When I put expo run:android command and create firebase app, i don't open my project in emulator or scan its don't work - react-native

I think it's a react native error, note I am new in reacts native.
When I put expo run:android command and create the firebase app, I don't open my project in an emulator or scan its don't work


How to update react native app in Expo Go?

I created react-native application
I run it on Expo Go - physical devise (IPhone) and emulator (IPhone)
I removed application
I created new react-native application
I run this new app on Expo Go on same device and same emulator.
Expo Go show me Old application...
How to fix it and see new application?

create-react-native-app - eject does not create index.js

I am new to React Native. I created my React Native app with create-react-native-app. But now I want to use some libraries which require me to link via react-native link so I decided to eject using react-native eject. However, when start the server with react-native start then run react-native android I got the following error on my Android emulator:
Cannot find entry file index.js in any of the root
What should I do to get the app running?

How to transfer EXPO project to React Native project?

I build an app with Expo tool .. but now I what to move to react native without expo .. I tried to just create a new project in react native and then transfer the code that I had written and install components that I had used in my app .
the app with Expo work as expected put with moved to react native without Expo works as unexpected and crashes.
you don't need to transfer the code like that, the expo provides us to detach our code from expo to without expo react-native projects.
please refer to this link expokit eject
if you want to use expo API in your project then you can detach your app using detach-with-expokit.
use expo eject to add ExpoKit (choose the "ExpoKit" option).

how to run react native code from server? i want to release app in android and apple store

I am an android developer and learning react native.
I made an app in React Native and now I want to release my app in android play store and apple store but I don't know where do I put my react native project code/files?
I had put react native code in my PHP(Linux) server but it's not working, it says file not found 404.
please guide, Thanks
You need to generate build standalone signed apk.
Generating Signed APK
1) first create keystore file and put in android folder location
2) setting up gradle for keystore
3) run comman
react-native run-android --variant=release
after success run command you will file apk-release.apk in andorid/app/build/outputs/apk/ location
then you can uplaod apk to app store
If your app doesn't need detach (for example doesn't use bluetooth) you can use create-react-native-app and put your app code inside new project. That way you can publish your app to https://expo.io/ . It's a great way to publish your app without Google Play and App Store.
Here is instruction for creating new react native app with expo kit:
And here is how to publish it into expo:
All you need is create-react-native-app and exp command line tools.

Upgrading a project from react-native to create-react-native-app?

I'm trying to use create-react-native-app as per the documentation with an example project that was built using instructions for react-native.
In terms of translating from one to the other what are the steps involved?
Edit: So i can run the app using npm start, with the expo.io QR code appearing as an option etc?
Create-react-native-app create a new project with Expo, you can eject it to turn it into a react-native project (android/ios folders with native code + src folder with javascript code).
You'll need an Xcode/Android Studio environment to run a react-native app built without Expo.
You can't use Expo to run a React-Native app with custom native code.
Related links : Ejecting from Create React Native App
What is the difference between Expo and React Native?