In blender, how to get the full parameter list of modifier and change specific parameter in python? - blender

I have been searching for this online for a while but no proper answer solves my confusion.
There is a stair generator which contains several parameters in the modifier
Example snapshot
I want to change certain parameters such as
Dict["stair Count"] = 20
and somehow regenerate the model and output a ply/glb file.
In order to do so I want to get the list that modifier is showing, but I don't know how to do so in python.
import bpy
ctx = bpy.context
obj = ctx.object
nodes = obj.modifiers["STAIR GENERATOR"]
I can see a list of the parameter values, but the keys seem quite wrong comparing to the GUI. So I have two questions.
How do I get a full list of the key label from python just like the GUI? (e.g. “Switch”, “stair count”, “stair height”, …)
How do I apply the change on the script and update the stairs?
Thank you in advance


Algolia vue-instantsearch : disjunction between two distincts facets

Using algolia vue-instantsearch, i’m encountering a special case and i’m having an hard time finding a solution.
Refinement behaviors is that you get the results that matches all your refinement filters.
If i filter on a brand and a price, i’ll get the results that matches both the brand and the price.
I need to add some specific filters that work differently. I would like to be able to say “returns me the results that matches either refinementA, or refinementB, or refinementC.”
The reason is that those refinements are checking fields that are not present on all the products.
If i check a value for refinementA, i want to keep all the results that has no value for field corresponding to refinementA, but remove those that has a value for refinementA that does not match with the one i filtered one.
Im thinking about handling myself some inputs instead of ias-components, and modifying by hand each query that is send to algolia by checking the value of my own inputs when searchFunction is triggered (
I did not found yet how i can trigger a search from an non-vue-instantsearch input event, and i’m not sure how the above solution could affect the internal working of vue-instantsearch.
I’m looking for feedbacks about a more standard way of doing this, or for any advices !
I got the answer by exchanging with a vue-instantsearch maintainer.
vue-instantsearch does not provide any option to do it.
A workaround is to overwrite algoliasearch search method, that is used under the hood by vue-instant-search.
const client = algoliasearch('', '');
const originalSearch =; = function search(queries) { ... }
More informations in this github issue :

Is there any example or sample code for the find and filter feature in Cytoscape JS

I saw in cytoscape application we have features like find and filter by keywords and degree. I tried a workaround following the original docs. Here you can see the demo (view-source for the source code or snippet). The filter works well partially. Example, "apple" will display apple and it's connected nodes (1st level) just what I am looking for.
But the problem I am facing is about resetting the graph and filter again with a
different keyword. It seems the filter function does not work after the text box is cleared and then keyed in a different keyword.
I mean when I clear the text box, it resets the graph to original which is correct. I did that using an init() function which reinstates the graph. But then if I search for "Ball" filter does not work. Any help please. Thanks!
actually there is a reasonably good explanation in the official docs here, but to be honest, I too struggled with this feature at first:
Basically, you can filter the specific collection you want to search by just inserting a filter query. So if you want to filter all nodes, you can use this:
If you want to filter all elements, just call this:
If you want to make it easy, you can use this short version (short for cy.filter(...)):
The filter query itself is not that hard, you can do this (assuming that you have a node with the id "first" or an attribute like nodeColor "#2763c4"):
cy.$('[id != "first"]');
cy.$('[id = "first"]');
cy.$('[nodeColor = "#2763c4"]');
cy.$('[weight > 50]');
Additionally, you can specify the target collection within your filter query like this:
cy.$('node[id != "first"]');
Lastly, if you need complex filtering, you can use a function to apply that logic to the filter, for that just do this:
cy.$(function(element, i){
return element.isNode() &&'weight') > 50;
Sounds like you are trying to cy.filter on a cytoscape instance that no longer exists at that point. That's why it works the first time, but not the second time (after you reinstate the graph, which probably means destroy & create).
You need to make sure you point your filter handlers to the active cytoscape instance.

How does the Global Image ID work ? - Linking Dual-EELS datasets

Is there a way to script a pair of dual-EELS SIs so that DM recognises them as siblings (say, for use in the "SI->Align SI by Peak" menu option)?
I have a script which performs a transformation on a pair of dualEELS SIs where the results are given in new images with all the tags copied from the original. The new SIs do not seem to be acknowledged by the SI options as a pair, however. A MWE of how this occurs is below:
image a, b
GetTwoLabeledImagesWithPrompt("Get SI", \
"Get DualEELS SIs", \
"Low-Loss", a, \
"High-Loss", b)
image LL, HL
LL := a.ImageClone()
HL := b.ImageClone()
Assuming that the two inputs are real dualEELS SIs. Attempting afterward to run a method like "SI->Align SI by Peak" on the outputs does not recognise the second SI as a sibling.
I suspect that my issue is in properly assigning the four EELS:Dual acquire sibling:UID tags highlighted in the image provided, however I have no idea how (or if) these are accessible from the scripting language.
Thanks in advance for any help you are able to render.
Yes, "siblings" in DigitalMicrograph are recognized by tag-checks and tagging of the Unique Image Id (UID).
Depending on the exact application/plugin, there might be additional tag-checks before a sibling can be accepted (i.e. "is it EELS data?", "is it spatially compatible?", etc.) but he prime-mechanism is using the UID.
A bit of background info
The UID is a set of four long-numbers generated at random whenever a new image data is created, and then subsequently stored with the data. It is "unique" by the assumption that a set of four randomly generated 8-byte longs are "unique".
If you create an image, save it to disc, and open it, the UID will be the same. (It is stored with the data.)
If you ImageClone() an image, it gets a new UID.
If you copy a image file on the hard drive and rename it, it will retain the UID.
Creating and using UIDs
The commands to get an image's UID are described in the F1 help documentation here:
And the example section even has a script showing how one uses UID to "link" data together:

TFS 2015 plugin - multiple task inputs

I'm writing a plugin for TFS 2015 and i'm trying to create a task that uses an input that may repeat itself several times dynamically.
Each time the user enters such an input I will add another field (of the same type) to the task.
So actually I'm talking about the possibility of "n" inputs of some type.
Is there a way to create such inputs (kind of a dynamic array of inputs) in the task.json file?
There isn't any way to achieve this feature. The alternative way would set the input type to "multiLine" and enter your items in several lines. And then you can get these items via getDelimitedInpu() method with "\n" delim.
import tl = require('vsts-task-lib');
var items:string[] = tl.getDelimitedInput('items','\n');

Is it possible to compare 2 dimensions in a Google Analytics query filter?

I'm just starting out with the Google Analytics API and am wondering if it's possible to compare two dimensions via an operand in the filters I pass in the query. And by wondering I mean I've tried it, but have had no success.
Specifically I'm trying to compare 2 custom variable values. One holds the user who created a post (customVarValue3), the other the user who is viewing the post (customVarValue5). I want to get the pageviews only for the visitors who are not also the creator. The filter looks like this (without urlencoding applied):
The full query (url encoded) looks like this:!%3Dga%3AcustomVarValue5&sort=-ga%3Apageviews&start-date=2012-02-09&end-date=2012-02-23&max-results=50
However, it returns the same results (and I know there are results where ga:customVarValue3 == ga:customVarValue5).
Probably it isn't possible, but I just wanted to see if anyone knew how to achieve this or has a workaround or something.
No, it is not possible using the GAv3 API in its present state. You can, however, get all the results by using the specified two custom variables as the dimensions for a report, and programmatically filter out the unnecessary results.
Some simple construct like
for(var item in collatedResultsListwithDimensions) {
for(var row in item.rows) {
Now your newResultRows will have those rows where row[1]!=row[0] assuming the two custom variables you mentioned are the first two dimensions.