When to use inline backticks in documentation - documentation

When writing documentation, what things should be put in inline backticks?
For example I use inline backticks for the following,
E.g. "To run the program, run python3 helloworld.py"
example output
E.g. "python3 helloworld.py should return hello world"
specific kubernetes resources
E.g. "Every pod except cache-deployer should be running"
However, should I also use it for e.g. group membership?
E.g. "User must be member of leet_users"
How do I do this consistently?


Don't show declarator blocks with p6doc

I've written a small example file to learn more about Perl 6 POD, and I'm using p6doc to render a small manual page from the POD document. However, p6doc also tries to parse the declarator blocks outside the POD document. This doesn't look particularly great in the output. Is there a way to ignore the declarator blocks when using p6doc?
The code sample I'm using is:
#! /usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
#| Greet people on the command line.
sub MAIN (
#| A name to greet.
#| Optional. Additional names to greet.
) {
=begin pod
=NAME greeter
=AUTHOR Patrick Spek
=VERSION 0.0.1
The greeter application greets someone via a terminal. At least 1 name is
required, but multiple names can be given to greet many people in one go.
=end pod
And the output given by p6doc is:
sub MAIN(
$names, # A name to greet.
*#names, # Optional. Additional names to greet.
Greet people on the command line.
class $names
A name to greet.
class *#names
Optional. Additional names to greet.
Patrick Spek
The greeter application greets someone via a terminal. At least 1 name is
required, but multiple names can be given to greet many people in one go.
Everything before the NAME part is what I want to remove from the p6doc output.
declarator blocks outside the POD document.
A couple minor things that still seem worth a quick mention first:
It's considered best practice to call it pod (or Pod or Pod6 or POD6) rather than POD to distinguish it from P5's POD because it's not backwards compatible, in the same way P6 isn't backwards compatible with P5;
The syntax =begin pod ... =end pod doesn't declare "the pod document". It declares a pod block that's one of many that comprise the overall pod document. You can have several of them. And the reason for mentioning this is because declarator blocks are also pod blocks. This is why they get included.
Is there a way to ignore the declarator blocks when using p6doc?
You could run the output through a filter at the shell command level.
But see my next comment for what's likely a better way.
I'm using p6doc
p6doc is a wrapper around perl6 --doc.
perl6 --doc provides exactly the same result as you've shown in your question, but has an output post-processing option (and isn't limited to installed modules only).
Assuming you can switch to using perl6 --doc instead:
perl6 -doc, without an argument to the --doc option, uses the default pod output filter.
Using perl6 --doc=MyFilter.pm6 you can run the pod through an installed custom filter module Pod::To::MyFilter.pm6.
See a search of modules.perl6.org for pod::to for a full list of filters that you can use as examples.

How to use Bamboo plan variables in an inline script task?

When defining a Bamboo plan variable, the page has this.
For task configuration fields, use the syntax
${bamboo.myvariablename}. For inline scripts, variables are exposed as
shell environment variables which can be accessed using the syntax
However, that doesn't work in my Linux inline script. For example, I have the following defined a a plan variable
name: my_plan_var value: some_string
My inline script is simply...
echo "Plan var: $PLAN_VAR"
and I just get a blank string.
I've tried this
But I get
${bamboo.my_plan_var}: bad substitution
on the log viewer window.
Any pointers?
I tried the following and it works:
On the plan, I set my_plan_var to "it works" (w/o quotes)
In the inline script (don't forget the first line):
echo "testing: $PLAN_VAR"
And I got the expected result:
testing: it works
I also wanted to create a Bamboo variable and the only thing I've found to share it between scripts is with inject-variables like following:
Add to your bamboo-spec.yaml the following after your script that will create the variable:
- script: create-bamboo-var.sh
- inject-variables:
file: bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
scope: RESULT
# namespace: plan
- script: echo ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION} # just for testing
Note: Namespace defaults to inject.
In create-bamboo-var.sh create the file bamboo-specs/vars.yaml:
versionStr=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty --abbrev=4)
echo "GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}" > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
Or for multiple lines you can use:
SW_NUMBER_DIGITS=${1} # Passed as first parameter to build script
cat <<EOT > ./bamboo-specs/vars.yaml
GIT_VERSION: ${versionStr}
Scope can be local or result. Local means it's only available for current job and result means it can be used in subsequent stages of this plan and releases that are created from the result.
Namespace is just used to avoid naming collisions with other variables.
With the above you can use that variable in later scripts with ${bamboo.inject.GIT_VERSION}. The last script task is just to see that it is working in other scripts. You can also see the variables in the web app as build meta data.
I'm using the above script before the build (in my case compiling C-Code) takes place so I can also create a version.h file that can be used by the source code.
This is still a bit cumbersome but I'm happy with it and I hope it will help others to configure Bamboo. Bamboo documentation could be better. (Still a lot try and error)

Do Perl 6 programs have to compile to read embedded docs?

Perl 6 Plain-Old-Documentation (perhaps Fancy-New-Documentation) has some features that allow it to construct documentation for things it sees, and the documentation shows up in the $=pod variable at runtime.
However, I was surprised when I couldn't read the docs when I'd made an error in the program text. Here I've left out a statement separator between two statements:
use v6;
BEGIN { put "BEGIN" }
INIT { put "INIT" }
CHECK { put "CHECK" }
"foo" "bar";
=begin pod
=head1 This is a title
This is a bit of pod
=end pod
When I run it with the --doc switch, the program syntax matters (and BEGIN runs):
$ perl6 --doc doc.p6
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling ...
Two terms in a row
------> "foo"⏏ "bar";
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement modifier
statement modifier loop
When I fix it, I get some warnings (so, perl6 is compiling) and the compilation-time phasers run:
WARNINGS for /Users/brian/Desktop/doc.p6:
Useless use of constant string "bar" in sink context (line 9)
Useless use of constant string "foo" in sink context (line 9)
This is a title
This is a bit of pod
We already know this is a bit dangerous in Perl 5. A perl -c and a BEGIN block can run code. See How to check if a Perl script doesn't have any compilation errors?. I don't think this is any more dangerous than something we already know, but now it's happening at a time when I'm not explicitly asking something to compile program statements.
I haven't delved into the details of Perl 6 pod and why this might be necessary outside of declarator blocks and .WHY (a cool feature), but it seems like this can lead to trouble. Is there perhaps an external program that might extract the Pod? Or a way to do without the declarators unless the program will run?
Yes, the whole file has to be parsed, which in turn requires running BEGIN and use statements and such.
The Perl 6 language is designed for one-pass parsing from top to bottom, so that at any given point the parser understands what it is parsing based on what it has parsed so far.
Consider code like the following:
say "
=begin pod
Not POD, just a string!
If you'd just grep the file for POD statements without parsing all of it, it would misinterpret this piece of code.
I.e. you can't parse only the POD parts without parsing the normal Perl 6 code parts, because without parsing it all from top to bottom you can't know which is which.
PS: In theory, the Perl 6 designers could have accommodated POD-only parsing, by making it illegal for normal Perl 6 code to contain lines that look like they start a POD block. In this scenario, the above code snippet would be a syntax error when the whole file is parsed, because starting a line inside a string literal with =begin pod would be disallowed, so the --pod switch could rely on all lines that begin with =begin foo actually starting a POD block.
Such a restriction probably wouldn't be a major burden for normal Perl 6 code (after all, who needs to write =begin pod at the start of a line in a multi-line string literal), but note that one of the reasons for the one-pass top-to-bottom parsing architecture is to facilitate language extensibility via slangs.
E.g. CPAN modules could add support for users writing a single subroutine (or other lexical scope) in another language or DSL. (Implementing such modules isn't actually possible yet without hacking into Rakudo internals via NQP, but once the macro/slang design is complete, it will be).
The burden for disallowing lines that look like they start a POD block, would then be passed on to all those slang parsers.
You could always submit a feature request for Larry and the other Perl 6 designers to consider this, though.

How do I escape a "$" in bitbake/yocto?

One of my recipes in Yocto need to create a file containing a very specific line, something like:
To do this, I have the recipe task:
do_install() {
echo '${libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
Keeping in mind that I want that string exactly as shown, I can't figure out how to escape it to prevent bitbake from substituting in its own value of libdir.
I originally thought the echo command with single quotes would do the trick (as it does in the bash shell) but bitbake must be interpreting the line before passing it to the shell. I've also tried escaping it both with $$ and \$ to no avail.
I can find nothing in the bitbake doco about preventing variable expansion, just stuff to do with immediate, deferred and Python expansions.
What do I need to do to get that string into the file as is?
Bitbake seems to have particular issues in preventing expansion from taking place. Regardless of whether you use single or double quotes, it appears that the variables will be expanded before being passed to the shell.
Hence, if you want them to not be expanded, you need to effectively hide them from BitBake, and this can be done with something like:
echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
This uses the hexadecimal version of $ so that BitBake does not recognise it as a variable to be expanded.
You do need to ensure you're running the correct echo command however. Under some distros (like Ubuntu), it might run the sh-internal echo which does not recognise the -e option. In order to get around that, you may have to run the variant of echo that lives on the file system (and that does recognise that option):
/bin/echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
By default this task will be executed as shell function via /bin/sh, but it depends on your system what it will be as you can have a symlink named /bin/sh pointing to bash. The BitBake's manual prevents from using bashism syntax though.
You can consider just adding this task in your recipe as python function:
python do_install () {
with open('/path/to/your/file', 'a') as file:
'a' stands for append.
This should eliminate the problem with variable expansion.
There is no standard way to escape these sorts of expressions that I am aware of, other than to try to break up the expression - accordingly this should work:
do_install() {
echo '$''{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
The best solution is simply this:
bitbake_function() {
command $libdir/whatever
Bitbake will only expand ${libdir}; $libdir is passed through verbatim.
We don't have to worry about dollar signs that are not followed by {, and in this case, there is no need for libdir to be wrapped in braces.
The only time we run into a problem with just $foo is if we have something like ${foo}bar where the braces are required as delimiters so that bar isn't included into the variable name. In that situation, there are other solutions, such as for instance generating the shell syntax "$foo"bar. This is less cryptic than resorting to \x24.
If you need to use $ in variable assignment, remember that bitbake won't evaluate $whatever so you have to escape it for the underlying shell.
For instance I set gcc/ld Rpath option to use $ORIGIN keyword this way:
TARGET_LDFLAGS_append = " -Wl,-rpath-link=\\$$ORIGIN"
You can define a variable to be a literal dollar sign.
DOLLAR = "$"
do_install() {
echo '${DOLLAR}{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
no extra quoting required.

How to run a vim script interactively from vim command line?

Is there a way to run these scripts from the : commandline with a few keystrokes?
Over the last couple of months, I've built a series of files full of vim-commands to auto-generate boilerplate code for my projects. It's allowed me to work faster.
However, the only way I know how to run these scripts is by assigning them to key-combinations in ~/.vimrc. There's only so many keys I can remap.
Is there a way to run these scripts from the : commandline with a few keystrokes?
For example, I have a unit_test_cpp.vim script, which builds a boilerplate unit test cpp file. I'd like to be able to type
or some other simple combination of letters with a simple mnemonic to run this script on my currently open file.
Open Vim and enter the following:
:source /path/to/vim/file/name.vim
If you are currently editing that file, you can also type:
:w <ENTER>
:source % <ENTER>
The percent sign (%) means the path to the currently opened file.
You could use the command feature of vim. In your unit_test_cpp.vim file you would add something like this:
command Utc call CreateUnitTests()
Now when you type :Utc it will call your function. The only limitation is that your command must start with an uppercase letter.
Script or function? If it is a function, try
:call FunctionName()
:run file.vim
:run is like :source, but :run doesn't need the path. It searches the runtimepath.
A Linux runtimepath: