i need to remove the id to my url path like: www.site.it/4-category. I need to remove the 4.
I see that exist a payment plugin that do this. But i want only to remove it from category and not for product.
Go to Admin -> Preferences -> SEO & URLs
& update the "Route to Category" & remove the "{id}-"
this will remove the category ID from only the category.
I need to show:
"default category name" of the purchased products into email template
order_conf "default category name" of the purchased products into
backoffice > single order (where at the moment it shows product_name + reference)
BO > orders > order > purchased product
Would you give me some indication on the files to be modified to show the category name (default_category) of the purchased products?
I have searched around the web but I can't find any solution / instructions to do this
Thanks to anyone who will be able to help me
To show info in back office order detail you can use hook displayAdminOrderLeft.
For more info look at https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/hooks/list-of-hooks/
For mail you must change order_conf.html in mails directory.
To put extra data in template vars you can use actionEmailAddBeforeContent hook.
Thankyou Fran Cerezo for the indication to investigate.
To show Default Category name into hook "displayAdminOrderLeft", i opened
/admin123456/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/_product_line.tpl file
So i added
{if isset($product.id_category_default)}
{assign var='catname' value=Category::getCategoryInformations(array($product.id_category_default))}
Otherwise, to show the "default category name" in the order confirmation email (for single product purchased) I'm in trouble ..
The /mails/it/order_conf.html file declares the {products} variable.
Where do I find the template to edit the {products} variable and then add the category name information?
Where is the reference file located?
{products variable into order_conf.html}
i'd like to make Company Field not required in adress form in Back Office -> Customers -> adresses -> click on modify or create adress.
Just looked in AdminAdressesController but don't where to make overriding...
Thanks !
There is an option at Back Office -> Customers -> adresses -> Set required field for this section.(At bottom of address list).
Here you can set or unset required fields.
I have a PrestaShop shop with a module for clean id from category urls. My url format for products is "{rewrite}-{id}.html" so PS add "?id_product_attibute=0" on all my products. I want to remove it or put my url format like "{rewrite}-{id}{-:id_product_attribute}.html"
I'm ussing https://github.com/faktiva/prestashop-clean-urls
The id_product_attribute can be removed from the Product URL without changing in the SEO configuration in the back-office.
You can override the getProductLink() function of the Link.php class or make changes in the CORE file.
Remove or comment the $params['id_product_attribute'] = $ipa; from line number 156 in the above function.
I am using PrestaShop Version
I have created a CSV for Categories and uploaded it successfully but the catogories and the sub-categories are not shown in Catolog->Categories. When I configure a Module "Top Horizontal Menu" in that under Available items Categories can be seen and added to UI as well. When I click on the category in UI 404 error pages comes.
Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
The below image is from Top Horizontal Menu Module where JEWELLERY is category and the other below them are sub category.
Thw below image shows that the categories CSV is uploaded successfdully
But it is not listed under Catolog->Categories refer the below image for this
First when I added categories from CSV, the categories is not getting displayed in Catalog->Categories but when I add one category manually then it is displayed in Catalog->Categories but cannot add subcategories to it.
I think there should be some issues in Presta Shop.
For example : I manually added "Testing" as one category. It was added as main category by default. Then both "Home" and "Testing" categories can be seen in Catalog ->Categories.
After this I tried to add the subcategories to "Home" categories through CSV, it worked out.
PrestaShop is expecting the category to be listed in Catalog->Categories to add the subcategories to it even if that particular category is in DB.
Now I can add the sub categories to what ever Main Categories needed and also the products are also getting listed under the subcategories through CSV.
But I dont know why it is not getting added to Catalog->Categories initially when I add from CSV.
Now in DB ps_category table the records are as expected as you have listed.
This is the default Prestashop categories (table ps_category). Please check if you have only one row with is_root_category = 1. This must be a category ID 2 (id_category = 2), your site Home category.
And please check if all three categories ID 1, 2, 3 in your table looks the same in columns id_parent, id_shop_default, level_depth, is_root_category.
We are looking to implement rel=publisher to verify our website against our Google+ page.
However, according to the Rich Snippets tool, this only appears to work with a numeric page ID: e.g. https://plus.google.com/103037366582313115962/
However, we have a vanity URL https://plus.google.com/+TheGuardian
How can I find out our numeric page ID based on a Vanity URL?
OK, worked this out:
Go to https://plus.google.com/ as a Google+ user.
Search for your page using the search box
Copy the link location of the search result for your page. e.g. https://plus.google.com/u/1/113000071431138202574
...The last fragment of the URL is your Google+ page id
In order to get the 21 digit ID from a vanity URL, you need to utilize people.get API!
Just enter the vanity URL portion with the plus sign (for example +Name) as the userId here and scroll down to the 'Response' section to get your id.
Go to the G+ page
Press Ctrl+U then Ctrl+F
Type data-oid.
ex: data-oid="101059889519664604142"
You just have to do is right click on on name (page name or person name) select Copy Link Address & paste it in a new Tab you will see the code as my is https://plus.google.com/+InzimamTariq
but when I do that this is in return.
hope you like it & it will help you
Go to -> www.Google.com
[Press] +UserName where "UserName" is your user name
(usually your email is UserName#google.com)
Hover over Home in top left for drop down menu
Just below Home you should see Profile <- click on Profile
Check your URL and if should look like this:
The +UserSetURL is your google+ profile name.
If you have not created your own specific URL / ID then the numbers are your ID.
You should change the Numbers to something easy like MyName or UserID so you won't have to do this ever again.
Note: This is according to UI as of April 28, 2015