Nuxt 3 navigateTo method to open in a new tab - vue.js

I want to redirect the user to an external link in a new tab using the navigateTo method. I couldn't find an option to do that similar to having target="_blank" in the html tag <a href="" target="_blank"> for example
is there is a way to add such a parameter to the navigateTo method?
<script lang = "ts" setup>
function onEventTriggered() {
return navigateTo('', {
external: true,

I'm not sure that you could use a method called navigateTo to "open" something in another tab, would be quite non-intuitive and strange because of it's naming.
You can try this approach tho, to simulate the exact same thing without even needing to add it to the DOM
<script setup>
function openExternal(endpoint) {
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = endpoint = '_blank'
<button #click="openNewTab('')">
Open in new tab


Nuxt : #click does not work with Nuxt-link

I am expecting to include on my web application an effect that underlines the section where we are in the list of sections.
I am working with Nuxt.
I don't know why the following code does not change the value of the boolean isActive.
:style='{"text-decoration": (isActive ? "underline" : "none")}'
#click="selectSeason(filterItem.filter) toggleUnderline()" >
methods: {
selectSeason(filter) {
toggleUnderline() {
this.isActive = !this.isActive
You could probably achieve this with something like this
<nuxt-link to="/about" :custom="true">
<a #click="test">go to about page</a>
export default {
methods: {
test() {
console.log('called test method')
As shown here:
Even thought, this is probably not the best approach overall and seems quite too hacky for a simple use case.
Use a button tag if you want an action, otherwise put conditional logic on your route but don't mix a client side navigation and some kind of click events.
In Nuxt3 <NuxtLink> will get a class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active" if it's active, so you can use those to underline active link.
Same as router-link, you need to use v-on:click.native
:style='{"text-decoration": (isActive ? "underline" : "none")}'
#click.native="selectSeason(filterItem.filter) toggleUnderline()"
How do we v-on:click nuxt-link?
<script lang="ts" setup>
const anyFunction = () => {

How to render html partial in vue 3 router

In my apps I have a couple of pages that show some embedded forms...
The forms come from jotform, and are embedded with a js script like this
<script type="text/javascript" src=""</script>
I cannot find a way to load this inside a component, so I'm trying to use a simple HTML partial. Is there a way to do this?
I try also with a component but it doesn't work
export default {
data: () => ({
mounted() {
const scripts = [
scripts.forEach(script => {
let tag = document.head.querySelector(`[src="${ script }"`);
if (!tag) {
tag = document.createElement("script");
tag.setAttribute("src", script);
tag.setAttribute("type", 'text/javascript');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
<main class="main">
<h1 class="visuallyhidden">Funding Request</h1>
<section class="funding">
As suggested here you can try to use the iFrame version:
FYI: including an embed script within a dynamic vue component is not an easy thing (as the JotForm support explaned here), so you might try to go for the iFrame version if it works for you :)

redirection link generate by the methods to href or nuxt-link

Hello I want to display a page with a link generated by a method.
Here is my current code.
<nuxt-link :to="seeProduct(">
<span>Go to product</span>
export default {
methods: {
async seeProduct(id) {
const app = { $axios: this.$axios };
const urlProduct = await endPoint.getProduct(app, id);
console.log(urlProduct.url); // https://www.products/gants.html => this is the url
return urlProduct.url;
When I click on the link, the redirection is not good. How to do a good redirection with an URL generated by a method?
If it's an internal path, I do recommend you passing an actual path only or even better, a name as shown here:
It should look something like :to="{ name: 'gants' }" when your seeProduct method is done.

node webkit: open thousands of urls in browser

I am using following snippet to open a link in default browser.
<a #click.prevent="fireUpLink">External Link</a>
/* global nw */
export default {
methods: {
fireUpLink: function() {
But lets say if I have thousands of links, this solution is not scalable. Is there any better way?
In a Vue SFC, it expects a referenced variable to be defined or imported in the component, or be global. If you reference it from the global window object, it should work.
For Vue, as shown by Max, <a #click.prevent="window.nw.Shell.openExternal('')">Link</a> works.
You could also just create a component:
export default {
name: 'ExternalLink',
props: {
url: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
openExternal: function () {
Then just reference it like this:
<external-link url="">Link</external-link>
Alternatively you could create a mixin that has the openExternal method in it, and globally install it across all components, so you can just do <a #click.prevent="openExternal('')>
If you are using something other than Vue, which does not use a Virtual DOM, then you could just add a class="external-link" then target all elements on the page with that class and handle them.
$('.external-link').click(function (evt) {
// Prevent the link from loading in NW.js
// Get the `href` URL for the current link
let url = $(this).attr('href');
// Launch the user's default browser and load the URL for the link they clicked

How to stop <router-link> from sending the user to another page?

I have a logic like this: is the user is V2 use the user to the url in subHeaderRouter.router. If the user isn't launch this.openModal:
v-for="subHeaderRouter in subHeaderRouters"
handleOpenModal () {
if (this.IsV2User) return
this.openModal('changeUserType', 'user.changeUserType')
The only thing I need to do now is to stop :to then she user is not V2. How to accomplish that?
You can prevent the default <router-link> behavior by specifying no default event to listen to and handling the click event manually with the .native modifier:
v-for="subHeaderRouter in subHeaderRouters"
handleOpenModal(route) {
if (this.IsV2User) {
} else {
this.openModal('changeUserType', 'user.changeUserType')
If the event="" seems weird to you, it also works with an empty attribute:
v-for="subHeaderRouter in subHeaderRouters"
Vue 3 Solution
In Vue3, the event has been removed from "<router-link>, you will need to use v-slot API instead.
<router-link :to="yourRoute" custom v-slot="{ href, navigate }">
<a v-if="yourBoolean" #click="handleEvent()">Run the function</a>
Go to route in "to"
// Vue 3 Composition API
export default {
setup() {
const handleEvent = () => {
// Add your logic here
I had the same problem and used dynamic Vue Components as solution. You will also have to check the difference in styling for router and div tag.
:is=" condition ? 'router-link' : 'div' "