How can I get xbox play time each game by api? - api

I had get user's game list form request ",image,scid" and get many detail, but I can't found play duration in each game. How can i get it?
Get Xbox game play time


Google Play Games Services for Web - How can I search for players by gamerId?

I am developing a turn based web game using Play Games Services for Web. According to the docs, I can invite other players when a user creates a match setting the invitedPlayerIds property in turnBasedMatches.create. The problem is that I am not able to implement any player selection method (players.list always returns an empty list, no matter if I look for connected or visible states).
Now that Google has implemented Gamer ID, is there any API to look for players by gamerId in the same way that the Play Games Android app lets the user find players and get their playerId to invite participants to the match? Or is there another way to look for players (email, contacts,...)?

How to get to Google Play "Multi-Player Games" section with my game?

I have a multiplayer game distributed through Facebook, AppStore, and Google Play. I want my game to be listed in the "Multi-Player Games" section of the Google Play market.
How should I do this?
Is it enough to add related Google Play Game Service (multiplayer) and my app will appear in the multiplayer section of Google Play?
And also, we do not apply the Google API for implementing our game's multiplayer features, instead we use SmartFox Server. Is it acceptable, or does Google only list games built on its own multiplayer platform in the Google Play multiplayer section?
To enable multiplayer support:
Open the Games with Game Services page from the Google Play Developer Console, and select your game.
Open the Linked apps page for your game, then switch the multiplayer setting to ON.
Click Save as draft to store your settings.
You can publish an app which can be shown in the multiplayer games category even without using google play game service. Just make sure that you chose the correct options in the google play console when publishing your app.
Here are the specific options that you need to set under content ratings:
you must select the Games category.
To make it multiplayer, you must answer one of the questionnaire that asks whether users can interact with other user to yes.
The game services tab setup is not required. You only need to set it up if you use the Google Play Games Services to build your game.

User's current playing track

Is-it possible to get the user's current playing track with Deezer API?
I've tried to use history but it seems to get 1 or 2 minutes before adding the last track... No way to get it real time?
I'm working on iOS app.
There are no real time updates for now in the Deezer API. Using the listening history is the right way to proceed.
If you absolutely need real time, you may use Facebook as an intermediary since they have real time updates for the Deezer users who publish their music activity on Facebook.

are there osmf concepts for scheduled live events?

Lots of ancient, non-negotiable history due to mergers and acquisitions, so I realize there are better ways to do all of this, however... I am faced with the following:
I have an osmf based video player where a particular playlist item (for a live video), must do the following:
play a preRoll prior to displaying a countdown
display a countdown until the video start time (synched with the server time)
play another preRoll prior to video playback
play the live stream until the server time reaches the stream end time
then play a post roll video
I've gotten this working for the most part, but I'm running into walls with the arbitrary insertion of "ads", since I don't want to trigger events associated with loading new media. If I try to inject a new ad (particularly after the stream has played), the live stream will display again. While I could figure out some horrible way to make this work, I just wanted to make sure first that I'm not missing something critical about osmf and live events. I'm also a bit uncertain as to what is native osmf in the architecture I'm working with and what is homegrown.
1) Does osmf have a concept for a scheduled live event that might make this easier
2) Does osmf have an option to arbitrarily insert a video into playback based on some external call without changing the playlist index or returning to the beginning of the video.

iPhone app sugesion

in India we have movie culture where every movie has 5 to 6 songs.  We have copy rights and distribution rights for the songs of the some movies. What I want to know is can we make an app which has the only the audio songs in it. So that fans of that movie can download the app and listen to the music of that movie. We will provide the songs along with the app itself , without the users having to stream from the Internet. Before we start off with making of the ap we need to know if apple allows such kind of app. Has any one seen such an app before. I am not sure how to contact apple to ask the same question.
Such an app is possible: see things like the Napoleon Dynamite soundboard app, it's an app that just plays sounds.
The main problem is though, the user would probably expect to have the music in their music collection as well. Are you sure that is the best way?