Usage of domain services as data provider to entities and value objects - repository

Let's say I have a domain which purpose is to evaluate financial instruments in a given currency. We can imagine having an abstract instrument class defined as follow:
Then we can have different implementations of the Valuate method. But in all the cases, we need to know the price of the instrument and the FxRate to apply to convert the computed value from the currency of the instrument to the currency given in parameter.
I see different possibilities here:
Instruments hold their Price as property/member and they have a
Dictionary of FxRates to perform the convertion
Prices and FxRates
are provided by external domain services (ex: PriceProvider,
FxRateConverter). And could be injected in the Valuate function as parameters from Application Service.
On my opinion the first solution doesn't seems "right".
In the second cases, I'm not sure if using a Domain Service is the correct way to go, as I read in many blogs that Domain Services should not contains private members and should be simple stateless methods. In this case we will need two domain services, once having the price for each instrument and one with all the FxRates for each currencies we may work with. Eeach service must be instanciated after having retrieved the prices and FxRates from the DB. So implementation of such services will be instanciated from the application service which should only know the interface and not the concrete class of those services.
So, what is on you opinion the correct way to go if we want to respect DDD principles?


WCF Business Objects or DataContracts

I have three projects:
WCF Service project (Interface and Implementation)
aspx web project (client) that consumes the WCF Service
class library project that holds my business objects (shared by both WCF project and client)
I have a method in the WCF Service implementation class file that retrieves a generic list of data from SQL (referencing the project that holds the business objects), serialize the data using System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer and returns the result as a string.
The web client takes this string and deserializes it back to the appropriate business object (referencing the project that holds the business objects)
This is an intranet app and I want to make sure I am doing this correctly.
My questions are:
Should I be using DataContracts instead of business objects? Not sure when to use DataContracts and when to use the business objects.
If I am using DataContracts, should I not use
Any clarification would be appreciated.
Of course there is no one answer. I think the question is whether you want to use business objects in the first place, otherwise my fourth point pretty much covers it.
Do use the business objects if they look like the data contracts would, i.e. they are a bunch of public properties and do not contain collections of children/ grandchildren etc.
Don't use the business objects if they contain a bunch of data you don't need. For example populating a grid with hundreds of entities begs for a data contract specific to that grid.
Do use the business objects if they contain validation logic etc that you would otherwise have to duplicate in your web service.
Do use the business objects if you are just going to use the data contracts to fully inflate business objects anyway.
Don't use the business objects if you ever want to consume that service interface from non .net code.
Don't use the business objects if you have to massively configure their serialization.
Don't use the business objects if they need to "know" where they are (web server or app server)
Not your case but: Do use the business objects if you are building a rich client for data entry.
Thats all for now, I'll see if anything more occurs to me. :)

Interaction of services in the service layer

What is the best way to organize interaction between services in the service layer?
For example, I have document service and product service. In my case products can have their own documents and to manage documents of product I call appropriate methods from the document service in the product service. So, I need to create instance of document service in product service. And I need to call some methods from product service in the document service too. So, each of these services refers to other and I get stackoverflowexception respectively.
Which design solutions should I use to eliminate these problem?
Application Services are supposed to provide external clients an API for executing cohesive business operations. An application service method generally matches a use case of your application.
While an application service operation may require calling another service (eg, the Create Product use case includes the Create Document use case, which can also be called separately), this is not the norm and you should look to make your application services as cohesive as possible. In particular, just because at some point in your business case you start to manipulate another kind of entity doesn't mean you should delegate that part to another application service - in other words, one application service per entity is not necessarily right.
In any case, from your domain it should appear clearly in which direction the dependency between 2 applications services points. In your example, Product Service seems to depend on Document Service - it's difficult to imagine why it would be the other way around.
If you really need a round-trip between service A and service B (which I wouldn't do unless I have no other option), you could try and have the instance of A inject itself into B instead of relying on a DI container to resolve the dependency with a new instance, solving the stack overflow problem - if that's why you get a stack overflow in the first place.
Obviously, circular dependencies are wrong.
You can use shared identifiers to decouple Products and Documents.
Moreover you can orchestrate the service interaction from outside them, in the application: in the ProductService you can have a LoadProducts(ProductIdentifiers[] identifiers) returning an immutable collection of products and in the DocumentService you can have a LoadDocuments(DocumentIdentifiers[] identifiers) returning an immutable collection of documents.

Can a WCF data contract contain a WCF operation contract inside it? Why?

I have a data contract say User. It is serializable and goes across the wire. I want an Operation Contract SaveUser(). I can keep SaveUser(User user) in my service contract as an operation contract. But can I keep it inside my data contract itself as its own behavior?
Save() should ideally save itself. So as per OO principles, every data contract should know how to save itself and the details should be abstracted from the outer world.
Is this possible in WCF?
I would say no, and rightly so.
Though I agree with you on the OO principles and encapsulation, WCF deals with SO (Service Oriented) principles.
Think of this in terms of a CD Player and CD's. The CD Player is the Service. The CD is the Data Contract. OO principles would call for the CD to have a Play method in order to be able to play itself. But, there is a lot more to playing a CD than knowing it's data. There is the electronics, the interface to the output jacks, etc. These are all provided by the CD Player...the Service.
So that is why your Service Contract has the Play method, and accepts the CD as a Data Contract telling it WHAT to play (and not HOW to play it).
EDIT after the question in your comment:
No certainly (hopefully) not. The worst case is that you will have 34 Service Contracts, each with on average 6 methods. And this is only the case if you are sure that every one of the methods on each class MUST happen as a service operation. There are 2 aspects you need to consider. Aspect 1: The design of your services. Instead of 34 Service Contracts, you should group the 34 classes into a grouping that makes sense, and create 1 Service Contract per group. Eg, you may end up with an InventoryManagement Service, and a SalesOrderProcessing service and a BackOfficeOperations Service. Each of these services contain the service operations (and Data Contracts) relevant to the range of classes grouped into their domain.
Aspect 2: What is happening on the client. I mentioned that you must consider whether each class's methods MUST be WCF Service Operations. There certainly is a case for having rich fully encapsulated business classes on the client. And where their operations don't need to execute as service operations, these operations execute their logic in the client domain. The question becomes how to get them to the client via a service, and here you have two alternatives: a) instantiate an instance on the client, and populate it's properties from the DataContract returned by a service operation. b) return the object directly from a service operation, as is done in a framework like CSLA (and I think DevForce follows a similar approach for returning business classes via a WCF Service).

WCF and Inheritance

I'm working on a project where I have an abstract class of Appointment. There are Workouts, Meals and Measurements that all derived from Appointment. My architecture looks like this so far:
Dao - with data access layer being entity framework 4 right now
POCO classes using the T4 templates
Silverlight Client, MVP, mobile clients
Would I put business rules in the POCO class? or map my Entities to a business object with rules and then map those to DTOs and pass those through WCF?? and when I pass the DTOs do I pass over type Appointment? Or write a service method for each sub class like Workout or Meal?
I haven't found any good material using table per type inheritance and WCF.
thanks in advance!
it mainly depends on complexity you require. You are using POCO classes it is good starting point. You now have to choose how complex application are you going to build, how much business logic do you want to add and what do you want to expose to your clients?
The POCO entity can be just DTO or you can turn POCO entity into business object by adding business methods and rules directly into that entity - you will transform the entity into Active record pattern or to Domain object. I don't see any reason to map your POCOs to another set of business objects.
Exposing POCO entity in WCF service is the simplest way. You can use operations which will works directly with Appointment class. Additionally you have to give your service information about all classes derived from Appointment - check KnownTypeAttribute and ServiceKnownTypeAttribute. Using entity often means that service calls transport more than is needed - this can be problem for mobile clients with slow internet connection. There is one special point you have to be aware of when exposing entity which is aggregation root (contains references to another entitities and collection of entities) - if you don't have full control over client applications and you allow clients sending full modified object graph you have to validate not only each entity but also that client changed only what he was allowed to. Example: Suppose that client want to modify Order entity. You send him Order with all OrderItem entities and each item will have reference to its Product entity = full object graph. What happens if instead of modifing Order and OrderItems client changes any of Products (for example price)? If you don't check this in your business logic exposed by WCF and pass the modified object graph into EF context, it will modify the price in your database.
If you decide to use your entities like business objects you usually don't expose those entities, instead you will create large set of DTOs. Each operation will work with precisely defined DTO for request and response. That DTO will carry only information which are really needed - this will reduce data payload for service calls and avoid passing modified prices of product, because you will simply define your DTO to not transfer price or even whole product from the client. This solution is much more time consuming to implement and it adds additional layer of complexity.
Because I have mentioned object graphs I must clarify that there is another hidden level of complexity when using them: change tracking. EF context needs to know what have changed in object graph (at least which OrderItem was modified, which was added or deleted, etc.) for correct persistence. Tracking and multi tier solution is a chalenge. The simplest solution does not track changes and instead uses additional query to EF. This query returns actual persisted state of object graph and modified object graph is merged with it (special care is needed for concurrency checks). Other solutions uses some tracking support in entity - check Tracking changes in POCO and Self-tracking entities. But this is only for entities. If you want to track changes in DTO you have to implement your own change tracking. You can also read articles from MSDN magazine about multi tier applications and EF:
Anti-Patterns To Avoid In N-Tier Applications;
Building N-Tier Apps with EF4

Designing WCF data contracts and operations

I'm starting to design a wcf service bus that is small now but will grow as our business grow so I'm concerned about some grwoing problems and also trying not to YAGNI too much. It's a e-commerce platform. The problem is I'm having too many second thoughts about where to put stuff. I will give a scenario to demonstrate all my questions.
We have an e-commerce website that sells products and ultimately deliveries them. For this we have a PlaceOrder service which, among other parameters, expects an Address object that in this context (our website placing an order) is made of City, Street and ZipCode.
We also do business with partners that use our platform only to sell products. They take care of the delivery. For this scenario we have a PlaceOrderForPartner service that, among other objects, expects an Address object. However, in this context (partner placing an order) the Address object is made of different information that is relevant only to a order placed by partner.
Given this scenario I have several questions:
1) How to organize this DataContracts objects in namespaces and folders in my Solution? I thought about having a folder per-context (Partner, Customer, etc) to keep the services and the DataContracts.
So I would have
- MySolution.sln
- Partner (folder)
- PartnetService.svc
- DataContracts (folder)
- Address
- Customer (folder)
- Customer.svc
- DataContracts (folder)
- Address
Using this way I would have a namespace to place all my context-specific datacontracts.
2) What about service design? Should I create a service for each one that might place and order and create a PlaceOrder method inside it like this:
or create an Order service with PlaceOrderForPartner and PlaceInternalOrder like this:
3) Assuming that I pick the first option in the last question, what should I do with the operations that are made on the order and common to Partner and Customer?
4) Should I put DataContracts and Service definition in the same assembly? One for each? Everything with the service implementation?
5) How to name input and output messages for operations? Should I use the entities themselves or go for OperationNameRequest and OperationNameResponse template?
Bottom line my great question is: How to "organize" the datacontracts and services involved in a service creation?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this!
Besides what TomTom mentioned, I would also like to add my 2 cents here:
I like to structure my WCF solutions like this:
Contracts (class library)
Contains all the service, operations, fault, and data contracts. Can be shared between server and client in a pure .NET-to-.NET scenario
Service implementation (class library)
Contains the code to implement the services, and any support/helper methods needed to achieve this. Nothing else.
Service host(s) (optional - can be Winforms, Console App, NT Service)
Contains service host(s) for debugging/testing, or possibly also for production.
This basically gives me the server-side of things.
On the client side:
Client proxies (class library)
I like to package my client proxies into a separate class library, so that they can be reused by multiple actual client apps. This can be done using svcutil or "Add Service Reference" and manually tweaking the resulting horrible app.config's, or by doing manual implementation of client proxies (when sharing the contracts assembly) using ClientBase<T> or ChannelFactory<T> constructs.
1-n actual clients (any type of app)
Will typically only reference the client proxies assembly, or maybe the contracts assembly, too, if it's being shared. This can be ASP.NET, WPF, Winforms, console app, other services - you name it.
That way; I have a nice and clean layout, I use it consistently over and over again, and I really think this has made my code cleaner and easier to maintain.
This was inspired by Miguel Castro's Extreme WCF screen cast on DotNet Rocks TV with Carl Franklin - highly recommended screen cast !
You start wrong on th highest level.
It should not be "PlaceOrder" service, but "OrderManager". Maybe you want to add more service functions later - like inquiring for orders, cancel orders, change orders - who knows. In general, I would keep the number of "services" (.svc) small and add methods there. Otherwise you end up with a HUGH overhead for using them, in code - without any real benefit.
Why separate between partners and customers? I am sure with 15 minutes of data design, you could break things down to exactly ONE data structure so you could have only one service. If not... make that two methods on one interface, limit by security. But I seriously would NOT like two programs for that. Rather have two address fields - "Address" and "PartnerInfo", and only one can be set (other has to be null), checked in the logic.
Separate out into two projects. Interfaces, data contracts go into a separate project (blabalbla.Api) so that customers can actually get the DLL if they want - at least it makes things a lot easier on your end, you can rely on "shared type", no need to generate the wrappers internally. Allows a lot better testing (as sub-projets dont forget to regenerate the wrappers.... which may lead to errors when testing them).
I always put the implementation into a "blabla.Service" project. Url would be "" in a subdomain (or "", depends mostly on mood, but lately I am going for api mostly) - separates thigns out from the main website.