Use std::vector with OpenACC - gpu

I’m trying to compute on GPU, using OpenACC, the sum between two vectors of std::vector. As compiler I’m using GCC+NVPTX with OpenACC support but when I compile the code with these flags:
g++ -fopenacc -offload=nvptx-none -fopt-info-optimized-omp -g -std=c++17
But I got: “array_1 does not have pointer or array type” and “array_2 does not have pointer or array type”. Is there any way to use std::vector with OpenACC?
This a minimal reproducible example:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::vector<std::vector<float>> array1,array2;
float result[1000]={0.0};
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
std::vector<float> accumulator1, accumulator2;
for (int j=0; j<1000; j++){
#pragma acc data copyin(array1[:1000][:1000],array2[:1000][:1000])
#pragma acc data copy(result[:1000])
#pragma acc parallel loop
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
for (int j=0; j<1000; j++){
result[i] += array1[i][j] + array2[i][j];
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
std::cout << result[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
Compiling with GCC+NVPTX is mandatory for me, but also trying to compile it with nvc++ returns:
18, Generating copyin(array1,array2) [if not already present]
Generating copy(result[:]) [if not already present]
Generating NVIDIA GPU code
23, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
24, #pragma acc loop seq
24, Complex loop carried dependence of prevents parallelization
Loop carried dependence of result prevents parallelization
Loop carried backward dependence of result prevents vectorization
std::vector<std::vector<float, std::allocator<float>>, std::allocator<std::vector<float, std::allocator<float>>>>::operator [](unsigned long):
3, include "vector"
64, include "stl_vector.h"
771, Generating implicit acc routine seq
Generating acc routine seq
Generating NVIDIA GPU code
std::vector<float, std::allocator<float>>::operator [](unsigned long):
3, include "vector"
64, include "stl_vector.h"
771, Generating implicit acc routine seq
Generating acc routine seq
Generating NVIDIA GPU code
And launching the application:
Failing in Thread:0
call to cuInit returned error 999: Unknown
Any advice? Thanks


OpenMP with Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I encountered a problem when using OpenMP to parallelize my code. I have attached the simplest code that can reproduce my problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n = 10;
int size = 1;
vector<double> vec(1, double(1.0));
double sum = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for private(vec) reduction(+: sum)
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
/* in real case, complex operations applied on vec here */
sum += vec[0];
cout << "sum: " << sum << endl;
return 0;
I compile with g++ with flag -fopenmp, and the error message from g++ prompts "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I am wondering what's wrong with the code.
Note that vec should be set to private since in the real code a complex operation is applied on vec in the for-loop.
The problem indeed comes from the private(vec) clause. There are two issues with this code.
First, from a semantics perspective, the private(vec) should be shared(vec), as the intent seems to be to work on the same std::vector instance in parallel. So, the code should look like this:
#pragma omp parallel for shared(vec), reduction(+: sum)
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
sum += vec[0];
In the previous code, the private(vec) made a private instance of std::vector for each thread and was supposed to initialize these instances by calling the default constructor of std::vector.
Second, the segmentation fault then arises from the fact that there's no vec[0] element in any of the private instances. This can be confirmed by calling vec.size() fro the threads.
PS: shared(vec) would be been the default sharing for vec as per the OpenMP specification anyways.

Debug data/neon performance hazards in arm neon code

Originally the problem appeared when I tried to optimize an algorithm for neon arm and some minor part of it was taking 80% of according to profiler. I tried to test to see what can be done to improve it and for that I created array of function pointers to different versions of my optimized function and then I run them in the loop to see in profiler which one performs better:
typedef unsigned(*CalcMaxFunc)(const uint16_t a[8][4], const uint16_t b[4][4]);
CalcMaxFunc CalcMaxFuncs[] =
int N = sizeof(CalcMaxFunc) / sizeof(CalcMaxFunc[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < 10 * N; ++i)
auto f = CalcMaxFunc[i % N];
unsigned retI = f(a, b);
// just random code to ensure that cpu waits for the results
// and compiler doesn't optimize it away
if (retI > 1000000)
ret |= retI;
I got surprising results: performance of a function was totally depend on its position within CalcMaxFuncs array. For example, when I swapped CalcMaxFunc_NEON_3 to be first it would be 3-4 times slower and according to profiler it would stall at the last bit of the function where it tried to move data from neon to arm register.
So, what does it make stall sometimes and not in other times? BY the way, I profile on iPhone6 in xcode if that matters.
When I intentionally introduced neon pipeline stalls by mixing-in some floating point division between calling these functions in the loop I eliminated unreliable behavior, now all of them perform the same regardless of the order in which they were called. So, why in the first place did I have that problem and what can I do to eliminate it in actual code?
I tried to create a simple test function and then optimize it in stages and see how I could possibly avoid neon->arm stalls.
Here's the test runner function:
void NeonStallTest()
int findMinErr(uint8_t* var1, uint8_t* var2, int size);
uint8_t var1[1280];
uint8_t var2[1280];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(var1); ++i)
var1[i] = rand();
var2[i] = rand();
#if 0 // early exit?
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
var1[i] = var2[i];
int ret = 0;
for (int i=0; i<10000000; ++i)
ret += findMinErr(var1, var2, sizeof(var1));
And findMinErr is this:
int findMinErr(uint8_t* var1, uint8_t* var2, int size)
int ret = 0;
int ret_err = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < size / 16; ++i, var1 += 16, var2 += 16)
int err = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
int x = var1[j] - var2[j];
err += x * x;
if (ret_err > err)
ret_err = err;
ret = i;
return ret;
Basically it it does sum of squared difference between each uint8_t[16] block and returns index of the block pair that has lowest squared difference. So, then I rewrote it in neon intrisics (no particular attempt was made to make it fast, as it's not the point):
int findMinErr_NEON(uint8_t* var1, uint8_t* var2, int size)
int ret = 0;
int ret_err = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < size / 16; ++i, var1 += 16, var2 += 16)
int err;
uint8x8_t var1_0 = vld1_u8(var1 + 0);
uint8x8_t var1_1 = vld1_u8(var1 + 8);
uint8x8_t var2_0 = vld1_u8(var2 + 0);
uint8x8_t var2_1 = vld1_u8(var2 + 8);
int16x8_t s0 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubl_u8(var1_0, var2_0));
int16x8_t s1 = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubl_u8(var1_1, var2_1));
uint16x8_t u0 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vmulq_s16(s0, s0));
uint16x8_t u1 = vreinterpretq_u16_s16(vmulq_s16(s1, s1));
#ifdef __aarch64__1
err = vaddlvq_u16(u0) + vaddlvq_u16(u1);
uint32x4_t err0 = vpaddlq_u16(u0);
uint32x4_t err1 = vpaddlq_u16(u1);
err0 = vaddq_u32(err0, err1);
uint32x2_t err00 = vpadd_u32(vget_low_u32(err0), vget_high_u32(err0));
err00 = vpadd_u32(err00, err00);
err = vget_lane_u32(err00, 0);
if (ret_err > err)
ret_err = err;
ret = i;
#if 0 // enable early exit?
if (ret_err == 0)
return ret;
Now, if (ret_err > err) is clearly data hazard. Then I manually "unrolled" loop by two and modified code to use err0 and err1 and check them after performing next round of compute. According to profiler I got some improvements. In simple neon loop I got roughly 30% of entire function spent in the two lines vget_lane_u32 followed by if (ret_err > err). After I unrolled by two these operations started to take 25% (e.g. I got roughly 10% overall speedup). Also, check armv7 version, there is only 8 instructions between when err0 is set (vmov.32 r6, d16[0]) and when it's accessed (cmp r12, r6). T
Note, in the code early exit is ifdefed out. Enabling it would make function even slower. If I unrolled it by four and changed to use four errN variables and deffer check by two rounds then I still saw vget_lane_u32 in profiler taking too much time. When I checked generated asm, appears that compiler destroys all the optimizations attempts because it reuses some of the errN registers which effectively makes CPU access results of vget_lane_u32 much earlier than I want (and I aim to delay access by 10-20 instructions). Only when I unrolled by 4 and marked all four errN as volatile vget_lane_u32 totally disappeared from the radar in profiler, however, the if (ret_err > errN) check obviously got slow as hell as now these probably ended up as regular stack variables overall these 4 checks in 4x manual loop unroll started to take 40%. Looks like with proper manual asm it's possible to make it work properly: have early loop exit, while avoiding neon->arm stalls and have some arm logic in the loop, however, extra maintenance required to deal with arm asm makes it 10x more complex to maintain that kind of code in a large project (that doesn't have any armasm).
Here's sample stall when moving data from neon to arm register. To implement early exist I need to move from neon to arm once per loop. This move alone takes more than 50% of entire function according to sampling profiler that comes with xcode. I tried to add lots of noops before and/or after the mov, but nothing seems to affect results in profiler. I tried to use vorr d0,d0,d0 for noops: no difference. What's the reason for the stall, or the profiler simply shows wrong results?

cudaMallocHost vs malloc for better performance shows no difference

I have gone through this site. From here I got that pinned memory using cudamallocHost gives better performance than cudamalloc. Then I use two different simple program and tested the execution time as
using cudaMallocHost
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
// Kernel that executes on the CUDA device
__global__ void square_array(float *a, int N)
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<N) a[idx] = a[idx] * a[idx];
// main routine that executes on the host
int main(void)
clock_t start;
start=clock();/* Line 8 */
clock_t finish;
float *a_h, *a_d; // Pointer to host & device arrays
const int N = 100000; // Number of elements in arrays
size_t size = N * sizeof(float);
cudaMallocHost((void **) &a_h, size);
//a_h = (float *)malloc(size); // Allocate array on host
cudaMalloc((void **) &a_d, size); // Allocate array on device
// Initialize host array and copy it to CUDA device
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) a_h[i] = (float)i;
cudaMemcpy(a_d, a_h, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Do calculation on device:
int block_size = 4;
int n_blocks = N/block_size + (N%block_size == 0 ? 0:1);
square_array <<< n_blocks, block_size >>> (a_d, N);
// Retrieve result from device and store it in host array
cudaMemcpy(a_h, a_d, sizeof(float)*N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Print results
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%d %f\n", i, a_h[i]);
// Cleanup
finish = clock() - start;
double interval = finish / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("%f seconds elapsed", interval);
using malloc
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
// Kernel that executes on the CUDA device
__global__ void square_array(float *a, int N)
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (idx<N) a[idx] = a[idx] * a[idx];
// main routine that executes on the host
int main(void)
clock_t start;
start=clock();/* Line 8 */
clock_t finish;
float *a_h, *a_d; // Pointer to host & device arrays
const int N = 100000; // Number of elements in arrays
size_t size = N * sizeof(float);
a_h = (float *)malloc(size); // Allocate array on host
cudaMalloc((void **) &a_d, size); // Allocate array on device
// Initialize host array and copy it to CUDA device
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) a_h[i] = (float)i;
cudaMemcpy(a_d, a_h, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Do calculation on device:
int block_size = 4;
int n_blocks = N/block_size + (N%block_size == 0 ? 0:1);
square_array <<< n_blocks, block_size >>> (a_d, N);
// Retrieve result from device and store it in host array
cudaMemcpy(a_h, a_d, sizeof(float)*N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Print results
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%d %f\n", i, a_h[i]);
// Cleanup
free(a_h); cudaFree(a_d);
finish = clock() - start;
double interval = finish / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("%f seconds elapsed", interval);
here during execution of both program, the execution time was almost similar.
Is there anything wrong in the implementation?? what is the exact difference in execution in cudamalloc and cudamallochost??
and also with each run the execution time decreases
If you want to see the difference in execution time for the copy operation, just time the copy operation. In many cases you will see approximately a 2x difference in execution time for just the copy operation when the underlying mememory is pinned. And make your copy operation large enough/long enough so that you are well above the granularity of whatever timing mechanism you are using. The various profilers such as the visual profiler and nvprof can help here.
The cudaMallocHost operation under the hood is doing something like a malloc plus additional OS functions to "pin" each page associated with the allocation. These additional OS operations take extra time, as compared to just doing a malloc. And note that as the size of the allocation increases, the registration ("pinning") cost will generally increase as well.
Therefore, for many examples, just timing the overall execution doesn't show much difference, because while the cudaMemcpy operation may be quicker from pinned memory, the cudaMallocHost takes longer than the corresponding malloc.
So what's the point?
You may be interested in using pinned memory (i.e. cudaMallocHost) when you will be doing repeated transfers from a single buffer. You only pay the extra cost to pin it once, but you benefit on each transfer/usage.
Pinned memory is required to overlap a data transfer operations (cudaMemcpyAsync) with compute activities (kernel calls). Refer to the programming guide.
I too found that just declaring cudaHostAlloc / cudaMallocHost on a piece of memory doesn't do much.
To be sure, do a nvprof with --print-gpu-trace and see whether the throughput for memcpyHtoD or memcpyDtoH is good. For PCI2.0, you should get around 6-8gbps.
However, pinned memory is a perquisite for cudaMemcpyAsync.
After I called cudaMemcpyAsync, I shifted whatever computations I had on the host right after it. In this way you can "layer" the asynchronous memcpys with the host computations.
I was surprised that I was able to save quite a lot of time this way, it's worth a try.

Optimizing a Bit-Wise Manipulation Kernel

I have the following code which progressively goes through a string of bits and rearrange them into blocks of 20bytes. I'm using 32*8 blocks with 40 threads per block. However the process takes something like 36ms on my GT630M. Are there any further optimization I can do? Especially with regard to removing the if-else in the inner most loop.
__global__ void test(unsigned char *data)
__shared__ unsigned char dataBlock[20];
__shared__ int count;
count = 0;
unsigned char temp = 0x00;
for(count=0; count<(streamSize/8); count++)
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
if(blockIdx.y >= i)
temp |= (*(data + threadIdx.x*(blockIdx.x + gridDim.x*(i+count)))&(0x01<<blockIdx.y))>>(blockIdx.y - i);
temp |= (*(data + threadIdx.x*(blockIdx.x + gridDim.x*(i+count)))&(0x01<<blockIdx.y))<<(i - blockIdx.y);
dataBlock[threadIdx.x] = temp;
//do something
It's not clear what your code is trying to accomplish, but a couple obvious opportunities are:
1) if possible, use 32-bit words instead of unsigned char.
2) use block sizes that are multiples of 32.
3) The conditional code may not be costing you as much as you expect. You can check by compiling with --cubin --gpu-architecture sm_xx (where xx is the SM version of your target hardware), and using cuobjdump --dump-sass on the resulting cubin file to look at the generated assembly. You may have to modify the source code to loft the common subexpression into a separate variable, and/or use the ternary operator ? : to hint to the compiler to use predication.

CUDA program causes nvidia driver to crash

My monte carlo pi calculation CUDA program is causing my nvidia driver to crash when I exceed around 500 trials and 256 full blocks. It seems to be happening in the monteCarlo kernel function.Any help is appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <curand.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#define NUM_THREAD 256
#define NUM_BLOCK 256
// Function to sum an array
__global__ void reduce0(float *g_odata) {
extern __shared__ int sdata[];
// each thread loads one element from global to shared mem
unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
sdata[tid] = g_odata[i];
// do reduction in shared mem
for (unsigned int s=1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2) { // step = s x 2
if (tid % (2*s) == 0) { // only threadIDs divisible by the step participate
sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + s];
// write result for this block to global mem
if (tid == 0) g_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];
__global__ void monteCarlo(float *g_odata, int trials, curandState *states){
// unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int incircle, k;
float x, y, z;
incircle = 0;
curand_init(1234, i, 0, &states[i]);
for(k = 0; k < trials; k++){
x = curand_uniform(&states[i]);
y = curand_uniform(&states[i]);
z =(x*x + y*y);
if (z <= 1.0f) incircle++;
g_odata[i] = incircle;
int main() {
float* solution = (float*)calloc(100, sizeof(float));
float *sumDev, *sumHost, total;
const char *error;
int trials;
curandState *devStates;
trials = 500;
total = trials*NUM_THREAD*NUM_BLOCK;
dim3 dimGrid(NUM_BLOCK,1,1); // Grid dimensions
dim3 dimBlock(NUM_THREAD,1,1); // Block dimensions
size_t size = NUM_BLOCK*NUM_THREAD*sizeof(float); //Array memory size
sumHost = (float*)calloc(NUM_BLOCK*NUM_THREAD, sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void **) &sumDev, size); // Allocate array on device
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
cudaMalloc((void **) &devStates, (NUM_THREAD*NUM_BLOCK)*sizeof(curandState));
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
// Do calculation on device by calling CUDA kernel
monteCarlo <<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>> (sumDev, trials, devStates);
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
// call reduction function to sum
reduce0 <<<dimGrid, dimBlock, (NUM_THREAD*sizeof(float))>>> (sumDev);
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
dim3 dimGrid1(1,1,1);
dim3 dimBlock1(256,1,1);
reduce0 <<<dimGrid1, dimBlock1, (NUM_THREAD*sizeof(float))>>> (sumDev);
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
// Retrieve result from device and store it in host array
cudaMemcpy(sumHost, sumDev, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
error = cudaGetErrorString(cudaGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", error);
*solution = 4*(sumHost[0]/total);
printf("%.*f\n", 1000, *solution);
free (solution);
//*solution = NULL;
return 0;
If smaller numbers of trials work correctly, and if you are running on MS Windows without the NVIDIA Tesla Compute Cluster (TCC) driver and/or the GPU you are using is attached to a display, then you are probably exceeding the operating system's "watchdog" timeout. If the kernel occupies the display device (or any GPU on Windows without TCC) for too long, the OS will kill the kernel so that the system does not become non-interactive.
The solution is to run on a non-display-attached GPU and if you are on Windows, use the TCC driver. Otherwise, you will need to reduce the number of trials in your kernel and run the kernel multiple times to compute the number of trials you need.
EDIT: According to the CUDA 4.0 curand docs(page 15, "Performance Notes"), you can improve performance by copying the state for a generator to local storage inside your kernel, then storing the state back (if you need it again) when you are finished:
curandState state = states[i];
for(k = 0; k < trials; k++){
x = curand_uniform(&state);
y = curand_uniform(&state);
z =(x*x + y*y);
if (z <= 1.0f) incircle++;
Next, it mentions that setup is expensive, and suggests that you move curand_init into a separate kernel. This may help keep the cost of your MC kernel down so you don't run up against the watchdog.
I recommend reading that section of the docs, there are several useful guidelines.
For those of you having a geforce GPU which does not support TCC driver there is another solution based on:
start regedit,
navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers
create new DWORD key called TdrLevel, set value to 0,
restart PC.
Now your long-running kernels should not be terminated. This answer is based on:
Modifying registry to increase GPU timeout, windows 7
I just thought it might be useful to provide the solution here as well.