I use the Quasar Framework. When i try to acces the window.store.register() it gives me an error saying store is undefined.
The funny thing is, if i use the older outdated version of this Plugin (cc.fovea.cordova.purchase) everything works fine, but then i cant pulbish my app to the play store because it a too old Billing Library
It also works on android.
This is exactly what i dit:
cordova plugin install cordova-plugin-purchase --variable BILLING_KEY="Key124"
window.store.register([{ id: 'premium', type: window.store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION}])
-> Store is undefined
I CANT access the plugin. Help!
Has anyone been able to get React-Native 0.7, React-Native-Web and React-Navigation/Stack 6.2.3 to work on web? I have a small app working on iOS and Android which I am trying to enable on web too. iOS and Android portion work fine and using metro.
However, webpack build continues to error out with "Module parse failed: Unexpected token" on the NavigationContainer.
I tried searching both react-native-web and react-navigation Issues on their respective GitHub Repositories. However, could not find something to solve my issue. Also tried modifying webpack.config with several different configurations/loaders.
Used links below as a reference too:
Yes, it happens that I maintain a library that does just that: creates a bare React Native app that also runs on the web: 🌒 Luna - https://github.com/criszz77/luna
Here is the live example: https://criszz77.github.io/luna/
You can find more on the wiki page about how it's implemented and you can also implement it by yourself: https://github.com/criszz77/luna/wiki
By using react-scripts, you don't have to handle webpack, babel and other hard configs by yourself.
It currently doesn't run on 0.7 (didn't have time to make the update), but it's in plan to support all the latest versions of course ASAP.
EDIT: Updated to 0.70.3 🎉
I recently cleaned my computer (factory reset) and i'm trying to get back into my development cadence and I'm trying to integrate a package that helps keep my react-native camera screen awake so users can record videos longer than 30 seconds without the screen going to sleep.
I've tried downloading packages like "react-native-keep-awake" and "react-native-background-timer" but when i try and import these packages it says "null is not an object (evaluating {package})"
Every other package i've downloaded works correctly (even more sophisticated packages like react-native-vision-camera), but these packages always return that error!
wondering if theres something wrong with my dev setup (ie node)? but im not sure since every other package downloads and works correctly
for these 'keep-awake' packages i try 'react native link {package}' but that doesnt work since i'm using cocoapods
any ideas?
I cannot manage to get the Vue DevTools running with my iOS Nativescript Project. I followed exactly the instruction on https://nativescript-vue.org/en/docs/getting-started/vue-devtools/ but the Nativescript App does not connect to vue-devtools.
I'm working on a Mac having latest Nativescript 8.1.3 installed, nativescript-vue-devtools is version 1.5.1.
One thing I notice is the error message ReferenceError: SocketManager is not defined as soon as I put Vue.use(VueDevtools) into the code. This error message always appears, I tried several Simulators with different iOS version, I also tried a physical device. I also tried with a "fresh" blank Vue project, leaving completely unchanged but just adding the Vue Devtools, same error.
Anyone out there who managed to get this working?
Thank you for your help.
So to give a little context im using expo-firebase-analytics (latest version) on Expo (27) and im trying to activate setDebugModeEnabled so that i can use the debugView on firebase analytics.
The problem is that when running it i get the following warning
The method or property expo-firebase-analytics.setDebugModeEnabled is not available on ios, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?]
I havent found any information about it on the web
Have you tried installing the latest version of expo-firebase-analytics since expo install brings an older one
Ok so i tried to reproduce the issue.It seems ("even though it seemed obvious") that its not available for a reason on ios. but it is in android. if you use an android device it shoudl work seamlesly
if you check on the exports is the function there?
I am trying to get react-native-sound to work on my react-native app but I keep getting this error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNSound.IsAndroid').
I have noticed that any people have received this error and I found a relevant question already on here, but I am super noobie and don't understand most of the solutions people have suggested.
I have tried react-native link react-native-sound, but it did not change anything. From reading people's comments I must now manually Install, but I don't really understand what I am doing. Even step one... go to android/app/src/main/java/.../MainApplication.java. I don't understand this as I can't see an android file anywhere. I am using Visual Studio (windows 10) and expo cli with my own Pixel 2 plugged in (hence I am not using Android Studio).
Any help would be fantastic.
We can't use native modules with projects which is created by expo cli.
So, either you can use alternative package for expo which is https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/audio/
or if you are familiar with native development, you can eject your project from expo to use native android/ios project with react-native cli.