How to pivot the table containing each value in the output row in SQL - sql

I can't resolve this issue. I tried to use PIVOT() function, I've read the documentation and tried to use that. Additionally, I tried to find the answer but didn't find.
The main problem is using PIVOT() function, that it has to include aggregation function, but I needn't it, I need only pivot the table without any aggregation.
The source table:
I'd like to get the output table looks like:
Can anybody help me?
How to do that without using aggregation function or using but the get all values. Cause, for example, if I use min() or max() I get the max and min value and the others cells would be empty.

why do you think that using min/max would leave empty cells? As there is only one value for each country/level combination then using min or max is effectively just picking that one value.
Obviously, if your source data had more than one record for each combination of country/level then you'd need to decide how to deal with it.
This SQL seems to work fine:
select *
pivot(max(NUMBER) for LEVEL in ('High', 'Medium', 'Low'))
as p
order by country;


Second highest column

I have seen a similar question asked How to get second highest value among multiple columns in SQL ... however the solution won't work for Microsoft Access (Row_Number/Over Partition isn't valid in Access).
My Access query includes dozens of fields. I would like to create a new field/column that would return the second highest value of 10 specific columns that are included in the query, I will call this field "Cover". Something like this:
Product Bid1 Bid2 Bid3 Bid4 Cover
Watch 104 120 115 108 115
Shoe 65 78 79 76 18
Hat 20 22 19 20 20
I can do a really long SWITCH formula such as the following equivalent Excel formula:
IF( AND(Bid1> Bid2, Bid1 > Bid3, Bid1 > Bid4), Bid1,
AND(Bid2> Bid1, Bid2 > Bid3, Bid2 > Bid4), Bid2,
But there must be a more efficient solution. A MAXIF equivalent would work perfectly if MS-Access Query had such a function.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
This would be easier if the data were laid out in a more normalized way. The clue is the numbered field names.
Your data is currently organized as a Pivot (known in Access as crosstab), but can easily be Unpivoted.
This data is much easier to work with if laid in a more normalized fashion which is this case would be:
Product Bid Amount
--------- ----- --------
Watch 1 104
Watch 2 120
Watch 3 115
Watch 4 108
Shoe 1 65
Shoe 2 78
Shoe 3 79
Shoe 4 76
Hat 1 20
Hat 2 22
Hat 3 19
Hat 4 20
This way querying becomes simpler.
It looks like you want the maximum of the bids, grouped by Product, so:
select Product, max(amount) as maxAmount
from myTable
group by product
Really, we shouldn't be storing text fields at all, so Product should be an ID number, with associated Product Names stored once in a separate table, instead of several times in the this one, like:
ProdID ProdName
-------- ----------
1 Watch
2 Shoe
3 Hat
... but that's another lesson.
Generally speaking repeating of anything should be avoided... that's pretty much the purpose of a database... but the links below will explain than I. :)
Quackit : Microsoft Access Tutorial
YouTube : DB Planning
Microsoft : Database Design Basics
Microsoft : Database Normalization Basics
Wikipedia : Database Normalization

DAX for Grouping

I have following data set as data Model.
Country City AssetCount
USA Newyork 50
USA Washington 40
USA California 30
India Bangalore 100
India Delhi 50
India Bombay 30
I want to show one row showing sum of Assetcount at country level & city level on the same row.
There are two slicers for slicing City & Country as below:
USA Newyork
India Washington
So when I select country as India it should show sum of Asset-Count at country(India) level.
In the same way when I select City as Delhi it should show Asset-Count at City(Delhi) level.
India Delhi
180 50
Is it possible using PowerPivot using DAX?
Related content from their question on MSDN
Actually your solution is not working. I have created the hierarchy as Country-->City & kept that in Rows. So when I select a particular Country & City it showing like this:
Row Labels AssetCount
USA 40
Washington 40
Grand Total 40
But I want
USA Washington
120 40
or may be like
USA 120
Washington 40
I have tried some aggregate functions like below:
Here Query is table for Data Model & City can be replaced by Country.
but not working.
So showing such counts on same row is possible or not?
Sounds like you are just getting started with Power Pivot. You might browse through the links on this page for more help.
I took the data you provided and pasted it into Excel.
Selected the data and clicked Add to Data Model and checked the box for My Data Has Headers.
I made sure the AssetCount Column had a data type of whole number. Then clicked the Pivot Table button and created a pivot table on my existing spreadsheet.
I put AssetCount in the values and made sure it was set to Sum in the Field Value Settings.
I selected my pivot table and then went to the Analyze tab under PivotTable Tools and clicked the Insert Slicer button.
I selected both Country and City as slicers.
This gives your desired result.
If you want the two numbers in a row, that's pretty straightforward. Keep in mind, that all those slicers do is putting filters on the pivot table.
Therefore to get your city result, you could use either an implicit measure or explicit measure that simply sums up AssetCount.
For the country result, you'd wish to overload the city filter like this:
If you also need the country and city names there, it gets a bit tricky.

Eliminate duplicate records/rows?

I'm trying to list result from a multi-table query with on row, 2 columns. I have the correct data that I need, I merely need to trim it down to 1 line of results. In other words, eliminate duplicate entries in the result. I'm using a value not shown here, school_id. Should I go with that as a distinct value? Can I do that without displaying the school_id?
SQL> select DISTINCT(school_name),Team_Name
2 from school, team
3 where team.team_name like '%B%'
4 AND school.school_id = team.school_id;
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
Lawrence Central High School Bears
Lawrence Central High School BEars
Lawrence Central High School BEARS
The problem, as I'm sure you know, is the fact that "Bears" is in 3 different cases here. The simple fix is to do the upper or lower of "Team_Name" so it will only have 1 return record.

Compare two addresses which are not in standard format

I have to compare addresses from two tables and get the Id if the address matches.
Each table has three columns Houseno, street, state
The address are not in standard format in either of the tables. There are approx. 50,000 rows, I need to scan through
At some places its Ave. Avenue Ave . Str Street, ST. Lane Ln. Place PL Cir CIRCLE.
Any combination with a dot or comma or spaces ,hypen.
I was thinking of combining all three What can be best way to do it in SQL or PLSQL for example
----- ----- -----
12 6th Ave NY
10 3rd Aven SD
12-11 Fouth St NJ
11 sixth Lane NY
A23 Main Parkway NY
A-21 124 th Str. VA
id HNO STR state
-- ----- ----- -----
1 12 6 Ave. NY
13 10 3 Avenue SD
15 1121 Fouth Street NJ
33 23 9th Lane NY
24 X23 Main Cir. NY
34 A1 124th Street VA
There is no simple way to achieve what you want. There is a expensive software (google for "address standardization software") that can do this but rarely 100% automatic.
What this type of software does is to take the data, use complex heuristics to try to figure out the "official" address and then return that (sometimes with the confidence that the result is correct, sometimes a list of results sorted by confidence).
For a small percentage of the data, the software will simply not work and you'll have to fix that yourself.
Oracle has a built in package UTL_Match which has an edit_distance function (based on the Levenshtein algorithm, this is a measure of how many changes you would need to make to make one string the same as another). More info about this Package / Function can be found here:
You would need to make some decisions around whether to compare each column or concatenate and then compare and what a reasonable threshold is. For example, you may want to do a manual check on any with an edit distance of less than 8 on the concatenated values.
Let me know if you want any help with the syntax, the edit_distance function just takes 2 varchar2 args (the strings you want to compare) and returns a number.
This is not a perfect solution in that if you set the threshold high you will have a lot of manual checking to do to discard some, and if you set it too low you will miss some matches, but it may be about the best if you want a relatively simple solution.
The way we did this for one of our applications was to use a third party adddress normalization API(eg:Pitney Bowes),normalize each address(Address is a combination of Street Address,City ,State and Zip) and create a T-sql hash for that address.For the adress to compare do the same thing and compare the two hashes and if they match,we have a match
you can make a cursor where you do first a group by where house number and city =.
in a loop
you can separate a row with instr e substr considering chr(32).
After that you can try to consider to make a confront with substring where you have a number 6 = 6th , other case street = str.
good luck!

Efficient SQL to merge results or leave to client browser javascript?

I was wondering, what is the most efficient way of combining results into a single result.
I want to turn
Num Ani Country
---- ----- -------
22 cows Canada
20 pigs Canada
40 cows USA
34 pigs USA
cows pigs Country
----- ----- -------
22 20 Canada
40 34 USA
I want to know if it would be better to use SQL only or if I should feed the whole query result set to the user. Once given to the user, I could use JavaScript to parse it into the desired format.
Also, I do not know exactly how I would change this into the right format for a SQL query. The only way I can think of approaching this SQL statement is very roundabout with dynamically creating a temporary table.
The operation you're after is called "pivoting" - the PIVOT info page has a little more detail:
SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN t.ani = 'cows' THEN t.num ELSE NULL END) AS cows,
MAX(CASE WHEN t.ani = 'pigs' THEN t.num ELSE NULL END) AS pigs,
There should be an efficient way using a 2-D array on the client-side (php) to achieve the pivoting. To address Ken Downs' concerns about byte pushing, a ragged raw pivot data consumes less bytes than a fully materialized 2-D pivot table, the simple case is
cows | pigs | sheep | goats | country
1 null null null Canada
null 2 null null USA
null null 3 null Egypt
null null null 4 England
which is only 4 rows of raw data (each being 3 columns).
Doing it in the front end also solves the issue of dynamic-pivoting. If your number of pivot columns is unknown, then you would require a MySQL procedure to build up a dynamic sql statement of the pattern "MAX(CASE....)" for each column.
There are advantages to doing this on the client side
can be done (at least considered as an alternative)
can be rendered earlier, if the savings in network traffic is significant despite requiring either (1) php pivottable construction or (2) client side javascript
does not require a MySQL procedure for dynamic pivoting