How to quick use module from NPM? - npm

I use NPM to install some modules. However, every time I use it, I go to the folder where the module is and copy that module and then go to the folder I work in and paste it. Is there a way for me to use the modules I have installed more quickly and efficiently?
How to use NPM testing module effectively?

I think you can just copy all resources without folder node_modules and when you paste in another folder you can just use npm install but I'm not sure, try and let me know


How to change src code of Vue in node_modules for testing

I am using Vue 2 (doesn't really matter which version exactly).
I want to test some things that happen behind the hood in Vue. So I decided to add console.log('test123') in Vue's files in node_modules. It turns out that the console log never fires. I put that in all files of Vue in node_modules, even in all files of dist's folder of Vue.
How can I achieve this ? If I fork the repo, then I'd have to upload new versions each time on my repo and then run npm install. I know that will work but wanted to achieve this without forking.
Any ideas what I am missing ?
there are many ways .. but i feel more comfortable using this method :
you can download any npm package in a seperated folder next to your project...
open the folder of the package then run this in the terminal:
npm link
then open the project folder and run
npm link ../package-path # link the dir of your dependency
How to test an npm package locally

How to let npm use sass which comes from local libsass-dev(installed by apt) instead of downloading its own package?

I have a libsass-dev on my system. But npm will download its own one, which is annoying. How to let npm makes use of libsass-dev?
You can try specifying the absolute path to your module, assuming is outside the node_modules folder.
You can try first the require.resolve('/path/to/my/Module') and if it finds it will return the path to the module, then do the require function.
Or You can create your own folder inside node_modules and require the full folder, something like require('./relativeOrAbsPath/To/My/node_modules/myModule'). The default file is index.js or You can mention in the package.json file using the main property to specify another file name.
Also you can update your modules path using this npm module but this looks first on your node_modules folder. However on prior version 1.x is starting for the bottom of the module.paths list.

NPM : Create an NPM package that adds files and folders to the project root directory

I've created a web app template that I use frequently for many different projects.
I would like to create an NPM package for it so that it's easier to install for new projects, separate the template from the project files, separate the template dependencies from the project dependencies, and allow easier updating of the template across all projects.
The issue I have is that I need some files/folders to be installed in the root directory (i.e. where package.json is saved). Most can go in the node_modules folder however I have some files that must be placed in the root directory.
For example, the template uses Next.js with a custom _app.js file. This must be in the root directory in a folder named pages. I also have various config files that must be in the root directory.
Can this be done with NPM, or does everything need to be installed in the node_modules folder? I'm having trouble finding anything on SO or Google that answers this, so if you happen to know a guide online on how to do this or can outline things I should search for it would be much appreciated.
With pure npm, everything has to go to the node_modules folder, so you can't solve your issue this way.
Maybe going with a templating tool such as grunt init or yeoman could be a solution here, although – unfortunately – you'll then lose some of the benefits of being able to install a package via npm.
Another option might be to use GitHub template repositories, which have just been introduced recently.
Last but not least one option might also be to just have the files' contents in the npm package, but create the pages/_app.js manually, but inside of it simply require the file contents from an npm module, and that's it. This at least helps to have the content portable, but of course it still asks you to setup the file and folder structure on your own.
Sorry that I don't have a better answer, but I hope it helps anyway.
PS: One "solution" might also be to use the postinstall step in an npm module's package.json file to create folder structure, copy files to where they should be and so on, but at least to me this feels more like a clumsy workaround than like a real solution.

New project with GULP

I made a project using GULP and I downloaded several modules with the NPM cmd. For a new project, should I copy/paste my old project with the files "gulpfile.js", "package.json" and the folder "node_module" or i have to redownload all the modules ? I tried to copy/paste and it worked perfectly, but maybe there is an another way to do it (like download each module with one command line) ?
Thank you !
Copying your old package.json file into your new project is perfectly reasonable when you also use a copy of your existing gulpfile.
Now, instead of copying your node_module folder just run npm install. It does exactly the same thing as copying and pasting but with the added bonus of checking package versions, deprecated dependencies, and so on...
Quick tip: If you ever run into problems as I have deleting/removing packages given that theirs paths might be longer than what the OS allows use the tool rimraf. Install it globally and then you can call rimraf on anything. CAUTION! this tool will erase everything no questions asked

is there any way to tell npm to not remove a module folder on update?

I've created a node module that uses folders such as "images/" , "uploads/" etc.
I need these folders reside in the same module folder and won't be destroyed whenever there is a new version of the module running the command "npm update"
i've tried also using Bower but they use the same approach of "destroy everything and replace"
is there any way to accomplish my requests?
there is a nice solution proposed by this bower's fork using "keep" feature!