Design Minimal API and use HttpClient to post a file to it -

I have a legacy system interfacing issue that my team has elected to solve by standing up a .NET 7 Minimal API which needs to accept a file upload. It should work for small and large files (let's say at least 500 MiB). The API will be called from a legacy system using HttpClient in a .NET Framework 4.7.1 app.
I can't quite seem to figure out how to design the signature of the Minimal API and how to call it with HttpClient in a way that totally works. It's something I've been hacking at on and off for several days, and haven't documented all of my approaches, but suffice it to say there have been varying results involving, among other things:
4XX and 500 errors returned by the HTTP call
An assortment of exceptions on either side
Calls that throw and never hit a breakpoint on the API side
Calls that get through but the Stream on the API end is not what I expect
Errors being different depending on whether the file being uploaded is small or large
Text files being persisted on the server that contain some of the HTTP headers in addition to their original contents
On the Minimal API side, I've tried all sorts of things in the signature (IFormFile, Stream, PipeReader, HttpRequest). On the calling side, I've tried several approaches (messing with headers, using the Flurl library, various content encodings and MIME types, multipart, etc).
This seems like it should be dead simple, so I'm trying to wipe the slate clean here, start with an example of something that partially works, and hope someone might be able to illuminate the path forward for me.
Example of Minimal API:
// IDocumentStorageManager is an injected dependency that takes an int and a Stream and returns a string of the newly uploaded file's URI
async (PipeReader pipeReader, int documentId, IDocumentStorageManager documentStorageManager) =>
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
await pipeReader.CopyToAsync(ms);
ms.Position = 0;
return await documentStorageManager.CreateDocument(documentId, ms);
Call the Minimal API using HttpClient:
// filePath is the path on local disk, uri is the Minimal API's URI
private static async Task<string> UploadWithHttpClient2(string filePath, string uri)
var fileStream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open);
var content = new StreamContent(fileStream);
var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri);
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpRequestMessage.Content = content;
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
var result = await httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);
return await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
In the particular example above, a small (6 bytes) .txt file is uploaded without issue. However, a large (619 MiB) .tif file runs into problems on the call to httpClient.SendAsync which results in the following set of nested Exceptions:
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException - "Error while copying content to a stream."
System.IO.IOException - "Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.."
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException - "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
What's a decent way of writing a Minimal API and calling it with HttpClient that will work for small and large files?

Kestrel allows uploading 30MB per default.
To upload larger files via kestrel you might need to increase the max size limit. This can be done by adding the "RequestSizeLimit" attribute. So for example for 1GB:
[RequestSizeLimit(1_000_000_000)] async (PipeReader pipeReader, int documentId) =>
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
await pipeReader.CopyToAsync(ms);
ms.Position = 0;
return "";
You can also remove the size limit globally by setting
builder.WebHost.UseKestrel(o => o.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = null);

This answer is good but the RequestSizeLimit filter doesn't work for minimal APIs, it's an MVC filter. You can use the IHttpMaxRequestBodySizeFeature to limit the size (assuming you're not running on IIS). Also, I made a change to accept the body as a Stream. This avoids the memory stream copy before calling the CreateDocument API:
async (Stream stream, int documentId, IDocumentStorageManager documentStorageManager) =>
return await documentStorageManager.CreateDocument(documentId, stream);
.AddEndpointFilter((context, next) =>
const int MaxBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
var maxRequestBodySizeFeature = context.HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpMaxRequestBodySizeFeature>();
if (maxRequestBodySizeFeature is not null and { IsReadOnly: true })
maxRequestBodySizeFeature.MaxRequestBodySize = MaxBytes;
return next(context);
If you're running on IIS then


How can I, using a WebApplication MapGet handler, send an image as an HTTP response?

Here's my sample command line app. I'm using Windows 10 with dot-net 6.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System.IO;
var app = WebApplication.Builder();
app.MapGet("/", MyGet);
byte[] MyGet(HttpContext context)
return File.ReadAllBytes("MyImage.png");
When I run this and browse to the server, instead of a PNG image returned, I get the bytes in JSON/Base64 form.
Using a string return type for MyGet happily sends plain text or HTML to the client. How can I send arbitrary bytes instead?
If you want to send the image as file download:
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", MyGet);
async Task MyGet(HttpContext context)
context.Response.Headers.Add("content-disposition", $"attachment; filename=test");
await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(File.ReadAllBytes("MyImage.png"));
//await context.Response.SendFileAsync(new FileInfo("MyImage.png").FullName);
(I am grateful to user rawel for pointing me in this direction. I had tried Response.Body.Write before posting my question but this didn't work, an error complaining that synchronous writes were not allowed. In my case, sending the response is the last thing my get function does, so there's no problem leaving the async operation open.)

Post request error when sending "application/octet-stream" to an ASP.NET Core Web API service

I need to create an ASP.NET Core 3 Web API that understand this URL
and one zipfile which goes as a content. This is the code that calls the needed API, which I need to create:
HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URI);
httpWebRequest.Timeout = -1;
httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = false;
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
httpWebRequest.Accept = "application/octet-stream";
httpWebRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
The code above is working fine, it is used everyday, sending data to a java web service, now I am replacing that system for a new one in ASP.NET Core and I can't change the caller's code, that's why I need to create a Web API that understand that URL.
I have wrote this code in my Web API, but I guess I am missing something that I canĀ“t figure it out because I get an error ion the client (code above)
public FileStreamResult myWebMethod(string user, [FromBody] Stream compress)
byte[] zip = ((MemoryStream)compress).ToArray();
byte[] data = ZipHelper.Uncompress(zip);
The error I get in the client is this:-
[System.Net.WebException] {"The remote server returned an error: (415)
Unsupported Media Type."} System.Net.WebException
Thanks in advance for any help
If the goal is to read the raw request content, this can be done using HttpContext controller property. HttpContext has Request property that provides access to the actual HTTP request.
No additional model properties or controller arguments are needed to access raw request stream. It's important to note that FromBody and FromForm binding should not be used in this case.
There are couple notes regarding the code in the example from the original question.
byte[] zip = ((MemoryStream)compress).ToArray();
byte[] data = ZipHelper.Uncompress(zip);
The HttpContext.Request.Body property does not return MemoryStream, it returns its own implementation of a Stream. It means that there is no ToArray method.
When reading the entire content of a request directly into the server's memory, it is better to check the content length, otherwise the client can crash the server by sending a large enough request.
Using *Async methods when reading the content of the request will improve performance.

HTTPClient intermittently locking up server

I have a .NET Core 2.2 app which has a controller acting as a proxy to my APIs.
JS makes a fetch to the proxy, proxy forwards call onto API's and returns response.
I am experiencing intermittent lock ups on the proxy app when its awaiting the response from the HttpClient. When this happens it locks up the entire server. No more requests will be processed.
According to the logs of the API that is being proxied to it is returning fine.
To reproduce this is i have to make 100+ requests in a loop on the client through the proxy. Then i have to reload the page multiple times, reloading it whilst the 100 requests are in flight. It usually takes around 5 hits before things start slowing down.
The proxy will lock up waiting for an awaited request to resolve. Sometimes it comes back after a 4 - 5 second delay, other times after a minuet. Most of the time i haven't waited longer then 10 min before giving up and killing the proxy.
I've distilled the code down to the following block that will reproduce the issue.
I believe im following best practices, its async all the way down, im using IHttpClientFactory to enable sharing of HttpClient instances, im implementing using where i believe it is required.
The implementation was based on this:
I'm hoping im making a rather obvious mistake that others with more experience can pin point!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
namespace Controllers
public class ProxyController : Controller
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _factory;
public ProxyController(IHttpClientFactory factory)
_factory = factory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(factory));
async public Task ProxyApi(CancellationToken requestAborted)
// Build API specific URI
var uri = new Uri("");
// Get headers frpm request
var headers = Request.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Value);
headers.Add(HeaderNames.Authorization, $"Bearer {await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token")}");
// Build proxy request method. This is within a service
var message = new HttpRequestMessage();
foreach(var header in headers) {
message.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value.ToArray());
message.RequestUri = uri;
message.Headers.Host = uri.Authority;
message.Method = new HttpMethod(Request.Method);
// Generate client and issue request
using(var client = _factory.CreateClient())
// **Always hangs here when it does hang**
using(var result = await client.SendAsync(message, requestAborted).ConfigureAwait(false))
// Appy data from request onto response - Again this is within a service
Response.StatusCode = (int)result.StatusCode;
foreach (var header in result.Headers)
Response.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value.ToArray();
// SendAsync removes chunking from the response. This removes the header so it doesn't expect a chunked response.
using (var responseStream = await result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
await responseStream.CopyToAsync(responseStream, 81920);
So modified the code to remove the usings and return the proxied response directly as a string instead of streaming and still getting the same issues.
When running netstat i do see a lot of logs for the url of the proxied API.
4 rows mention the IP of the API being proxied to, probably about another 20 rows mentions the IP of the proxy site. Those numbers dont seem odd to me but i don't have much experience using netstat (first time ive ever fired it up).
Also i have left the proxy running for about 20 min. Its it technically still alive. Responses are coming back. Just taking a very long time between the API being proxied to returning data and the HttpClient resolving. However it wont service any new requests, they just sit there hanging.

Sense/net using content query in web application

I try to use content query in web application but it throw an exception " Lucene.Net.Store.AlreadyClosedException: this IndexReader is closed". Please give help me resolve that problem.
var startSettings = new RepositoryStartSettings
Console = Console.Out,
StartLuceneManager = true, // <-- this is necessary
IsWebContext = false,
PluginsPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
using (Repository.Start(startSettings))
var resultQuery = ContentQuery.Query("+InTree:#0 + DisplayName:*#1*", null, folderPath, q);
The recommended way to connect to Sense/Net from a different application (app domain) is through the REST API. It is much easier to maintain and involves less configuration (the only exception is where you are working inside the Sense/Net application itself, or you only have a single application and you do not want to access Sense/Net from anywhere else, and you are willing to deal with a local index of Sense/Net and all the config values it needs, etc).
Connecting through the REST API does not mean you have to send HTTP requests manually (although that is also not complicated at all): there is a .Net client library which does that for you. You can access all content metadata or binaries through the client, you can upload files, query content, manage permissions, etc.
// loading a content
dynamic content = await Content.LoadAsync(id);
DateTime date = content.BirthDate;
// querying
var results = await Content.QueryAsync(queryText);
Source and examples:
To use it in a web application, you have to do the following:
initialize the client context once, at the beginning of the application life cycle (e.g. app start)
if you need to make requests to Sense/Net in the name of the currently logged in user (e.g. because you want to query for documents accessible by her), than you have to create a new ServerContext object for every user with the username/password of that user, and provide this object to any client call (e.g. load or save content methods).
var sc = new ServerContext
Url = "",
Username = "user1",
Password = "asdf"
var content = await Content.LoadAsync(id, sc);

.NET HttpClient hangs after several requests (unless Fiddler is active)

I am using System.Net.Http.HttpClient to post a sequence of requests from a console application to a REST API and to deserialize the JSON responses into strongly-typed objects. My implementation is like this:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "text/html");
var response = client.PostAsync(url, content).Result;
return response.Content.ReadAsAsync<MyClass>().Result;
However, I am experiencing a problem very similar to one described in this question, whereby everything works fine when the requests are routed via Fiddler, but it hangs after the 4th or 5th request when Fiddler is disabled.
If the cause of the problem is the same, I assume I need to do something more with HttpClient to get it to fully release its resources after each request but I am unable to find any code samples that show how to do this.
Hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.
Many thanks,
You are not disposing of the HttpResponseMessage object. This can leave open streams with the server, and after some quota of streams with an individual server is filled, no more requests will be sent.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "text/html");
using(var response = client.PostAsync(url, content).Result)
return response.Content.ReadAsAsync<MyClass>().Result;