VBA SQL pulled data coming back as empty - sql

I'm pulling into Excel VBA from a SQL ADODB Connection and it seems that some fields are coming back as empty that have values in SQL. I'm very green in VBA (just diving back into a legacy application to try and migrate everything to SQL Database storage instead of CSVs)
Here's an example of the value return (just a " where we should have "Sample Data | QRSTE/ S179399")
The code to pull:
Sub GetDFInfoByDf(recordID As String, connectionString as String)
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = connectionString
Dim command As String
command = "Select * FROM data_table WHERE id = '" & recordID & "'"
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
conn.Open connectionString
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
Set rs = conn.Execute(command)
Dim rsMatrix As Variant
rsMatrix = rs.GetRows(1)
If IsNull(rs) Then
'rs is null
MsgBox "Pulled recordset is null"
Call FillObjValuesFromRecordSet(rs)
End If
I see that we have a somewhat special character in there (|)
In terms of any SQL Encoding configurations: It's most likely UTF-8. I would think that I have to convert that to ANSI either in VBA or on the SQL side, but have been running in circles to try and figure that out.
Note that this field is NVARCHAR in SQL
Any ideas on how to handle this? Documentation is very sparse on the subject, from what I've seen.
Things I've Tried:
Adding Session Mode=ANSI; to the connection string
Expected Outcome:
-SQL stores the varchar "Sample Data | QRSTE/ S179399" (no quotes in the field)
-I'm expecting my Select to return that exact varchar/string value instead of the return in the image (")

My SQL table columns with varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) were not able to translate back.
My initial table had larger-than-needed sizes, so altering those columns to varchar(8000) and nvarchar(4000) fixed the issue!


SQL in Excel: Cannot call declared variable

I am trying to breakdown my SQL string in Excel VBA, storing my variables in the first part of the SQL, and calling them in the second part. It seems that declared variables is not my friend here?
First part(Declaring my variable)
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim sSQL As String
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rst.LockType = adLockReadOnly
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.CommandTimeout = GCL_dbTimeout
cnn.Open "XXX"
rst.ActiveConnection = cnn
sSQL = "DECLARE #Id AS INT = 1234 ; SELECT #Id AS [Id] INTO #cte_TEMP;"
cnn.Execute (sSQL)
Second part(Calling my variable)
Using a temp table works:
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM #cte_TEMP;"
But calling the variable doesn't:
rst.Open "SELECT #Id;"
In-memory #variables are only in-scope during the execution of a single command; once rst.Open returns, the variable is gone and no longer exists.
By storing it into a #temp table, you are persisting the value to physical disk storage, which leaves it available to other subsequent commands.
Don't forget to DROP TABLE #cte_TEMP; at one point! :)
Note: #temp tables are only accessible from the user that created it. If you need to access it from a different connection string, you need to use ##temp tables instead.

How to write a query that uses a number as parameter and number type field?

I need to start a query to retrieve data from Access database using VBA which I want to use a variable number as a parameter. Is it possible?
like the:
field name: NMT field type (number)
table name: Orders
and the code is like the following:
Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim X as Integer
X = me.textbox1.value
Con.Open "Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & U.Database01 & "\DB.accdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Rs.Open "select * from Orders where nmt = '" + X + "'", Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
Whenever I run this query, I get a run-time error '13' type mismatch.
Any suggestions ?
Multiple Issues
Type-mismatch in WHERE clause:
Your query (i.e. the WHERE clause) tries to compare a Number-column from database with a String-value (e.g. WHERE numberField = '123'). This will result in a runtime error Type mismatch (Error 13). See also similar question.
Unsafe to use + to concatenate Strings
When building the query you tried to concatenate the query-template with the number-parameter by a plus-sign. This works only when operating on numbers. See related question
remove single-quotes: you should compare the Number-column NMT with a number literal (e.g. WHERE nmt = 123)
use & to concatenate strings. This will also convert numbers to strings. Besides I explicitly used CStr function below.
Dim Con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim nmtNumber as Integer ' you named it x before
nmtNumber = me.textbox1.value
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE nmt = " & CStr(nmtNumber) ' removed single-quotes and used ampersand to concatenate with converted string
Con.Open "Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & U.Database01 & "\DB.accdb;Persist Security Info=False"
RS.Open strSQL, Con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
Further improvement
I already extracted the SQL string (building) into a separate variable strSQL above.
Better would be to use predefined/prepared and parameterized queries:
QueryDef (DAO) where you can set the parameters (type-safe). See this question.
Command (ADODB) where you can set parameters (type-safe). See this question.
See also
What is ‘Run-time error ‘13’: Type mismatch’? And How Do You Fix It?
VBA Type Mismatch Error

Reading from hidden Oracle Tables with VBA ADODB

I'm trying to read from different Tables on a Oracle Database using VBA and Excel.
Usually when read the tables I run something like:
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim query As String: query = "SELECT * FROM OBJ_NAME"
rs.Open query, con
However, this does not work for all the tables. Using SQL Developer i usually run at the beginning:
exec session#.open_session();
After which I can read any table. Is there a way to run this command with an ADODB.Recordset in the beginning too? Just replacing the SQL Query with the command did not work.
Or is there different way to read this 'hidden' Tables?
Try something like that:
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim query As String: query = "begin session#.open_session; end;"
With rs
.ActiveConnection = con
.Open query, con
End With
Set connectToDB = con
This should work using VBA. Let me if it worked :)

Edit records in ADODB recordset

What I am trying to do is to get some data from an online server through an SQL Query and then loop through the recordset modifying the records.
I get an error when trying to modify the recordset:
"Multiple-Step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
My question is: Is there a way of modifying a record from a recordset that I got from a Query?
In this case I am modifying field 2 if field 1 meets a certain criteria. (In this case Field 2 is a string)
Here is the simplified code:
Dim adoConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim locRS As New ADODB.Recordset, proRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConnection As String
Set getSQL = New ADODB.Recordset
'Set Objects
Set adoConn = New ADODB.Connection
'Specify connection string
strConnection = "User ID=xxx; Password=xxx;Data Source=xxx;Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle"
'Open the connection
adoConn.Open (strConnection)
'Set up recordset properties
getSQL.CursorType = adOpenStatic
getSQL.CursorLocation = adUseClient
getSQL.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
'Import the data
getSQL.Open "SELECT FIELD1, FIELD2 FROM TABLE", adoConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Set getSQL.ActiveConnection = Nothing
'Loop through data
Do While Not stockRS.EOF
'If cetrain condition is met then modify the null column
'Error here
End If
Set adoConn = Nothing
Your SQL is not doing what you think:
SELECT ... NULL OUTCOME ... is going to return the value NULL in a field called OUTCOME but will not link to a field in the table called OUTCOME (which is what I think you are looking for) as your current syntax is setting up an ALIAS not selecting the field. I am assuming the field OUTCOME exists on the table. If not you need to create it up front or do an alter table to add the field before you can write anything to it.
I recommend creating field up front (which I think you have already done). But make sure that the default value is NULL so you don't need to do your NULL trick in the select ALSO make sure that the field is allowed to take a NULL value or you will see errors. Select becomes:
getSQL.Open "SELECT FIELD1, FIELD2, OUTCOME FROM TABLE", adoConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
And then manage the NULL value in the function as follows:
'Error here
End If
This ensure that you always write something to OUTCOME field so processing and OUTCOME don't get out of sync.
Also I still think that you have divorced the recordset data from the server when you:
Set getSQL.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Do this to release resources after your are done.
You may also need a
After making changes to commit them back to database.

Data type mismatch on SQL Query in VBA

I am trying to do an SQL query in VBA to retun a specific case number. Whenever I execute the query, it returns an error of "Data Type Mismatch in Criteria Expression". I am passing the query an integer to use to query an autonumber primary key.
Dim c As ADODB.Connection
Dim r As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strManager As String
Set c = New ADODB.Connection
c.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=Commit Tracker.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CommitTrk WHERE CASE_ID_NBR = '" & CInt(frmCommitViewer.lstCases.Value) & "'"
Set r = c.Execute(strSQL)
Of course the debug hilights the execute command. Any help would be appreciated. Am I passing the wrong datatype to match the autonumber? If so, what datatype should I be using? Thanks!
if CASE_ID_NBR has numeric type, you should use it without quotes:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM CommitTrk WHERE CASE_ID_NBR = " & CInt(frmCommitViewer.lstCases.Value)
you may also want to read this: Global Variables in SQL statement