I can't find the reason for InvalidCastException - vb.net

I am trying to make an app like an online shop for my project. The code is fine at first(at least for me since there's no errors indications)
But when I run it and press the "Add to Cart" button, it says InvalidCastException and says that I'm trying to convert a string to double even though I am not converting anything
This is what I have so far
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim prditem As ListViewItem
Dim price, cartprice As Integer
Dim product As String
If clbParts.SelectedItem = 0 Then
product = "Power Supply"
price = 1
End If
If clbParts.SelectedItem = 1 Then
product = "CPU"
price = 2
End If
If rdo512gb.Checked = True Then
product = "Hard Drive (512GB)"
price = 11
End If
If rdo1tb.Checked = True Then
product = "Hard Drice (1TB)"
price = 12
End If
cartprice = Price * numQuantity.Text
prditem = lvCart.Items.Add(product)
With prditem
End With
If numQuantity.Text = "0" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please put the number of items you want to add", "Cart Error")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Item/s is/are added to your cart", "Cart")
numQuantity.Text = "0"
End Sub
Private Sub btnTotal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTotal.Click
Dim total As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To lvCart.Items.Count - 1
Dim quantity = CInt(lvCart.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text)
Dim price = CInt(lvCart.Items(i).SubItems(2).Text)
total += quantity + price
txtTotal.Text = total.ToString("N2")
End Sub
Private Sub cboPayment_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboPayment.SelectedIndexChanged
If cboPayment.SelectedItem = 0 Then
Label10.Enabled = True
cboOnline.Enabled = True
Label10.Enabled = False
cboOnline.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("Your items are being delivered in " + txtHomeAddress.Text + ", " + txtAddress.Text + "\n Please wait for the text confirmation", "Cart Error")
End Sub
End Class

Do yourself a favor and watch a YouTube video on how to debug in Visual Studio!
What you need to do is put a Breakpoint on this line:
cartprice = Price * numQuantity.Text
convert a string to double
You're multplying a number by a String! You want to do something like this:
cartprice = Price * Convert.ToDouble(numQuantity.Text)
I'd personally do a double.TryParse to see if its valid and use the output value when performing the operation.
PS: As a challenge to yourself, try and move all the code logic to a Business Logic class, then use Bingings/BindingControls so the Presentation layer is separated from the logic. That way you can Unit Test the business logic layer!


Syntax error when multiplying variables in VB.NET

I'm trying to multiply two variables within VB Studio, however I am getting a syntax error when trying to do this.
(Quantity * ItemCost) gives me a syntax error on the first bracket, and removing the brackets gives me the error that method arguments must be enclosed in parenthesis.
Sorry if this was rather vague or really obvious, I am new to programming in general and am doing my best to make simple programs. I know my code is far from the most efficient but it's the best I can do at the moment.
The whole of my code is below :
Public Class Form1
Dim CustomerName As String
Dim Pensioner As Boolean
Dim Takeout As Boolean
Dim Items(4) As Array
Dim CostOfItems(4) As Array
Dim Alpha As Integer = 0
Dim Quantity As Integer
Dim ItemCost As Integer
Private Sub txtName_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtName.TextChanged
CustomerName = txtName.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cboItemName_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboItemName.SelectedIndexChanged
If cboItemName.Text = "Tea" Then
txtItemPrice.Text = "£0.50"
ElseIf cboItemName.Text = "Coffee" Then
txtItemPrice.Text = "£0.70"
ElseIf cboItemName.Text = "Orange Juice" Then
txtItemPrice.Text = "£0.80"
ElseIf cboItemName.Text = "Apple Juice" Then
txtItemPrice.Text = "£0.80"
ElseIf cboItemName.Text = "Potato" Then
txtItemPrice.Text = "£1.00"
End If
ItemCost = txtItemPrice.Text
End Sub
Private Sub txtQuantity_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtQuantity.KeyPress
If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 Then
If Asc(e.KeyChar) < 48 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 57 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
Quantity = txtQuantity.Text
End Sub
Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
If chxPension.Checked = True Then
Pensioner = True
End If
If cbxTakeOut.Checked = True Then
TakeOut = True
End If
Quantity * ItemCost
txtQuantity.Text = ""
cboItemName.Text = ""
Alpha += 1
txtName.ReadOnly = True
End Sub
End Class
(I have now changed the ItemCost value to not include a £ or . , however I am still getting a syntax error on the bracket)
The problem with your code is that you are not assigning the result of the multiplication to any variable. Some languages permit that (calculating a value and throwing it away), but apparently VB.NET doesn't. It is trying to save you from a common programmer mistake.
Do it like this instead:
Dim TotalCost As Integer = Quantity * ItemCost
The result of the multiplication will now be stored in the variable TotalCost, which you can use for whatever you need.
Of course, you could also store the result of the calculation in one of the operand variables (assuming, of course, it is not a constant). In this case, judging from the names of the variables, it doesn't make much sense, but sometimes it is appropriate:
ItemCost = Quantity * ItemCost ' probably wrong, but syntactically legal
You also need to declare your variables correctly.
item cost can not be integer.
Item cost should be something like double or decimal
Dim TotalCost as Decimal = Quantity * ItemCost
Could you please remove the £ in your txtItemPrice.Text?
Replace this in your existing codes:
ItemCost = cInt(txtItemPrice.Text)
Quantity = cInt(txtQuantity.Text)
This is to convert the Strings (.text) into Integer
For the computation of Total Cost:
Dim Total As Integer = Quantity * ItemCost
Please Take Note:
Integer data types cannot hold values with decimal. Use Double instead.

Combo Box Returning -1 For SelectedIndex

I'm trying to pick up a combo box's selected index. This was working absolutely fine, then all of a sudden it started returning -1 no matter what item is selected
My code is:
Form Code
Private Sub Man_SelectedIndexChanged_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Man.SelectedIndexChanged, Units.SelectedIndexChanged
'Set Transducer Type
Call References.LevListAdd()
End Sub
References Module LevListAdd Sub
Public Sub LevListAdd()
If Form1.Man.Text = "Pulsar" Then
With Form1.Lev.Items
.Add("Ultra Range")
.Add("IMP Range")
.Add("Twin Range")
End With
End If
End Sub
This fills the combo box lev fine when the Man combo box item "Pulsar" is selected. I then want my users to click a button to generate some labels and stuff. The code is as such:
Button Click Code
Private Sub Generate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Generate.Click
If CheckGenerate() = False Then Exit Sub
Dim X = CheckGenerationType(Man.SelectedIndex, Lev.SelectedIndex, Level.Checked, Volume.Checked, ListBox1.SelectedIndex,
Call ParamPage(X)
End Sub
CheckGenerate simply checks that all boxes have been filled in. I pass the informtion from the form to the following function:
Public Function CheckGenerationType(Man As Integer, Lev As Integer, Level As Boolean, Volume As Boolean, TankType As Integer,
MeasurementUnit As Integer) As String
Dim M As Integer
Dim L As Integer
Dim CT As Integer
Dim TT As Integer
Dim Ms As Integer
M = Man
L = Lev
TT = TankType
Ms = MeasurementUnit
If Level = True Then
CT = 0
ElseIf Volume = True Then
CT = 1
End If
CheckGenerationType = CStr(M) + "." + CStr(L) + "." + CStr(CT) + "." + CStr(TT) + "." + CStr(Ms)
End Function
When the lev.selectedindex parameter arrives at this function, it reads -1. Even if the user has selected any of the 3 items. Can anyone explain why this is happening?
I've just tried your code. I get the same result (-1 in lev.SelectedIndex) and this was because jumped using tab through the controls my when i'm hitting the Man or Units Combobox it runs the LevListAdd() and then clears the Lev-ComboBox because of Form1.Lev.Items.Clear().
You should think about your call Man_SelectedIndexChanged_1 or maybe just use something like this:
Public Sub LevListAdd()
If Form1.Man.Text = "Pulsar" Then
instead of
Public Sub LevListAdd()
If Form1.Man.Text = "Pulsar" Then
And you should separate the calls from the man and unit ComboBoxes.
Private Sub Unit_SelectedIndexChanged_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Units.SelectedIndexChanged
' Do something
End Sub
Private Sub Man_SelectedIndexChanged_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Man.SelectedIndexChanged
Select Case Form1.Man.Text
Case "Pulsar"
With Form1.Lev.Items
.Add("Ultra Range")
.Add("IMP Range")
.Add("Twin Range")
End With
Case "animals"
With Form1.Lev.Items
End With
End Select
End Sub

Visual Basic Sequential Access Files

I've been working on this assignment for quite awhile, but I'm practically ripping my hair out. Before anyone jumps the gun and says I'm looking for a free handout on the assignment, please note, I've done 90% of the assignment! The program has 4 commercials in a list, you choose which one to vote for and it saves your vote and tallies it. As it tallies it in the program, it also saves it into a file. The next time you open the file, you can hit "Display vote" and it reads the file and re-tally's everything for the user.
Here's what the program looks like, at least what I have done. My issue is that when I hit display votes, nothing happens. It doesn't read in anything from the file. I tested using a message box for it to see if it displays anything from the file, and it does infact display the first item from the project. Anyone have any ideas?!
Public Class frmMain
Dim intVotes(3) As Integer
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
lstCom.SelectedIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnSaveVote_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSaveVote.Click
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter
Dim intSub As Integer
intSub = lstCom.SelectedIndex
If intSub <= intVotes.GetUpperBound(0) Then
intVotes(intSub) += 1
If IO.File.Exists("CallerVotes.txt") Then
outFile = IO.File.CreateText("CallerVotes.txt")
If lstCom.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
ElseIf lstCom.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
ElseIf lstCom.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
ElseIf lstCom.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
End If
End If
End If
lblBud.Text = intVotes(0).ToString
lblFed.Text = intVotes(1).ToString
lblET.Text = intVotes(2).ToString
lblPep.Text = intVotes(3).ToString
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lstCom.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnDisplayVote_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayVote.Click
Dim inFile As IO.StreamReader
Dim strText As String
If IO.File.Exists("CallerVotes.txt") Then
inFile = IO.File.OpenText("CallerVotes.txt")
Do Until inFile.Peek = -1
strText = inFile.ReadLine
If strText = "Budweiser" Then
intVotes(0) += 1
ElseIf strText = "FedEx" Then
intVotes(1) += 1
ElseIf strText = "E*TRADE" Then
intVotes(2) += 1
ElseIf strText = "Pepsi" Then
intVotes(3) += 1
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
If you look at your file I think you will see that you have only one entry. You are overwriting the file each time you click the save button by using the CreateText method.
from MSDN(emphasis mine)
This method is equivalent to the StreamWriter(String, Boolean) constructor overload with the append parameter set to false. If the file specified by path does not exist, it is created. If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten.
try using the AppendText method instead.
If IO.File.Exists("CallerVotes.txt") Then
outFile = IO.File.AppendText("CallerVotes.txt")
You will also need to assign the values that you read in to the appropriate labels per DeanOC's answer.
I think that your problem is that you are not assigning the values from the intVotes array to the labels. At the end of btnDisplayVote_Click try adding
lblBud.Text = intVotes(0).ToString
lblFed.Text = intVotes(1).ToString
lblET.Text = intVotes(2).ToString
lblPep.Text = intVotes(3).ToString

multiple inputs in text box not totaling

I got another super basic question, im trying to total the subtotals of every entry in the txtPrice.Text the user enters, and then refresh the other lables with the updated tax, shipping, and grand total. Its not totaling the subTotal, everything else works fine. Whats up with that?
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim sglSub As Single
Dim sglTotal As Single
Dim sglSalesTax As Single
Const TAX_RATE As Single = 0.02
Dim bytShippingCharge As SByte = 10
Dim sglCompTotal As Single
Single.TryParse(txtPrice.Text, sglSub)
sglTotal += sglSub
lblSubTotal.Text = sglTotal.ToString("C2")
sglSalesTax = (sglTotal * TAX_RATE)
lblTax.Text = sglSalesTax.ToString("C2")
If sglTotal >= 100 Then
bytShippingCharge = 0
End If
lblShipping.Text = bytShippingCharge.ToString("C2")
sglCompTotal = (sglTotal + sglSalesTax + bytShippingCharge)
lblTotal.Text = sglCompTotal.ToString("C2")
End Sub
In this line:
sglTotal += sglSub
-Every time you work with a total initialize it to zero before adding a value to it. If not it can leads to undesired result.
-When working with currency is better to use a decimal type instead.
If you want a variable keeps its value declare it shared.
This a little example of how you can use a shared field
Public Class Form1
Shared total As Decimal = 0D
Shared Sub calc()
total += 2
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = total.ToString
End Sub
End Class

Variables to list box?

taking a VB class this term and I've been stumped on a problem I'm trying to figure out. We were asked to create a price calculator for movie titles at a movie rental place. Extra credit was storing them in a list and being able to print the list. I've gotten that far and now I want to go a step further and actually add titles to that list with an attached price. I figured the easiest way to do this would probably be with arrays but I don't have much experience working with arrays.
I was thinking something along the lines of storing each title(as its added) as well as the price in a variable to give a "Movie Title - $2.93" format in every line of the list box. For the sake of this problem I'm going to just post my full source code and that might make it easier to see what I'm trying to accomplish. ANY help would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks Stack overflow community!
A screenshot of my project can be viewed here: http://puu.sh/54SgI.jpg
Public Class Form1
'globablly declared because I might use them outside of btnAdd_Click event
Const decDiscount As Double = 0.9 '1-.10 discount = .9
Const decDVD As Decimal = 2D
Const decBlueray As Decimal = 2.5D
Const decDVDNew As Decimal = 3.25D
Const decBluerayNew As Decimal = 3.5D
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim decCost, decTotal As Decimal
Dim decDayTotal As Decimal
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AcceptButton = btnAdd
End Sub
Private Sub chkDiscount_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles chkDiscount.Click
If chkDiscount.CheckState = 1 Then
chkDiscount.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
'Display error when no title entered
If txtAdd.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a movie title and select the appropriate item details.", "Complete details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
listMovies.SelectedIndex = listMovies.SelectedIndex + 1
End If
'update list
'clear txtbox
txtAdd.Text = ""
'Decision Statements to calculate correct price
If radDVD.Checked = True Then
decCost = CDec(decDVD.ToString("c"))
If chkNew.Checked = True Then
decCost = CDec(decDVDNew.ToString("c"))
End If
ElseIf radBlueray.Checked = True Then
decCost = CDec(decBlueray.ToString("c"))
If chkNew.Checked = True Then
decCost = CDec(decBlueray.ToString("c"))
End If
End If
If chkDiscount.Checked = True Then
decCost = CDec((decCost * decDiscount).ToString("c"))
End If
'display cost
txtCost.Text = CStr(CDec(decCost))
'calc total
decTotal = CDec(decTotal + decCost)
'display total
txtTotal.Text = CStr(CDec(decTotal))
'clear chkNew every item added to list
chkNew.CheckState = 0
End Sub
'Public so summary message box can access variable
Public Sub btnFinish_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFinish.Click
'Add +1 to counter & update txtCounter
intCount = CInt(Val(intCount) + 1)
'add to day total
decDayTotal = CDec(Val(decDayTotal) + decTotal)
'Set Everything back to empty/enabled
chkDiscount.Enabled = True
chkDiscount.CheckState = 0
chkNew.CheckState = 0
txtAdd.Text = ""
txtCost.Text = ""
txtTotal.Text = ""
decTotal = 0
decCost = 0
'Instead of clearing radios each time, a more desirable result would be to have DVD always set back to the default checked radio
radDVD.Checked = True
radBlueray.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnSummary_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSummary.Click
If decTotal > 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please finish your current order before viewing a daily summary.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
MessageBox.Show(("Your total cutomer count is: " & intCount) + Environment.NewLine + ("Your total sales today is: $" & decDayTotal), "Daily Summary", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRemove.Click
End Sub
I wont go very far here because you need to do the work. But, I would start with a class:
Public Class Movie
Public Title As String = ""
Public Cost As Decimal
' prevents you from adding a movie without critical info
Public Sub New(ByVal t As String, ByVal c As Decimal)
Title = t
Cost = c
End Sub
End Class
This would hold the info on one movie title rental, and keep it together (and can be added to in order to print exactly as you showed) . The plan (to the extent I understand what you are after) would be to create one of these for each movie rented and add it to a List(Of Movie) this is more appropriate than a Dictionary in this case.
To create a movie:
Dim m As New Movie(theTitle, theCost)
Things I would do:
You did a good job of declaring numerics as numbers. Fix the code that converts it to string and back to numeric. (edit your post)
You can use the Movie Class to populate the "Shopping Cart" listbox alone; at which point, listMovies.Items would BE the extra credit List. But it wouldnt hurt to use/learn about List (Of T). (BTW, does 'print' mean to paper, on a printer?)
What are you doing with chkDiscount? If they check it, you disable it (and never enable). Did you mean to disable the New Releases check? In THAT case, arent they really a pair of radios too?
Either way, CheckChanged is a better event for evaluating and there is no reason to manually set the check state for the user that happens by itself.
Check out List(of T) and HTH
A good thing to think about when doing assignments like this (particularly when learning your first language) is to think of the algorithm (the step you need to get to your goal).
1st, determine all the steps you need to get to your goal.
2nd, and I think this is the more import point for your question, figure out what order the steps need to be in (or better yet, what order they are most efficient in).
In your case I think that you are kind of ice skating up hill by adding the name of the movie to the list first, and then trying to add the price to the line later. Unless that kind of functionality was requested as part of the assignment I would require the user to enter both the name AND the price before accepting either (just like you do with the name currently). Like thus:
If txtAdd.Text <> "" AND txtCost.Text <> "" Then 'requiring both fields to not be null
''add moive code
''MessageBox.Show("Yadda Yadda Yadda")
End If
I agree with Plutonix that creating a class, while overkill in your case, is a good idea, as it will give you practice for when it WILL be appropriate. Once you have that a class of Movie, you can then create lists of Movie(s) like this:
Dim MovieList as new List(of Movie)
So then, each time you press the btnAdd button, you can pass the values to a movie AND add it to the list.
Dim m As Movie
Dim MovieList as new List(of Movie)
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
'Display error when no title entered
If txtAdd.Text <> "" And txtCost.Text <> "" Then
myMovie = New Movie(txtAdd.Text, txtCost.Text)
For Each X As Movie In myMovieList
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a movie title and select the appropriate item details.", "Complete details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
'Other Code
End Sub
Note the line ListMovies.Items.Add(X.DisplayMovie) I added a function to the class Movie (seen below) so that it will do the formatting as you suggested.
Public Function DisplayMovie()
Return Title & " - $" & Cost
End Function
This will get you much of the way. Try to extrapolate what Plutonix and myself have explained to further refine your code. For instance, try encapsulating your adjusted price calculation in its own function so you can call it from anywhere.