Install Zenko Cloud Server on ubuntu 20.04 for development purpose - amazon-s3

For a couple of days, I have been trying to install the Zenko cloud server for development purposes on my ubuntu 20.04 machine. I am new to Docker and definitely not very much comfortable with Kubernetes and Helm. I am trying to follow this instruction. During the installation stage when I am trying to follow this link, I am getting this error
Error: validation failed: [unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "PodDisruptionBudget" in version "policy/v1beta1", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "CronJob" in version "batch/v1beta1"]
while executing this command.
helm install
I have also tried this link to install Zenko. I have successfully cloned Zenko from the git repository.
git clone
But while executing cd ./zenko/charts, I am getting this error.
bash: cd: ./zenko/charts: No such file or directory
I have installed Minkube by following this link and also installed Helm2 by following this link. Also, I have tried to follow this Zenko documentation but did not quite understand it.
My current goal is to install the Zenko cloud server and upload files to Amazon S3 and also to my local directory where both can be managed via Zenko according to their documentation.
It will be very helpful if someone shows me some way to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.


IOT Edge V2 - Deploying and Debugging Python on the Edge Device

I've been following the tutorial at
On my development machine, the python lint in Visual Studio Code is reporting the error: E0401:Unable to import 'iothub_client' on
I wonder if I'm missing a pre-requisite step, or is this just an advisory that can be ignored on the development side of things and it should be ok once deployed - or do I need to fix this error on the development machine first?
I've successfully run the previous tutorial and have tempSensor running. filterSensor seems to terminate and go into a "backoff" state once deployed, with an error of 1. I don't know how I can find out on the Edge-side why it is failing - how do I go about debugging this? Can I see print statement output anywhere, for example?
I'm developing on Mac, and deploying to a Beaglebone running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
For the Python lint issue, yes you are right that this information is just advisory. The cause for it showing up is that you did not install Azure IoT Python SDK which is a pip package on your development machine. You can safely ignore it because the SDK will be installed when building the module image (there is a RUN pip install -r requirements.txt step in the Dockerfile).
If you want to resolve this lint information, you can install the SDK on your development machine manually by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the root folder of the module.

What is phantomjs --wd command alternative for slimerjs?

I was using Phantomjs with Phoenix framework for test, and the package I use in phoenix is hound.
I previously installed phantomjs with apt-get which was giving problems (this github comment said the installation method was the culprit), so I downloaded the latest binary from the official website but that was giving permissions denied error, so I had to build it from the source, but to my surprise the which is mentioned in the official guide wasn't avaialble, so I even failed to build it that way.
I also failed to install through npm, so I gave up on phantomjs.
Now I installed slimerjs, but I don't know what is slimerjs's alternative command to phantomjs --wd.

Resolving Chef Cookbook Dependencies

I'm following a basic chef tutorial outlined here, which walks you through creating an initial chef-repo with various cookbooks from the supermarket.
I'm at the point where I have a hosted chef account set up and I need to upload all my local cookbooks to my hosted chef server.
So I run this locally -
> knife cookbook upload --all
Uploading apache2 [3.0.1]
Uploading apt [2.7.0]
Uploading aws [2.7.0]
Uploading build-essential [2.1.2]
Uploading chef-sugar [3.1.0]
Uploading chef_handler [1.1.8]
Uploading database [4.0.6]
Uploading homebrew [1.12.0]
Uploading iis [4.1.1]
Uploading iptables [1.0.0]
Uploading logrotate [1.9.1]
Uploading mariadb [0.3.0]
Uploading mysql [4.1.2]
ERROR: Cookbook mysql depends on cookbooks which are not currently
ERROR: being uploaded and cannot be found on the server.
ERROR: The missing cookbook(s) are: 'build-essential' version '~> 1.4'
Ok, so mysql cookbook is complaining that it needs build-essential, ~> 1.4. No problem, let me just get that specific version...
> knife cookbook site download build-essential 1.4.4
Great, now I have the right build-essential version. Let's try it again..
> knife cookbook upload --all
Uploading apache2 [3.0.1]
Uploading apt [2.7.0]
Uploading aws [2.7.0]
Uploading build-essential [1.4.4]
Uploading chef-sugar [3.1.0]
Uploading chef_handler [1.1.8]
Uploading database [4.0.6]
Uploading homebrew [1.12.0]
ERROR: Cookbook homebrew depends on cookbooks which are not currently
ERROR: being uploaded and cannot be found on the server.
ERROR: The missing cookbook(s) are: 'build-essential' version '>= 2.1.2'
Well now it breaks homebrew, which complains it needs build-essenitial, >= 2.12.
How do I get out of this dependency cycle? I can't have two different versions of the same cookbook, can I? I downloaded this straight from the tutorial's site - am I stuck just trying to figure out the right version of all these things?
Your mysql cookbook version is old and therefore has old dependencies. Try to upgrade it to the latest release. And also use the new version of build-essenitial.

(httpd) Getting some problems with Mod_security Installation

I'm using Webuzo on my first unmanaged VPS (CentOS 6.4,OpenVZ). I tried to install Mod_Security following this guide. I installed Modsecurity-apache_2.6.6 but there's a problem in Step3 that prevents me from installing OWASP Mod_Security Core Rule Set
The Download address has been removed. So I found another guide for the rule set but I can't get this command to work
git clone
It returns "-bash: git: command not found"
What command should I use to get OWASP CRS?
Also, I suspect the mod_security installation is incomplete since httpd server is unable to restart after installing modsecurity. Here's the configuration error:
[root#xx ~]# httpd -t
Syntax error on line 7 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/modsecurity.conf:
Invalid command 'SecRuleEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Should I uninstall Mod_Secuirty first since everything seems to have become a mess now?
Any help is appreciated.
The apache binary in case of Webuzo is located at /usr/local/apps/apache and the modules are located at /usr/local/apps/apache/modules/lib.
Also the apache configurations in case of Webuzo are located at /usr/local/apps/apache/etc/ and /usr/local/apps/apache/etc/conf.d/
It seems you are trying to compile mod_security at an inappropriate location.
As you are having error with modsecurity.conf, I wonder whether you have followed the step
Step 4: Configuring Mod_Security
In the guide you have followed.
"-bash: git: command not found"
This error can be resolved by installing the package that includes git. try
yum install git-core -y
Both guide1 and guide2 are good to install mod_sec and follow any one. :)

Duplicity, amazon s3 backend exception

I'm trying to create an auto backup using duplicity into amazon s3 following this guide: easy server backups to amazon s3 with duplicity
However, at this command:
duplicity /var/www s3+http://com.mycorp.myhost.backup
I encounter the error:
BackendException: Could not initialize backend: No module named boot
Googling does not yield understandable results for me. FYI, the actual command I run is:
duplicity /Users/okyretina/Dropbox/archive/ s3+http://com.sinkdrive.okyretina.dropbox.archieve
I understand that this guide is for linux and I am using mac osx lion but I figured it should work as well. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
If you are on debian/ubuntu you can install it via: sudo apt-get install python-boto
I was getting the same problem again when upgrading to Ubuntu 19.10 and installing python-boto was not helping. Turns out python3-boto is required in newer versions.
sudo apt install python3-boto
It turns out that I need to install boto first from here