I upgraded my angular version from 13 to 14 .. getting generic type error TS2707 for ng-circle-progress - migration

I upgraded my angular version from 13 to 14.. migration is completed , but on running application with ng serve its giving error for ng-circle-progress module .
Error: node-modules/ng-circle-progress/lib/ng-circle-progress-component.d.ts:- error TS2707 :
Generic Type 'ComponentDeclaration requires between 7 and 8 arguments.
tried solving by using npm install #angular/ng-circle-progress --force --legacy-peer-deps but nothing worked. Can anyone provide solution to this. Any lead will be appreciated.

Issue that I was facing was occurring as some npm packages were upgraded to 15 as its latest. Though I am migrating to 14 not 15.
So to solve that I checked all packages version relevant to version 14 from npm official site
for eg : for #angular/animations
Similarly check versions for each package upgraded to 15 and change in package.json
and finally run 'npm install --legacy-peer-deps'
You will be good to go .
If you still face issues, restart application and do ng serve.


npm 7 installed but version 6 is still wanted

I recently updated npm to the latest version (7.1.1) using the following command:
npm i -g npm#7.1.1
It successfully installed npm 7.1.1, but when I check for global outdated packages I get this:
How can I set the wanted version of npm to >7.0 so that I don't get this anymore in the outdated list?
Thank you.
The docs for npm outdated indicate that when running npm outdated --global, the Wanted column "shows the currently-installed version." Since it is not doing that, that would seem to be a bug in npm. Either the Wanted column should display 7.1.1 in your case or else the documentation needs to be updated to reflect the actual behavior. (I've confirmed the same behavior on my own machine, so I don't believe this is a case of user error.) I suggest opening an issue in the npm issue tracker.

NPM install causes a significant amount of errors in React Native

This is most likely an issue with npm.
I have a react-native project that worked fine until I ran npm install.
Once I did this, I started to receive a significant amount of errors.
To name a couple:
I received this for multiple pods:
The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 7.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 8.0 to 12.1
There were also multiple modules that had missing files.
I was able to revert to a previous version of my node_modules, without running npm install, and there were no issues.
However, when I run npm install, the issue persists.
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and found a solution.
i believe you may have conflicts with the version of npm you used previously. i am getting different results when using npm#5 and npm#6 to install.

Karma/Jasmine – cannot start testing with new Angular 5 project (due tot index.d.ts errors)

When starting the test with ‘ng test’, the Chrome browser won’t start. I get this weird message.
karma jasmine ERROR in node_modules/#types/jasmine/index.d.ts(138,47): error TS1005: ';' expected.
My Angular version is 5.2 with the CLI 1.7.4.
The browser won’t start if you have errors – that’s what you saw.
Solution 1 – for solving the symptom:
I had the same issue. It may help when you update the typescript and jasmine types like so:
$ npm install --save-dev typescript#2.7
$ npm install --save-dev #types/jasmine#2.8.4
Solution 2 – more fundamental:
1 – Create a new Angular 5 project. Verify that testing is possible: ‘$ ng test’.
2 – Check the mismatch in versions in your package.json file. Correct these versions of your project according to the new sample project you just created. Do this with ‘npm install --save (or --save-dev)' of the packages. That way you will update the package.json file.

NPM Error: EPERM: operation not permitted. Tarball data for <package> seems to be corrupted

I've been trying to create a new angular app with the cli, but I keep getting this error.
At first I thought it was something related to the version of cli I had installed( the latest one), so I uninstalled it and tried with the same version(6.0.8) that is used in the course I'm following along, but I get the same error :
Do you have any idea how I can figure out what is causing this issue?
Is there any log I can check?
I'm using :
Node: v8.11.3
Npm: 6.4.1
Windows 10 Pro.
I resolved it using this command:
npm install --registry https://registry.cnpmjs.org

React-Native Install Error

ling react-native I get the following error (on windows)
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\src\win_delay_load_hook.c(31):
error C2373: '__pfnDliNotifyHook2': redefinition; different type modifiers
I've installed windows sdks, added the C++ tools to my VS 2015 installation, installed android studio, java etc.
Is there any way to resolve this?
I got same problem, and for me the answer was to update node-gyb from version 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 in npm.
For instructions how to do it, see:
npm install fails with error C2373 with vs2015 update 3
If npm i fails, try npm install node-gyp after you have updated version number in packages.json