will cause the error.
Something else is that on a fresh npm install, after running npm install -g expo-cli, if I try to create a project with expo init, I will get the error Error: Cannot find module 'kleur'. Running npm install kleur fix it, but maybe that's also a clue.

Cannot find module 'tailwindcss'

I am trying out tailwindcss with my Vue project and while I solved some issue I had with the routing (while trying to break down my code into smaller components), I think I broke something else.
The code was compiling before I added my new routes. I can't seem to find what is wrong in this case.
Failed to compile.
./src/components/SiteHeader.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css& (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/components/SiteHeader.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css&)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
Error: Cannot find module 'tailwindcss'
you can check out this repo, has very few files
First :
npm run dev
npm install -D tailwindcss#latest postcss#latest autoprefixer#latest
For More Info :
Tailwind Docs
Also check this out :Restarting NPM

Install extension in Yii2

Hi can someone show me steps how can I install fabric.js in yii2 project? This is Fabric.js: link to github
There I can see that I can install fabric.js only by bower or npm. I don know that i have bower on start in Yii2 procejct or I should I install this bower. Now I only used composer install and update. And I dont know how to install this in my project. Maybe anyone can show me easiest way to install this by composer only or other easy way? I tried to write command :
bower install fabric
but i have error:
bash: bower: command not found
Make sure you have got Composer asset plugin installed. If not run console command:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
All you have to do now is to add in require section of composer.json
"bower-asset/fabric": "*"
and run composer update command in console (in the project folder).