Using sql server, Data type - sqldatatypes

Should the data type have its limit number written or just indicating the data type only
I tried using varchar(100) as a data type and it brought an error indicating the number of values exceeds 100


How to alter data type of column has many data exists ("Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.")

I am using SQL Server 2014. How to alter data type of column has many data exists ("Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.")
My code
Old data type of field price is REAL. I want it become NUMERIC(10,4) . Production database has many data.
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 10
Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.
The statement has been terminated.
Completion time: 2022-04-05T17:03:48.4602172+07:00
How to archive it?
You need to identify rows that don't fit in numeric(10,4) and decide what you want to do with them (fix the values, remove them, or choose a more accommodating type).
SELECT * FROM dbo.motor
AND TRY_CONVERT(numeric(10,4), price) IS NULL;
We can't tell you the best way to fix the data in your scenario, but you certainly need to make some decision. You can't fit 400 beers in a backpack, you either need to reduce the number of beers, or get a bigger container.
For that, you need to increase the digit in the Numeric data type that is present in the brackets() because you are using the REAL data type for price column, and the size of REAL type data type is 4 bytes.
e.g Numeric(20,4)

Conversion Failed when converting varchar value to data type smallint

I am trying to use an Update SQL query to set a series of values in a table, however I am facing an issue whereby I keep getting the error message
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value
'&[NAS_APIConfig.ProcessID_FS]&' to data type smallint.
Here is an example of a query I am using:
SET ProcessID_FS = '&[NAS_APIConfig.ProcessID_FS]&',
ScheduleType = '&[NAS_APIConfig.ScheduleType]&'
The data is being stored in a collection within Blue Prism and was pulled from a different database with a data type of smallint. I'm guessing that when the data is being pulled into Blue Prism it is getting cast as a varchar data type. What is the correct syntax to use the UPDATE SET query while casting the item as smallint?

Binary or string data would be truncated

I am running an insert statement to populate records into a table using SQL Server 2012. In table 1 that has all the records, the datatype is VARCHAR(5000), and I have done a max(len) to determine that the maximum length of data it contains is about 3000.
In table 2 that the records should go into, the datatype for the field is VARCHAR(5000), which mirrors what's in Table 1.
I am getting the dreaded binary or string data would be truncated message, but my destination table field is large enough to store this data.
When I remove this field from the insert statement, the insert statement works fine and my data moves from Table 1 to Table 2 as expected, but including the field causes this error.
Has anyone come across this peculiar case before? Is it possible that the string field has some sort of weird characters in it that could be causing this error.

How to load proper data with openrowset in sql server

Data is like below in CVS file, Loading to SQL server using openrowset. Number rows are converted fine but number with text(xy1468028906,ab1468028906) rows converted to null.
Column data type in the tabel is nvarchar(max)
So, the data is loaded into table like below
How can we load data properly, any suggest.

Oracle SQL display blob contents greater than varchar2 max limit

How do I display the rest of the xml for this sql query since varchar2 is only limited to 2000?
Column msg is a blob which contains compressed XML
Each row will have different msg length ranging from 500 to 6000 bytes as least
select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(xml.msg),2000,1)) as XML_Msg from xml_table xml;
This could be a possible solution Convert Blob to Varchar datatype but I don't know what it would do to my database.
In Oracle the MAX you can retrieve from blob data type is 4000 bytes , below is statment that can do the job. I ran into the same problem two weeks ago , please refer to my post for more details. Java Class for retrieving Large String from Oracle_db of LOB dataType
Select dbms_lob.substr( BLOB_FieldName, 4000, 1 )
from Database name Where [Condition];