Looking for a way to export O365 mailbox to .pst file - vb.net

I do not think there is an EASY, right click -> export to PST for a mailbox, if you know of one, please let me know.
Since I can't find an easy way, I am going to attempt the code route.
I am looking to write some code to export an O365 mailbox to a .pst file. This is a local backup for when we want to keep the contents of an O365 mailbox after removing licenses.
After removing the O365 Licenses, the mailbox will stay for 30 days and then it is deleted.
I saw a post with a description about using Redemption which I have licensed, but there really is no detail on the process.
Microsoft Graph API to extract a .pst
I have access to the mailbox via EWS and would like to iterate through folders and then mail items in each folder.
Has anyone done anything with copying an O365 Mailbox offline to a .pst file?

You can use the compliance centre to do the export eg https://lazyadmin.nl/office-365/export-office-365-mailbox-to-pst
Another easy solution is to just use the windows Desktop version of Outlook, eg create a profile against the Mailbox, do the export and manually verify it does require a person to do that (assign it to helpdesk etc)
There are lot of third party offering as Andrew mentioned just google them and check the reviews.

If you already have an Outlook profile that connects to the Exchange mailbox in question, you can simply drag/drop folders/messages from the Exchange mailbox to a PST file.
You can also use Outlook Object Model or Redemption to copy the messages programmatically.


OneDrive invite people to folder not available

Today I was trying to share a OneDrive folder and was not able to find the "invite friends" feature.
I must share the folder exclusively with people authenticated with a Microsoft Account instead of creating a public url.
I can still see some folders I share with the friend list there, but if I remove the sharing, I cannot set up it back again.
Is there any change in the way sharing works in OneDrive?
If you right-click on a folder, the first item in the dropdown should be "Share". Just follow this flow.

office 365 api generate a guest link for MyFiles

I am trying to access from an MVC application, the OneDrive files from my office 365 account.
What I need is to give my application user the possibility to edit a .docx file, in their browser.
I used Office 365 APIs Preview, to get the list of files, and their properties, but I don't know how to allow the user to edit that file in his browser.
A solution to this problem could be to share the file with different user of my application, by creating a guest link.
From the office365 portal this is a simple task:
- OneDrive, select the file -> manage -> share with -> get a link, the link can have read only or read write rights.
I don’t know how to create this link from the APIs.
Can you please tell me how can I generate this guest link or if there is a different solution to this problem.
In short, I don't think this can be done in a supported way.
There is a real risk that if you figure out the URL structure, that the structure could change. I suggest that you make a feature request by using UserVoice. It would be preferable that the REST API and the client objects construct this URL for you.
With that said, if you take the sharing link, and place it into a browser window, the link will redirect to Word Online with the document in the browser. Take a look at the structure of the URL in the Word Online browser window. You could use that as a template, and along with the information from the File.Url property from the Office 365 API Preview, you may be able to put together a URL to that file. Expect that this approach would not be supported and would be subject to URL structure changes.
If other people find that this would be a useful feature, please use UserVoice to let us know.

Unified Inbox in Microsoft Outlook 2010

I have two IMAP accounts and one POP account configured in MS Outlook 2010. Extensive Google research indicates Outlook does not support a truly unified inbox, where these three accounts would be combined, and where the IMAP emails would still be associated with and controlled by their IMAP servers. Using rules to copy messages disassociates them from IMAP, so that will not work.
Can this be accomplished with VBA's Application.AdvancedSearch method? I'm not fluent in VBA, so if someone could provide an example of a programmatically-created Outlook Search Folder that scans multiple email accounts, that would be terrific.
Thank you!
This seems to work well in Outlook 2010:
See: http://www.slipstick.com/how-to-outlook/how-to-create-a-unified-inbox/
Good luck.

How to check if an email attachment has been opened

I am working on a study that sends people a PDF document with information about their health. The team would like to know if the person has actually opened the PDF document (a sign that they didn't just ignore the e-mail). I know that it'd be possible to do it with a link to an external file, but the users are much less likely to click on a URL and download it then they are to just view an attachment, and we don't want to do anything that might prevent the users from reading the information (we've already had people say they never received the message, and with further investigation they discovered they had, they had just ignored it).
Another option is to request a read report, but this is only useful if it doesn't annoy the user (ie it does it automatically when the email is opened instead of requesting them to send one). We're currently looking into this as well, but the ability to check if the attachment has been opened is a much better idea.
The email is generated in MS SQL and sent using the database mail system, and we have adobe acrobat pro, so creating scripts in pdfs is possible (although I'm not sure whether those scripts will be allowed to run).
1) Dont include the PDF in the email, include a link to the PDF.
2) Include a javascript snippet in the PDF, which hits a per-user URL or includes IP address or something to track. This will only work if the user allows javascript, and if their pdf reader supports it.
Since this was originally posted there has been a number of consumer tools that now let you track PDF's sent via a web link.
http://docsend.com , http://attach.io
and if you're sharing from Dropbox
Much easier than having to script it yourself
At this time there are a number of tools available who offer attachment tracking service to their users. I am also using SalesHandy for attachment tracking and get the deep analysis of when & where your attachment is open.
Click to read more: https://www.saleshandy.com/document-tracking/

GetUserAvailability from Exchange from a COM Outlook addin

I have a COM Outlook addin programmed in C++ (VS2005). I'm trying to see if within this addin I can get a random user or resource and see if it is available during a certain meeting time. Basically I'm trying to do something like getuseravailability() from the 2007 Exchange Web Service api listed below.
Is this the only way to get this information? I've been looking through CDO, ADSI, MAPI and the Outlook object model but can't find anything else like it. I'm avoiding using web services because the Exchange Servers I run against may not have it enabled/ may not be Exchange 2007. And also, I'm hoping for a COM api easily integrated with the existing Outlook COM addin, was really hoping for an OOM solution.
Am I wrong or would the webservices sdk require .net to be installed on the machine running the addin as well?
I believe I've found a way to do this with CDO. Will be trying a sample app for this to see if it does what I think it does.
I didn't find this earlier because the MSDN library's default view doesn't easily let you browse through the table of contents for a section. You have to go into MSDNs preferences and choose "Classic View" to get the table of contents view on the left.