objective-c crop vImage PixelBuffer - objective-c

How to access the existing crop capabilities of vImage that are only documented for swift, but for objective-c?
just for linkage, i asked also on apple developer forum:

In C, the computation is fairly straightforward, because the vImage_Buffer is just a pointer, height, width and rowBytes. It didn't exist for the first 20 years because it was assumed you could just do it trivially yourself. (Apple assumes familiarity with pointers in C based languages.) To be clear, you aren't actually cropping the image, just moving the pointer from the top left of the image to the top left of the sub rectangle and making the width and height smaller. The pixels stay where they are.
#include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#define AdvancePtr( _ptr, _bytes) (__typeof__(_ptr))((uintptr_t)(_ptr) + (size_t)(_bytes))
static inline vImage_Buffer MyCrop( vImage_Buffer buf, CGRect where, size_t pixelBytes )
return (vImage_Buffer)
// irresponsibly assume where fits inside buf without checking
.data = AdvancePtr( buf.data, where.origin.y * buf.rowBytes + where.origin.x * pixelBytes ),
.height = (unsigned long) where.size.height, // irresponsibly assume where.size.height is an integer and not oversized
.width = (unsigned long) where.size.width, // irresponsibly assume where.size.width is an integer and not oversized
.rowBytes = buf.rowBytes
In Swift, there is less monkeying with raw pointers, so such methods may be deemed necessary.
Note that in certain cases with video content, wherein the "pixels" are actually glommed together in chunks, the calculation may be slightly different, and possibly the "pixel" may not be directly addressable at all. For example, if we had 422 content with YCbYCr 10-bit chunks (5 bytes/chunk), and you want to point to the second Y in the chunk, this wouldn't be possible because it would not be located at a byte addressable address. It would be spanned across a pair of bytes.
When it is calculable, the x part of the pointer movement would look like this:
(x_offset * bits_per_pixel) / 8 /*bits per byte*/
and we'd want to make sure that division was exact, without remainder. Most pixel formats have channels that are some integer multiple of a byte and don't suffer from this complication.


Chessprogramming: how to get a single move out of a bitboard attack-mask most efficently

How can I get efficiently a single move out of an attack mask, that looks like this:
for a queen.
What I've done in the past, is to get the square-indices of every single possible move from the queen by counting the trailing zeros (bitScanForward)
and after I generated the new move i removed this square from the attack mask and continued with the next attack-square. Is there any technic to get the single attack bits directly?
I think what you are describing is already the most efficient way. Looping over the bitboard until it is zero and pick one move at a time.
To sketch the idea with some code, it could look like this:
using Bitboard = uint64_t; // 64 bit unsigned integer
pMoves createAllMoves(Bitboard mask, int from_sq, Move* pMoves) {
while(moves != 0) {
int to_sq = findAndClearSetBit(mask);
*pMoves++ = createMove(from_sq, to_sq);
return pMoves;
The findAndClearSetBit function can choose any set bit, but commonly on today's hardware, finding the least significant bit is most efficient. If you are using GCC or Clang, you can use __builtin_ctzll which should be optimized to the specific hardware:
int findAndClearSetBit(Bitboard& mask) {
int sq = __builtin_ctzll(mask); // find least significant bit
mask &= mask - 1; // clear least significant bit
return sq;
If I am not mistaken, your existing function bitScanForward is already an implementation to find the least significant bit. So, you can use it to get a portable version.

Creating a WAV file with an arbitrary bits per sample value?

Do WAV files allow any arbitrary number of bitsPerSample?
I have failed to get it to work with anything less than 8. I am not sure how to define the blockAlign for one thing.
Dim ss As New Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
Dim info As New Speech.AudioFormat.SpeechAudioFormatInfo(AudioFormat.EncodingFormat.Pcm, 5000, 4, 1, 2500, 1, Nothing) ' FAILS
ss.SetOutputToWaveFile("TEST4bit.wav", info)
ss.Speak("I am 4 bit.")
AFAIK no, 4-bit PCM format is undefined, it wouldn't make much sense to have 16 volume levels of audio; quality would be horrible.
While technically possible, I know no decent software (e.g. Wavelab) that supports it, your very own player could though.
Formula: blockAlign = channels * (bitsPerSample / 8)
So for a mono 4-bit it would be : blockAlign = 1 * ((double)4 / 8) = 0.5
Note the usage of double being necessary to not end up with 0.
But if you look at the block align definition below, it really does not make much sense to have an alignment of 0.5 bytes, one would have to work at the bit-level (painful and useless because at this quality, non-compressed PCM would just sound horrible):
The block alignment (in bytes) of the waveform data. Playback
software needs to process a multiple of wBlockAlign bytes of data at
a time, so the value of wBlockAlign can be used for buffer
http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/Docs/riffmci.pdf page 59
If you really need 4-bit, switch to ADPCM format.

Getting any point along an NSBezier path

For a program I'm writing, I need to be able to trace a virtual line (that is not straight) that an object must travel along. I was thinking to use NSBezierPath to draw the line, but I cannot find a way to get any point along the line, which I must do so I can move the object along it.
Can anyone suggest a way to find a point along an NSBezierPath? If thats not possible, can anyone suggest a method to do the above?
EDIT: The below code is still accurate, but there are much faster ways to calculate it. See Introduction to Fast Bezier and Even Faster Bezier.
There are two ways to approach this. If you just need to move something along the line, use a CAKeyframeAnimation. This is pretty straightforward and you never need to calculate the points.
If on the other hand you actually need to know the point for some reason, you have to calculate the Bézier yourself. For an example, you can pull the sample code for Chapter 18 from iOS 5 Programming Pushing the Limits. (It is written for iOS, but it applies equally to Mac.) Look in CurvyTextView.m.
Given control points P0_ through P3_, and an offset between 0 and 1 (see below), pointForOffset: will give you the point along the path:
static double Bezier(double t, double P0, double P1, double P2,
double P3) {
pow(1-t, 3) * P0
+ 3 * pow(1-t, 2) * t * P1
+ 3 * (1-t) * pow(t, 2) * P2
+ pow(t, 3) * P3;
- (CGPoint)pointForOffset:(double)t {
double x = Bezier(t, P0_.x, P1_.x, P2_.x, P3_.x);
double y = Bezier(t, P0_.y, P1_.y, P2_.y, P3_.y);
return CGPointMake(x, y);
NOTE: This code violates one of my cardinal rules of always using accessors rather than accessing ivars directly. It's because in it's called many thousands of times, and eliminating the method call has a significant performance impact.
"Offset" is not a trivial thing to work out. It does not proceed linearly along the curve. If you need evenly spaced points along the curve, you'll need to calculate the correct offset for each point. This is done with this routine:
// Simplistic routine to find the offset along Bezier that is
// aDistance away from aPoint. anOffset is the offset used to
// generate aPoint, and saves us the trouble of recalculating it
// This routine just walks forward until it finds a point at least
// aDistance away. Good optimizations here would reduce the number
// of guesses, but this is tricky since if we go too far out, the
// curve might loop back on leading to incorrect results. Tuning
// kStep is good start.
- (double)offsetAtDistance:(double)aDistance
offset:(double)anOffset {
const double kStep = 0.001; // 0.0001 - 0.001 work well
double newDistance = 0;
double newOffset = anOffset + kStep;
while (newDistance <= aDistance && newOffset < 1.0) {
newOffset += kStep;
newDistance = Distance(aPoint,
[self pointForOffset:newOffset]);
return newOffset;
I leave Distance() as an exercise for the reader, but it's in the example code of course.
The referenced code also provides BezierPrime() and angleForOffset: if you need those. Chapter 18 of iOS:PTL covers this in more detail as part of a discussion on how to draw text along an arbitrary path.

Storing bitmap data in an integer array for speed?

I am using Cocoa/Objective-C and I am using NSBitmapImageRep getPixel:atX:y: to test whether R is 0 or 255. That is the only piece of data I need (the bitmap is only black and white).
I am noticing that this one function is the biggest draw on CPU power in my application, accounting for something like 95% of the overhead. Would it be faster for me to preload the bitmap into a 2 dimensional integer array
NSUInteger pixels[1280][1024];
and read the values like so:
//....do stuff
One thing that might be helpful could be converting the data into something more "dense". Since you're only interested in a single bit per pixel location, it doesn't make sense to store more than that. Storing more data than necessary means you get less usage out of your cache, which can really slow things down if the image is big and/or the accesses very random.
For instance, you could use the platform's largest "native" integer and pack in the pixels to use a single bit for each pixel. That will make the access a bit more involved since you need to do a single-bit testing, but it might be a win.
You would do something like this:
uint32_t image[HEIGHT * ((WIDTH + 31) / 32)];
Then initialize this array by using the slow getter method, once per pixel. Then you can read out the value of a pixel using something like image[y * ((WIDTH + 31) / 32) + (x / 32)] & (1 << (x & 31)).
I'm being vague ("might", "can" and so on) since it really depends on your access pattern, the size of the image, and other things. You should probably test it.
I'm not familiar with Objective-C or the NSBitmapImageRep object, but a reasonable guess is that the getPixel routine employs clipping to avoid reading outside of memory, which could a possible slowdown (among other things).
Have a look inside it and see what it does.
Having learnt that this is Apple code, you probably can't take a look inside it.
However, the documentation for NSBitmapImageRep_Class seems to indicate that getPixel:atX:y: performs at least some type magic. You could test if the result is clipped by accessing a pixel outside of the image boundary and observing the result.
The bitmapData seems to be something you'd be interested in: get the pointer to the data, then read the array yourself avoiding type conversion or clipping.

Padding at the AVCaptureVideoData with kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA

I´m trying to send a image through tcp to a server, firts getting the buffer from the camera and then converting to grayScale the buffer, finally I send the buffer to the server.
All is working fine, but the problem is that the image that the server receive it is not 100 % okay, it looks like there is some padding that I dind´t use at the conversion, all the images are more or less than the next.
I use the next code to get the image:
VImageBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
uint8_t * baseAddress = (uint8_t *)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(imageBuffer);
the image is here http://s3.subirimagenes.com:81/imagen/previo/thump_6421684image001.png
The only padding you may get is per row of pixels — you should use something like:
/* ... */
uint8_t *baseAddress = (uint8_t *)CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(imageBuffer);
size_t bytesPerRow = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(imageBuffer);
for(interesting values of y)
uint8_t *pointerToThisLine = baseAddress + bytesPerRow*y;
Rather than assuming, one way or another, that one scanline ends somewhere in memory and then the next immediately starts.
That said, the top portion of your image is clearly correct and I've yet to see an instance where pitch wasn't equal to width*bytesPerPixel, so it'd be unlikely to be causing your problem in practice even if you haven't done that correctly.
Inspecting your image, it looks like the broken region contains copies of various fragments of the working region, so I don't think the problem is padding related — it's some sort of more obtuse memory management or transmission error. Have you checked that side of things?