WebStorm + Prettier setting that keeps putting my HTML into one line - intellij-idea

I'm trying to set up Prettier to run every time I save but I can't seem to find a certain setting.
export default function RaisedContainer({ children }: IProps) {
return (
gets turned into
export default function RaisedContainer({ children }: IProps) {
return <div>{children}</div>;
I do not want this to happen. Where in the settings can I stop this from happening?


Handling default slot on custom component

Iam stugging on a problem to handle default slots with render() function.
I have two components, one that passes a string value innerHTML to my custom Component MySub. In MySub i wants to use the default slot to do further stuff with it.
My Parent:
import { defineComponent, h, VNode } from "vue";
import MySub from "./mySub.ts"
export default defineComponent({
render() {
return h(MySub, {}, 'innerHTML')
My Sub:
import { defineComponent, h, VNode } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
value: ''
mounted() {
if (this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default()[0]) this.value = <string>this.$slots.default()[0].children
render() {
return h('div', {}, [this.value + ' "here my added Stuff"'])
Now to my problem: When i code it like this (above or link below), i get a warning calls: Non-function value encountered for default slot. Prefer function slots for better performance. I know whats todo to get rid of these message and why its exists. Just add a function call to the value in my MyParent return h(MySub, {}, () => 'innerHTML').
But when i do this, it get the following message: Slot "default" invoked outside of the render function: this will not track dependencies used in the slot. Invoke the slot function inside the render function instead. Also here, i know what the message wants to tell me, but i cant find a why to handle these problem.
I hope, i could explain my problem clear enough and somebody know what i can do.
Here is an Playground Example that reproduce exactly my problem.
Dont know its the correct way to reply my own question, but i found and resolved the problem...
The problem isnt occur in the parent component. You always should call default slots within a function call like: () => 'innerHTML' for better performance (like the warn message is calling) cause to not render it, when its empty.
So i have to search for the problem in the child...
And the problem was the function mounted()
m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶e̶d̶(̶)̶ ̶{̶
i̶f̶ ̶(̶t̶h̶i̶s̶.̶$̶s̶l̶o̶t̶s̶.̶d̶e̶f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶ ̶&̶&̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶.̶$̶s̶l̶o̶t̶s̶.̶d̶e̶f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶(̶)̶[̶0̶]̶)̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶.̶v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶ ̶=̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶.̶$̶s̶l̶o̶t̶s̶.̶d̶e̶f̶a̶u̶l̶t̶(̶)̶[̶0̶]̶.̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶
In the render() function, i used this.value that is declared outside in the data() and assigned in the mounted(). So i just had to put it inside like below:
getDefaultSlotValue() {
if (this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default()[0]) this.value = <string>this.$slots.default()[0].children
render() {
return h('div', {}, [this.getDefaultSlotValue() + ' "here my added Stuff"'])
Iam not sure, but the problem seems to be no problem, when you call the MySub directly (to see in App.vue), cause the mounted() is normally called after rendering. But i dont know, whats vue exactly doing under the hood.
Here an working Playground example

vue constructor not having local state

I have this code:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import Test1x from './test1x'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x1.commit('change')}>change</button>
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x2.commit('change')}>change</button>
return el
and test1x.js file is as follows:
import withStore from './withStore'
export default withStore({
state: {
mutations: {
and withStore.js file is as follows:
import Vue from 'vue'
export default ({ state, mutations }) => {
return Vue.extend({
data () {
return { state }
methods: {
commit (mutationName) {
Given that code, I assume each greeting will be changed by the corresponding button, separately, individually, but not, when I press a button all two greetings change. Anyone knows why? Thank you in advance.
And even more strange is that while at least code presented before is reactive, I mean, greeting change when pressing a button, code below it is not:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import withStore from './withStore'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const Test1x=withStore({
state: {
mutations: {
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x1.commit('change')}>change</button>
<button vOn:click={()=>test1x2.commit('change')}>change</button>
return el
when pressing button nothing happens, greeting remains with hola instead of hello. Isn't that strange? Anyone knows why? Thanks again.
thanks to #skirtle answer, I solved the issue doing this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
import Test1 from './test1/test1'
import Test1x from './test1/test1x'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const test1x1=new Test1x()
const test1x2=new Test1x()
const el=
<Test1 test1x={test1x1}/>
<Test1 test1x={test1x2}/>
return el
and test1.js being this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import s from 'vue-styled-components'
export default Vue.extend({
const Div=s.div`
const el=
<button vOn:click={()=>this.test1x.commit('change')}>changes</button>
return el
and test1x.js being this:
import withStore from './withStore'
export default withStore({
state: null,
mutations: {
This works. The strange thing now is that if I uncomment test1x1.commit('init') I get an infinite loop, don't know why. If I then comment test1x1.state={greeting:'hola'} I don't get an infinite loop but I get an error that cannot read property greeting of null in test1.js. Anyone knows why this is happening? The thing is test1x1.commit('init') does not change the value test1x1.state, it remains null. Thanks.
Addressing the first problem first.
The problem starts here:
state: {
The value of state points to a specific object. That object then gets passed around but at no point is a copy taken. The result is that both test1x1 and test1x2 will have the same object for state.
You can confirm this by adding a bit of console logging:
console.log(test1x1.state === test1x2.state)
The way Vuex handles this problem is to allow state to be a function, just like data:
state () {
return {
Each time the state function is invoked it will return a new object.
As you aren't using Vuex you would need to ensure that you call the state function at the correct point to generate the relevant object. Something like this:
data () {
if (typeof state === 'function') {
state = state()
return { state }
So, to your second problem. I'm afraid I don't know what the problem is there. However, I very much doubt that 'when pressing button nothing happens'. It may not update the message but that isn't the same as 'nothing happens'. It should be relatively straightforward to add in some console logging at each stage and to establish exactly what does and doesn't happen. Once you've gathered all of that extra information about precisely what is happening it should be fairly simple to pinpoint precisely where the disconnect is occurring.
My suspicion would be that you've made some other changes to withStore that are causing this new problem. It could also be a file caching problem, so that the code you're running is not the code you think it is. Either way the extra logging should reveal all.
If you need further help with that then please update the question with the extra information gathered via console logging.
This is why the updated code causes an infinite rendering loop:
Inside the render function there is a call to test1x1.commit('init').
Inside commit it accesses the property this.state. This will add the property this.state as a rendering dependency for the component. It doesn't matter what the current value of this.state is, it's the property itself that is the dependency, not its current value.
On the next line it sets test1x1.state={greeting:'hola'}. This changes the value of the state property. This is the same state that has just been registered as a rendering dependency. As a rendering dependency has now changed the component will be re-added to the rendering queue, even though it hasn't finished the current rendering yet.
Eventually Vue will work its way through the rendering queue and get back to this same component. It will again call render to try to render the component. The previous steps will all occur again and so the component keeps being rendered over and over.
The bottom line here is that you shouldn't be initialising these data structures within the render function in the first place. There are various places you might create them but inside render does not appear to be appropriate based on the code you've provided.

How can I destroy a cached Vue component from keep-alive?

My Vue app has a dynamic tabs mechanism.
Users can create as many tabs as the want on the fly, each tab having its own state (eg "Pages").
I am using the <keep-alive> component to cache the different pages.
<keep-alive include="page">
<router-view :key="$route.params.id" />
But users can also "close" individual tab. As pages tend to store a lot of datas, I would like to delete the according page component from the cache, as the user close the tab.
How can I programmatically destroy a cached component inside keep-alive ?
You can call this.$destroy() before user close the tab and delete all of data and event binding in that one.
If you don't mind losing the state when a tab is added/removed, then you can try these:
Use v-if and turn off the keep-alive component and turn it back on in
Use v-bind on the include list, and remove "page" and add it
back in nextTick
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<router-view :key="key" />
cachedViews is the array of the route component name
First when create a tab, cachedViews push the cached route name, when you switch the opened tab, the current route is cached.
Second when close the tab, cachedViews pop the cached route name, the route
component will destroyed.
There is no built-in function in keep-alive which allows you to clear a specific component from the cache.
However, you can clear the cache from the VNode directly inside the component you want to destroy by calling this function :
import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue'
interface KeepAlive extends Vue {
cache: { [key: string]: VNode }
keys: string[]
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'PageToDestroy',
methods: {
// Make sure you are not on this page anymore before calling it
clearPageFromKeepAlive() {
const myKey = this.$vnode.key as string
const keepAlive = this.$vnode.parent?.componentInstance as KeepAlive
delete keepAlive.cache[myKey]
keepAlive.keys = keepAlive.keys.filter((k) => k !== myKey)
For me, it doesn't cause any memory leaks and the component is not in the Vue.js devtools anymore.
based on the answer of #feasin, here is the setup I am using
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<component :is="Component" :key="$route.fullPath" />
import { ref, inject, watch } from "vue";
export default {
components: { CustomRouterLink },
setup() {
const cachedViewsDefault = ["Page1", "Page1", "Page3"];
var cachedViews = ref([]);
const auth = inject("auth");
// check whether user is logged in (REACTIVE!)
const isSignedIn = auth.isSignedIn;
// set the initial cache state
if (isSignedIn.value) {
cachedViews.value = cachedViewsDefault;
// clear the cache state
watch(isSignedIn, () => {
if (!isSignedIn.value) {
cachedViews.value = [];
} else {
cachedViews.value = cachedViewsDefault;
return {
First I set the initial cached views value based on whether the user is logged in or not.. After the user logs-out I simply set the array value to an empty array.
When the user logs back in - I push the default array keys back into the array.
This example of course does not provide the login/logout functionality, it is only meant as a POC to to the solution proposed by the #feasin (which seems like a good approach to me)
Edit 19.01.2022
I now understand the shortcomings of such approach. It does not allow to gradually destroy a certain component. Given that we have a component named Item and it's path is Item/{id} - there is currently no native way (in Vuejs3) to remove, let's say a cached item with Id = 2. Follow up on this issue on the Github: https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/discussions/283
Edit 20-21.01.2022
Note that you have to use the computed function for inclusion list. Otherwise the component will not ever be unmounted.
Here is the fiddle with the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/7f2d4c0t/4/
Here's fiddle with the fix: https://jsfiddle.net/mvj2z3pL/
return {
cachedViews: computed(() => Array.from(cachedViews.value)),

Action decorator in Mobx does not function with strict-mode

I just started learning about Mobx to implement it in my projects, and I've come across a big issue: I seem to not understand how actions work.
I've been following this nice tutorial: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-build-your-first-app-with-mobx-and-react-aea54fbb3265 (the complete code of the tutorial is located here: https://codesandbox.io/s/2z2r43k9vj?from-embed ), and it works smoothly. I've tried to do a small React App on my side, trying to do the same the tutorial mentioned, and yet it is failing. I am sure there is some small detail (since the app is pretty simple) that I am not seeing, so I would appreciate some help on it.
I've also tried to look for similar cases to mine, but I didn't find anything through a quick search (which makes me think even more the problem is insignificant...)
My code is this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { decorate, observable, action, configure } from 'mobx';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
configure({ enforceActions: 'always' });
class Store {
my_number = 1;
addNumber() {
this.my_number += 1;
removeNumber() {
this.my_number -= 1;
decorate(Store, {
my_number: observable,
addNumber: action,
removeNumber: action
const my_store = new Store();
const Button = (props) => {
if (props.store.my_number === 1) {
return (
<button onClick={props.store.addNumber}>+</button>
} else if (props.store.my_number === 4) {
return (
<button onClick={props.store.removeNumber}>-</button>
} else {
return (
<button onClick={props.store.addNumber}>+</button>
<button onClick={props.store.removeNumber}>-</button>
const ObserverButton = observer(Button);
const DisplayNumber = (props) => {
return (
<h1>My number is: {props.store.my_number}</h1>
const ObserverDisplayNumber = observer(DisplayNumber);
export class SimpleMobxStore extends Component {
render() {
return (
<ObserverButton store={my_store} />
<ObserverDisplayNumber store={my_store} />
And my thoughts for developing it have been (I would also appreciate suggestions on how to improve my thoughts-flow if it's bad):
I want a text on the screen that shows a number between 1 and 4. Above this text I want to have a button that allows me to increase or decrease this number by adding or substracting a unit each time. I want this variable (the current number) to be stored in a separate store. That store will include:
My number
A method for increasing the number
A method for decreasing the number
In addition I will create two components: a button component that renders my button depending on the current number, and a display component.
My observable will be the number in the store, whereas the two methods will have to be decorated as actions, since they are changing the observed variable.
My button and display components will be observers, since they must be re-rendered once the number changes.
With this simple reasoning and code I was expecting it to function, but instead I'm getting a:
Error: [mobx] Since strict-mode is enabled, changing observed observable values outside actions is not allowed. Please wrap the code in an action if this change is intended. Tried to modify: Store#4.my_number
The log seems to be pointing to when I define const my_store = new Store();, but this is done in the tutorial and it works there.
Any idea on where this is failing and why?
Thank you
I think your action to the store is directly from render(). The tag to be precise. Try having a method outside the render and try changing the store state from there.

Nuxt send data between 2 components

welcome to this topic. i recently tried to use the Nuxt framework to make my web-application but i ran into a problem.
In my default layout i have two components. a header component and a sidebar component. if i click on the hamburger icon in the header component the sidebar needs to get smaller or bigger depending on the hamburger icon state (true or false)
so to make it more complicated i don't want to use a prop to send it through the other component. i want to make it as a template so people can use it easy. can i transform a local component variable to a global variable other components can use?
so the code i have now is like this:
this is the index page
this is the header component
this is the sidebar component
as you can see i trigger the hamburgerstate on the header component page.
i want to access that state in the sidebarcomponent to so i can adjust the sidebar
the one thing that's IMPORTANT is that it needs to be as simple as possible so people who use this template later don't have to add unnecessary work
any possibilities this can work?
The simplest way to achieve a global variable is to set it as a state element and have a mutation for changing it. As your 'hambuger' is a boolean there is no need to pass parameters to the mutation making it all the easier.
You may want to have a named module in you store to handle this but I'll just put it in store/index.js for now.
export const state = () => ({
hamburger: true
export const mutations = {
changeHamburger (state) {
state.hamburger = !state.hamburger
Then in any page or component you can access that state element:
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
hamburger () {
return this.$store.state.hamburger
methods: {
hamburgerChange: 'changeHamburger'
So this means you can now use the computed property 'hamburger' in your component and can change it by calling 'hamburgerChange', eg <v-btn #click="hamburgerChange">.