whatsapp web not allowing to send messages to unsaved numbers - whatsapp

I am not able to send messages to unsaved numbers through WhatsAppweb. Any help will be appreciated.
I am using
where cc is the country code with a + and xxx is the mobile number.
It returns me number not valid - even when xxxx is valid and on WhatsApp


Tegram bot API token format

I want to figure out the format of telegram bot tokens to implement some validity checks, but there seems not official format description.
from my token and what I have found on the net, I can assume the following:
(up to) 46 characters length
starts with (up to) 10 digits followed by :
the remaining 35 characters are of class [[:alnum:]] plus - and _
can anyone (dis) confirm or point to documentation?
Let me summarize what we know so far:
to verify that a telegram API token has the correct format AND is currently valid you must make a Telegram getMe API call, e.g. on command line:
curl -s https://api.telegram.org/botYOURTOKEN/getMe
Nevertheless, we have some good guesses what a correct token must look like:
it consists of 8-10 digits followed by a :
the : is followed by a 35 character Telegram internal identifier/hash
the identifier is consisting of character class [[:alnum:]] plus _-, this fit's the characters documented for the deep linking parameter
Token format: 8-10 digits:35 alnum characters plus _- , e.g. 123456789:AaZz0...AaZz9
Regex for testing: /^[0-9]{8,10}:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{35}$/
If you want to check validity of a bot's token you can use the getMe method.
A simple method for testing your bot's auth token. Requires no
parameters. Returns basic information about the bot in form of a User
Any non valid token will return 401 error.
I believe this would be a more robust approach than checking for correct formats.
The BOT token consists of two parts. In BOT_ID:BOT_ALPHANUMERIC_PART the BOT_ID is 8 to 10 digit long and the BOT_ALPHANUMERIC_PART has a length of 35 characters. So the total length is 43 to 45 characters.
If you want to validate a bot token then you can use: https://api.telegram.org/bot< YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getMe.
It will return the JSON data for your bot. It will throw a 401 error if the bot token is not valid.

How can i know that my Youtube API Data is correct?

I having some trouble to understand something related to the API of youtube
So my code is basically very simple:
name = input("enter the username: ")
key = "MY API KEY"
data = urllib.request.urlopen("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?
subs = json.loads(data)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
print(name + " has " + "{:,d}".format(int(subs)) + " subscribers!🎉")
just yelling the number of subscribers after giving specific YouTube Username:
The thing is that some Usernames(for example: Vsuase/Veritasium/Unbox Therapy ) which have many subs and the API-URL giving me wrong Data
Vsause - in return giving me back 72 subs
Veritasium/Unbox Therapy - not giving my any number at all
BUT, a channel "Computerphile" giving me that exact same subs they have.
How come that few Usernames work and few do not??
I tested in both, using the try-it functionality available in the YouTube Data API - Official Documentation and in the Google API Explorer and in both sites the results are closely1 similar.
For example, when the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce is requested vía YouTube API, the value in subscriberCount is 14220819 and checking his YouTube channel it says: 14,220,825.
Here is the example for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the try-it)
And here is the demo for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the Google API Explorer).
I didn't see any differences in the values in subscriberCount by requesting the other channels you mentioned in your question.
1 You need consider that some channels has more changes in the quantity of subscribers than others and such results vary too in the responses of the API.
For some reason, if you change in the URL from forUsernae= --> id=
it gives you the correct numbers.
TED channel:

Email alias from LegacyExchangeDN - LDAP

I am working with Exchange EWS API. The API returns me a value which is legacyExchangeDN. The value looks like this -
/o=Amazon/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDXXXXXXXXDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=b08141c097dfd32432klbva43595-email-list
The value is also cropped in some cases (last few characters are not returned by the API)
How can I convert this value into meaningful email address?
Usually you would see this when you make a findItems request because Exchange doesn't resolve the Native (EX) Addresses back to SMTP addresses in this operation. So if you make a GetItem (or Load/Loadpropertiesforitems) request on the particular item you want to look at it as long as that address can be resolve in the GAL (eg that user or object hasn't been deleted) it should return the resolved address. The other option is to use the ResolveName operation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn645423(v=exchg.150).aspx

Is it possible to send a single message to multiple numbers at a time using Twilio?

I'm developing an app that allows users to add people, info, and Name/phone, or select multiple numbers from their iPhone contact list to send SMS messages to the selected numbers. the problem is Twillio API needs to be call every time per number. Is their any way to call the API once for multiple numbers?
Is it possible to send message to multiple number at a time?
Is it possible to send multiple messages?
Thanks in advance
It's not possible, you need to iterate through the list and make one request per message (which is probably better than batching it and dealing with the potential of multiple errors / resends).
Each new SMS message from Twilio must be sent with a separate REST API request. To initiate messages to a list of recipients, you must make a request for each number to which you would like to send a message. The best way to do this is to build an array of the recipients and iterate through each phone number.
const numbersToMessage = ["+15558675310", "+14158141829", "+15017122661"]
numbersToMessage.forEach(async number => {
const message = await client.messages.create({
body: 'message body',
from: '+16468635472',
to: number
Yes this is possible. Infact i'm trying to do the same thing at the moment(which is why i'm here) and Twilio has some advanced stuff that lets us achieve this.
Assuming you have a twilio ssid, twilio auth token and a twilio phone number, the next thing you have to do is create a "Twilio Messaging Service" from the dashboard. You can use the ssid of the created messaging service and use or if you want to send a message to like 10k numbers in one go, you create a "Twilio Notify Service" from the dashboard which takes the previously created messaging service as part of its configuration. Once this is done you can call the twilio.notifications.create() and pass bindings({ binding_type: 'sms', address: number }) for each phone number to it.
Complete explanation found in this twilio blog right here with perfectly working code.
Yes it is possible to send message to multiple user's from your Twilio Number.
You can try this for your node.js file:
var arr = ["+1xxxxxxxxxx","+1xxxxxxxxx"];
from: "+19253504188",
body: msg,
}, function(err,message){
Yes it is possible. You have to provide the numbers as a list and iterate API call.
For example send a message to two numbers.
numbers = ['+1234562525','+1552645232']
for number in numbers:
proxy_client = TwilioHttpClient()
proxy_client.session.proxies = {'https': os.environ['https_proxy']}
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token, http_client=proxy_client)
message = client.messages \
body="Your message",
from_='Your Twilio number',

Debugging K2 workflow - how to view data associated with error conditions?

I have a K2 Blackpearl workflow. In the workflow I populate a process data field with email addresses pulled from a SharePoint list. Using the Text - Join function with the SP List's SmartObject's GetList method for the values and a semi-colon for the separator.
In theory, this should produce a well-formatted string with multiple addresses for the "To" line of the E-mail event. However, I keep receiving a "The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address." at the point where the workflow should attempt to send an email.
I've tried using the string "john.doe#company.com;jane.dove#company.com;abc.def#company.com" directly and I've tried splitting the string on the semi-colons in the Activity's destination set. In the first case, there is one instance trying to send the email. In the second instance, the emails are resolved to users and though I select the "ActivityInstanceDestUserEmail" for the "To" line, I still get the error message.
We are using K2 Blackpearl 4.6 with a SharePoint 2010 farm configured strictly for Claims authentication. The users to which I wish to send the email have valid email addresses if resolved using the K2SPS provider, but when the emails are resolved into destination slots, they are resolved into accounts with the K2 provider. I'm guessing that this is the problem with my second method for sending the email. But the first, putting the whole string in the "To" line should have worked it is straight email addresses - no resolving to users is needed.
What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to accomplish this?
Changes in the configuration of our customer security provider, labelled "K2SPS" seem to have resolved the problem - at least for now.