Trying to go to 'localhost:1234' - and received 'site can't be reached'...then parcel crash - crash

I can’t connect to ‘http:localhost:1234’. It connected a few days ago when the output was a simple text entry ‘good morning’, but now I have the output set to a variable in my code. And I then tried to go back to the earlier code that worked, and it still said the ‘site can’t be reached’. I think it’s a parcel issue… I have a .parcel-cache on my .gitignore, and I also cleared the cache on Chrome. I don't have any firewalls/proxies..I went to stack overflow and it said to try 'parcel src/index.html --port 1234', and now the build failed and I have a page of crash errors when I try 'localhost:1234'. My code looks fine can you please let me know what happened/how I can fix this? I can send a link to my GitHub repo if needed. Screenshots are attached.
Please help! Thanks[enter image description here](
cleared cache, then tried parcel src/index.html --port crashed


React-Native Chrome Debugger must show path filename instead of index.bundle?

When I updated my RN version the console log, warnings and errors show this kind of output
But the error string I want something like this one
I tried checking all debugging tool setting in Chrome and React-Native but could not find the solution to revert log path to previous output I want.
I hope someone enlighten me on how I can resolved this issue.

Expo (React Native) Failed to load all assets error

I randomly see expo start -ci --no-dev fail with Failed to load all assets.
I cleaned up my TS errors and its passing with no errors.
I have been debugging this for three days now and getting nowhere. The error gives no clue as to what is failing. "Extra Info" is blank. Device log shows nothing.
To make things worse, I gradually add packages and functions into my monorepo, and at some point the error appears. So I'm thinking - ok, so the error is with this file. Commenting it out, trying again to make sure - yes it now works. Uncommenting it to make sure it was the problem - No. It doesn't fail. It works.
Seems like I am not alone: Error on Expo - Failed to load all assets

Webpack configuration intermittently working

Yesterday I've struggled the whole day with my webpack configuration.
I've got a apache serving my php pages, with a proxy setup in webpack-dev-server config.
The problem is that when I load the page, the bundle is found, but apparently is like its not running at all!
After a change in the configuration, it did work, and I tought that the problem was solved, but today, after changing a single line, the problem occurred again!
After going back to the working configuration, nothing changed.
What the....? Please if anybody can give me any kind of suggestion, I'll appreciate that.
The application is made with Vue js, and in the browser console there's no message at all.
Thank you.
I'm sorry for the mistake, but for an unknown reason, my configuration file did go back to a previous version and I noticed the fact just now.
After repeating the change did Yesterday, the problem disappeared. I lost half of my day figuring out the problem that blocked the script execution, so I share the part of the code I had to remove in order to get a working configuration.
I'd like to know if anybody knows, why this piece of code is preventing the scripts in the bundle from running.
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: 'single',
splitChunks : {
chunks: 'all'
Thank you all.

“Page Not Found” when navigating to site created with Gridsome & deployed on Netlify

I've created a new site using Gridsome deployed with Netlify, but I can't get the site to appear when accessed. Instead, Netlify says:
Page Not Found
Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on this site.
< Back to our site
I tried updating my build settings based on the instructions of the creator of the Gridsome starter template I'm using, but the site still doesn't display. I've also updated the js-yaml version.
I've gone through the questions/answers for similar questions on here, but I haven't been able to figure this out. I'm new to web development, and I'm sure I'm missing one or more things contributing to the issue.
My GitHub repo for this site.
The site.
I have the build log from Netlify. There are some errors in it. I don't want to put too much here, so here's a part from the end of the log.
12:18:36 PM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:18:36 PM: Finished processing build request in 55.729813394s
A Gist for the whole build log.
Thanks so much for your help, #talves!
I was having trouble using the build commands because of being new to cli stuff and a permissions issue. I asked a friend about the build errors I was getting from Netlify, and he recommended I try removing and re-installing my node modules. Did that, still didn't work. I tried removing anything in the repo having to do with "journal" since Failed to render /journal kept appearing in the build log, but that didn't work either.
I googled ReferenceError: _objectSpread is not defined after update since that was in the build log after the journal error. I found a comment on an issue noting the same error message in the main Babel GitHub repo that suggested adding the following to the package.json file:
"resolutions": {
"#babel/core": "^7.5.4"
I added it, tried to build again, and it still failed but only gave me one error message it didn't show before—Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected string in JSON at position. I googled that message and got another issue on GitHub. A comment on the issue noted a missing comma.
I went back to my package.json file and found that I didn't add a comma to the bracket above the new "resolutions" snippet. I added the comma, tried to build again, and it worked 🤜💥✨ !
Sorry if this is long-winded! I thought it might be good to include my process on figuring this out in case others run into the same issues.

Error on running react-native run-android: "Unable to load script"

I did a first project on react-native, that still works when I want to emulate it on my AVD.
I started a react-native init new project that installed correctly but impossible to run it the first time, Node JS command open and shut down in a seconde. And, come to this point :
"Starting: Intent { }"
Nothing happens : the following line is this one : PS C:\Users\arthu\MS>
And I get the error message : "Unable to load script. Make sure you either running a metro server (run react-native' start) or that your bundle '' is packaged correctly for release.
Thought it was due to the Node JS console, which was opening a few second, so I emptied its cache, didn't change anything, Re-installing Node JS, re-tried with my ancient project (which works), change port from where I run the project, nothing changed.
I guess it is not linked with Node JS, neither my code (because I didn't even start), but I am a bit confused about that, and didn't find a similar post ! Thank you for your answers ;)