I'm not too familiar with contract amendments for Salesforce CPQ. I am trying to automate amending contract amendments and updating the prices and quantity on the amended quote produced.
I have used the [Contract Amender API][1] for salesforce to run a debug on the developer console. However, the code runs in the background and I am unsure to how I can amend the code to update fields in the amendments.
public QuoteModel load(String contractId) {
String quoteJSON = SBQQ.ServiceRouter.load('SBQQ.ContractManipulationAPI.ContractAmender', contractId, null);
return (QuoteModel) JSON.deserialize(quoteJSON, QuoteModel.class);
ContractAmender amender = new ContractAmender();
QuoteModel quote = amender.load('8001D000000AUlg'); // example id
[1]: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.cpq_dev_api.meta/cpq_dev_api/cpq_api_contract_amender.htm
I created a script which updates work items in a polarion document. However, right now each workitem update is a single save. But my script updates all work items in the document, which results in a large number of save actions in the api and thus a large set of clutter in the history.
If you edit a polarion document yourself, it will update all workitems.
Is it possible to do this same thing with the polarion API?
I tried
Using the tracker service to update work items. This only allows a single work item to be updated.
Using the web development tools to try and get information from the API. This seems to use a UniversalService for which no documentation is available at the API site https://almdemo.polarion.com/polarion/sdk/index.html
Update 1:
I am using the python polarion package to update the workitems.Python polarion Based on the answer by #boaz I tried the following code:
project = client.getProject(project_name)
doc = project.getDocument(document_location)
workitems = doc.getWorkitems()
session_service = client.getService("Session")
tracker_service = client.getService("Tracker")
for workitem in workitems:
workitem.description = workitem._polarion.TextType(
content=str(datetime.datetime.now()), type='text/html', contentLossy=False)
update_list = {
"uri": workitem.uri,
"description": workitem.description
The login step that #boaz indicated is done in the backend (See: https://github.com/jesper-raemaekers/python-polarion/blob/3e61527cf0f1f3c8614a30289a0a3409d2d8712d/polarion/polarion.py#L103)
However, this gives the following Java exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException
Update 2
There seems to be an issue with the session. If I call the following code:
session_service.logIn(user, password)
it prints False.
The same thing happens when using the transaction:
also prints False
Try wrapping your changes in a SessionWebService transaction, see JavaDoc:
sessionService = factory.getSessionService();
// ...
// your changes
// ...
As shown in the example in Polarion/polarion/SDK/examples/com.polarion.example.importer.
This will commit all your changes in one single SVN commit.
I have created a custom step in which I'm doing some calculations. I need to pass or fail the step according to the outcome of the calculations. Presently step always shows pass in the report even when the calculation fails. Also, I would like to know how to pass the fail note to the report as I can see it is implemented in common steps.
I'm using QAF version 3.0.1
Below is a sample example:
#QAFTestStep(description = "I check quantity")
public static void iCheckQuantity() {
String product = getBundle().getString("prj.product");
Int availableStock = getBundle().getString("prj.aStock");
Int minStock = getBundle().getString("prj.minStock");
if (availableStock < minStock) {
// I want to fail the step here telling - minimum stock required to run the test for "product" is "minStock" but presenlty available is "availableStock"
I was able to figure out the answer.
import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.util.Validator.*;
assertFalse(true, "FAIL message here", "SUCCESS message here");
The below links were useful to understand more on verifications and also on different types of verifications/assertions available in QAF.
Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read my post.
I'm pretty new to Prestashop. I added the stripe recurring payment module from Prestashop addons. It works well.
But my goal is to add the user to a group according to the id of the product he is subscribing to in the addStripeSubscription() function of the module like advised kindly by the developer. I can't read the error since the module returns only that there has been a server error so I can't have more info on this.
Here's what I'm actually doing:
$customer = new customer(6); //This is my customer id
if ($id_product == 27) {
// On ajoute l'user au groupe champion
$new_id_group = 4; // This is an existing group's id
if ($customer->id_default_group!=$new_id_group) {
$customer->id_default_group = (int)$new_id_group;
$customer->update(); // It fails here
// if ($id_product == 28) {
// // Groupe chevalier
// $new_id_group = 5;
// if ($customer->id_default_group!=$new_id_group) {
// $customer->cleanGroups();
// $customer->addGroups(array((int)$new_id_group));
// $customer->id_default_group = (int)$new_id_group;
// $customer->update();
// }
// }
It fails at $customer->update(); but only if $customer->addGroups($new_id_group) is not commented. So it has something to do with this addGroups() function. Even if I pass 3 (the default customer group in Prestashop) directly in parameter of addGroups() function it fails.
This is driving me crazy.
Why is that happening ? What am I missing ?
Thanks for any help !
I found the cause. The recurring stripe payment module or stripe module was passing to production mode while the other was not, and that randomly, that was what created the internal server error and I thought it was related to groups.
I also found a free module that permit to do something when something else happens so now I use this module to automatically add an user when he purchase a product that as a particular ID, and this customer is added to the group that I linked to the product. Crazy module.
Very dope module again for doing loooooots of things automatically.
Hope this will help some !
1) Earlier this week I was able to create defects and testcases using the Create method, which took 2 arguments at the time (a string and the DynamicJsonObject). However now, it needs three. I understand that one of these is now the workspace reference. How do I go about getting the workspace reference? For creating defects and testcases, I am using an empty string, and this seems to be working correctly for me. Is this to be expected?
2) For creating test case results, I am having a bit of trouble.
DynamicJsonObject newTCResult = new DynamicJsonObject();
newTCResult["Date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
newTCResult["TestCase"] = "/testcase/11271454106";
newTCResult["Notes"] = "test";
newTCResult["Build"] = "";
newTCResult["Verdict"] = "Pass";
CreateResult cr = restApi.Create(" ", "TestCaseResult", newTCResult);
As of right now, absolutely nothing is happening when I run this. I was able to do this successfully earlier this week (when I was able to use the Create method with two arguments). I feel that the problem is because I don't have a valid workspace reference. I followed the suggestion of another user in a similar question prior to this which worked for earlier, however now I am having this problem.
I was finally able to resolve this. It appears that the date field needs to be converted to UTC, so my code now looks something like this
newTCResult["Date"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");
After making that small change results were working correctly.
It's somewhat surprising that Creates on Stories or Defects work with an empty string for a Workspace ref, although I suspect that on the server-side, the Webservices API is just using Default Workspace for the User of concern.
Either way, here's how you can get a ref to the Workspace of interest:
String myWorkspaceName = "My Workspace";
// Get a Reference to Target Workspace
Request workspaceRequest = new Request("workspace");
workspaceRequest.Fetch = new List<string>()
workspaceRequest.Query = new Query("Name", Query.Operator.Equals, myWorkspaceName);
QueryResult workspaceQueryResults = restApi.Query(workspaceRequest);
var targetWorkspace = workspaceQueryResults.Results.First();
Console.WriteLine("Found Target Workspace: " + targetWorkspace["Name"]);
String workspaceRef = targetWorkspace["_ref"];
You can then use workspaceRef in your call to restApi.Create().
I have added a lot of reports with an invalid data source login to an SSRS report sever and I wanted to update the User Name and Password with a script to update it so I don't have to update each report individually.
However, from what I can tell the fields are store as Images and are encrypted. I can't find anything out about how they are encrypted or how to update them. It appears that the User Name and password are stored in the dbo.DataSource tables. Any ideas? I want the script to run in SQL.
Example Login Info:
I would be very, very, VERY leery of hacking the Reporting Services tables. It may be that someone out there can offer a reliable way to do what you suggest, but it strikes me as a good way to clobber your entire installation.
My suggestion would be that you make use of the Reporting Services APIs and write a tiny app to do this for you. The APIs are very full-featured -- pretty much anything you can do from the Report Manager website, you can do with the APIs -- and fairly simple to use.
The following code does NOT do exactly what you want -- it points the reports to a shared data source -- but it should show you the basics of what you'd need to do.
public void ReassignDataSources()
using (ReportingService2005 client = new ReportingService2005)
var reports = client.ListChildren(FolderName, true).Where(ci => ci.Type == ItemTypeEnum.Report);
foreach (var report in reports)
SetServerDataSource(client, report.Path);
private void SetServerDataSource(ReportingService2005 client, string reportPath)
var itemSources = client.GetItemDataSources(reportPath);
if (itemSources.Any())
new DataSource[] {
new DataSource() {
Item = CreateServerDataSourceReference(),
Name = itemSources.First().Name
private DataSourceDefinitionOrReference CreateServerDataSourceReference()
return new DataSourceReference() { Reference = _DataSourcePath };
I doubt this answers your question directly, but I hope it can offer some assistance.
MSDN Specifying Credentials
MSDN also suggests using shared data sources for this very reason: See MSDN on shared data sources