Vue3 child component does not recreating, why? - vue.js

I have made some sandbox code of my problem here:
<div v-if="started">
<HelloWorld :msg="msg" #exit="exit" #remake="remake" />
<button v-if="!started" #click="started = !started">start</button>
import HelloWorldVue from "./components/HelloWorld.vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
HelloWorld: HelloWorldVue,
data() {
return {
started: false,
msg: "Hello Vue 3 in CodeSandbox!",
methods: {
exit() {
this.started = false;
remake() {
this.msg = this.msg + 1;
//this code should recreate our child but...
this.started = true;
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.started = true;
// });
So! We have 2 components parent and child. The idea is simple - we have a flag variable in our parent. We have a v-if statement for this - hide / show an element depend on the flag value "false" or "true". After we toggle the flag - the child component should be recreated. This is the idea. Simple.
In our parent we have a button which will set the flag variable to "true" and our child will be created and will appear on our page.
Ok. Now we have 2 buttons inside our child.
One button is "exit" which is emit an event so the flag variable of parent will set to "false" and the elemint will disappear from our page(It will be destroyed btw). Works as charm. Ok.
The second button "remake". It emit event so the flag variable will be just toggled (off then on). Simple. We set to "false", we set to "true". So the current child should dissapear, and then imediatly will be created new one.
But here we are facing the problem! Ok, current child is still here, there is no any recreation, it just updates current one... So in child I have checked our lifecycle hooks - created and unmounted via console.log function. And the second button dont trigger them. Start->Exit->Start != Start->Remake.
So can anyone please explain me why this is happening? I cant figure it out.
Interesting thing, if you can see there is some asynchronous code commented in my demo. If we set our flag to "true" inside the async function the child will be recreated and we will see the created hook message but it seems like crutch. We also can add a :key to our component and update it to force rerender, but it also seems like a crutch.
Any explanations on this topic how things work would be nice.

Vue re-uses elements and components whenever it can. It will also only rerender once per tick. The length of a 'tick' is not something you should worry yourself about too much, other than that it exists. In your case the this.exit() and this.started = true statements are executed within the same tick. The data stored in this.started is both true in the last tick and the current tick as it does not end the tick in between the statements, and so nothing happens to your component.
In general you should think in states in Vue rather than in lifecycles. Or in other words: What are the different situations this component must be able to handle and how do you switch between those states. Rather than determining what to do in which point in time. Using :key="keyName" is indeed generally a crutch, as is using import { nextTick } from 'vue'; and using that to get some cadence of states to happen, as is using a setTimeout to get some code to execute after the current tick. The nasty part of setTimeout is also that it can execute code on a component that is already destroyed. It can sometimes help with animations though.
In my experience when people try to use lifecycle hooks they would rather have something happen when one of the props change. For example when a prop id on the child component changes you want to load data from the api to populate some fields. To get this to work use an immediate watcher instead:
watch: {
id: {
handler(newId, oldId) {
immediate: true
Now it will call the watcher on component creation, and call it afterwards when you pass a different id. It will also help you gracefully handle cases where the component is created with a undefined or null value in one of the props you expect. Instead of throwing an error you just render nothing until the prop is valid.


Vue mutate prop correctly

I'm trying to create a simple component whose focus is to display an element in an array, but I'm having issues with Vue's philosophy.
As you may know, if a mutation on a prop is triggered, Vue goes crazy because it doesn't want you to update the value of a prop. You should probably use a store, or emit an event.
The issue is: that since I'm adding functionalities to my codebase (for instance the possibility to start again when I reach the last element of the array), it would be wrong to have an upper component be responsible for this management, as it would be wrong to ask an upper component to change their variable, given that my component is supposed to manage the array, so an emit would be a bad solution.
In the same way, given that I'm making a generic component that can be used multiple times on a page, it would be incorrect to bind it to a store.
EDIT: the reason why the prop needs to be updated is that the component is basically acting as a <select>
Am I missing an obvious way to set this up?
To give an example of my end goal, I'm aiming for a component looking like the one in the picture below, and I think a 2 way bind like in v-model would be more appropriate than having to set an #change just to say to update the value of the passed prop.
If you have a prop the correct way to update the value is with a sync, as in the following example
<my-component :title.sync="myTitle"></my-component>
this.$emit("update:title", this.newValue)
Here is a very good article talking about the sync method.
By the other hand you can alter a Vuex state variable by calling a Vuex mutation when you change the value:
computed: {
title: {
// getter
get() {
return this.$store.state.title
// setter
set(newValue) {
this.setTitle(newValue) // Requires mutation import, see the methods section.
// Or without import:
this.$store.commit('setTitle', newValue);
methods: {
...mapMutations("global", ["setTitle"]) // It is important to import the mutation called in the computed section
In this StackOverflow question they talk about changing state from computed hook in Vue. I hope it works for you.

Trigger a component function from a vuex action/mutation

Short version: (Im using options API in vue CLI 3)
How can I call a function or execute some code inside a component (in my case resetModal()), when something inside my vuex store is triggered (in my case when modal data changes, AKA a new modal is set).
So I want to call myFunction() in my component:
methods: {
myFunction() {
When a mutation in my store is called:
mutations: {
changeValue() {
[something to call `myFunction` with];
Long version:
I have a modal component, which is used in my App.vue file, (<modal-bottom v-if=""></modal-bottom>) and as you can see it activates whenever the .show is true, which is stored in my store, therefore can be activated/deactivated from the entire project.
So far so good, but the problem is, I want to trigger some code whenever a new modal is called, originally I'd done with mounted() {...} function inside the modal component, but this way, if a new value for modal is set while its active (.show is true) the values do change (so changes happen, but the function inside mounted() is omitted.
I also tried updated() but since my modal has a counter on it, the dom keeps changing so updated() is unreliable.
Modal values can only be changed by a mutation in my store, so if there is a way to trigger my function (which is used in mounted() inside the same mutation, my problem is solved).
I have also thought of using watcher: or moving the entire logic of my modal component to vuex but I dont wanna commit to either without being sure no better way exists yet.
In your vuex store, you will use a boolean in your state.
When your action is called, you can modify this state boolean.
In your component, you set a computed property with a store getter for this boolean.
You then use it locally to show/hide your modal

How to prevent props from reseting when child component updates?

avatarid and relationlist are passed from parent, when an image is uploaded, avatarid changed, but avatarid will be reseted to original if relationlist is changed (add or remove item from RelationTable component).
I think it is that theRelationTable rerendering causes the parent to reload. How can I stop such reseting when child component updates. Thanks.
<RelationTable ref="relationTable" :relationlist="relationlist" #delete="removeRelation" />
export default {
name: 'relation-component',
props: {
avatarid: {
type: String,
default: ''
relationlist: {
type: Array,
default: null
methods: {
uploadAvatarSucc(res) {
this.avatarid = res.imageId
removeRelation(index) {
if (this.relationlist.length > 0) {
this.relationlist.splice(index, 1)
You cant stop it - in Vue props are One-Way Data Flow only. If you open the browser Dev Tools you should see error message from Vue telling you exactly this.
Changing relationlist sort of works because you are updating the array in-place (modifying existing instance instead of replacing it ....which is not possible with numbers etc.) but if you try something else (for example creating new array with filter), it will stop working too.
Only correct way around it is to emit event and let the parent component (owner of the data) to do the modifications (google "props down events up"). This of course becomes harder and harder as the depth of the component tree and the distance between data owner and child component increases. And that's one of the reasons why global state management tools like Vuex exist....
Another way is to pass the data by single prop of type Object. As long as you only modify object's properties (not replacing the object itself), it will work. But this not recommended and considered anti-pattern...

How to determine what causes components to rerender

I am having an issue where when I change a component in my app, many unrelated components seem to be rerendering too. When I use the Vue performance timings config, I see something like (all in the span of about 200ms)
I am trying to figure out what causes these components to rerender. I saw a tip about how to tell the cause of a rerender, but when I put this snippet* in all the rerendering components, I don’t get anything logged to the console.
So, how can I find what is causing all these components to rerender?
*The code I actually put looks like
public mounted() {
let oldData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$data));
this.$watch(() => this.$data, (newData) => {
console.log(diff(oldData, newData));
oldData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newData));
}, {
deep: true,
Using the F12 dev tools in Chrome, you can track down what is triggering your component to re-render. Add an updated hook to your component as below:
updated() {
if (!this.updateCnt)
this.updateCnt = 1;
if (this.updateCnt > 1) { // set to desired
console.log(`Updated ${this.updateCnt++} times`);
Refresh your page in Chrome with F12 tools open and wait for breakpoint to be hit. In the Sources tab, you will see the call stack on the right, with your updated() function as the current stack frame. Look back up the call stack and eventually you should see the code that caused the update to trigger. In my case, it was reactiveSetter() in the vue runtime, which was triggered by me setting a property in a parent component.
The code you have above will only trigger if a component's own state changes, not a parent.

Vue component state freezing when moved between router-views

I have a custom map component, which wraps a Openlayers 4 instance. This component which I am forced to use, is used multiple places across my SPA. The initialization process is quite long, so I would like to keep one instance of the map available, and move it between views when I need to. Problem is that the state doesen´t update within the component when it has moved.
I´ve boiled the problem down to this fiddle:
When moved on the same router-view the state updates fine (click the ‘Change text’ button). But when the router-view changes, and the component is moved with appendChild to the new div, the state freezes, and you can´t update the text variable anymore.
This is how I move the component from one element to another:
this.$root.$on('showMoveableComponent', function(element) {
this.text = 'Changed text2';
I bet I am doing something wrong here, and probably also approaching this problem in the wrong way?
It's not working because of when router-view changed your MoveableComponent has been destroyed only its DOM element still referenced by you. You can test by print something in destroyed lifecycle callback function.
So this mean you can solve this by using built-in keep-alive component:
The keep-alive component will cache everything which may not good in some other cases.
In my opinion the better way to solve this is create another Vue instance and move it.
const MoveableComponent = new Vue({
el: '#some-id',
template: `...`,
data: { ... },
methods: {
changeText() {
moveTo(element) {