Beeline - hivevar from file - hive

I provide some hivevars while starting beeline as follows
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://....;ssl=true" --hivevar SCHEMA_NAME=my_schema --hivevar SRC_SCHEMA=src_schema
So far, so good. But I want to provide the hivevars from a file, instead of --hivevar, e.g
$ cat
Would this even be possible? So far, I haven't seen much literature on this, so any help would be great.


How would you crack this (MD5 HashCat)?

I was given this file:
I thought I had to separate them, for example I put the experthead, interestec, etc. in one file named wordtext.txt and e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e, etc in another file called hash.txt.
I then ran this:
hashcat -m 0 -a 0 /Users/myname/Desktop/hash.txt /Users/myname/Desktop/wordtext.txt -O
but I couldn't get anything. And then I googled e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e and the output was 123456 so now I don't know how to approach this problem.
Just leave the hashes (erase the plaintext) on the txt file, hashcat will sort them out by itself. What I do is: hashcat.exe -m 0 -a 0 hashFile.txt dict.txt --show
The file appears to be in username:hash format. By default, hashcat assumes that only hashes are in the target file.
You can change this behavior with hashcat's --username option.
You don't need to place the -O at the end. It should work perfectly without it, but you do need hashcat.exe in the beginning.

How can I run .sql file having multiple .sql file inside using Snowsql?

I want to figure out how to run multiple sql files on one go. Suppose I have this test.sql file which has file1.sql, file2.sql and file3.sql and so on. Along with some DML/DDL.
use database &{db};
use schema &{sc};
create table snow_test1
name varchar
,add1 varchar
,id number
comment = 'this is snowsql testing table' ;
desc table snow_test1;
insert into snow_test1
values('prachi', 'testing', 1);
select * from snow_test1;
here what I run in power shell,
snowsql -c pp_conn -f ...\test.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
Is there any way to do this ? I know It is possible in Oracle but I want to do this using snowsql. Please guide me. Thanks in advance!
you can run multiple files in a single call:
snowsql -c pp_conn -f file1.sql -f file2.sql -f file3.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
You might need to put the addition DMLs in a file.
I have tried defining .sql file with !source inside my test.sql file and its working:
!source file1.sql;
!source file2.sql;
!source file3.sql;
Also, run the same command in power shell using one .sql file and it is working.

Can i use multistorage and CSVExcelStorage at the same time (or close) in pig?

I'm looking a way to store a relation into splitted folders in a CSV format.
I'm launching the pig from a shell.
I looked on stack but I don't found anything speaking about this case.
I'm using the piggybank 0.14 and the java of the last multistorage to use the multifield selection.
If I use the CSVExcelStorage to store the relation, I can cut the output file in shell, but I think this action will make me lost the CSV format.
If I use the multiStorage to store the relation, I'm not able to format the output file in CSV.
So, is it possible to apply the CSVExcelStorage from a Relation to a Relation?
Do you have any other suggestion?
In fine, i used a shell to simulate the multistorage with some filter and CSVExcelStorage.
cp ${sklt} ${pig}
for waza in $anOtherVar
echo "R2 = R1 FILTER JEANNO IN ('${waza}')" >> ${pig}
echo -e "STORE R2 INTO '$myPath/${waza}' USING';');\n" >> ${pig}
pig -f ${pig} -p table=$anOtherVar -p myPath=/past/a/box/
if this awesome solution can help some other pig addict...

bcp utility asking me to enter different parameters i do not undertand

I am using BCP To export data from sqlserver 2008R2 Database Name Health,and a table name patient.The out of the query should be save in a textfile:ApplicantsName.txt located at:
C:\Users\meuser\Desktop ApplicantsName.txt -C -T
After running the following query on the command prompt:
bcp "Select FirstName,LastName,PatientNumber from Health.dbo.Patient order by FirstName" queryout "C:\Users\meuser\Desktop ApplicantsName.txt" -C -T
It prompted me this:
Enter the file storage type of fiedl FirstName [char]:varchar
and then this:
Enter prefix-length of field FirstName[2]:FirstName
I have been entering some values but i think the best is to know how it works.After some time of research on the internet, know using bcp utility is one fastest way to export or import data between instance to a file.I follow exactly the samples provided by MS here but i think i need some practical explanation. Can some guide me how to go about this and a little bit of explanation or relevant ref. will be appreciated too.
#one angry researcher's solution of adding '-C RAW' did not work in my particular case but adding lower-case '-c' did. It performs the operation using a character data type
For instance:
bcp mydb.mytable out c:/temp/data.txt -T -c
You need to add a value for the -C parameter (capital C!). If you do not know what you're using it for, you probably won't be needing it and can omitt it.
Refer to the official documentation:
edit: you could, for example, use
bcp "Select FirstName,LastName,PatientNumber from Health.dbo.Patient order by FirstName" queryout "C:\Users\meuser\Desktop\ApplicantsName.txt" -C RAW -T
You will need to fix your output directory too (seems you forgot a backslash there).
heres the sample bcp command with query and credentials (param)
bcp "SELECT * from yourtable" queryout c:\StockItemTransactionID_c.txt -c -Uusername -Pdbpassword -Sinstance -dYourDBName
Note: -U -P -S are case sensitive.

Executing batches of commands using redis cli

I have a long text file of redis commands that I need to execute using the redis command line interface:
DEL 9012012
DEL 1212
DEL 12214314
I can't seem to figure out a way to enter the commands faster than one at a time. There are several hundred thousands lines, so I don't want to just pile them all into one DEL command, they also don't need to all run at once.
the following code works for me with redis 2.4.7 on mac
./redis-cli < temp.redisCmds
Does that satisfy your requirements? Or are you looking to see if there's a way to programmatically do it faster?
If you don't want to make a file, use echo and \n
echo "DEL 9012012\nDEL 1212" | redis-cli
The redis-cli --pipe can be used for mass-insertion. It is available since 2.6-RC4 and in Redis 2.4.14.
For example:
cat data.txt | redis-cli --pipe
More info in:
I know this is an old old thread, but adding this since it seems missed out among other answers, and one that works well for me.
Using heredoc works well here, if you don't want to use echo or explicitly add \n or create a new file -
redis-cli <<EOF
select 15
get a